the yearbook of agriculture
Calcutta ■ Bombay ■ New Delhi
First Indian Edition 1960
This book has been published with the assistance
of the Joint Indian- American Textbook Programme,
Published by Oxford A IBH Publishing Co ,, Oxford Building,
hl-S8 Connaught Circus, New Delhi- ! and printed by
Mohan Makhijani, Rekha Printers, New Delhi-55
tk* yearbook
Bureau of Plant Industry^ SoilSy and
Agricultural Engineering
CURTIS MAY, chairman
Office of Experiment Stations
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
Office of Information
Ezxa Taft Benson
Secretary of Agriculture
To me the most startling aspect of
plant diseases is that they cost us an
estimated three billion dollars a year.
The tragic aspect is that much of the
loss is a waste that can be prevented.
Waste is contrary to the laws of Nature
and the conscience of man. Waste is
unworthy of a great people.
To conquer some of the diseases will
not be easy. New diseases and new
races of old disease-producing organ*
isms appear all the time; race 15B of
wheat stem rust and race i o i of crown
rust of oats, for instance, appeared just
when we thought we had rust under
control. When we extend the produc-
tion of a crop, the number and preva-
lence of diseases seem also to grow — as
has happened to soybeans.
Some diseases still outside our borders
remain a threat as communications
expand. Some (like tristeza disease of
citrus crops) are new to our country or
new to a region. Our buying and
selling of more goods — fruits, vege-
tables, nursery stock, seeds — enlarges
the risk of spreading diseases even
though the facilities for transportation
and marketing them have been greatly
The cost of materials and equipment
for fighting the diseases has tiscome
enormous. And, finally, our efforts
against plant diseases are made harder
by the lack of information about them
among many persons who have to do
with plants and plant products.
Nevertheless, I am greatly encour-
aged by a number ot developments.
Plant breeders have perfected va-
rieties of wheat, oats, strawberries,
and other crops that can withstand,
for a while at least, the ravages of
a disease. More effective chemicals
have been discovered for use against
the fungi, viruses, bacteria, and nema-
todes, and others are in process of
development. Our people give an ever-
increasing measure of cooperation to
regulatory procedures designed to halt
the importation and spread of diseases.
The handling of perishable foods has
made great strides in markets, stores,
and homes in a few years.
Much remains to be done, however.
The program I suggest looks toward
an intensiheation of those efforts and
greater efficiency in them.
One requirement is steady, con-
tinuous research in plant industry,
geared to immediate problems and to
the building up of basic knowledge
that will be of use in solving problems
of the future.
We need to give more attention to
solving permanently the problems of
plant diseases and not to be satisfied
with palliatives that at best provide
only temporary relief. Here, as else-
where in agriculture, we should be
mindful of the biological balance — the
balance of Nature — which our modem
practices of plow'ing, domestication of
plants, fast travel, intensive cultiva-
tion, and clearing of land keep in
constant jeopardy. Our attempts to
improve the health of crops have to
recognize man’s relationship with
Another requirement is that the
information be made available to all
farmers and everyone else to whom
it will be useful. Historically, the
function of the Department of Agri-
culture is to gather information—^o
research — of value fb fanners and to
dbseminate that information as widely
as possible. The lag in time between
the acquisition of knowledge and the
time it is made use of often is greater
than it should be. We need to give
mbre attention to ways to shorten
that interval.
A third facet is the closer integra-
tion of these new developments into
our agriculture and into the segments
of our national life that are most
closely tied to agriculture.
They are part of our goal for Ameri-
can agriculture: Ample food for all,
efficient farm production and market-
higy prosperity for farmers, economy in
administerii^ sound agricolttiral pro-
grams, continuing cooperatkm among
all segments of society.
This Yearbook, devoted to an im-
pomnt subject with so many rami-
hc^ions, will help greatly in the
achievement of the goal.
Alfred Stefferud^ Editor
This preface may be the proper place
to answer some questions from readers
and others about how and why the
Yearbook of Agriculture is produced.
The Yearbook of Agriculture is an
institution older than the Department
of Agriculture itself. It can be said
to date from 1849, when the Commis-
sioner of Patents, the forerunner of
the Secretary of Agriculture, began
to devote one part of his annual report
to agricultural matters. The first
annual report of the newly named
Commissioner of Agriculture, issued
under authority of the act that estab-
lished the Department of Agriculture,
was dated 1862.
The publication of the Yearbook of
Agriculture is required by the Act of
January 12, 1895, which provided:
“The Annual Report of the Secre-
tary of Agriculture shall hereafter be
submitted and printed in two parts,
as follows: Part one, which shall con-
tain purely business and executive
matter which it is necessary for the
Secretary to submit to the President
and Congress; part two, which shall
contain such reports from the different
bureaus and divisions, and such papers
prepared by their special agents,
accompanied by suitable illustratioxis,
as shall, in the opinion of the Secre-
tary, be specially suited to interest and
instruct the farmers of the country,
and to include a ^neral report of the
operations of the Department for their
inf6rmation« . .
The preface to the Yearbook dated
1894 said: “The present volume repre-
sents but imperfectly the ideal of what
such a yearbook should be .... It
is believed that the character of the
volume can be improved from year to
year until it shall become finally a
standard book of reference for Ameri-
can farmers. . . .**
The foundations of the Yearbook of
Agriculture as it is now were laid by
Milton S. Eisenhower, its editor from
1928 to 1935, and Gove Hambidge,
the editor from 1936 to 1942. Since
1936 each volume has been devoted to
discussions bearing on a single field of
knowledge instead of to miscellaneous
articles on year-to-year developments
in a few phases of farming. The sub-
jects of the new series are: Plant and
animal genetics, 1936 and 1937; soils,
193B; human and animal nutrition,
1939; agricultural economics and his-
tory, 1940; climate, 1941; diseases of
animals, 1942; recent developments in
agricultural science, 1943-^1947; grass-
land agriculture, 1948; trees, 1949; the
processing of agricultural prc^ucts,
*950~*95n insects, 1952.
For many years the Yearbook of
Agriculture has been the main (and at
times the only) means of announcing
and summarizing comprehensively the
results of agricultural research — for
which (as an example) $42,874,000
was spent in the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture in 1952.
As a book of science, the Yearbook is
prepared with no thought of influenc-
ing farm policies inside or outside the
Department of Agriculture. Its aim
is to give complete, practical discus-
sions of one topic in clear (but not
elementary) language. It is prepared
primarily for American farmers, but
changes in the farm population and
the increasing interest of nonfarm
citizens in food, clothing, conservation,
processing, and many other related
topics mean that they also enter into
our jconsiderations when we plan and
prepare a volume. Craps in Peace and
(1950-1 95 1 ) and Science in Farming
(1943-1947), for example, dealt with
many aspects of agriculture of interest
and value to the whole population.
Because most of the chapters are
later reprinted separately, an attempt
is made to make each part of the book
self-contained, even at the cost of some
duplication. Other than the basic re-
quirements of accuracy, completeness,
and propriety, the writers of the
chapters — who receive no payment for
their contributions and who include
employees of the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, research men in
universities, experiment stations, and
industry, and other qualified persons —
are subject to no limitations in the way
they handle their assignments.
An editor and an editorial assistant
comprise the Yearbook staff.
The Yearbooks of Agriculture, which
are congressional documents, are dis-
tributed mainly by Members of the
Congress. Of the current volume,
230,850 copies were printed for the
Congress; 12,000 copies for Depart-
ment agencies. State and county
extension agents, and agricultural
libraries; and about 40,000 copies for
sale by the Superintendent of Docu-
ments. Income from the sales by the
Superintendent of Documents returns
to the United States Treasury.
Besides the books themselves, the
materials in the Yearbooks have even
wider dissemination — as reprints, in
magazines, in anthologies, and as
background for articles in magazines
and books. Material in the Year-
books is not copyrighted, and permis-
sion to reprint it is usually given, with
certain restrictions, upon request.
Grass, the 1948 Yearbook of Agri-
culture, exemplifies the influence the
Yearbooks have, even though — to
repeat — our purpose is to report de-
velopments in research. It was the
first major publication to recognize
the importance of grassland farming
and for many persons was their intro-
duction to the production and values
of grass crops.
The American Institute of Graphic
Arts chose Insects as one of the ‘‘Fifty
Books” of 1952 because of its typo-
graphic design. It was also chosen
as" an outstanding textbook of 1952.
No thought, however, is given to
making 1^; b^ beautiful
one — it ii |>lai[ined : iu^
considerations only . iii. ;inind . The
cover, for example, is made of the
cheapest available binding cloth,
which is impregnated to make it
resistant to insects and dampness and
is inexpensively printed over with
color because otherwise it would be an
impractical, easily soiled white.
As to the pre^nt volume:
Weather, insects, and plant diseases
often are called the worst natural
hazards in farming. The 1941 Year-
book of Agriculture, Climate and Man,
summarized our knowledge about the
first. Insects, in 1952, considered the
second. This book completes the
Some 30,000 different diseases at-
tack our economic plants — the plants
grown for sale or use as foods, feeds,
clothing, and lumber. Others spoil
or destroy our flowers, shade trees,
and shrubs.
In this book we present information
on the causes and control of many
diseases of our important crop plants.
We emphasize practical details, but we
also discuss fundamental biological
facts that underlay the comparatively
new science of phytopathology.
We use trade names solely to provide
specific information. Such use does
not constitute a guarantee or warranty
of the products named and does not
signify that the products are approved
to the exclusion of others of suitable
We hope this volume will enhance
the prosperity of American agriculture
and fulfill the expectations of the many
farmers, Congressmen, students, ex-
tension workers, and others who have
written us that a Yearbook on plant
diseases is needed.
Many persons have had a part in its
preparation, and to them ^thanks are
given. The work of outlining and
writing the material began in June
195U typesetting and similar work
began in August 1 952. The final proofs
were approved and made up-to-date
in June of 1953.
The Yearbook Committee
E^a Taft Benson
Alfred Steffemd
Jessie /. Wood
Three Billion Dollars a Year
A. J. Riker
A. C. Hildehrandt
Bacteria — Small and Mighty
C, W. Bennett
Viruses, a Scourge of Mankind
L. M, Black
How Insects Transmit Viruses
Russell B. Stevens
The Fungi Are Living Organisms
William W. Diehl
Identifying a Pathogenic Fungus
E, C, Stakman
J. J, Christensen
Problems of Variability in Fungi
J. G. Leach
Bacteria, Fungi, and Insects
A. J, Riker
A. C. Hildehrandt
Crown Gall — a Malignant Growth
Lake S, Gill
Broomrapes, Dodders, and Mistletoes
Albert L. Taylor
The Tiny but Destructive Nematodes
Paul R. Miller
The Effect of Weather on Diseases
J. E. McMurtrey, Jr,
Environmental, Nonparasitic Dangers
George L, McNew
The Effects of Soil Fertility
John C, Dufugan
S. P. Doolittle
How Fungicides Have Been Developed
Jesse R, Christie
Using Chemicals To Combat Root Diseases
Walter Carter
Fumigation of Soil in Hawaii
Albert L. Taylor
More About the Control of Nematodes
R. W, Leukel
Treating Seeds To Prevent Diseases
Erwin L. LeClerg
Making Sure of Healthy Seed
L. C, Cochran
Earle C. Blodgett
J, Duain Moore
K. G, Parker
Donald P, Limber 159
Paul R. Frink
Horace S* Dean
How Nurseries Get Virus-free Fruit Stock
The Inspection of Imported Plants
Protection Through Quarantines
S, A, Wingard 165
George H, Coons 174
Frederick J. Stevenson
Henry A. Jones
The Nature of Resistance to Disease
Breeding for Resistance to Disease
Some Sources of Resistance in Crop Plants
Earle W, Hanson
Kermit W. Kreitlow
Fred R. Jones
Oliver F. Smith
Howard W, Johnson
D, W, Chamberlain
J, L, Weimer
J. Lewis Allison
John R. Hardison
Howard W, Johnson
Kermit W, Kreitlow
Roderick Sprague
John R, Hardison
George W, Fischer
George W, Fischer
C. L. Lejebvre
F. L, Howard
Fred V, Grau
217 The Many Ailments of Clover
288 Sources of Healthier Alfalfa
838 Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses on Soybeans
848 Legumes in the South
853 Leaf Diseases of Range Grasses
859 Leaf Diseases of Grasses in the South
868 The Northern Forage Grasses
867 Root and Crown Rots of the Grasses
878 Seed Disorders of Forage Plants
876 Some of the 1 25 Rusts of Grasses
880 Smuts That Parasitize Grasses
885 How To Keep Tf’urf Grass Healthy
Albert L, Smith 898 Fusarium and Nematodes on Cotton
Lester M, Blank 898 The Rot That Attacks 2,000 Species
J. 7*. IhrnsUy 901 Verticillium Wilt of Gotton
Albert 4 . Smith 903 Anthracnose and Some Blights
David C. Neal 911 Bacteria and Fungi on Seedlings
lister M, Blank 919 The Leaf Spots of Gotton Plants
W. Hardy Tharp 918 Nonparasitic Disorders of Gotton
J. J, Christensen 381
John H. Martin
S. C. Salmon ^
James G, Dickson 944
H, H. McKinruy 350
C. S, Holton
V. F. Tapke ^
/?. W, Leukel
John H. Martin
Paul E. Hoppe 377
Alice L. Robert 380
Arnold J. Ullstrup 386
Arnold J, Ullstrup 390
Root Rots of Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley
The Rusts of Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye
Leaf and Head Blights of Cereals
Virus Diseases of Cereal Crops
The Smuts of Wheat, Oats, Barley
Four Enemies of Sorghum Crops
Infections of Corn Seedlings
Some of the Leaf Blights of Com
Some Smuts and Rusts of Com
Several Ear Rots of Com
W. J. Z^um^er
H. Rex Thomas
W. T. Schroeder 401
A. G. Newhall 408
Guy Weston Bohn 417
J. C. Walker 485
J. C. Walker 431
Eugene S. Schultz 435
Harold T. Cook 444
Coyt Wilson 448
S. JP. Doolittle 454
Huey /. Borders 463
S, P. Doolittle 466
Glenn S. Pound 470
Glenn S, Pound 473
, Glenn S. Pound 476
Edmund B. Lambert
Theodore T. Ayers
Field Diseases of Beans and Lima Beans
Root Rots, Wilts, and Blights of Peas
Blights and Other Ills of Celery
The Important Diseases of Lettuce
Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Others
Hazards to Onions in Many Areas
Control of Diseases of Potatoes
The Fungi That Cause Rot in Sweetpotatoes
Pieventing the Diseases of Peanuts .
Ways To Combat Disorders of Tomatoes
Transplants Grown in the South
Diseases of Peppers
Diseases of Beets
Diseases of Carrots
Diseases of Spinach
Diseases of the Common Mushroom
John T, Middleton
Guy Weston Bohn
Cucumbers, Melons, Squash
H. Rex Thomas
W. J, Z^umever
Developing Healthier Vegetables
George H, Coons
Some Problems in Growing Sugar Beets
E, V. Abbott
P, E, Bouchereau
Rots, Blights, and Leaf Diseases of Sorgo
E, V, Abbott
Sugarcane and Its Diseases
E. V. Abbott
Red Rot of Sugarcane
E, E. Clayton
Developments in Growing Tobacco
E. E, Clayton
The Genes That Mean Better Tobacco
J. G. Gaines
F. A. Todd
Crop Rotations and Tobacco
J , G, Gairns
T. W. Graham
Soil Fumigation To Control Root Ills
W, D, McClellan
Rust and Other Disorders of Snapdragon
Kenneth F, Baker
Fusarium Wilt of China Aster
D. L, Gill
Petal Blight of Azalea
Emil F. Cuba
Ralph W, Ames
Infectious Diseases of Carnation
A, W, Dimock
Control of Three Ills of Chrysanthemum
Philip Brierley
Virus Diseases of the Chrysanthemum
Robert 0, Magie
Some Fungi That Attack Gladioli
Philip Brierley
Floyd F. Smith
Virus Enemies of Gladiolus
Frank P. McWhorter
C. J. Gould
Blights of Lilies and Tulips
W. D. McClellan
Narcissus Basal Rot
Wilbur D, Courtney
Nematodes in Bulbs
Lu M. Massey
Four Diseases of Garden Roses
Philip Brierley
Viruses on Roses
L, 0. Kunkel
Aster Yellows
G. W. Keitt
Scab of Apples
John C. Dunegan
Blotch of Apples
Jokn^C, Dunegan
Bitter Rot of Apples
D. H. Palmiter
Rust Diseases of Apple
A, B, Groves
Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck
Roderick Sprague
Powdery Mildew on Apples
J. R» Kienholz
Stony Pit of Pears
J, R. Kienholz
Scab on the Pear
C. Emlen Scoti
Fire Blight of Pears in California
A, E, Cavanagh
C. //. Roihe
Phony Peach and Peach Mosaic
John C. Dunegan
Brown Rot of Peach
John C. Dunegan
Scab or Black Spot on Peach
John C. Dunegan
Bacterial Spot of Peach
Donald H, Petersen
Anthracnose of Peach
F. H. Lewis
Cherry Leaf Spot
H. Earl Thomas
Stephen Wilhelm
Two Root Rots of Fruit Trees
Neil Allan Mac Lean
E. E. Wilson
Coryneum Blight of Stone Fruits
C. N. Clayton
Root Rots in the East
L, C. Cochran
E. L. Reeves
Virus Diseases of Stone Fruits
E. E. Wilson
Bacterial Canker of Stone Fruits
T. J. Grant
L. J, Klotz
The Tristeza Disease of Citrus
J. M. Wallace
L, J, Klotz
J, F. L. Childs
Foot Rot of Citrus Trees
J. M. Wallace
T, J, Grant
Virus Diseases of Citrus Fruits
W, B. Hewitt
Virus Diseases of Grapevines
Alvin J. Braun
Ills of the American Bunch Grapes
W, F. JeJfers
£). H. Scott
Red Stele Disease of Strawberry
Harold E, Thomas
C. P. Marcus^ Jr,
Virus Diseases of the Strawberry
Folke Johnson
Diseases of Berries in the West
IV. F. Jeffers
Diseases of Berries in the East
Ausiin C. Goheen
The Cultivated Highbush Blueberry
Herbert F. Bergman
Disorders of Cranberries
John R. Cole
Problems in Growing Pecans
Paul W. Miller
Filberts and Persian Walnuts
G. B, Ramsey
M. A. Smith
Market Diseases Caused by Fungi
Wilson L. Smithy Jr.
B. A. Friedman
The Diseases Bacteria Cause
Lacy P. McCoUoch
Postharvest Virus Diseases
Lacy P. McColloch
Injuries From Chilling and Freezing
T. R. Wright
Physiological Disorders
G. B, Ramsey
Mechanical and Chemical Injuries
T. R. Wright
Edwin Smith
Cuts, Bruises, and Spoilage
J. R. Wins/on
H. B. Johnson
E. M. Harvey
Using Chemicals To Stop Spoilage
John M. Harvey
W. T. Pentzer
The Values of Fumigants
Theodore W. Bretz
Oak Wilt, a New Threat
W. A. Campbell
Otis L. Copeland j Jr.
Littleleaf in Pines in the Southeast
George H. Hepting
Freeman A. Weiss
Ailments of House Plants
C. A. Thomas
Herbs and Other Special Crops
H. H. Flor
Wilt, Rust, and Pasmo of Flax
E. S. Luttrell
Diseases of Muscadine Grapes
George A. Zentmyer
Diseases of the Avocado
C. E. Williamson
A. W, Dimock
Ethylene From Diseased Plants
E. E. Wilson
Apricot and Almond Brown Rot
Frederick L. Wellman
Some Important Diseases of Cofiee
Index and color plates
Winter spores of wheat stem rust
Summer spores of wheat stem rust
Wheat leaf rust
Wheat stem rust
Bacterial blight of barley
Crown rust of oat
Powdery mildew of barley
Victoria blight of oat
Southern leaf blight of corn
Stunted corn seedling
Common corn smut
Corn leaf blight
Cotton anthracnose
Bacterial blight of cotton
Frogeyc of soybean
Bacterial blight of soybean
Purple stain on soybean seed
Purple stain on soybean seedling
Virus-infected soybean leaves
Southern blight of soybean
Virus-infected red clover
Powdery mildew of red clover
Leaf spot of Ladino white clover
Spring black stem of red clover
Common leaf spot of alfalfa
Target spot of alfalfa
Root rot of red clover
Anthracnose of crimson clover
Leaf spot of smooth brome
Leaf spot of orchardgraas
Bacterial blotch of smooth brome
Leaf scald of smooth brome
Anthracnose of Johniongrass
Leaf blight of Sudangrass
Net blotch of tall Tcscue
Leaf spot of millet
Elm phloem necrosis
Pole blight of white pine
Oak wilt
Chestnut blight
Stem canker on maple
A fleshy wood-decay fungus
A toothed wood-decay fungus
Fungus gall on azalea
Apple scab on fruit
Apple bitter rot
Apple blotch
Apple black rot
Apple mosaic
Apple scab on leaves
Cedar-apple rust spots
Cedar-apple rust galls
Green mold of oranges
Apple scald
Stem-end rot of grapefruit
Phoma spot on tomato
Black rot of grapes
Grape downy mildew
Red stele of strawberry
Powdery mildew of strawberry
Brown rot on sour cherry
Cherry leaf spot
Peach brown rot
Pear black spot
xvii Peach anthracnoie
Peach brown rot fungus
Peach bacterial spot
Peach leaf curl
xviii Sour orange scab on lime
Citrus canker on lime
Sour orange scab on lemon
Septoria spot on lemon
Dollar spot of creeping bent
Leaf spot of Kentucky bluegrass
Fairy ring
Brown patch of Colonial bent
XX Botrytis blight of tulip
White stresJc in gladiolus
Botrytis on tulip bulb
Bulb and stem nematode on iris
xxi Virus-infected gladiolus
Virus-infected tulip
Virus-infected camellia
Gladiolus blight
Golden nematode on potato
Rose black spot
Tobacco black shank
Mosaic and wildfire of tobacco
Internal cork of sweet potato
Swcetpotato black rot
Potato ring rot
Tuber rot of potato
' Uhriia
Pea bacterial blight
Red node of bean
Bacterial soft rot of lettuce
Powdery mildew of cantaloup
Onion pink root
Altcrnaria leaf spot on tomatoes
xxvif Pea streak
Cucumber anthracnose
Bacterial spot of tomato
Rib blight of lettuce
Scab on squash
Cucumber downy mildew
Anthracnose of watermelon
Spinach blight
Pepper ring spot
Brown spot of celery
White rust of spinach
Peanut leaf spot
Deficiency diseases of corn
Magnesium hunger of cotton
Ergot fungus on orchardgrass
Fungus fruiting body on ryegrass
SpK>res and mycelium of a fungus
Corn smut cultures
Root knot on tobacco
A source of resistance to wildfire
Three Billion
Dollars a
and causes
Jesm /. Wood
A farmer in Pennsylvania in 1928
sprayed his apple orchard with mate-
rials other than those tested and recom-
mended by the experiment station.
The result was an attack of apple
scab that caused the loss of 80 percent
of his crop. He had expected 1,500
bushels, but he got only 300 bushels
of poor apples.
Furthermore, the trees were so badly
weakened that yields in after years
were low. Because of their poor condi-
tion, 1 5 percent of the trees died during
drought in 1930 and 1932. Even 20
years afterward, the orchard had not
returned to its original healthy, profit-
able state.
But that is not all. The financial set-
back forced the farmer to borrow heav-
ily every year in order to produce a
crop. As a result, the farm became so
debt-ridden that he would gladly have
sold it for the amount of indebtedness.
In order to make a living, he had to
seek outside employment and finally
became a full-time worker at another
occupation. Thus one bad attack of a
plant disease turned a debt-free enter-
prise into a liability and wrecked the
owner’s independence and security.
Another instance: A farmer had
owned his farm in Sovith Dakota all his
life. In 1914-1918, leaf and stem rust
caused losses to small grains. The yield
of barley was reduced from 50 bu^els
an acre to 10; oats dropped from 40 to
60 to 5 to 1 5 bushels; wheat, from 20 to
30 bushels to 2 to 5 bushels an acre.
The financial loss amounted to S 1,000
to $3,000 every year. He borrowed
money during this time of crop failure.
A series of years of low prices added to
his loss. The debt caused foreclosure in
1934, when the depression was at its
worst. Here again, a plant disease gave
the downward push that decided the
fate of this farm home and business.
Stem rust caused almost 60 percent
loss ta the wheat crop in Minnesota
and some of the neighboring States in
the epidemic year of 1 935, and the loss
for the whole country was almost a
quarter of the crop. Obviously, that
heavy reduction in over-all yield means
that some individual fanners sustain
disastrous losses. Witness the following
accounts of farm losses due to stem rust
in Minnesota that year. In one county
a $4,000 loss was the final factor, al-
though not the only one, in foreclosure
on one farm; a $s,ooo loss caused fore-
closure of a 400-acre farm valued at
$16,000; a $4,000 loss caused foreclo-
sure of a 1,100-acre farm worth $25,-
000. In another county the wheat crop
on some 700 farms was practically a
complete failure because of stem rust.
The average yield expected was ao
bushels to the acre, but the actual yield
ranged from nothing at all to about 10
bushels an acre. The total loss for the
area amounted to about $400,000.
Some farmers had to give up farming.
Others did not recover financial stabil-
ity for 5 years or longer.
About 50 years ago Granville wilt, or
bacterial wilt, of tobacco appeared in
the southern part of Granville County,
N. C., where about 7,000 acres of to-
bacco were grown on 1,500 farms,
some of which had been owned and
operated by the same families for gen-
erations. The disease increased until it
was destroying 20 to 50 percent of the
crop each year; the loss amounted to 1
to 2 million dollars annually. All at-
tempts at control failed. Many farmers
lost their farms, farmsteads deterio-
rated, the morale of the farm population
dropped, education was neglected, and
living and health standards went down.
Between 1920 and 1940, when the dis-
ease was at its peak, total loss firom
forced sale of farms at sacrifice and
from reduced tobacco production
amounted to 30 to 40 million dollars.
All this because of one plant disease in
one conununity!
Those are some of die cases reported
by county agents. By no means were all
of the losses involved so severe or lasting
as the ones I have mentioned, but in
many other instances a plant disease
was partly or wholly the cause of seri-
ous difficulty.
Possibly you think that those fanners
must not have been very skillful, that
good farmers would not have such
trouble, or perhaps that they did not
arrange their financial affairs very
well. Undoubtedly poor judgment
was a factor sometimes.
But how about the tobacco farms
that had been owned by the same
families for generations, only to be
lost when a disease-producing organ-
ism invaded the soil and could not be
checked? The obvious remedy would
have been to change to some other
main crop or to vary the crops, but a
region that is suited to and derives
most of its income from one major
profitable cash crop does not easily
make such a change, for the change
involves much more than just growing
a different plant. Moreover, the bac-
terium that causes the disease has so
many other hosts besides tobacco (such
as peanuts and potatoes) that a change
might merely from the frying pan
into the fire.
With farming, as with any occupa-
tion, many factors make success or
failure. The farmer, no less than every-
one else, is affected by the ups and
downs of the general economic situ-
ation. In good times he can absorb
or recover quickly from large losses
due to any cause. In hard times small
losses may be enough to shove him
under. As for the individual economic
circumstances, good financial manage-
ment is as essential as fertile soil and
skillful farming to be sure of leeway
enough to meet all chances of loss and
take advantage of all opportunities for
rHtil •ILitON DOilAIS A YfAl 3
profit. Lacking any of thow qualiti^
a former may bardy make a living in
the best of times and co'tainly will
possess no margin for emergencies.
Granted all that: The fact remains
that agriculture is subject to numerous
risks^ which at times endanger the
prosperity of the best of farms or of
whole areas. Economic fluctuation is
just one of the risks; it is shared with
the rest of the population. Others are
peculiarly agricultural. Among them
are plant diseases.
Weather, insects, and plant diseases
are the three great natural hazards of
crop production. Weather is perhaps
the chief one, but the order of impor-
tance is not certain. The interrelation
between weather and disease and be-
tween weather and insects and among
all three, if the disease is caused by a
pathogen carried by insects, is so close
and so complicated that sometimes it
is hard to determine the actual origin
of trouble. Moreover, the causes of
plant diseases are mostly not obvious
to the unaided eye, and loss due to
them may be ascribed to the more
conspicuous insects or to weather con-
ditions. In any event, the relative
importance of the three factors is not
fixed but varies according to season
and location, and the total loss due to
each one by itself is quite enough to
make comparisons superfluous.
In the United States the average
annual loss from plant diseases is esti-
mated to be about 3 billion dollars.
We have no way of establishing a
precise figure, and this one is based on
many assumptions but it could well be
under rather than over the real
amount. Without the control measures
we do have, the loss would be much
The primary reason for the impor-
tance of plant diseases or of anything
else that affects plant growth is not
economic. We arc apt to take green
plants for granted, so familiar are they.
We use them for i6od and clothing and
many other things, but we seldom
consider their true significance. Green
plants alone, save for some negligible
exceptions, manufacture the basic ma-
terials of life; the existence of animab
and human beings depends on the
products of these living green factories.
Any serious breakdown in this process
threatens life itself. The famines that
periodically cause so much suffering
in many regions of the earth prove
Disease is a cause of lowered efficien-
cy or final bre^down in the plant’s
functions. Disease, literally “dis-ease,”
is one of those terms that are very hard
to define although everybody knows
what they mean. Broadly speaking, it
means disturbance in functioning and ^
growth. Whethei the result of the *
disturbance is important to us depends
on how seriously it affects the yield
and quality of the product for which
we grow the plant.
The reaction of the affected plant to
the cause of the disturbance produces
the various symptoms and conse-
quences that we recognize as the effects
of disease, such as wilting, dicback,
root and stem rots, damping-off, can-
kers, witches’-brooms, stunting, un-
thriftiness, poor yields, shriveled ker-
nels, blighted, spotted, discolored, or
deformed foliage, fruit decay, and the
numerous other rnanifestatiom of ab-
normal condition.
Diseases do not just happen; they arc
always the result of a cause. The causes
are divided into two broad groups,
namely, parasitic and nonparasitic.
Man and animals are not the only
kinds of life that depend on green
plants for their existence. Minute
living organisms may invade and grow
within the plant tissue and obtain their
nourishment from it. Sometimes the
involuntary plant “host” tolerates the
existence of the invader within its body
without apparent hami; in fact, there
may be a reciprocal benefit from the
association. More often the parasitic
organism interferes with the function-
ing of the affected plant, and disease is
the result. From our point of view
that is bad, although the parasites are
doing the same thing we do — living
on the products of the green plant.
YiAitOOK OP AOilCUtTUti If 93
But they both lodge and board with
their host, as it were, and they cat at
the first table. We get what is left.
Sometimes that is a very small portion.
Parasites that cause diseases through
their growth in their hosts are called
“pathogens,” and the diseases that
they cause arc “pathogenic” or “para-
sitic” diseases. Because in this instance
the diseases are the result of infection
that may spread from plant to plant,
they arc also called the “infectious”
The nonparasitic diseases arc due to
environmental or nutritional factors
^unfavorable to the plant, or to some
abnormality in the constitution of the
plant itself. Nutritional disturbance
arising from either actual deficiency or
unbalanced supply of essential nutrient
materials is one of the most important
causes of plant disease. Deficiency
diseases are some of the most common
manifestations. In some places they
are recognized as the most troublesome
plant disease problems, and it has been
suggested that they arc probably much
more widespread and significant gen-
erally than has been realized.
Our cultivated plants have inherited
disorders from their wild ancestors,
which are just as susceptible as any
garden, field, or orchard crop to the
attack of parasites or to functional
disturbance from other causes. Culti-
vation, however, greatly increases
liability to the development of disease,
for various reasons.
Although many parasitic organisms
can attack a great number of different
kinds of plants, most of them are
limited to a narrow range — sometimes
to only one species. On anything else
they cannot grow.
In the wild, mixed growth of differ-
ent kinds of plants as well as natural
genetic variation in the susceptibility
among individuals of the same species
interpose many barriers to the spread
of pathogens that attack any one host.
But in cultivation numerous individ-
uals of one kind of plant grow near
cjach other, ’sometimes almost to the
exclusion of any other plant over a
wide area. Moreover, cofUKt^y w
unconsciously, from the very bepnnlng
crop plants have been selected for
propagation on the basis of c>ne or
another desirable characteristic, so
that much of the original divenity is
lost, including variation in reaction to
pathogens. Both the chances for infec-
tion and opportunities for spread by
a pathogen to which a crop is vulner-
able are therefore multiplied enor-
Not only does cultivation enhance
the local spread of disease. Crops
accompany agriculture to new loca*
tions far distant from their original
homes. If a pathogen is equipped to
survive the journey and if it meets
with favorable conditions in the new
location, it, too, will become estab-
lished in the new home.
But that is not all. Wild plants in the
new place may harbor a pathogen
that finds the introduced crop much
more vulnerable to its attack than its
original hosts. For example, the fire
blight bacterium is indigenous to this
country, where it infects various
native plants of the rose family with-
out damaging them too much. Pear
trees and apple trees brought by
settlers from abroad proved to be
very susceptible; pear trees arc so
susceptible that it is hard to grow
them in many parts of the country.
Many “new” diseases appear in this
manner; they arc not really new but
are transferred from wild plants.
Many a plant pathogen is inconspic-
uous in its effects until it meets a
susceptible new host or perhaps until
it acquires an efficient vector.
The susceptible new host may be a
native plant and the pathogen an
introduced organism. Plant disease
problems are by no means limited to
cultivated crops. When a wild species
has rather uniform susceptibility to
one kind of pathogenic organism, disease
caused by the organism can become
as destructive in natural stands as, for
instance, rust is in the occasional wide-
spread outbreaks in wheatfields of the
Great Plains. Wild stands may suffer
THiti •UlfON DdiiAiS A YiAl 5
eveii grea^ destruction, in fact, be- of disease must often have caused
cause ordinarily there is not much famine and suffering long before the
that can be done to stop the spread of beginning of recorded history,
the pathogen. Ancient literature contains many
The chestnut blight is an example, accounts of maladies in crops. Among
In the 40 years or so since it was first them we can most surely identify the
discovered in this country, the disease rust (probably both leaf and stem
has practically killed the American rust) of grains. From our own experi-
chestnut throughout its native range, cnce with its destructiveness we can
If it were not for cultivated plantings understand the ancient fear of the
and artificial hybridization with other disease. It was all the more frighten-
species of chestnut, none of the good ing lx;caiisc its origin was a mystery,
qualities of this useful, handsome tree Its appearance in the fields was
could be preserved for future genera- believed to evidence of the dis-
tions. Who knows how often similar pleasure of the gods. The early Ro-
events in ages past may have caused mans called the disease “robigo” be-
other potentially valuable plants to cause of the redness. Their corn god,
become extinct? Robigus, was named for the rust.
Good nutrition is as necessary to This god, in their belief, possessed
the health of plants as it is to ours. In the power of inflicting or withholding
the natural environment, materials the scourge of the disease. He was
used by the plant in its growth are so important to them that every
constantly being returned to the soil year they staged a festival, the Rubi-
in decaying plant debris, but usually galia, in his honor with ceremonial
in cultivation they arc removed from offerings and sacrifices to ward off
the soil, and little sucli natural replace- his displeasure and seek his favor for
ment takes place. Moreover, even in the crops.
the natural state some soils lack one We know now that there is nothing
or another of the essential elements, mysterious about the causes of plant
and cultivation may increase the dc- diseases. Even if we have not yet
ficicncy to the danger point. The been able to discover with modern
amount and particular combination techniques the origin of some one
of nutrients required for proper growth disease, we know that it has a natural
vary according to the kind of plant, explanation. Modern knowledge has
and crops will not always 1^ planted removed the fear of the supernatural
in soils suited to their special needs, and it has given us the means by which
Maintaining and improving the sup- to reduce the damage due to plant
ply of plant foods in the soil to prevent di.sea$cs, but it h£is not made them
the development of nutritional disca.se less important.
is a major agricultural problem. One of the most tragic events in
Thus, when men first thought to history led to the beginning of real
insure themselves of a food supply by knowledge about plant diseases and
growing instead of gathering it, they to the development of the science of
encountered difficulties. They wore plant pathology. That was the Irish
out their soil — and then more soil, as famine in the middle of the nine-
they abandoned their clearings and teenth century. Two^circumstances
moved on to fresh land. Along with were responsible. First, the impover-
the plants they found most u.seful, they ished population had become almost
unwittingly started cultivating the wholly dependent on their potato
parasites that affected their chosen gardens for food. Second, the potato
crops. It was ages before they rccog- crop for 2 years, 1845 and 1846, was
nized the cause or could combat the almost wholly destroyed by late blight,
trouble from the parasites. The failure Accounts .of physical misery and
of staple crops due to severe outbreaks spiritual anguish suffered because of
the devastation caused by this one
disease go far beyond anything that
ordinary experience equips one to
understand. Ireland lost almost a
third of its population between 1845
and i860 as a direct result of the
outbreak of late blight. A million
people died from starvation or from
disease following malnutrition. A
million and a half more emigrated.
The outbreak in Ireland was part
of a pandemic — that is, the disease
suddenly became widespread and
destructive almost simultaneously in
several European countries and in
the United States as well. As far
as can be determined, the disease
had appeared in these regions not
more than 2 or 3 years previously. In
the meantime, the pathogen evidently
increased and became widely dis-
tributed, so that when the weather
became generally and extremely favor-
able, as happened during the years
of the pandemic, it could attack
rapidly and in force over a wide
area at once.
Why did this outbreak overwhelm
the Irish and affect other peoples
much less? The answer is not simple.
It lies partly in agricultural and
partly in political history. But es-
sentially it is that miserable economic
conditions led to the almost sole
reliance of the Irish peasantry on the
easily grown, productive, and filling
potato for their main food.
In other places food resources were
more varied so that destruction of
the potato crop did not have any-
where near the same importance.
Even after this grimmest of epidemics
abated, its consequences remained.
The disease had become a fixture in
potato culture. It was more or less evi-
dent almost every year, and serious
outbreaks, although none again so dis-
astrous as the great pandemic, oc-
curred from time to time whenever the
weather was favorable. The tragic
drama of the famine was one of the
decisive factors in subsequent social
and economic policy. Its influence on
3ntish-Irish relations is still felt.
Of course, circumstances must be
unusual indeed for such extreme dis-
aster to be caused by the attack of a
plant disease, or, for that matter, by
anything else. There have been other
records of famine due to the severe
occurrence of a plant disease. In 1 733,
more than a century before the Irish
famine, 12,000 persons on one Japa-
nese island died because of failure of
the rice crop, caused perha}>s by stunt,
a virus disease. Early settlers in Aus-
tralia are said to have suffered more
than once from lack of food because
their grain crops were destroyed by
leaf rust. Actually, however, except for
the toll of human lives that make it so
terrifying and so impressive, famine is
comparatively minor as an expression
of the importance of plant diseases.
Nowadays help can reach victims
quickly almost anywhere in the world,
and there is less and less likelihood of
famine or excuse for it.
That last statement is true except
in times of stress and emergency, of dis-
rupted transportation and world up-
heaval. Late blight is said to have had
a place in the defeat of Germany in the
First World War. In 1917 it destroyed
about a third of the potato crop, which
made up a large part of the wartime diet
of the Germans. Reduction in the al-
ready scanty food supply contributed
to the breakdown in morale and physi-
cal endurance that led to the end of the
war. Here again, this required a favor-
able combination of circumstances;
seldom docs a single plant disease
influence military affairs to that extent.
Plant diseases can cause or aggravate
serious shortages in wartime, however,
all the more so because then fewer
varieties of crops are apt to be grown;
their products, whether for food or
other consumption, arc urgently needed
in greater quantity than usual; replace-
ments or substitutes arc hard to get or
arc unsatisfactory; diversion of chemi-
cals necessary in the manufacture of
fertilizers and fungicides to other use
hampers control of parasitic and non-
parasitic diseases; and the overloaded
tramportatlon facilities multiply the
effects of all the other factors.
Diseases that bring illness and death
to persons and animals that eat af-
fected products make up a special cate-
gory, of which ergot is a good example.
Ergot is caused by a fungus that infects
the flowers of many grasses, including
the cereal grains, and replaces the seed
kernels with its sclerotia. The sclerotia
contain alkaloids, which have a power-
ful action on the nervous system and
can produce gangrene or convulsions
and, in severe cases, death.
Rye is especially susceptible to ergot.
Ergotism in man is associated mostly
with its use. In most of Europe through-
out the Middle Ages rye was the main
food cereal for many people. Many
severe epidemics of ergotism cost thou-
sands of lives. Later, after the cause
became known, standards for permis-
sible ergot content of grain made ergot-
ism rare in human beings. In years
favorable to ergot attack, infected
grass in pastures frequently causes con-
siderable loss of livestock, however,
especially from abortion.
There is another side to the ergot
story. The specific action of its alka-
loid content makes it valuable in
medicine, particularly in childbirth.
Ergot is supplied commercially from
several regions where the climate reg-
ularly favors it. Elsewhere in epidemic
years a rye crop may be more valua-
ble for its ergot content than for the
grain. In regions where tlic climate
does not favor ergot, or in times of
scarce production, or when the regu-
lar source is shut off for some reason,
artificial infection of rye fields is re-
sorted to in order to obtain a supply
of the drug. The only ergot used in
medicine is rye ergot.
'Tntoxicating bread,** which pro-
duces symptoms of weakness, vertigo,
headache, and nausea, results when
bread is made from rye grain heavily
infected with one or more species of
Fusarium. Cases have occurred in
Europe from time to time. “Scabby**
grain, due to Gibberella zeae^ so preva-
lent in warmer parts of our humid
eastern and central region, is toxic
to hogs; in epidemic years consider-
able loss of hogs follows feeding of
infected grain, especially barley.
It should be noted that among all
the thousands of plant diseases only
an infinitesimal number cause harm to
animals or man in any way other than
through their effect on abundance of
wanted products.
Famine and war shortages, tragic or
dangerous though they may be, are
really special instances of the import-
ance of plant diseases. So also is
toxicity to human beings or animals.
Usually, the consequences are not so
impressive, although in the long run
they are as significant.
Many times in history a thriving
agricultural industry has been threat-
ened or destroyed because of severe
losses caused by plant diseases. Recov-
ery of a region so affected may be diffi-
cult. It involves, among other things,
the search for an acceptable substi-
tute crop equally adaptable to the
region and equally profitable, the
learning of new techniques of cultiva-
tion and handling, and the develop-
ments of markets for disposal of the
new product. The change may never
be completely successful, and as a
consequence agriculture deteriorates
or is abandoned. Perhaps soil or cli-
mate is particularly suited to the origi-
nal crop and no other proves econom-
ically successful; or markets for an
otherv\’isc suitabk crop may already
be preempted; or the new crop itself
be attacked by devastating disease. As
a rule, a readjustment means much
hardship for the affected populations,
either the farmers themselves or per-
sons otherwise employed in the crop
Before 1870 Ceyloif was preeminent
in coffee production. The coffee rust
fungus, a native parasite on wild
coffee trees, about that time invaded
the plantations and could not be con-
trolled. The disease spread throughout
the East, and yields dropped so low
that the industry could not maintain
itself. South America, particularly
Brazil, thereupon became the coffee
empire of the world. Ceylon planters
started growing the tea bush.
In our own country the virus disease
peach yellows was a main factor in the
great reduction in peach culture in
Michigan, Maryland, and Delaware
in the i8oo’s. Commercial production
of peaches has never again attained the
same importance there. In Berrien
County^ Mich., between 1874 and
1884, the acreage in peaches dropped
from 6,000 to 500 acres, and the num-
ber of peach trees from 654,000 to
fewer than 55,000. In 1920 there were
only one-tenth as many peach trees in
Delaware as there had been in 1890.
In Maryland, Kent and Queen Annes
Counties grew nearly one-half of the
peaches in 1890, but only 5 percent in
1920. Not only did the disease ruin
the peach industry; it also lowered the
value of the farms. Before the onset of
the disease, peach farms in northern
Delaware sold for high prices, but
usually paid for themselves in peaches
wHhin a few years. Fifteen or twenty
years later they dropped to 50 to 80
dollars an acre. In some regions where
the disease was most destructive, it was
hard to sell a peach farm at any price.
The important sugar beet industry
in the Western States was almost de-
stroyed by another virus disease, curly
top, until, after long research, resistant
varieties were developed. An additional
protection to both sugar beets and the
many other plants affected by the
curly top virus is the spraying of
Russian-thisde, the most abundant
overwintering host of the insect vector,
with some of the new weed killers.
Without resistant varieties and reduc-
tion in vector movement, curly top
would make it impossible to produce
profitably many of the important vege-
tables, including beans, tomatoes, and
muskmelons, which harbor it.
One could go on and on, multiplying
illustrations, big and little, temporary
or permanent, past or present, mere
threat or realized actuality. For in-
stwee; Pierce s disease of grapes in
California; the deficiency diseases,
which are particularly important in
Western States; cranberry false blos-
som in New Jersey; fire blight of pear,
because of which “one of the greatest
industries of the San Joaquin valley
vanished like a dream”; verticillium
wilt of cotton in the £1 Paso region of
Texas; melon mosaic in the Imperial
Valley of California; and many, many
others throughout the world.
The essential feature of plant diseases
however, is that they deprive every-
body, not just farmers, ^ the plant
products they destroy. The loss from
all diseases of all crops is estimated to
be about 10 percent. That is an aver-
age. Some crops suffer more loss.
Others are negligibly affected. The
importance of any one disease depends
on the value of the crop it attaclu, the
severity of the disease, and the ease
with which it can be controlled.
Diseases that attack the basic food
crops, such as the cereals, esp>ecially
wheat and rice, potatoes, or others
according to regional use, arc natur-
ally of greatest concern. Epidemics in
the chief centers of production can
cause scarcity, with serious national
and (especiily with wheat) inter-
national consequences. Prices of the
affected crop and of substitutes for it
go up.' The amount of money available
for buying other commodities, whether
food or any other, consequently is
reduced. It is a chain; in our present
national and world economy, no part
is separate.
For the farmer, the labor employed
in planting and caring for an affected
crop is wasted; income is reduced and
uncertain. With epidemic diseases he
may suffer disastrous losses in one
season. The less variable diseases take
a constant toll that in total amount
could make the difference between
success or failure in the long run. The
lesser continual losses may be sufficient
to prevent the building-up of reserve
for emergencies, and thus the effects of
the occasional severe losses are en-
hanced. The instability of farm income
is reflected in the national condition.
Losses from plant diseases do not
THtll ilillON
Stop when a product is harvested. Fruits
and vegetables spoil in transportation,
maHcet, and storage. Infection may
have started in the field before harvest
cm: it may be acquired later. Whatever
the reason, the food supply is further
depleted and food bills increased.
If all the waste that is due to plant
disease could l:>e prevented, it would
mean an increase of lo percent over
our present crop production, or, alter-
natively, io j>ercent of the land could
be used for other purposes or lo per-
cent of the farm population could
engage in other occupations and we
would still have as much of every-
thing as we do now.
It should be emphasized that the
plant disease situation is always chang-
ing. No matter how up-to-date our
information, there is always some new
problem to meet. Pathogens are as
variable in genetic make-up as any
other organism, and new races al>lc
to attack hitherto resistapt varieties
of crop plants appear frequently.
Wheat stem rust is a familiar e.xample.
A crop variety developed for resist-
ance to one pathogen may be ex-
tremely susceptible to a previously en-
tirely negligible organism, as hap-
pened with the Victoria blight of oats
that flared up so suddenly and de-
structively a few years ago. Pathogens
arc carried from country to country
in many ways and in spite of careful
precautions. Examples of entry into
this country arc numerous. White pine
blister rust is one; potato bacterial
ring rot is another.
A grower, noting .iccounts of disease
causing devastation in some other
place, may consider that it has noth-
ing to do with him, since crops in his
region or his own fields arc not
affected; perhaps, even, he may re-
joice becau.se scarcity has led to higher
prices for his own crop. Temporarily
he may be justified, but it is never
safe for growers or regions to be com-
placent a)x)ut freedom of their crops
from plant diseases. To maintain this
position takes constant watchfulness4
If nothing could be done about
plant diseases, there would be little
point in discussing their importance.
We would just have to take the loss
and get along with it as best we could.
We have seen how that works in some
instances. We do know how to re-
duce the effects of most diseases, how-
ever. I ncreasing ottr knowledge about
diseases will allow us to gain more
advantage over „them, provided we
make use of it. The available control
measures are not nearly so often or so
efiiciently used as they should be.
Diseases are too often taken for
granted until irreparable harm has
been done. Recognition of their im-
portance is the first step in doing
something about them.
Jessie I. Wood is an associate pathol*
ogist in the Plant Disease Survey^ Bureau
of Plant Industry^ Soils, and Agricultural
Engineering. She obtained her masters
degree from Stanford University in rgrS
and has been with the Department of Agri*
culture since igtg.
Ergot sclerotia and barley kernels.
Bacteria —
Small and
A. J. Rikeiy A. C. Hildebrandt
Bacteria are an important part of the
world we live in. They cause diseases
in man such as tuberculosis, typhoid
fever, and diphtheria, and in animals
such as anthrax, brucellosis, and swine
Many bacteria are helpful to man.
They produce useful food and chem-
icals, assist in the decomposition of
wastes, and increase the fertility of soil.
Most of us know al)Out the nitrogen-
accumulating root nodules of clover,
alfalfa, and other legumes that arc pro-
duced by bacteria growing in their
Bacteria also cause disease in plants.
The discovery of this role was made
only 75 years ago. After Louis Pcistcur
proved that bacteria could produce
animal disease, Professor T. J. Burrill.
of Illinois, who studied in Europe, was
filled with enthusiasm. He began work-
ing with a devastating disease of
unknown cause that was sweeping
through pear and apple orchards of
the Midwest. Burrill soon proved that
the disease, which we now call fire
blight, was caused by bacteria. Bur-
rill’s brilliant pioneer discovery swept
aside earlier speculation and igno-
rance. It pointed the way.
But BurriU’s work did not go unchal-
lenged. Many doubters spoke up. Dr.
Erwin F. Smith and his associates of
the United States Department of Agri-
culture carried the work forward
meanwhile. They overcame the oppo-
sition, scorn, and derision of some
distinguished scientists. They proved
that bacteria caused many plant dis-
eases. Such researches provided a solid
background for later work on plant
bacteria. In his book, Buclerial Diseases
of Plants^ in 1920 Dr. Smith summa-
rized much of this work. Now we have
knowledge of more than 1 70 different
kinds of bacteria, which cause diseases
in flowering plants belonging to 150
genera of 50 families.
Among living agents that cause plant
disease, bacteria are perhaps the small-
est (if we do not consider viruses as
living). Such bacteria are so minute
that about 25,000 laid side by side and
8,000 to 12,000 laid end to end would
not measure more than an inch.
Each bacterial cell is an independent
plant. If many cells adhere to one
another, a mass of cells may be formed.
But each cell acts independently; the
numbers of bacterial cells increase
when the cells cut themselves into two.
They multiply by dividing, so to speak.
Under favorable circumstances repro-
duction by cell division may happen as
often as three times in an hour, and
enormous numbers of bacteria may be
produced within 2 or 3 days.
The large surface area of each bac-
terial cell and the myriad bacteria
usually-present in diseaiscd plants give
the invading bacteria a great advan-
tage as they attack the cells of the
affected plant. That helps to explain
the rapid progress a bacterial disease
makes under favorable conditions.
Their survival depends upon their
ability to utilize the living or dead
organic compounds they find in their
host plants.
The bacteria that live only on dead
animal or plant remains are termed
saprophytes. Those that produce dis-
ease are parasites or pathogens. Many
kinds of bacteria, especially those that
cause plant disease, can live cither as
parasites or as saprophytes. Many dis-
ease-inciting bacteria are able to over-
winter or maintain themselves between
successive susceptible crops by living
saprophytically on plant refuse.
Bacteria that induce plant disease
are all mare or less short and cylin-
drical. They are dei»:ribed as rodlike.
None is spherical like the coccus forms,
which cause some animal or human
diseases. Some species of plant para-
sitic bacteria have one to several fila-
mentous, or hairlike, motile append-
ages called flagella, which they can
wave or vibrate and by them move
for short distances in water or in plant
juices. Some kinds have flagella at one
end or both ends (polar). Still others
develop flagella at many places on the
surface of the cell (pcritrichous). Even
those that have no flagella, however,
can be carried rapidly from one place
to another by flowing or splashing
water, or by wind-blown droplets of
moisture, by insects, and by various
agricultural operations. Any agricul-
tural practice that involves the trans-
port of soil may serve to carry path-
ogenic bacteria from one place to
Bacteria gain entrance to plants
through uninjured tissue, natural open-
ings, and wounds. The potato scab
organism usually enters through len-
ticcls but can penetrate thin-skinned
tubers directly. Root-nodule bacteria
of legumes enter through the fragile
root hairs. The small natural openings
to the atmosphere — the stomata — in
the leaves are the ports of entrance for
the bacteria that cause angular leaf
spot of cotton. The bean blight organ-
ism may also enter through stomata.
I'he bacteria that cause blackleg of
cabbage enter through hydatlu^es.
Hydathodes, if present, usually are
found at the edge or tip of the leaf.
They are specialized gland ceUs that
excrete fluids. Often under highly
humid conditions small droplets of
water may be seen adhering to the
margins of such leaves as cabbage or
wheat. As these droplets later may be
resorbed by the leaf, any bacteria
present may also gain entrance and
multiply. The bacteria that cause Are
blight of pear, apple, and quince trees
enter at blossomtime through the
specialized cells of the flower that
produce nectar. This type of environ-
ment is especially suited to the
and multiplication of the parsuates.
Many kinds of bacteria enter their
host plants through wounds. Those
producing sott rots of fruits and vege-
tables and the species causing crown
gaU of several kii^s of plants are good
Once bacteria get into a plant, some
may be carried along with or hiove in
the sap stream. Others may move short
distances in plant juices by swimming
or be pulled about by the movement
of fluids between or in the cells.
Capillary attraction and changes in
the pressures and tensions on fluids
that sometimes flood the spaces be-
tween the cells move the bacteria from
place to place inside the plant. Flood-
ing of plant tissues often increases as
certain bacteria withdraw liquid from
plant cells bordering the invaded
tissue. In early stages of disease, bac-
teria commonly develop in the spaces
between the cells. But as cell walls are
injured and the cells of the plant are
killed, they become perforated by
bacterial action. Then the bacteria
may penetrate inside the cells and
continue the disintegration.
Plants respond in many ways to
invasion by bacteria. Their response
often is so specific that the disease they
cause can be identified by the symp-
toms. Among the symptoms of bacte-
rial infections are galls, wilts, slow
growth, dwarfing, imperfect fruits or
ears, rots, color changes of various
plant parts, retarded ripening, dis-
tortion of leaves, cankers, brooming,
fasciation, and leaf spots. Rots may
be either localized at one place or in
one tissue or may involve the whole
plant. Wilts generally affect the whole
plant. Galls often affect only a part of
the plant. ^
Among the many well-known bac-
terial galls are olive knot, cane gall,
beet pocket rot, sweet pea fasciation,
hairy root, and crown gall. All contain
large swollen cells and small, rapidly
dividing cells along with vascular
cells in a relatively disorganized ar-
rangexnent. Eventually these gall struc-
tures may interfere with the normal
transmission of water and food sup-
plies, and the plants may wilt and die.
Of these, crown gall, which has a
very wide host range, has been studied
extensively because of the opportunity
it provides for clarifying basic prin-
ciples of diseased growth as a biolog-
ical phenomenon. The legume root
modules are usually beneficial through
their ability to fix nitrogen. They have
great economic importance.
Bacterial wilts may be quite destruc-
tive — for example, in sweet corn,
cucumber, tobacco, and related plants.
Such bacteria may produce a slime,
which helps to plug the water-con-
ducting tissue of the invaded plant.
Closely related are such diseases as
black rot of cabbage, ring rot of
potatoes, and tomato canker, which
may start in the water-conducting
tissue but subsequently result in
disintegration of surrounding tissue.
Cankers develop from the extensive
tissue destruction, for example, by the
fire blight bacteria, or from the lesions
of the tomato canker organism. This
latter bacterium may produce only
local spots on the tomato fruits. Thus
the symptoms induced by one organ-
ism may be quite different, depending
on the plant tissue infected and other
Local spots occur most commonly on
the leaves, but sometimes appear else-
where, as, for example, on many fruits.
Symptoms of black arm of cotton show
when the angular leaf spot bacteria
enter the stem and girdle it. Bacterial
blight of beans, halo blight of oats,
potato scab, and many o&ers appear
prinwrily as local spots. The bacteria
causing halo blight of oats and wildfire
of tobacco produce toxic substances
that are responsible for the yellowish
areas immediately around ^e dead
spots where the bacteria have invaded
the tissue.
^ Soft rots develop in relatively fleshy
tissues when certain bacteria invade
them extensively. Such bacteria pro-
duce an enzyme that dissolves ^e
pectic substance that cements plant
cell walls together. The result is a
slimy, often foul-smelling mass. Tlie
cell-wall-dissolving enzymes and tojdns
often destroy cells and tissues a Aort
distance ahead of the bacteria that pro-
duce them. The soft rots often follow
and extend invasion and damage by
some other pathogen. For example,
black rot of cabbage and late blight of
potatoes would be much less serious
except for the subsequent soft rot
Symptoms of disease appear at vary-
ing lengths of time after tocteria attack
and grow in a plant. Soft rots arc some-
times evident within a day or so,
angular leaf spot of cotton within lo
days, com wilt within i to 2 months.
Grown gall of orange may take 2 years.
The time between first establishment
of bacteria or fungi in the plant and
the appearance of symptoms of disease
is call^ the incubation period.
In some diseases bacterial ooze comes
to the surface of affected plant parts.
The exudate is often idimy and sticky
and contains numberless bacteria. The
ooze may come out of stomata or other
natural openings, or may form on the
surface of cankers or other lesions.
We recognize three major variables
that influence the eventual severity of
an outbreak of disease — the host plant,
the pathogen, and environmental con-
didons. They form an eternal triangle,
each affeedng the other within certain
The variables among the host plants
are substantial and important. They
make possible selection and breeding
for disease resistance. The origin
of disease-resistant breeding material,
plant structures that affect resistance,
and control of disease through the use
of disease-resistant plants are discussed
in detail in other ardcles in the Year-
book. All ages of plants arc affected
from the seedling stage through to ma-
turity, Fruits and seeds may be at-
tacked. Juiciness of tissue, however,
may predispose a plant to severe at-
tacks by bacteria.
The relationship of the pathogenic'
bacteria to the hxm plant involves a
chain of events, each link of which may
be critical in determining the severity
of an epidehiic. Among the more im-
portant parts of this chain are the en-
trance of the bacteria into the host
plant, their establishment within the
plant tissues, their exit again to the
surface of the plant, and their distri-
bution to another plant. This chain of
events may be repeated over and over
again during a growing season. More-
over, the bacteria must be able to over-
winter successfully if the epidemic is to
develop the next year. Overwintering
may be accomplished in the seed (bean
blight, cabbage black rot); in tissue of
perennial plants (fire blight of pear
and apple, crown gall of brambles,
roses, and many other kinds of plants) ;
plant refuse (tomato wilt, potato ring
rot); or the soil (crown gall, tomato
An understanding of the cyclic chain
of events necessary to produce a severe
outbreak of disease often enables us to
select its weakest link and suggests
ways of breaking the infection cycle
and thus of controlling a disease. Be-
cause infected seed carry the organisms
causing bean blight and cabbage black
rot from one crop year to the next, we
can use disease-free seed to break the
chain and avoid heavy losses from
those diseases. The bacteria that cause
cucumber wilt are carried from plant
to plant by cucumber beetles, and so
control measures for the wilt include
spraying to control the beetles. Losses
from other diseases can be reduced
through treatment of seed, selection of
disease-resistant stock, and crop rota-
tion. More effective, less exp>ensive,
and more easily applied control meas-
ures are needed for many diseases,
A later article explains how the vari-
ability of fungi affects the control of
plant diseases. We know much less
about variability in the plant disease
bacteria. The vigorous pathogens ap-
rarently survive in largest numbers.
This continual selection makes patho-
genicity — the abUity to cause disease —
possibly the most stable characteristic
in nature.
Bacterial diseases of plants occur
in almost every place that is reasonably
moist or warm. Their destructiveness
varies from year to year and place to
place. A part of this variation can be
attributed to presence or absence of a
critical environmental condition under
which the bacteria operate on the host
Along with temperature, moisture is
extremely important. Abundant water
in the soil and high relative humidity
in the air encourage the plants to take
in as much liquid as possible. The
leaves are usually covered easily with
water and any chemicals that might
resist bacterial action are diluted. This
often predisposes the cells to patho-
genic invasion. Likewise, under those
conditions, the stomata of the leaves
may be wide open. Many of the patho-
genic bacteria are spread from one
plant to another by the distribution of
splashing rain and running water. In
fact, under the influence of beating
rain, leaves may become partly water-
soaked. Then most any soil bacteri-
um — particularly a pathogenic form —
is able to grow and to produce a ne-
crotic lesion. Conversely, carrots and
potatoes, for example, that have dried
properly after digging are quite re-
sistant to soft rot.
Tem]:>erature has an especially im-
portant part in the development of
most bacterial diseases. This is seen in
the tomato wilt disease, which may
be present in various plantings but
may not become epidemic until the
warm weather raises the temperature
of the soil. Bean blight is also a high-
temperature disease. Infection, how-
ever, may actually take^^ place over a
wide range of temperatures, but the
high temperature is needed for typical
symptoms. Temperature is likewise a
critical item in the development or
lack of development of crown gall.
Tomato plants grown at 89^ F. failed
to develop galls while those at 89^
produced typically large cells. Air and
soil temperatures are important for
the tomato canker disease which de-
velops best at a soil temperature of
82^. Cold storage effectively inhibits
the bacterial rots that develop so
rapidly with suitable warmth.
Mineral nutrition may influence
disease development. Stewart’s wilt
disease of corn increases as the nitro-
gen level increases, within limits. At
high levels of nitrogen, infected plants
die in a few weeks. Virulent strains of
this bacterium grow well on inorganic
nitrogen, while avirulent strains re-
quire organic nitrogen. Weakly and
highly virulent strains are equally de-
structive in nitrogen-deficient plants,
but highly virulent strains are much
more so in plants that receive liberal
amounts of nitrogen. The tomato wilt
disease is affected strikingly by the
nutrient level of the plants.
The number of hours of sunlight
during any season of the year ^so
influences disease development. In the
greenhouse less tomato wilt develops
during an 18-hour day (simulating
summer conditions) than under a
12-hour day (winter or spring condi-
Nutrition, length of daylight, and
temperature are all closely associated
in the development of disease condi-
tions. It is hard to assess the intensity
of the effects of each taken alone. The
three conditions influence the balance
of inorgance and organic nitrogen and
the carbohydrate supply in the plant
sap and thereby favor or inhibit the
pathogenic bacteria, depending on
their requirements.
In si*udies of bacterial plant dis-
eases, the scientist must identify the
organism causing the disease and be
certain that his cultures have not be-
come contaminated with an unwanted
species. Studies under the microscope
of properly prepared samples of the
growth developing in cultures and of
bacterial ooze or tissue from diseased
plants furnish some evidence.
Because the simple cells of the
-pathogenic bacteria are so similar in
appearance, however, additional tests
of the effects of their action on various
substances must be used to identify
them. Their type of growth and col-
ony formation on various semisolid or
liquid culture media in petri plates
or test tubes, their ability to ferment
selected nutrient substances or to pro-
duce acids or gas on them, and their
ability to withstand more or less un-
favorable physical conditions (such as
high and low temperatures or certain
chemicals) are among the reactions
that are commonly used in identifica-
tion. Their ability to cause plant dis-
eases is the factor chiefly responsible
for our present interest in them. That
factor also is an aid in identifying an
unknown organism.
To DETERMINE thc identity of bac-
teria, one has to have laboratory
equipment for making culture media
and maintaining cultures, for micro-
scopic examinations, and for various
physiological determinations.
Suitable precautions and special
techniques also are necessary to get
and maintain cultures and media that
are free from contaminations.
The Committee on Bacteriological
Technique of thc Society of American
Bacteriologists, Biotech Publications,
Geneva, N. Y., publishes a series of
frequently revised leaflets about the
latest techniques. Most up-to-date
bacteriologists follow Bergey’s Manual
of Determinative Bacteriology^ published
by Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
Md., as the standard textbook on
identification. Thc sixth edition of this
book was published in 1948. In that
manual the plant pathogenic bacteria
arc classified into seven genera — Agro»
bacterium^ Bacterium^ Corynebacterium^
Erwiniay Pseudomonas^ Streptomyces^ and
Charlotte Elliott, a former associate
of Dr. Erwin F. Smith in the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, wrote a book,
Manual of Bacterial Plant Pathogens, The
second ^ition, published in 1951 by
the Chronica Botanica Company, of
Waltham, Mass., gives the names and
descriptions of plant pathogenic bac-
teria, their redactions on culture media,
symptoms of the diseases they produce,
their host plants, geographical distribu-
tion, control methods if known, and
citations to research literature.
How DOES a plant pathologist make
sure that a plant disease is caused by a
given species of bacterium? Robert
Koch in 1882 worked out the rules of
proof to follow for animal diseases.
The rigid logic of his requirements
applies equally well to bacteria causing
plant disease.
Briefly stated, the {postulates of Koch
require that: (i) The bacterium must
be associated in every case with the
disease, and conversely the disease
must not appear without it. (2) The
micro-organism must be isolated in
pure culture and its specific morpho-
logical and physiological characteris-
tics determined. (3) When the host is
inoculated with the bacterium under
favorable conditions, the characteris-
tic symp^ms of the disease must
develop. (4) The micro-organism must
be reisolated from the inoculated
plant and identified as that first
isolated from the diseased host.
In this brief review we have not
attempted to present detailed informa-
tion on individual diseases. Losses
caused by various important bacterial
diseases, symptoms, means of spread
and control measures when known are
given in other articles on specific crops.
A. J. Riker is a member of the depart^
merit of plant pathology^ University of
Wisconsin. He has made many contribu^
tions to our knowledge of bacterial diseases
of plants and has conducted research on the
basic reasons for diseased growth. Dr.
Riker is alio an authority on the diseases
of forest trees.
A. C. Hildebrandt, also of the
department of plant pathology^ University
of Wisconsin^ conducts research on funda-
mental phases of bacterial diseases of plants
with special emphasis on factors affecting
the growth of organisms and plant tissue in
culture media.
Viruses, a
Scourge of
C. W. Bennett
Few kinds of living organisms are
immune to viruses. Man, domesticated
and wild animals, insects, plants, and
even bacteria succumb to their attack.
They have been a scourge of mankind
since before the dawn of recorded
history. Smallpox, for example, ex-
isted in China in 1 700 B. C. Measles,
mumps, influenza, and scarlet fever
are other virus diseases that plague
The virus diseases of plants also
probably have existed for many cen-
turies. Their importance on crop
plants has increased tremendously in
the past 50 years — since 1900 more
than 200 new plant viruses have been
discovered. Many of them have done
widespread damage to crop plants.
Curly top caused almost complete
abandonment of the sugar beet indus-
try in parts of western United States
from 1916 to 1932 and still causes
severe injury to tomatoes, beans, and
a number of other crops. Sugarcane
mosaic caused extensive losses to the
sugarcane industry in the United
States, Argentina, Brazil, and other
countries beginning about 1917. Spot-
ted wilt has become widespread and
now causes losses to tomato and other
crops in many parts of the world. Since
1940, swollen shoot has caused ex-
tensive damage to the cacao industry
of west Africa. Virus diseases of citrus
have become more destructive and
from 1936 to 1946 tristeza catised the
loss of 7 million orange trees in the
State of Sao PauJo, Brazil, alone. It
has attacked or now threatens other
millions of trees in various tropical and
subtropical areas.
This increase in destructiveness of
virus diseases and in the number of
known viruses has come about largely
as a result of the expansion of agri-
cultural enterprises and the increased
movement of plants and plant prod-
ucts in recent years.
Disease-producing agents — particu-
larly viruses — apparently have origi-
nated in local areas all over the world.
Probably through long association
have native plants developed a toler-
ance to the local viruses that enables
infected individuals to survive with
little injury and often with but little
evidence of being carriers of viruses.
When crop plants are introduced
into areas where they have not been
grown before, they frequently become
subject to infection with the native
viruses, against which they have had
no opportunity to develop resistance.
Such a virus may cause extensive
losses to a crop plant, not only in the
areas of original distribution of the
virus, but also in the other areas to
which it may spread on the recently
attacked crop plant.
The appearance of the yellow wilt
virus on sugar beet in the Rio Negro
Valley of Argentina w^hen attempts
were made to develop a sugar beet
industry mere in 1929 probably is a
typical example of the transfer of a
virus from wild plants to a new crop
plant. From the beginning of the
attempt to establish the sugar beet
industry there, the sugar beets were
attacked by a virus disease, previously
unknown on sugar beet or on any
other plant. It caused a yellowing,
wilting, and death of all infected
plants. Injury was so severe that
attempts to grow sugar beets were
abandoned about 10 years later after
considerable loss to growers and proc-
essors. This disease appears still to be
limited to South America, but it con-
tinues to constitute a potential threat
to sugar beets elsewhere.
Many plant viruses have spread over
extensive areas from their points of
origin. The movement of the tristeza
virus of citrus is an example of the
extensive spread of a destructive virus
disease. Tristeza virus probably origi-
nated in South Africa or in south-
western Asia. For many years, possibly
for centuries, it appears to have had a
limited distribution but since 1930 it
(or a similar malady or maladies) has
been reported in Australia, Java,
California, Louisiana, Argentina, Uru-
guay, and Brazil. Apparently the chief
method of long-distance spread has
been by means of infected budwood
or nursery stock moved from infested
to noninfested areas. After it was in-
troduced into Brazil and Argentina it
was spread rapidly by the oriental
citrus aphid, Aphis citricidus.
Virus diseases produce a wide range
of symj)toms and types of injury on
plants. Sometimes they kill the plant
in a short time, as with spotted wilt
and curly top on tomato. More often
they cause lesser injuries that result
in reduced yields and lower quality
of product. With respect to general
type of the symptoms produced, most
viruses are of two rather clearly de-
fined groups: Those that cause mot-
tling. or spotting of leaves and those
that cause a yellowing, leaf curling,
dwarfing, or excessive branching, but
little or no mottling or spotting.
I'hc first group, by far the larger,
includes such important viruses as
those causing cucumber mosaic, peach
mosaic, and the tomato spotted wilt.
Mosaic diseases arc characterized by
the production of chlorotic, or yellow-
ish, areas in the leaves and sometimes
in the blossoms and other parts The
chlorotic areas may be more or less
circular or they may be irregular. The
spots vary in size from very small areas
to large blotches. Sometimes the chlo-
rotic areas cover a large share, or even
all, of the surface of individual leaves.
Some of the mosaic viruses cause
conspicuous mottling, spotting, or
striping of petals of flowers of some
ornamental plants. Many of the varie-
gated tulips are only virus-infected
plants of nonvariegated varieties. The
Rembrandt variety is a virus-infected
strain of the variety Princess Eliza-
beth. Variegation, or ‘'breaking,” of
blossoms due to viruses commonly
occurs also in wallflower, slock, gladi-
olus, and flowering peach.
The attractively variegated leaves
of the ornamental shrub Abutilon
striatum are also the result of a virus
infection. In the United States the
causal virus apparently has no insect
vector and variegated and nonvarie-
gated plants of A. striatum grow side by
side indefinitely with no spread of
the variegated condition to the non-
variegated plants. In Brazil the virus
is transmitted by the whitefly, Bernisia
iahaci^ and there healthy plants may
soon become variegated.
Other mosaic-type viruses cause
circular or irregular necrotic — dying —
or chlorotic spots on leaves, sterns, and
fruits, as in spotted wilt on tomato.
Ring spots and oak-leaf patterns are
symptoms of other virus diseases.
Some viruses produce all these types
of symptoms and others as well under
specific conditions or on difl'erent host
Diseases of the leaf curl and yellows
group are caused by viruses that ap-
pear to l3e associated wdth the vascular
system of the plant and produce symp-
toms that arc characteristic of disturb-
ances in this type of tissue. With the
leaf curl diseases, such as raspberry
leaf curl, sugar beet curly top, and
tobacco leaf curl, grow'th of veins is
retarded and the leaves roll or become
crinkled. Leaves are sometimes deeper
green than normal. The yellow's types,
such as aster yellow's and sugar l>eet
yellow wilt, cause yellowing, stunting,
and various types of leaf deformations.
Other diseases, .such as strawberry
stunt, cause dwarfing of the plant and
some leaf rolling and thickening.
Still others stimulate the production
of clusters of thin, wiry shoots as in
witches’-broom of oceanspra>’, or they
cause the production of wiry shoots on
stems or on main limbs and trunks if
trees arc attacked. Viruses of the leaf
curl and yellows group seem to persist
in their insect vectors for longer
periods than do viruses of the mosaic
Some \'inises produce symptoms only
under certain environmental conditions
or on certain host plants or host com-
binations. Red raspberry mosaic causes
mottling only on leaves produced at
low' temperatures. Symptoms usually
appear therefore only on leaves formed
in early spring or late fall. Curly top
virms is present in many plants of tree
tobacco, Nicotiana glauca^ in California,
but no symptoms are evident. Tristeza
virus produces marked symptoms only
on citrus trees of certain top and root
combinations. For example, both sweet
and sour orange trees grow' well even
thougli infected w'ith the tristeza virus.
Also, trees of sour orange that arc
grafted onto sw'cet orange rootstocks
show little evidence of injury. How-
ever, if the positions of the two types of
orange are reversed in the grafted tree
so that the top of the tree is of sweet
orange and the rootstock is of sour or-
ange, the tristeza virus causes yellow-
ing and dropping of the leaves, grad-
ual dying back of tw'igs, production of
weak shoots on the main limbs, and
eventual death of the tree.
Plants may be infected w'ith two or
more ' iru.ses at the same time. When
a plant with one viru.s disea.se is at-
tacked by another, usually symptoms
of the .second disea.se are merely super-
imposed on those produced by the first.
Occasionally, however, infection by
two viruses results in added symptoms.
An example is double-virus streak in
tomato cau.sed by infection with both
tobacco mosaic virus and potato virus
X. Tobacco mosaic virus causes mot-
tling and a certain ari\ount of dwarf-
ing. Potato virus X induces mild mot-
tling. When both viruses are present in
the same tomato plant a marked in-
crease in injury occurs w'ith the produc-
tion of extensive necrosis on leaves and
stems not characteristic of either virus
Transmission of virus diseases may be
brought about in a number of different
ways. Under experimental conditions,
many of the mosaic-type viruses can be
transmitted mechanically by rubbing
juice from diseased plants over the sur-
face of leaves of healthy plants. The ad-
dition of a small amount of an abrasive
such as carborundum to the juice fre-
quently increases the amount of infec-
tion. This method of transmission is of
great value in studies of properties,
characteristics, and host range of vi-
ruses. The majority of viruses, how-
ever, have not been transmitted by
juice inoculation.
Transmission of sugar beet curly top
virus and cucumber mosaic virus by
means of dodder, Cuscuta subinclusa,
was reported in 1 940, and a number of
other viruses have been transmitted
since by it and other species.
The species of dodder used for virus
transmission are members of a group
of interesting parasitic seed plants be-
longing to the same family as morning-
glory and sweetpotato. They some-
times cause extensive injury by para-
sitizing clover, alfalfa, and other plants.
They attach themselves to their host
plants by a type of natural graft union.
Because species of dodder have exten-
sive host ranges, plants widely different
botanically may be united by a type of
natural graft in which dodder forms a
connecting link through which several
viruses have been found to pass. Thus
dodder provides a medium through
which viruses may be transferred from
diseased to healthy species that cannot
be infected by juice inoculation or by
insect vectors.
Under field conditions only a few vi-
ruses arc disseminated by mechanical
transfer. Most natural spread takes
place through the use of infected vege-
tative parts for propagation, through
infected seeds, and by insects.
The virus of tobacco mosaic prob-
ably is the only plant virus spread
extensively and chiefly by mechanical
means. It occurs in such high concen-
trations in infected plants, persists for
such long periods in infested plant
material, and is so easily spread by
contact that extensive transmission in
tobacco may occur in operations in-
volving handling plants at planting
time and in the cultural operations
throughout the growing season. Also,
it is spread in greenhouse tomatoes
when they are cultivated, pruned, tied
to supports, or harvested.
Propagation of plants by vegetative
means results in the spread of many
virus diseases. Most viruses invade
plants so extensively that they occur
in all parts of the plant, and many of
them undoubtedly invade nearly all of
the living cells. When buds or scions
from virus-infected plants are used for
propagation, the new plants arc nearly
always infected. Likewise, the tubers,
roots, offshoots, or other vegetative
parts used for propagation carry all of
the viruses present in the parent plant.
For this reason transmission by vege-
tative propagation is important in the
dissemination of vii-us diseases of straw-
berry, raspberry, potato, tree fruits,
and many ornamentals. Most of the
viruses of those plants are spread by
other agencies as well.
Seed transmission of viruses occurs
only in relatively few cases. Seeds, for
the most part, have a remarkably effec-
tive mechanism that prevents the pas-
sage of virus into the young embryo
from the mother plant. The nature of
this mechanism is imperfectly under-
stood, but its effectiveness may be
illustrated by the reaction of sugar beet
to curly top virus. The curly top virus
is known to spread throughout the
plant, and seeds of diseased plants
carry high concentrations of virus.
Despite this fact, however, the virus
docs not enter the embryo and the
infected seeds always produce virus-
free plants.
Even the relatively few viruses
known to be seed-borne, such as bean
mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus,
lettuce mosaic virus, peach ring spot
virus, and dodder latent mosaic virus,
are carried only in a portion of the
seeds of diseased plants. In most in-
stances, in fact, only a low percentage
of such seeds produce infected plants.
Transmission in seed, however, may
be important, particularly with dis-
eases like lettuce mosaic, a few diseased
seedlings of which may be the source
for extensive spread by insects.
Some of the seed-borne viruses are
carried in the pollen. When healthy
bean plants are fertilized by pollen
from mosaic plants, a certain propor-
tion of seeds from the healthy plants
produce diseased seedlings. This, how-
ever, appears not to be an important
method of virus spread.
Insects are by far the most important
agents of transmission. Few viruses
could persist for long without them.
Properties and characteristics of
plant viruses have been subjects of
study and speculation for many years.
Information has increased with more
extensive investigations and with the
development of new techniques and
It was learned more than 50 years
ago that viruses are very minute entities
capable of passing filters so fine that
they retained common forms of bac-
teria and that viruses apparently do
not increase outside of living cells.
Further studies made in plants and
with plant juices revealed that viruses
vary widely in their reactions to a num-
ber of environmental conditions. Many
appear to be inactivated almost imme-
diately in juice after it is pressed from
diseased plants. This probably accounts
in part for the fact that many viruses
cannot be transmitted by juice inocu-
lation. Other viruses retain activity in
plant juice for different periods. Cu-
cumber mosaic virus remains active
for only a few hours, sugar beet mosaic
virus for i to 2 days, and curly top
virus for 2 to 5 days. Tobacco mosaic
virus is much more resistant, however,
and may retain its activity in juice
from diseased tobacco plants for several
Some viruses that can be transmitted
by the juice cannot be recovered from
diseased plants after they are dried.
Others retain activity in dried plants
longer than in plant juice. Curly top
virus was recovered from dry sugar
beet plants after 8 years, and tobacco
mosaic virus has retained its activity in
dried tobacco leaves for more than 50
Peach yellows virus is sensitive to
high temperatures and can be inacti-
vated in young peach trees by growing
them at a temperature of 95^ F. for 3
weeks or by immersing dormant trees
in water at 122® for 10 minutes. It is
destroyed by summer temperatures
that prevail for extended periods in
some parts of the United States. Aster
yellows virus also is inactivated at rela-
tively low temperatures, and its spread
is reported to be more extensive in the
spring and fall than during the summer
because of inactivation of the virus in
the leafhopper vector during periods
of high temperatures. Most viruses,
however, have thermal inactivation
points well above the temperatures
required to kill the host plants. Some
viruses are very resistant to heat. Sugar
beet curly top virus is inactivated
betw'cen 167® and 176®, and tobacco
mosaic virus is not inactivated until
the temperature rises to 192®.
As a rule, the viruses resist the action
of the common germicides. Usually
they are not inactivated by the con-
centrations of bichloride of mercury,
carbolic acid, copper, formaldehyde,
and alcohol that kill most bacteria.
Curiously enough, tobacco mosaic
virus, in other respects one of the most
stable of viruses, is easily inactivated
with alcohol.
The isolation and purification of the
tobacco mosaic virus by Dr. W. M.
Stanley in 1932 opened the way for
more direct and more comprehensive
studies of the nature and character-
istics of viruses than had been possible
by use of earlier methods. The purifi-
cation of tobacco mosaic virus was
soon followed by purification of other
plant viruses, some by chemical means
and others by sedimentation in high-
speed centrifuges.
Most of the viruses that have been
obtained in relatively pure condition
have been found to aggregate to form
crystals or crystal-like bodies that arc
readily visible under low magnifica-
tion. Some arc even large enough to
be seen with the unaided eye. The
crystals differ in size and shape de-
pending on the virus and the conditions
under which they are formed. Crystals
of tobacco mosaic virus are needle-
shaped; those of tobacco necrosis virus
lozenge-shaped, and those of tomato
bushy stunt virus are dodecahedral.
Even after viruses were purified, the
virus particles themselves could not
be seen because their sizes arc below
the limits of resolution of the ordinary
microscope. That deficiency was over-
come with the perfection of the elec-
tron microscope, which utilizes radia-
tions of shorter wavelength than those
of light. This microscope permitted
particles in the size range of \ iruses
to be photographed. For the first time
it was possible to determine what
viruses look like in photographs, even
if not actually to sec them.
The plant viruses that have been
photographed by means of the electron
microscope, numbering a dozen or
more, extend over a consideraljle
range in size and shape. Some are
long, straight, or tenuous rods. Some
are shorter rods. Others arc spherical.
Tobacco mosaic virus particles arc
relatively straight rods about 1 5 milli-
microns in thickness and varying in
length up to 300 millimicrons, or
more. (One millimicron is one-mil-
lion th of a millimeter or about one
twenty-five-millionth of an inch.) The
potato virus X also has rodlike parti-
cles, which vary greatly in length and
appear to be more flexible than the
tobacco mosaic virus particles. Among
the viruses that appear to have spher-
ical particles are alfalfa mosaic virus,
With a diameter of about 17 millimi-
crons; tobacco ring spot virus, with a
diameter of about 19 millimicrons;
and bushy stunt virus, with a diameter
of about 26 millimicrons.
The smallest plant viruses are some-
what smaller than some protein mole-
cules. The largest ones are smaller
than the smallest known bacteria.
Thus, viruses as a group cover a size
range between chemical molecules
and bacteria, with some overlapping
in the lower size range.
All plant viruses so far isolated are
similar in chemical composition and
contain two essential constituents,
nucleic acid and protein.
Nearly all of the plant viruses that
have been studied extensively have
been found to be complexes of strains.
The strains vary in virulence, kind of
disease produced, host range, or other
characteristics. Curly top virus and
tobacco mosaic virus are made up of
innumerable strains. Some of these
are weak and cause little injuiy even
on susceptible plants. Others arc more
virulent and cause severe injury. Some
strains of curly top virus attack
tobacco and tomato; others do not.
Two strains of potato yellow dwarf
virus appear to be transmitted by
different specific vectors.
It may be assumed that these strains
have arisen, one by one, from parent
strains during the course of years by a
process similar to mutation. The rela-
tively large numbers of strains of some
of the more common viruses may indi-
cate that some viru.ses are less stable
than others, under the environmental
conditions to which they arc subjected,
hence mutate more readily. This tend-
ency to mutate gives to viruses a degree
of adaptability that may be compa-
rable to that possessed by plants and
Recovery from the more severe
phases of virus dLsease is a rather com-
mon phenomenon in plants but is lim-
ited usually to partial or complete
recovery from obvious symptoms and
very rarely extends to loss of the virus
by infected plants.
One of the first examples of recovery
to be discovered was that of the recov-
ery of tobacco from ring spot. A few
days after plants become infected with
this virus, marked necrosis is produced
on a ring of new leaves, but subsequent
growth is normal or nearly normal.
Plants from cuttings of recovered
plants remain free of severe symptoms^
and the diseased plants may be prop-
agated indefinitely by vegetative means
without the reappearance of the severe
phase of the disease.
Turkish tobacco recovers to a very
high degree from curly top. Tomato
plants are killed by curly top if the
virus is introduced by means of the beet
leafhopper; if it is introduced by means
of scions from recovered tobacco, how-
ever, they usually show only mild
Water pimpernel, Samolus parviflorus,
also shows a high degree of recovery
from most strains of curly top virus.
Recovery in sugar beet is much less
marked. Plants of susceptible varieties
usually show little evidence of improve-
ment after they become diseased.
With some viruses and perhaps with
most of them, infection by one strain
protects against infection or injury
from a second strain of the same virus,
but no protection is afforded against
infection with a totally different virus.
Protection of this type is very marked
between strains of the tobacco mosaic
virus. Juice from a plant with tobacco
mosaic, w'hcn rubbed gently over the
surface of a leaf of a healthy plant of
Nicotiana sylvestris, produces many
small necrotic lesions, which mark
points of separate infections. If the
inoculated plant has already been
invaded by a strain of tobacco mosaic
virus, howT.vcr, no lesions are produced
by reinoculation with a second strain
of the same virus.
After recovery from one strain of
curly top virus, Turkish tobacco plants
arc very resistant to injury by other
strains of this virus. Also, when tomato
plants are inoculated with one strain of
the curly top virus by means of scions
from recovered tobacco plants, they
are very resistant to injury by most
other strains. Tomato plants “immu-
nized” in this way have been grown
successfully under field conditions
where all nonprotected plants were
In contrast, the plants of Nicotiam
glutinosa and water pimpernel, al-
though they recover from the severe
effects of most strains of the curly top
virus, are not protected against injury
by strains of the virus more virulent
than the one already present. No strain
of curly top virus offers appreciable
protection against either irffection or
injury in sugar beet.
Although protection between related
strains of some viruses is npt always
evident or complete, cross-protection
tests have been of value in identifica-
tion and classification of viruses from
different sources and host plants.
The cross-protection phenomenon
may prove to be of value also in certain
phases of control of virus disease, par-
ticularly diseases such as swollen shoot
of cacao and tristeza of citrus. Where
either is present, it is known that all
susceptible trees must sooner or later
become infected from virus sources that
are impossible to eliminate. Since this
is true, it may provc’worth while first
to infect all the young planting stock
with a weak and relatively harmless
strain of virus in order to protect
against later infection by more virulent
strains of the same virus.
After a plant is infected with a virus
disease nothing, as a rule, can be done
to restore its health. Therefore, meth-
ods of control arc directed almost
wholly toward prevention of infection
or toward development of disease-
resistant varieties.
Many practices and precautions are
employed to prevent infection with
virus diseases. Control of mosaic on
tobacco and tomato is obtained largely
by avoiding spread of virus by con-
tact during transplanting and cultural
operations. Fortunately, few of the
virus diseases arc so easily transmitted
and ordinary cultural operations can
be carried on with most plants without
danger of spreading virus diseases by
Destruedon of plants that serve as
sources of infection is of value in the
control of a number of virus diseases.
Spring infection of fields of sugar beets
with mosaic and virus yellows comes
largely from infected beets that sur-
vive the winter or from beets that are
carried through the winter for seed
production. Elimination of such sources
of virus usually gives a high degree
of control. The spread of X-disease on
peach can be prevented by removing
all infected chokecherries within 500
feet of peach orchards, and the virus
diseases of raspberries can be con-
trolled, in most instances, by destroy-
ing all wild and escaped brambles in
the immediate vicinity of plantings,
provided the plantings themselves are
not already infected.
Reducing the population of insect
vectors by spraying or by other means
has value in the control of some virus
diseases. Usually it is not possible,
however, to reduce the insect popu-
lations sufficiently or soon enough to
obtain completely satisfactory results.
Some virus diseases can be partly con-
trolled by destruction of the hosts of the
insect vectors. Extensive reduction of
the weed hosts of the beet leaf hopper
in the Western States would corre-
spondingly reduce the amount of curly
top virus carried from desert plants to
cultivated fields. In much of this area,
reduction in weed hosts comes about
naturally under systems of land man-
agement in wh'ch annual and peren-
nial grasses and other nonhost plants
are allowed to replace the weed hosts
of the beet leaf hopper. Fall spraying
to kill leafhoppers on weeds in un-
cultivated areas has been resorted to
also in the program to control curly
Virus-free nursery stock is extremely
important in the control of virus
diseases of strawberry and raspberry.
Natural virus spread often is not ex-
tensive enough to cau.se serious dam-
age during the life of plantings started
with virus-free nursery stock. That is
true also of some of the virus diseases
of tree fruits.
C. W. Bennett is a pathologist of the
division oj sugar plant investigations ^
Bureau oJ Plant Industry^ Soils, and Agri--
cultural Engineering, who has had more
than JO years oJ experience in the study of
plant viruses and virus diseases.
How Insects
L, M. Black
Most viruses that cause plant disease
are transmitted ..by insects, principally
those that have sucking mouth parts —
aphids, leafhoppers, white flies, mealy--
bugs, and tingids. Leafhoppers and
aphids are the most important.
Although many plant viruses are
without knowm insect vectors, it is
generally expected that insect carriers
will eventually be discovered for most
of them. There are exceptions. To-
bacco mosaic virus and potato latent
virus arc two virgses that occur in
high concentration in infected plants
and are stable enough to be spread
readily from one plant to another by
almost any means that releases juice
from a wound in an infected plant and
transfers the juice to a fresh wound in a
healthy plant. Tobacco mosaic virus is
thus tran.sferred by the hands of men
working with tobacco plants even
though the wounds may be only micro-
scopic in size. It can also be thus trans-
ferred by the mouth parts of grass-
hoppers. Potato latent virus can be
transferred from plant to plant when
the wind blows the leaves of diseased
plants against healthy ones so as to
injure both. The mystery about these
two viruses is not their transmission by
such methods but why potato latent
virus is apparently not transmitted by
sucking insects and why tobacco
mosaic virus is so poorly transmitted.
A few viruses, such as wheat rosette
virus and lettuce big-vein virus, con-
taminate the soil in which diseased
plants are grown and infect healthy
plants sub^quently grown therein.
Just how inoculation takes place in
such diseases is not known. Dodders
{Cuscuta species), parasitic flowering
plants, can transmit plant viruses by
means of the natural graft unions they
make with their hosts. Most plant vi-
ruses, however, depend on insects for
their dispersal.
Aphids transmit more plant viruses
than any other group. Aphid-borne
viruses induce in plants a great variety
of symptoms, the most important of
which arc the mosaics. One of the
most efficient aphid vectors is the green
peach aphid, Myzus persicae^ which
transmits more than 50 different plant
Much remains to be learned about
what actually occurs during trans-
mission by aphids. Many aphid vec-
tors transmit virus after very brief
feedings on diseased plants. Studies on
this type of transmission have reached
a point where the feeding intervals of
individual aphids are closely observed
and timed by a stop watch. For
example, the vector of beet mosaic
virus requires an acquisition feeding
of only 6 to 10 seconds. During subse-
quent conset utivc inoculation feedings
of 10 seconds each on healthy plants,
the virus is gradually lost by the aphids
and fewer than 2 percent of them can
transmit to more than four plants
without fresh access to virus. This virus
is said to be nonpersistent in the vector.
Usually such a virus is lost more
rapidly from feeding aphids than from
fasting ones — the virus of cucumber
mosaic disease, for instance, is lost by
the aphid within 6 to 8 hours when
fasting, but within 10 to 20 minutes
when feeding on healthy plants. In
other instances this relation may be
reversed. The loss of virus from aphids
during feeding may be due to a virus-
inactivating enzyme secreted by the
aphids while feeding but not while
fasting. Such a substance has not been
deihonstrated, however, and in reality
we do not know the explanation for
such loss and for many other features
of aphid transmission. A virus trans-
mitted by aphids, particularly if it is
of this nonpersistent type, is usually
transmissible by several or, indeed,
many species. The virus of onion yel-
low dwarf can be transmitted by more
than 50 sp>ecies of aphids, but not by
thrips, mites, grasshoppers, beetles,
caterpillars, or maggots.
That kind of transmission is in con-
trast to another type in w^hich, follow-
ing acquisition of virus, a latent period
must elapse before the aphid is able
to transmit. The aphid may then do
so for many days without fresh access
to virus. A minority of viruses trans-
mitted by aphids arc spread in that
manner. One of them, the virus of po-
tato leaf roll, is not transmitted by
the aphid until 24 to 48 hours have
elapsed after acquisition. The virus
may then be retained by the insect for
7 to 10 days, even through molts, with-
out fresh access to virus from plants.
That an aphid may transmit one
virus in the persistent manner and
another in the nonpersistent from the
same host plant clearly indicates that
persistence or nonpersistence is de-
termined by the^ virus.
Why do we concern ourselves with
such minute details of transmLssion?
Simply because such knowledge may
make the difference between success
and failure in finding a vector of a
virus. For instance, no transmission
of a certain mosaic virus could be ob-
tained after extensive trials with three
species of aphids when they were fed
one day on diseased plants and then
transferred to healthy ones. When the
aphids were fasted for 30 minutes be-
fore an acquisition feeding of 5 to 10
minutes and were then allowed an
inoculation feeding of 5 to 10 minutes,
however, transmissions were obtained.
Leafhoppers, next to aphids, are
the most important vectors of plant
viruses. Experiments by a Japanese
grower in 1884 demonstrated a con-
nection between rice stunt and leaf-
hoppers. That might be considered
the first virus shown to be insect-
transmitted, but actually it was not
realized until more than 20 years later
that the causal agent of the disease
was not the leafhoppcr but some au-
tonomous agent carried by the insect.
Viruses transmitted by leafhoppers
cause a variety of symptoms in plants,
including chlorotic streaking of leaves
(as in corn streak), necrosis or death of
tissues (as in elm phloem necrosis),
tumors (as in wound-tumor disease),
and yellows (as in aster yellows). All
known vectors for virus diseases with
a symptom picture like that of aster
yellows aie leafhoppers.
Although many aphid-bome viruses
can be transmitted by rubbing leaves
with juice from diseased plants, only
two leafhopper-borne viruses have
been so transferred. In other cases
transmission has been accomplished
only by the use of insects, dodder, or
grafting. This has accordingly made
the study of the viruses themselves
very difficult. For such researches it
has been necessary to permit the leaf-
hoppera to feed on virus solutions
through membranes or to inject the
virus solution into leafhoppers. The
insects must then be tested for infec-
tivity on plants because none of the
leafhoppers themsoLves has ever been
observed to Ijc diseased.
Practically all of the leafhopper-
borne viruses (alfalfa dwarf virus is
apparently an exception) arc con-
sidered to have a latent or incubation
period in their vectors. In some, this
latent period may be so short (curly
top virus) as to suggest that the virus
does not multiply in the insect. Never-
theless, it reaches relatively high con-
centrations and is retained for weeks,
not only in the beet leafhopper, which
transmits it, but also in a number of
other arthropods that cannot do so.
In most leafhoppcr vectors that have
been studied, however, the period that
occurs between acquisition of the virus
and its transmksibility by the vector
is much longer. In many it varies from
I to 2 weeks or more. This is a true
incubation period, during which the
viruses multiply to an infective con-
centration in their vectors.
Although most leafhopper vectors do
not transmit virus to their progeny
through the egg, certain exceptions
exist. Rice stunt virus and clover club
leaf virus may be passed to 95 or too
percent of young insects through the
eggs of the vectors. A single female
leafhopper carrying clover club leaf
virus has originated at least 2 1 genera-
tions of infective progeny during a
5-year period without fresh access to
virus from plants. The virus in the
original female had been diluted
at least 100,000,000,000,000,000,-
000,000,000 times. That would be
impossible had not the virus multi-
plied in the leafhopper.
There may be, then, two main types
of transmission of virus by leafhoppers.
One type, exemplified by curly top
virus, may be characterized by a very
short incubation period and no multi-
plication in the vector; the other type
by a long period of incubation and
multiplication in the vector.
Once infective, lcafhopf>ers tend to
remain so for many days without fresh
access to virus, often until they die.
Nevertheless, such insects may fail to
infect susceptible plants for many days
in succession. Some that obtain virus
from their parent through the egg may
in turn pass virus to their progeny
through the egg and yet may fail to
infect any susceptible plants although
fed on them for their entire life.
Often scientists have tested so many
species of insects before finding a leaf-
hopper vector that when they attained
suceps they regarded the vector as
specific. Only one species is known
even today to transmit North Ameri-
can curly top virus. Very likely that is
because it is the only species of the
genus that occurs in North America
where tests have been made.
The concept of specificity which en-
visioned a single leafhopper species as
the vector of a virus has been broken
down by recent research. For example,
it is now known that Pierce’s disease
of grapes is transmitted by 24 different
species of leafhoppers in two families.
On the other hand, work with yellow
dwarf and with curly top viruses has
revealed a new type of specificity, of
considerable complexity. In the for-
mer, there are two varieties of virus,
each specifically transmitted by related
leafhoppers. In the case of curly top,
we have evidence of a complex of
related viruses, with different vector
and plant-host relationships.
Much of the wide variation observed
in vector efficiencies of individuals
within a leafhopper species may be
genetic. For example, ability to trans-
mit com streak virus can be deter-
mined by a single sex-linked dominant
gene in the insect vector. In the case
of the leafhopper that carries New
York potato yellow dwarf, multiple
factors are involved, the virus having
been transmitted by 8o percent of the
“active” insects, 2 percent of the “in-
actives,” and 30 percent of hybrids.
Considerable experimental work has
been done on various asf^ects of the
transmission process by the leafhopper.
The mechanics of the mouth parts, the
tissues of the plants reached by the
mouth parts, and the location of the
virus within the insect vector have all
been subjects of investigation. Most
leafhoppers apparently acquire virus
from and ind’oduce vims into the
phloem. However, some vectors feed
on the xylem and acquire virus from and
inoculate it into this tissue. Some vi-
ruses show a corresponding specializa-
tion in regard to the tissues they
White flies transmit a number of
plant viruses. Nymphs of the white fly
are attached to the plant and, therefore
cannot themselves spread vims, but
virus can be acquired by the nymphs,
can pass through the pupal stage, and
can be transmitted by the adults. The
adults also can acquire the vims di-
rectly from plants.
When white flies were shown in 1946
to be vectors of a vims of abutilon,
a puzzle of long standing was partly
solved* Variegated abutilon had been
used as an ornamental for many years
in Europe and other parts of the world
where the variegation never spread
naturally to nonvariegated plants.
Since there was no natural spread of
the condition, the disease was some-
times set somewhat apart from other
virus diseases even though the variega-
tion could be transmitted by grafting.
It is now evident that in some countries
a virus causing a similar variegation is
disseminated in the field by a white fly.
Mealybugs, tended and transported
by ants, are the vectors of destmetive
viruses that attack cocoa trees. Some
of the vimses are closely related; in
other cases relationships are uncertain.
The vimses, which are not transmis-
sible to plants by juice inoculations, do
not remain long in the mealybugs un-
less they fast before the acquisition
feeding; then vims may be retained
about 36 hours. In spite of the nonper-
sistence of the virus, there is some
specificity of transmission-certain
mealybug species transmit certain of
tlie vims strains not transmitted by
others, and vice versa. Moreover, some
strains of one of the mealybug species
failed to transmit a vims that other
strains of the same species transmitted.
The only virus definitely known to
be transmitted by thrips is the one that
causes tomato spotted wilt. Forty-one
diflereiit plant viruses have been tested
for transmission by thrips with negative
results. Although three species of thrips
arc vectors of tomato spotted wilt,
several other thrips species are not.
Tomato spotted wilt vims can be ac-
quired only by larvae, but it passes
through the pupal stage, so that both
adults and larvae can inoculate plants.
After an incubation pet;iod of 5 days
or more the insects remain infective
for life.
We have relatively few authenti-
cated accounts of transmission by in-
sects with biting mouth parts. In som<^
of these isolated cases, there is better
transmission of the vims by biting
insects than by those with sucking
mouth parts. The virus of turnip yel-
low mosaic is an example of this kind
of virus. It apparently is not trans-
missible by insects with sucking mouth
parts but is transmitted by a number
of insects with biting mouth parts. The
most important of these are flea beetles,
the larvae of which may retain virus
for as long as 4 days. It is believed
that the insects regurgitate the virus.
All viruses of this sort are readily
transmitted by rubbing juice from
diseased plants on the leaves of healthy
ones, and some are readily isolated.
Until recently the only viruses
photographed under the electron mi-
croscope were the more stable ones,
which are i'eadily transmitted mechan-
ically and occur in relatively high
concentration in plants. Some are in-
sect-transmitted. Among them are the
tobacco mosaic and squash mosaic
viruses. Less stable and less concen-
trated viruses that have a more inti-
mate relationship with their vectors
have been identified recently under
the electron microscope. Considerable
interest attaches to the nature of those
viruses that arc known to reproduce
in both plants and animals.
When one considers that the occur-
rence of a virus disease of plants usu-
ally involves three entities — the virus,
the plant, and the vector — and may
involve more than one of each, it
should at once be apparent that the
interactions between them and their
environment may be exceedingly com-
plex. In the laboratory, certain single
factors may be demon.stratcd to be
decisively important. Thus the virus
of aster yellows is inactivated at 89® F,
But when one tries to explain the
vagaries of the spread of virus diseases
in the field, relationships arc not al-
ways readily discerned. For example:
Northern regions and high altitudes
with climates inimicablc to aphids
generally favor the production of
potatoes with a low virus content, but
hot and dry climates arc also unfavor-
able for aphids and under certain con-
ditions can be used to produce seed
potatoes with a low incidence of virus.
The flight habits of aphids in the
field in relation to the spread of po-
tato virus diseases have been exten-
sively studied at Rothamsted in Eng-
land and the Maine Agricultural Ex-
periment Station. It was determined
in Maine that early and sustained
flights containing a high proportion of
Myzus persicae^ an aphid vector of leaf
roll disease of potatoes, were asso-
ciated with considerable spread of the
disease. But flights late in August or
in September usually resulted in little
or no spread.
Detailed work has been done on the
ecology of the vector of the curly top
virus. This leafhopper is an active
flier, and large numbers can easily be
borne long distances by the wind. It
often multiplies in the spring on a
variety of succulent weeds on unculti-
vated or abandoned lands. If those
plants dry up after the insects have
reached the winged adult stage, the
insects take flight. One such migratory
flight was estimated at 60 miles. Fore-
casts of leafliopper invasions based on
studies of the breeding areas have
been used to reduce losses.
In general the insect vectors of a
virus tend to be confined to one of
the major phylogenetic divisions, such
as the families of the Hemiptera or the
order Thysanoptera. Some of the
viruses multiply in their insect carriers
and more may be expected to be
placed in this category. The vector
relationships of such viruses arc obvi-
ously quite different from those of the
viruses that do not multiply in the
vector. Although more extensive
research on certain viruses has greatly
increased the number of known vec-
tors for each, other research has at the
same time indicated more highly spe-
cific virus-vector relationships than
were indicated in early work.
L. M. Black is a projessor in the de^
partment of botany in the University of
Illinois, Before joining the University
ip ^952- he was curator of plant pathology
in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
The Fungi
Are Living
Russell B, Stevens
Most fungi can be easily seen. Some
are large and conspicuous, like the
fleshy mushrooms of field and forest.
Some are stout and woody, like the
bracket fungi on rotting timber. The
pathogenic ihingi, the ones that pro-
duce disease, more closely resemble
the molds that overrun our shoes and
stored leather goods in damp weather,
damage foods, rot fabrics, and, in
happier circumstances, produce valu-
able drugs and chemicals and give the
desired flavor to our choicest cheeses.
The most important detail to re-
member about fungi is tliat they are
living organisms. They require, there-
fore, a source of energy. Like animals,
but unlike green plants, fungi cannot
convert the energy of the sun and thus
synthesize the food they need. They
must therefore get food from some ex-
ternal source. In so doing, the slender,
infinitely tiny, often colorless threads
that make up the fungus itself live and
grow at the expense of the environ-
ment in which they exist. If the en-
vironment is another plant, particu-
larly if it is one of our cultivated agri-
cultural plants, the resulting situation
is regarded as a plant disease. Thus
the apple scab fungus, familiar to any-
one who has tried to raise apples in
practically any part of the United
States, forms olive-green patches on
the leaves and fruits of its host and
profits at its expense. The same is true
of the grain rust fungi, the com smut
fiingus, and a myriad of others. They
grow thus because by their very na-
ture they can grow successfully no-
where else.
A pathogenic fungus is but one of
countless individuals in the organic
world. To maintain its position it must
live and grow, reproduce, be scattered
about, and, under certain circum-
stances, survive periods during which
the environment is relatively unfavor-
able to it. When one Imows the
essentials of how fungi accomplish this
assignment, one knows the essentials
of how fungi cause disease in plants.
Structurally, fungi are mostly very
tiny — but very complex. Most of them
are composed of microscopic fila-
ments, which may be colorless or vari-
ously colored but which never contain
chlorophyll, the green pigment re-
sponsible for binding the sun’s energy
in the formation of sugar. Considered
individually, the filaments are called
hyphae (singular; hypha). In the aggre-
gate they are spoken of as a mycelium.
The filaments are essentially like the
cells of which other plants are com-
posed, each being surrounded by a
thin membranous wall and composed
of a jelly like living protoplasm.
Although the filamentous growth
form is common to practically all plant
pathogenic fungi, the actual appear-
ance of the fungi is enormously varied.
Some, like the rhizopus soft rot
fungi of sweetpotatoes and strawberries
or the scab fungi of wheat, have no
particularly characteristic fonn and
appear as a downy growth over the
surface of the affected host.
Others develop aggregates of fila-
ments with a recognizable size and
shape, of distinctive color, and often
decidedly firm to the touch. Such
aggregates are commonly associated
with the actively reproducing phase of
development, and the “fruiting body”
so formed serves as one of the most
useful means of distinguishing one
plant pathogenic fungus from another.
The physiology of fungi (like the
physiology of all plants and animals)
is by no means completely understood.
We have enough information to sug-
gest that the physical and chemical
processes that take place in the proto-
plasm of the fungi are essentially the
same as those of any other living
organbm. Indeed, those processes,
summed up in the term metabolism,
arc strikingly similar throughout the
organic world. Because the fungi lack
chlorophyll, their nutrition is most like
that to be found in the colorless, or
rather tiongreen, parts of higher plants,
except that many fungi secrete diges-
tive enzymes as do the cells of the diges-
tive tract of man and other animals.
Because iungi depend for their food
on outside sources, and because some
establish themselves on other living
plants and some on nonliving food
sources, a great deal has been made of
the terms parasite and saprophyte^
supposedly to describe these two alter-
native conditions. Attempts to apply
the terms soon demonstrate their inad-
equacy, at least when used in unmod-
ified form. It is much more useful to
speak of obligate parasites, which can
grow only on living host plants, and
facultative parasites, which can grow on
nonliving food supplies but which at
times do establish themselves on a
living host. True saprophytes, which
live exclusively on nonliving substrata,
can hardly be of importance in a
discussion of plant diseases.
Besides an ability to utilize food and
grow, a fungus must reproduce. Be-
cause it is the most intriguing phase
of the life history and because it fur-
nishes most of the information neces-
sary for identification, the reproduc-
tive aspects of fungi have received
much attention.
By reproduction we ought always to
mean an increase in the total number
of individuals of a given species, a
process which usually represents suc-
cessive generations and thus assures the
perpetuation of the species in time as
well as its maintenance in space. It is
an error in logic, however, to conclude
that fungi reproduce in order to sur-
vive; one can say simply that they
survive becait^te they reproduce.
Characteristically, fungi reproduce
by the formation of microscopic bodies
collectively called spores.
Such spores, depending on the type
and the particular pathogen by which
formed, assume an impressive array of
different characteristics. They vary
greatly in size, although always tiny in
terms of more familiar objects, meas-
uring several hundreds or even thous-
ands to the inch. Some spores are one-
celled. Some are two-celled. Some have
many cells. Some are completely
colorless. Some are only lightly tinted,
others dark. Still others are co^ black.
Some are extremely fragile and arc
killed by exposure to dry air in less
than a minute. Some can withstand
boiling temperatures for brief periods.
A few types are capable of independ-
ent movement, but most of them drift
passively on wind or water, although
often they are forcibly ejected when
first mature. Finally, they arc formed
in myriad different ways by the parent
organism. Detailed consideration of
specific diseases is by all odds the best
way to comprehend the complexity
and variability of spore formation.
No one, be he beginner or experi-
enced professional, can truly appreci-
ate the astonishing abundance in
which spores are formed by fungi,
even though they are produced on
fruiting bodies so small as to be
scarcely visible to the unaided eye.
Total numbers from a single diseased
plant must be estimated in millions,
billions, even trillions, yet so little is
the likelihood of survival that only the
tiniest fraction of them are destined to
give rise to a subsequent generation.
Fungus spores arc often formed
vcgetatively; that is, they develop at
the ends of the filaments by constric-
tion of the walls, or their appearance
may follow as the direct result, more
or less, of some form of sexual activity.
Those of the former type may occur
pretty much at random over the sur-
face of the relatively undifferentiated
mass of hyphae, or they may be more
or less enclosed in a fruiting body,
which in turn is made up of nonspore-
bearing filaments.
The manner in which the spores are
produced, and the appearance of the
fruiting body, is the primary type of
information upon which virtually all
classification schemes are based. This
is particularly true of the sexual spores.
We thus have four groups of fungi:
The Phycomycetes — the filaments
have no cross walls, and sexual activity
consists of the fusion of many-nucleated
male and female cells. In this group
alone the nonsexual spores are fre-
quently capable of swimming about,
and these fungi arc primarily found in
very moist situations.
The Ascomycetes — sexual spores,
typically in groups of eight, arc to be
found within a tiny sac, or ascus.
The Basidiomycetes — sexual spores,
two or four, arc borne upon the end of
a tiny club, or basidium. The rust and
smut fungi, which make up an impor-
tant segment of this group, have a
modified type of basidium clearly
homologous to the true basidium.
The Fungi imperfecti — only the
nonsexual type of spore is known for
this group, which otherwise greatly
resembles the Ascomycetes.
Within the group of the Ascomy-
cetes, particularly, further subdivi-
sions arc made on the basis of the type
of fruiting body in association with
which the sexual spores are produced.
The nonsexual type of spore forma-
tion generally is typical of the early
stages of disease, often during the
active growing season.
Sexual reproduction, on the other
hand, characteristically occurs in the
later phases of disease development,
prcliminarN' to a period of dormancy
during the winter. Of the common
diseases, the brown rot of stone fruits
illustrates the point as well as any.
Here, the fruit as it approaches
maturity will be literally enshrouded
with a soft, velvety mass of nonsexual
spores, millions of them, which are
responsible for the rapid spread of the
pathogen during the summer. Only
after the decayed fruit has shriveled,
dropped, and lain on the ground for a
full winter do the fragile trumpets of
the fruiting bodies appear, l:^aring
their countless sacs of ascospores.
These, in turn, carry the disease back
to the budding and blossoming trees in
Not only must an organism survive
in point of time; it must also be
distributed in space. With the excep-
tion of fragile motile cells in certain
Phycomycetes (and then only for very
limited absolute distances) fungi are
not self-propelled. They depend, there-
fore, on chance distribution by exterior
forces — wind, water movement, activ-
ity of birds and animals, insect carriers,
dissemination of host plants and plant
parts, and so on. To a large extent the
dissemination of fungi is through the
medium of their spores, tiny objects
often ideally suited for the purpose.
Fragments of hyphae, hard masses of
mycelium known as sclerotia (singu-
ular: sclerotium), and possibly other
entities account for the remainder.
Spore movement in the bulk of
fungus species is passive, although
flagellated forms occur in a few species
and in many others the initial dis-
charge is forcible. The distance to
which fungus spores may be carried
by air currents, for example, is very
great. Because of this, and because of
the astonishing productivity of some
pathogens, we are witness to occa-
sional dramatic epidemics of disease.
No better illustrations of this exist in
the United States than the northward
sweep of the cereal stem rusts in the
Great Plains area, and the march of
potato late blight, tobacco blue mold,
and cucurbit downy mildew up the
eastern seaboard.
Assuming the successjEul growth, re-
production, and the dissemination of
fungi, and their establishment upon
a host plant, there must yet be times
when their continued existence depends
upon their surviving a period gC
relatively unfavorable conditions. This
can mean either extremes of tempera-
ture, moisture deficiency, oxygen in-
adequacy, or simply a period during
which there are no available host
plants. Survival may depend upon the
presence of thick-walled spores, of
sclerotia, or upon the ability to live
for some time as a saprophyte upon
the organic matter in the soil.
Much emphasis is placed, in teach-
ing plant pathology, for example, on
the life history, or life cycle, of each
fungus. On that basis, one may think
of diseases as developing during that
part of the life of a fungus when it is
actively growing in association with a
host plant.
Pathogenic disease, after all, is not
a thing but a condition — a state of
unstable equilibrium that results from
the interaction of at least two living
Numerous technical terms have
come into wide usage. A few at least
are instructive:
Inoculation — tha t c ircumstance where-
by the pathogen and host come inti-
mately into contact, as by the falling
of an airborne spore onto a leaf sur-
face. Inoculation might also be ac-
complished through the intervention
of man or animal.
Invasion — entry, passive or active, of
the pathogen into the host.
Establishment — development by the
fungus of a successful association with
the host tissues, enabling further de-
velopment of the pathogen.
Incubation — development of patho-
gen, in association with the host, prior
to the appearance of conspicuous,
recognizable symptoms of disease.
Characteristics of host (age, abun-
dance, presence of wounds, degree of
resistance) as well as of the pathogen
enter into the above-mentioned events,
as do considerations of the environ-
ment. Not infrequently a third organ-
ism — man, insect, bird, nematode, or
other animal — may have a decisive
role. Whatever the factors involved,
and at whatever stage, the final de-
velopment of well-defined disease is
the result of a vast complex of ele-
Sporulation, important as it is from
other viewpoints, is of little significance
with regard to the particular host
plant involved. Damage is done dur-
ing the essentially vegetative phase of
pathogen development and is largely
realized by the time spore formation
The very core of the whole problem
of fungi as causal agents of plant dis-
ease lies in the phrase “host-parasite
relation.” It is disappointing, but not
surprising, to realize that of all phases
this is pre.sently the least well known.
We do not even know, in the vast
majority of cases, in just what way a
given pathogen is harmful to its host,
whether it is a matter of food compe-
tition, toxin secretion, enzyme dis-
turbance, or the like. Some specific
considerations are nonetheless useful.
Parasitism may be cither obligate,
in the sense that the pathogen will not
grow actively save on living tissue;
or facultative, indicating that it may
grow well at certain stages of its life
cycle on nonliving organic matter.
The obligate parasites usually have a
very specific association with their
hosts, the cells of the latter being
invaded l;y microscopic outgrowths
of the hyphae called haustoria. These
are thought, but not fully proved, to be
absorptive in function. Facultative
parasites, on the other hand, often
injure by the secretion of extracellular
Certain fungi are strictly local in
their effect, producing lesions on leaf,
stem, or root system, though their
localism may at times be an expression
of host resistance. Other fungi are
selective with respect to particular
tissues, as exemplified by the va.scu]ar
wilt organisms, which are confined
to the water-conducting tissues, or the
chestnut blight fungus, injuring the
cambium layer. Still others are indis-
criminate, establishing themselves at
various points, and at times destroying
the entire plant.
There is the anticipated correlation
between the mode of dissemination of
the fungus and its relation to the host.
In general, leaf, stem, and fruit dis-
eases are caused by airborne or insect-
carried fungi, root diseases by soil-
inhabiting species. Some vascular wilts
are caused by soil fungi, some by fungi
possessing insect vectors.
While there is probably no really
simple host-pathogen relation, the
complexity achieved in certain in-
stances is truly impressive. Possibly the
best understood instances of a complex
interrelationship are to be found in the
so-called heteroccious rusts. Here one
is confronted with a pathogen that is an
obligate parasite, having as many as
five distinct spore types, and compelled
to alternate from season to season be-
tween two botanically very difierent
host species. How such a situation
evolved over the past ages remains a
complete mystery.
It goes almost without saying that
critically accurate knowledge of the de-
tails of pathogen life cycles is essential
to the development and application of
effective control measures.
The attention given the fungi as
causes of plant disease seems in large
measure due to two further charactci -
istics. In the first place, it is the fungus
diseases of plants (by contrast w'ith
those of bacterial and virus origin) that
are most easily controlled by chemical
applications in the form of sprays and
dusts. Added to this is the fact tliat
fungi arc responsible for a much larger
number of the rapidly spreading, hence
epidemic, diseases than are viruses or
Whatever the reason, it is the spo-
radic dhseases of this nature that bring
about the greatest hardships on the in-
dividual farmer. Small wonder then
that our most publicized maladies are
wheat rust, apple scab, potato blight,
and the like.
Russell B. Stevens is associate pro-
fessor of botany in the University of Ten-
nessee, He obtained his doctorate at the
University of Wisconsin in ig^o and served
in the Army Medical Department during the
Second World War, He is author with his
late father of a textbook^ Disease in Plants.
Identifying a
William W, Diehl
From the beginning to the end of its
life the health of every seed plant, wild
or cultivated, is affected by fungi.
Even though a seed within a fruit or
capsule may be sterile, it comes into
contact with fungal spores and hyphac
as soon as it is exposed to the air or is
in contact with the ground. Spores
arc micro.scopic, seedlike, reproductive
bodies, and hyphae are the micro-
scopic vegative growths of fungi.
The air is literally charged with
spores, and the soils of the whole earth
are full of living spores and hyphae of
different kinds of fungi. Most of the
fungi are innocuous. Many are bene-
ficial. But some thousands of recog-
nizably different kinds of fungi are now
known to be pathogens, or agents of
disease, in plants.
Practical measures for the prevention
and control of plant diseases depends
in large part upon scientific knowledge
of each pathogen and its role in nature.
Since there are more than 100,000
recorded names of supposedly different
kinds or species of fungi, the specific
identification of a single specimen or
culture of a fungus involves the exclu-
sion of some 99,999 naSnes. That is a
technical problem akin in complexity
and difficulty to the isolation and iden-
tification of any one out of 100,000
chemical compounds.
But the problem is not insuperable.
There is a general procedure that leads
the way out of the apparent chaos of
more than 100,000 names.
First of all the specimen must be
subjected to critical examination in
order to determine any and all features
that characterize it. Spores and fnic-
dheations, or spwre-bearing structures,
are the most significant features for
diagnostic purposes.
To sec the features to best advantage
under the different powers of the com-
pound microscope requires special
preparation for each kind of material.
The form as well as the texture of a
fungal fructification, whether moldlike
and fluffy or a solid structure, will
determine the best method of treat-
Most fructifications of microfungi are
best viewed at first in place by reflected
light with a hand lens or, better yet, a
stereoscopic microscope, followed by
examinadon under the different pow-
ers of the compound microscope of a
very minute fragment mounted in
water or in a staining medium.
Molds arc more or less easily
mounted in water or special mounting
media, although they frequendy re-
quire preliminary treatment with a
^ing fluid to prevent a loss of spore
heads, chains, or other delicately
attached structurc.s. Nevertheless, if
immature stages are placed directly in
the mountant, those structures that are
too readily detached when mature
often tend to remain in place so that
their genesis is more readily observed.
If a fructification is large and opaque
its anatomy can be discerned only
in sections. Microtome sections made
from materials imbedded in paraffin
or nitrocellulose are the acme in ele-
gance and are essential if good photo-
micrographic records are desired.
Under ordinary circumstances, how-
ever, their preparation is too time-
consuming to be justified, since for
most practical purposes satisfactory
sections are quicldy made free-hand or
by means of the freezing microtome.
With moderate practice, excellent free-
hand sections can be made using elder
pith, carrot, or other convenient plant
material as a clamp to hold a fragment
firmly while slicing a number of sec-
tions among which only the best need
be selected for study. If the material is
too scanty to permit wastage or if the
operator has not mastered the more
rapid technique of free-hand section-
ing, recourse may be had to the freez-
ing microtome. Although a second-
rate instrument as microtomes go, it
has its advantages. Fungal structures
that arc too hard for easy sectioning or,
after sectioning, arc too impenetrable
to transmitted light may usually be
softened or cleared by soaking for a
suitable period in some softener or
clearing agent, such as a solution of
potassium hydroxide or chloral hy-
drate. Clearing agents effectively re-
move fats and oils. Often after their
use, structural details not otherwise
evident are rendered more distinguish-
able, especially if they are stained. Cer-
tain mounting media, which clear and
stadn at one operation, are distinctly
advantageous although the unstained
aqueous mounts are usually satis-
factory, especially so for water molds if
the microscope illuminant is properly
adjusted. A pha.se microscope is of
decided advantage for living materials.
If the living specimen or culture
possesses well-marked, matured spore-
bearing structures, it is usually ade-
quate for study. But if it bears no
fructifications or only immature ones,
they may often be produced or forced
into recognizable maturity by such
expedients as immersing them in
water or keeping them in a moist
atmosphere for a convenient period.
Moist chambers arc easily improvised
by placing wet blotting paper under
a bell jar or in a closed mason jar.
It is sometimes preferable to keep
specimens moist by having them
wrapped in a wet towel. If there is
any likelihood that the fungus requires
an especially low or high temperature
for maturation, that condition should
be met.
Diagnostic features of many fungi
are best developed through pure cul-
ture on selected artificial media in
petri dishes. Standard media are par-
ticular combinations of nutrients and
agar gel, but there is a wide choice of
formulas. The growth reactions of
some species arc characteristic on cer-
tain media and not on others. In pure
culture on artificial media a species
may, hirthermore, present a different
app>earance from that in nature.
Hence it may be needful to grow it
upon the natural substrate to obtain
the development of normal fructifi-
Having observed and interpreted
the more significant morphological
features, one records them, at least
tentatively, by means of sketches and
notes. One pays special attention to
In general, spores and spore-bearing
structures are preferably measured in
water mounts, because published de-
scriptions of these features have usually
included dimensions determined from
material mounted in water. The re-
corded characters are then utilized in
tracing through analytical keys of the
fungi to the several classes, orders,
families, and genera, and finally to a
There are several standard keys in
general use that lead to families and
genera. G. W. Martin’s key to families
in the very useful Dictionary of the
Fungi (third edition, 1950), by G. C.
Ainsworth and G. R. Bisby, is a sim-
plified and modern presentation, but
for keys to genera one is forced to
seek elsewhere. The keys to be found
in E. A. Bessey’s Morphology and Tax-
onomy of the Fungi (1950) are valuable
for teaching purposes, but lead to
representative genera only. The key to
The Genera oj Fungi (1931), by F. E.
Clements and C. L. Shear, and those
to be found in Englcr and PrantFs
Pfaturlkhen Pflanzenfamihen (1897-
1900), although today somewhat out-
moded, arc still essential references.
When a decision is reached as to the
genus to which the fungus under con-
sideration belongs, the problem re-
mains of finding suitable literature
bearing specific descriptions. The
Guide to the Literature oJ the Fungi, the
last chapter in Bessey’s book, lists the
more useful monographs and com-
pendia as references. Yet one cannot
depend upon compendia and mono-
graphs alone. They are out of date as
soon as printed. It is therefore neces-
sary to take account of the numerous
increments constantly being published
— hence the need for access to well-
cataloged library facilities.
Host indexes as short cuts are legiti-
mate aids in quickly finding specific
names that might apply. A pathogen
may, of course, have thus far escaped
record as upon the particular host,
but it is likely to be recorded, if at all,
on some related host. A. B. l^ymour’s
Host Index (1929), based upon a com-
plete but unpublished catalog of rec-
ords up to 1924 and partly through
1926, is supplemented by the later
detailed cumulative Index oJ Plant
Diseases in the United States (1950) by
F. Weiss and (1952, 1953) by F. Weiss
and M. J. O’Brien. Various foreign
lists of fungi and plant diseases, no-
tably the anonymous List of Common
British Plant Diseases (University Press,
Cambridge, 1944) and the Enumeratio
Fungorum (1919-1924), by C. A. J. A.
Oudemans, are useful because most
fungi tend to be cosmopolitan.
Actually, host indexes, like regional
lists, are merely suggestions in deter-
mining identities, and one must ulti-
mately depend on monographs, sup-
plemented by the comparisons with
herbarium specimens, including cited
fungi exsiccati. Fungi cxsiccati are stand-
ard replicate herbarium specimens of
definite reference value, but compari-
sons with authentic specimens and
with types constitutes a court of last
Considerable information on taxo-
nomic techniques with fungi is to be
found in G. R. Bisby’s Introduction to
the Taxonomy and Nomenclature of the
Fungi (1945) and in M. Langeron’s
Precis de Mycologie (1945)- Whether a
fungus in culture is an exact replicate
of a species with ample record of
pathogenicity can of course be deter-
mined only by means of culture studies
with inoculation experiments in order
to reveal comparable growth reactions
and host symptoms.
When the identity of the fungus
seems assured, there is still the ques«
tion whether its name is acceptable.
Even if a specific name (epithet) has
been found entirely applicable to the
specimen at hand — that is, its fea-
tures agree in all details with those
noted in the description and it very
closely resembles the type and other
specimens regarded as authentic —
there is always the likelihood that there
may be other names (synonyms) that
might apply equally well. If one or
more names are found to be synonyms,
a decision must be made as to which
is the correct one to use, according to
the current International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature ( 1 952) . Each of the several
synonyms may be valid — that is, it has
been properly published — but con-
formity with the Code will determine
which combination of generic and spe-
cific names is legitimate and, therefore,
the proper choice. The present Code
epitomizes the evolution in the nomen-
clature of fungi that began with the
pioneer w^ork of the eighteenth century.
Some persons, even specialists them-
selves, at times assume that the most
expeditious w'ay to get specimens or
cultures identified is to refer them to
individuals in other institutions. If the
recipient is both competent and oblig-
ing, he is soon so overburdened w'ith
requests, many of them trivial but time
consuming, that his own eficctiveness
in service and research is vitiated. Ac-
tually, the number of experienced my-
cologists equipped with laboratory,
catalogs, and library facilities adequate
for this kind of service in the United
States, or in any other country for that
matter, is limited to a few persons in a
few in.slitutions.
The taxonomist’s concern, as well as
his experience, is generally limited to
particular genera or families. He nat-
urally welcomes specimens and cul-
tures that apply to his specialty; for
him they arc relatively easy to deter-
mine or else they challenge his mettle.
Of course, no taxonomist can avoid a
certain amount of drudgery; yet he
should not be expected to determine
the many common pathogens that
ought to be^ more familiar to the send-
ers. Some fairly common pathogens
are often less familiar to tlie mycologist
and can pose for him as much of a
problem as any other unknowm fungus.
The sender is morally obligated to
explain the significance and impor-
tance of his request, to supply the spec-
imen or culture in good condition and
in ample amount, as well as to accom-
pany it with all pertinent data: Sub-
strate, locality, date, etc. Since speci-
mens and even cultures too often in-
clude more than one organism always
possible as later contaminants, the
sender sliould send microscopic prepa-
rations and sketches, sometimes even
photographs, to avoid any possible
confusion. Obviously, any materials
entrusted to the mails should be so
prepared that on receipt they w'ill be
in good order and not an unrecogniz-
able mass mixed with broken glass.
As Bisby has remarked, “it is a matter
of professional etiquette not to send
parts of the same colicction [or dupli-
cate cultures] to be named by different
experts”— to which may be added,
“unless the different exficrts are so
notified.” It is almost universally con-
sidered unethical for one to publish
without acknowledgment a detenni-
natiun provided by another. It is fur-
thermore a convention that, lacking
special agreement to the contrary, any
specimens sent to another for deter-
mination become the property of the
recipient for deposit in the herbarium
where he is employed and that he he^
the right to publish at his own discre-
tion the result of his researches upon
such materials.
William W. Diehl is a mycologist in
the division of mycology and disease surv^
at the Plant Iridustry Station, Beltsville,
Md. He has served the Department of Agri^
culture in Washington and at Beltsville
since igiy. He is a graduate of Miami
University and holds advanced degrees from
Iowa State College and Harvard University.
Problems of
in Fungi
E. C. Stakman, J, J. Christensen
Many plant disease fungi are known
to be complex and variable, but the
degree of complexity is imperfectly
known for most of them and is not
well enough known for any of them.
This complexity is not surprising
because many of the crop plants in
which the fungi live are equally
complex. There are more than 14,000
varieties of wheat; there are un-
numbered varieties of apples, beans,
corn, roses, iris, and other cultivated
and wild plants. Moreover, man and
Nature arc continually making new
varieties by mutation and by hybridi-
zation and selection.
Plant disf'ase fungi also are plants.
They are parasitic on higher plants.
Most are microscopic in size and
relatively simple in structure, but they
are plants nevertheless. They germi-
nate, grow, and fructify; they mul-
tiply by the countless billions; they
mutate and hybridize; consequently
Nature has made countless kinds in
the past and is continually making
more kinds through mutation and
hybridization. As plant breeders pro-
duce better kinds of useful plants,
therefore, Nature may produce more
destructive fungi. It is the job of plant
pathologists to learn what the para-
sitic fungi are now doing and what
they may do in the future to jeopardize
or nullify man’s success in plant im-
provement. To understand present
plant disease situations and to predict
possible future developments, it is
essential to learn as much as possible
about the variability in fungi patho-
genic to plants. Other kinds of causal
agents of plant diseases, such as viruses
and bacteria, must be studied sim-
ilarly, but the present discussion is
restricted to fungi.
The principles of growth and re-
production in plant pathogenic fungi
arc similar to those for higher plants,
except that fungi have no chlorophyll,
which enables green plants to make
their food from simple materials in
the soil and air. The fungi therefore
must live on living plants or animals
or their products. The fungus parasites
of plants live in or on living plants and
get their nourishment from them by
means of minute tubes, or hyphae,
that grow, branch, and form a net-
work known as the mycelium, which
finally produces many tiny spores.
Spores serve the same propagative
and reproductive function as the seeds
of higher plants, but spores arc much
smaller and simpler in structure than
seeds. Spores usually have one or at
most a few cells and do not contain
an embryo as do seeds. Nevertheless
they germinate and produce new
fungus plants with the parental char-
acters. The conditions required for
germination arc similar to those for
seeds, moisture and suitable tempera-
ture being the most important. The
time needed for germination varies
with the kind of spore and the tem-
perature; it varies from about an hour
to several days. Many fungi produce
millions or even billions of spores in a
few days to a few weeks and can there-
fore produce countless numbers in a
few short generations. That is one
reason why they are so dangerous.
Some spores are produced asexually
and some only as a result of sexual
fusions. The same fungus may produce
several kinds of spores asexually, but
usually produces only one kind sexu-
ally. Successive crops of asexual sporCiS
are generally produced abundantly
and quickly when conditions favor
growth of the fungus, and the sexual
spores are usually formed when the
vegetative period is terminating. Each
kind of spore has a special name; thus
some of the rusts produce five kinds of
spores or sp)orelike bodies — teliospores,
sporidia, pycniospores, acciospores, and
urcdosporcs, each with special form
and function.
The principles and procedures in
classifying and naming fungi are simi-
lar to those for higher plants. Species
of higher plants arc determined by
morphologic characters of the vegeta-
tive and fruiting structures, including
seeds. Similarly species of fungi are
determined by the characters of the
mycelium, of the spore-producing or-
gans, and of the spores themselves. The
unit of measurement for fungus spores
is the micron, which is one one-thou-
sandth of a millimeter; 25 millimeters
make an inch. The range in size is
from about 4 microns to more than
100 microns and, together with shape,
color, and certain other characters, is
characteristic for each species.
Visible characters are used for group-
ing higher plants and plant pathogenic
fungi into classes, orders, families, gen-
era, species, and varieties. Thus it Ls
easy to distinguish larger groups of
agricultural plants, such a.s grasses and
legumes. It is equally easy to distin-
guish larger groups of fungi, such as
smuts and rusts. But there are many
kinds of wild and cultivated grasses,
such as timothy, bromegrasses, oats,
barley, rye, rice, corn, and wheal; and
there arc many kinds of legumes, such
as beans, peas, soybeans, alfalfa, and
clover. Likewise, there are many kinds
of smuts, such as the loose smut of
wheat, the stinking smuts of wheat,
common corn smut, and rye smut, and
there are more than 3,000 kinds of
plant rusts. It is relatively ea.sy to rec-
ognize these major groups of higher
plants and of fungi, but it becomes in-
creasingly harder to classify the smaller
groups, such as species and varieties.
The agronomist must know not only
wheat, a genus scientifically de.sig-
nated by its Latin name Triticum^ but
he must know the species of wheats,
such as the common bread wheat, 7W-
ticum vulgare; the durum wheats, T.
durum; and several other species or sub-
species. He must know also thousands
of varieties of bread wheats and hun-
dreds of varieties of durum. And he
must learn alx)ut the new lines and
potential varieties that continually are
being produced. Likewise the plant
pathologist must know the genera,
species, varieties, and “lines” of the
fungi that parasitize different kinds of
wheat, and he must learn about the
new ones that continually appear.
Moreover, the agronomist must
know not only what crop plants look
like, but also how they behave and
what they are good for. He must know
whether a variety of wheat is a winter
wheat or a spring wheat, whether it is
winter hardy, where it grows well,
whether it makes good flour or poor
flour, and whether it is susceptible or
resistant to disease; and the plant pa-
thologist must know not only what spe-
cies of plant disease fungi look like l.)ut
must also know their pathogenicity for
the many different kinds and varieties
of plants.
Most sp^ecies of plant pathogenic
fungi arc equally as complex in com-
position as sfjecies of crop plants, and
it is therefore necessary to find out
what is within the species. As an exam-
ple, the species Puccinia graminis^ the
stern rust of small grains and gra.sses,
is recognized easily by its general ap-
pearance and by certain cliaracters of
its spores. But there are several varie-
ties w ithin the species that are alike in
some characters and difl'erent in others,
including the kinds of crop) p)lants that
they can attack. Thus the variety tritici
of Puccinia graminis para.sitizcs wheat,
barley, and many w'ild gras.ses; the
variety aumae parasitizes oats and cer-
tain w'ild grasses but not wheat and
barley; w'ithin the tritici variety there
are races that differ in their ability to
attack certain varieties of wheat; with-
in the variety avenae there are races that
differ in ability to attack varieties of
oats. Kanred, as an example, is im-
mune to some races of the variety tritici
and susceptible to others. These rust
races in turn can be subdivided into
the ultimate subdivisions, the biotypes.
A biotype is a population of indi-
viduals that are identical genetically.
The descendants of a single non-
scxually produced stem rust spore
constitute a biotype, unless mutation
occurs to cause genetic diversity. The
test of genetic purity of a population of
a pathogenic fungus is the consistency
of its behavior. Most species of plant
pathc^enic fungi comprise many bio-
types, and attempts are made to group
the most closely related ones into races
and then to group the most closely
related races into varieties, which in
turn are grouped into species. Actually
the procedure usually is in the reverse
direction: The larger groups arc recog-
nized first, and the successively smaller
groups are discovered by successively
more refined methods. This can be
illustrated by results of investigations
of Puccinia gramims, the fungus that
causes stem rust of small grains and
gras.ses. (The discussion of stern rust is
based on results of cooperative in-
vestigations between the United States
Department of Agriculture and the
University of Minnesota, which were
begun in 1914 and continued by many
investigators under the general super-
vision of the senior author, who regrets
that the contributions of the many
administrators and investigators can-
not be specifically mentioned without
interrupting the continuity of the
Puccinia graminis is a good species
within which there are clearly recog-
nizable varieties, races, and biotypes.
There arc at least six rather distinct
varieties that difl'er in size of spores
and in the kinds of plants that they
can attack: (i) tritici (wheat), whose
host plants arc wheat, barley, and
many wild grasses; (2) secalis (rye), rye,
barley, and many wild grasses like
those attacked by tritiev, (3) avenae
(oats), oats and wild grasses different
from those attacked by tritici\ (4)
phleipratensis (timothy), timothy and
certain wild grasses; (5) agrostidis
(redtop), redtop and other species of
Agrostis\ (6) poae (bluegrass), Kentucky
bluegrass (Poa pratensis) and related
There probably are more varieties
than the six listed, and new ones may
appear in future as a result of mutation
or hybridization. Races are known
within the varieties tritici^ avenae^ and
secalis. Although there sometimes arc
at least slight morphologic differences
between races within a variety, the
most important and most easily recog-
nizable differences are in the degree of
infection (pathogenicity) on certain
varieties within the genera Triticum
(wheat), Avena (oats), and Secale (rye),
respectively. The crop varieties, desig-
nated as differential varieties, now
used to distinguish races within the
tritici and avenae varieties, were selected
from hundreds that were tested, and,
at the time of selection, appeared to be
representative and adequate for dis-
tinguishing races.
'Fhc differential varieties of wheat
Triticum compactum (club wheats):
Little Club, C. I. 4066 (Cereal In-
vestigations accession number. De-
partment of Agriculture). (Certain
lines of Jenkin, C. I. 5177, notably
Hood, C. I. 11456, may be substituted
for Little Club.)
Triticum vulgare (bread wheats):
Marquis, C. I. 3641; Reliance, C. I.
7370 (certain lines of Kanred, C. I.
5146, can generally be substituted
for Reliance); Kota, G. I. 5878.
Triticum monococcum (Einkorn): Ein-
korn, C. I. 2433.
Triticum durum (durum or macaroni
wheats): Arnautka, C. I. 1493; Min-
dum, C. I. 5296; Spelmar, C. 1 . 6236;
Kubanka, C. 1 . 2094; Acme, C. 1 .
Triticum dicoccum (cmiher); Vernal,
C. 1 . 3686; Khapli, C. I. 4013.
When inoculated with different
races, these varieties may he sus-
ceptible (S), resistant (R), or hetero-
geneous (mesothetic) (M). Each of
these classes is subdivided into infec-
tion types, based on size of pustules
(small iDlisterlike eruptions containing
from a few to 250,000 rust spores),
and the condition of the wheat tissue
in which pustules are formed. The
rust stage which is used in identifica-
tion is the repeating or summer-spore
stage, called also the urcdial stage;
and the pustules of this stage are
called also urcdia (singular, uredium).
(0) Immune — No rust pustules de-
veloped; small flecks of dead host tis-
sue sometimes present and designated
by a semicolon, thus, o;.
(1) Very Resistant — Rust pustules
extremely- small and surrounded by
dead areas.
(2) Moderately Resistant — Pustule
small to medium; usually in green is-
lands of host tissue surrounded by a
band of yellowish (chlorotic) or dead
(3) Moderately Susceptible — Pustules
medium in size; usually separate, no
dead areas, but yellowish (chlorotic)
areas may be present, especially under
unfavorable conditions.
(4) Very Susceptible — Pustules large
and often united; no dead tissue, but
there may be leaf yellowing under un-
favorable growing conditions.
(x) Heterogeneous — Size of pustules
variable, sometimes including all of
the above types and intergradations
between them on the same leaf.
That gi'ouping indicates the types
of infection produced by rust races
on the differential varieties of wheat.
As indicators of resistance or suscepti-
bility of the wheat varieties, the infec-
tion types are grouped as follows:
Types o, i, and 2 are resistant (R);
types 3 and 4 are susceptible types
(S) ; and type x is mesothctic (variable)
It will be seen, therefore, that vari-
eties are considered resistant when the
rust is unable to grow extensively and
produce pustules on them or when the
pustules are extremely small, as indi-
cated by types i and 2. The small
pustules arc likely to be surrounded
by discolored or dead host tissue, but
the area*- killed arc almost always
very small, so that the rust actually
docs very little damajge to the variety.
The production of infection types 3
and 4 on varieties indicates that they
are susceptible, because the rust can
grow well and produce large pustules
with large numbers of spores, without
killing the host tissues of the wheat
plant quickly and thus limiting its
own growth, as the rust cannot grow
in dead tissue. The infection type x
is variable and therefore is an indica-
tion that the resistance or suscepti-
bility of the variety is also variable.
To identify rust races, seedling plants
of the 12 differential varieties arc in-
oculated in the greenhouse by applying
rust spores to them, after which the
inoculated plants are kept in a moist
chamber for 24 hours to provide mois-
ture for the spores to germinate and
cause infection. It takes i to 2 weeks
for the rust to produce a new crop of
spores. For the identification of races,
only three reaction classes are used,
namely: resistant (R), susceptible (S),
and mesothctic (M). The races are
designated by numbers; the differences
between races 56 and 59 arc shown in
the table:
Little Club
Race 59
Rf liance
" R
The table shows that there arc de-
cided differences between races 56 and
59. Both races attack Little Club
normally. Marquis, Reliance, and
Kota are susceptible to race 56 and
resistant to race 59. Amautka, Min-
dum, and Spelmar are resistant to both
races. They differ again on Kubanka
and are the same on Acme. They differ
on Einkom and produce the same
effect on Vernal and Khapli. They
produce the same effect on seven vari-
eties but differ on five of them. They
are therefore distinctly different races,
as determined by their ability to attack
certain varieties of wheat.
Race 59 comprises several known
biotypes. The collections of rust from
the United States and Mexico that
were identified by E. C. Stakman and
colleagues as race 59 between 1929
and 1944 produced the infection types
given in the foregoing. Collections of
rust taken from the field may contain
several races, which are separated
from each other by appropriate inoc-
ulations on differential varieties and
the different races can then be isolated
and cultured separately. Each purified
culture is called an isolate. During a
season when many collections of rust
are identified, many isolates of the
same race are made, and a number of
them usually arc kept for comparative
tests at the same time and under the
same conditions.
In 1944 an isolate from a collection
that was obtained directly from bar-
berry bushes in Massachusetts produced
infection type 2 on Reliance wheat in-
stead of the type o, which was char-
acteristic of the race; soon thereafter
a similar isolate was obtained from a
collection of rusted barberry leaves
from Wasliington State. When com-
parative tests were made between
isolates that produced type o and
those that produced type 2, the dif-
ference proved to be consistent, in-
dicating that the isolates were geneti-
cally different. As the isolates could not
be subdivided further, it was concluded
that each was pure genetically, and
they were considered as two biotypes
of the same race, 59, because they
were alike on 1 1 varieties and the
difference on the one variety. Reliance,
was slight; Reliance was immune to
one and highly resistant to the other.
The new biotype was therefore desig-
nated as race 59A. Later in 1944 two
other isolates, also from barberry,
differed slightly but consistently from
the other two on Kota wheat, and
they were designated as 59B, and 59C,
respectively. The infection types pro-
duced by the four biotypes on Re-
liance and Kota are:
Reliance Kota
59 o o;
59^* • • a o;
59® 2 a
59C o 2
(The semicolon after o indicates that
there were small flecks of dead wheat
tissue, but no pustules.)
These minor differences in infection
types on Reliance and Kota seemed
scientifically interesting rather than
practically important until it was
found that 59A is much more virulent
than 59 on certain previously resistant
varieties of barley. Clearly, then, the
differences between at least two bio-
types of race 59 on the differential
varieties of wheat are not the only
differences between them, and, if they
could be tested on all known varieties
of wheat and barley, additional dif-
ferences might be found which would
justify considering them as separate
races. As new' varieties of W'heat arc
produced, rust isolates that now appear
identical may prove to be difi'erent.
Race 15 is a good example.
Race 1 5 of wheat stem rust was dis-
covered in 1918. The race was easy to
identify; all of the 12 differential
varieties of wiieat except Khapli are
susceptible to it. The identification of
njst collections from different places
in the United States disclosed that
some isolates of race 15 were slightly
more virulent than others, but the
dilTercnces were neither great nor
consistent enough to justify the con-
clusion that they were genetically
different — that is, different biotypes.
The first conckisive evidence that some
isolates were less virulent than others
was obtained by studying a collection
from Japan, which produced smaller
pustules on some differential wheat
varieties than any of the United States
collections. All of the differential va-
rieties except Khapli were susceptible,
but some were distinctly less suscep-
tible than to isolates from the collec-
tions previously studied. The Japanese
rust was therefore designated as 1 5A, a
distinct biotypc.
Race 15 therefore included at least
two biotyf)es, and it was suspected but
not proved that there were still others.
In 1937, however, an isolate was ob-
tained that was distinctly more viru-
lent on some differential wheat varie-
ties than any previously studied, and
it was therefore designated as 15B, a
third biotype within race 1 5.
Although clearly different genet-
ically, the known differences between
the biotype originally designated as
race 15 and those subsequently found
and designated cis 15A and 15B were
not great enough to justify considering
them as separate races. As i5)B ap-
peared to be a potential menace to
resistant varieties grown in northern
United States, attempts were made to
learn as much as possible about it.
As it occurred only sparingly in nature,
however, studies had to be limited to
the very few isolates that could be ob-
tained. Attempts were made to find
varieties that would distinguish more
clearly l)etween 15 and 15B. After
extensive investigation, research work-
ers found that a relatively new variety,
Rival, and ar Australian hybrid,
Kenya x Gular, w^ere fairly good
differentials. Finally the new variety
Lee (Hope x Timstein), released to
growers by the Minnesota Agricultural
Experiment Station and the Depart-
ment o* Agriculture in 1951, proved
resistant to 15 and susceptible to 15B,
thus serving as a new indicator or
differential variety for distinguishing
clearly between 15 and 15B on the
basis of resistance and susceptibility
instead of on the le.ss satisfactory basis
of degrees of susceptibility. That
seemed like progress in understanding
a complex situation, but the situation
itself soon became more complex.
In 1950 race 15B became wide-
spread and prevalent in North
America for the first time — at least
since races of w'heat stem rust were
recognized. Previously it had been
found occasionally near barberry
bushes, especially in the Eastern
States; consequently it had not been
possible to study many collections of
15 or i^B, either because they did not
exist or could not be found among
the approximately r,ooo collections
of wheat stem rust identified each year.
But in 1950 there was abundant
material because 15B caused a destruc-
tive epidemic on previously resistant
varieties in parts of Minnesota and the
Dakotas and was isolated from 3 1 7 of
the 810 samples of w'hcat rust obtained
from 1 7 States.
AH of the 3 1 7 isolates that w'erc iden-
tified as 1 56 in 1950 produced essen-
tially the same infection types on the
12 differential varieties of wheat and
on Lee wheat; otherwise they would
not have been designated as 15B.
There were some indications, how- *
ever, that some of the isolates were not
completely identical. Iliese results were
obtained by the senior author and his
colleagues at the Federal Rust Labora-
tory, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn.
Therefore 17 selected isolates were
tested on 99 additional varieties of
wheat and on 17 varieties of barley.
Those tests — which were made by
Rosendo Postigo, a graduate student
at the University of Minnesota, witli
the collaboration of Helen Hart and
E, C. Stakman— “disclosed that 14 of
the 1 7 isolates differed clearly in their
effects on one or more of these varieties,
some of which had been produced
recently. It is evident, then, tliat bio-
types of rust that seem to be identical
because of their identical behavior on
many varieties may prove to be differ-
ent if additional biologic indicators can
be found. The w^heat varieties are, of
course, really biologic indicators or
testers, and mu.st be depended on for
distinguishing between rust biotypes,
because the rust grows only on living
plants and there is no known method
of distinguishing between biotypes ex-
cept by their effects on varieties of
living plants.
The experience wdth race 1 5 and 1 5B
shows that recognition of differences
between biotypes and between races
depends on the availability of host vari-
etics that react differently to them, and
new varieties may serve as additional
differentials. Conclusions regarding
rust races therefore are limited by the
varieties available at a given time; fur-
thermore, as new races are continually
being produced, it is necessary period-
ically to revise the classification of
Puccinia graminis is a good example of
the complexity within the species,
within the variety and even with-
in races. There arc a great many bio-
types, and their recognition and group-
ing into races for practical purposes are
subject to limitations of suitable differ-
ential varieties at any given time and
place. To recognize the differences be-
tween all biotypes in existence would
require that all varieties of wheat, bar-
ley, and many grasses be inoculated
under several combinations of environ-
mental conditions with an adequate
sample of rust collections from the
world — and while that w'as being done,
many new' biotypes probably would
have been produced by mutation and
The problem of identifiying races is
difficult not only because different bio-
types may appear alike on many vari-
eties and under many environmental
conditions. It is difficult also becatise
the infection types jiroduced by a
single biotype on a single variety may
vary widely with environmental con-
ditions. As an example, Australian and
American isolates of race 34 of P. gra-
minis tritici differ in temperature rela-
tions and in color, thus suggesting that
different bio types may behave alike at
certain temperatures but not at others.
Certain races produce a type x infec-
tion under some conditions but not
under others. Thus the only known dif-
ference between races 17 and 37 of P.
graminis tritici is that the latter produces
type X on Kubanka w'hile race 1 7 pro-
duces tyf)c 3 to 4. Likewise, the differ-
ence between races 36 and 125 is that
the latter produces type x on Ku-
banka; the difference between the
races is genetic, but it is slight and vari-
able enough to be obscured by differ-
4 *
ences in light and temperature. The
same is true of some of the rac6s of oats
stem rust, Puccinia graminis avenae.
Despite the difficulties, it has been
possible in the past to explore within
the species Puccinia graminis sufficiently
to explain differences in behavior of
stem rust of wheat and oats in different
times and places and to predict what
is likely to happen in the future. Some
races arc relatively stable genetically
and therefore are consistent in be-
havior historically and geographically;
others are unstable and variable.
Knowledge regarding the diversity
within the species is incomplete. Were
it possible to grow all stages of the rust
on artificial media, it probably would
be possible to recognize many more
biotypes than is now possible.
Although most plant scientists arc
familiar with the life history of P. gram-
inisy its relation to genetic studies de-
serves emphasis. There are five stages:
Telial, sporidial, pycnial, accial, and
uredial. The mature black spores or
teliospores are diploid, but reduction
division occurs when they germinate,
and the sporidia formed on the four-
celled promycelia arc haploid and of
two sex groups. The sporidia can infect
only certain species of barberry (species
oiBcrberis and Mahonid) on which they
produce pycnia containing pycnio-
spores, which are in reality specialized
sex cells or gametes.
Although the pycnia and pycnio-
spores all look alike, they are of two
kinds sexually, having been produced
by sporidia of different sex. All the
pycniospores produced within a single
pycnium are of the same sex, so that
pycniospores from pycnia of different
sex must be brought together (in nature
this is usually done by insects) in order
to initiate the sexual Stage. This is
therefore roughly analogous to cross-
pollination in dioecious higher plants.
The nuclei of opposite sex pair at the
base of the aecium, divide simultane-
ously, but do not fuse for a long time.
From the “fertilized” pycnia are
formed the cluster cups or aecia on the
barberry, and in them are produced
the aeciospores, each with paired
nuclei of opposite sex. The aeciospores
cannot infect the barberry, but only
appropriate grains and grasses on
which the uredospores are produced
in pustules, or uredia. The uredaspores
contain paired nuclei also, and they
can infect only grains and grasses, but
this is the repeating stage of the fungus,
and successive generations of uredo-
spores can be produced indefinitely,
provided susceptible kinds of grains or
grasses are available and in vegetative
condition. When conditions become
unfavorable for the development of the
uredial stage, the telial stage is formed.
The young teliospores have paired
nuclei, which fuse within the spore,
and thus the final stage in the long
sexual pj;pcess results in the formation
of diploid nuclei. As the fused nuclei
may differ in factoi*s for pathogenicity,
segregation and recombination can re-
sult in the production of new biotypes.
The fact that the uredial stage of the
rust is the only one that can be clonally
propagated means that races must be
identified in this stage, and, since it
has paired nuclei of opposite sex that
later fuse in the telial stage, a single
heterozygous race may yield many
different races as a result of segregation
and recombination even if it is selfed.
In reality so many biotypes often can
be isolated from or near barberry that
it is extremely difficult to group them
into racc5, because many are so nearly
alike and becau.se it often is hard to
find varieties that show even the larger
The common com smut, Ustilago
zeaey is suitable for studying biotypes
within species. The smut spores
(chlamydospores) result from the fusion
of haploid nuclei. Accordingly the
chlamydospore nucleus has a set of
chromosomes from each parental
line — ^that is, double the number (dip-
loid) in each sex cell (gamete). On
germination, the spore sends out a
four-celled tube, the promycelium,
like that produced by teliospores of
stem rust. Each cell likewise produces
. a small, sporelike body, known as a
sporidium, which has a single nucleus
with half as many chromosomes (hap-
loid) as there are in the chlamydospore
nucleus; this results from reduction
division early in the process of ger-
mination. The sporidia are therefore
sex cells or gametes, like sperms and
eggs, except that those of different sex
cannot be distinguished by appear-
ance; they look alike, but those of op-
posite sex will conjugate (fuse) whUe
those of the same sex will not. The
test of sex, therefore, is behavior and
not appearance.
But these gametic sporidia are un-
like most specialized sex cells because
they can either multiply by ycastlike
budding or germinate like spores and
produce an extensive mycelium. This
stage of the smut can be grown on or
in sterilized nutrient media. Although
only about 8 microns long (one three-
thousandth of an inch), single sporidia
can be picked up with a micromanip-
ulator and placed on solid nutrient
media in sterilized flasks; within about
3 weeks colonies have formed, consist-
ing of about 2 billion sporidia or a net-
work of hyphae comprising a billion or
more cells, all derived from a single,
haploid cell. Such cultures arc called
monosporidial lines and are a single
bigtype, unless new biotypes are formed
by mutation. There 'is no chance for
segregation, because the original spor-
idia themselves arc the product of seg-
regation. The colonics produced from
different sporidia often differ in many
characters, such as size, color, and
surface patterns. It is like looking at
different kinds of forests from an air-
plane, with each forest comprising one
kind of tree.
E. C. Stakman and L. J. Tyler at the
University of Minnesota in 1934
crossed two monosporidial lines with
five clearly contrasting characters. By
1952 many investigators there had
produced about lo thousand different
biotypes from recombinations and
mutations among the descendants of
the two original sporidia. These bio-
types differ from each other in one or
many major or minor characters, in-
eluding size, color, and topography of
colonics, many other cultural charac-
ters, sporidial or mycelial growth type,
many physiologic characters, mutabil-
ity, and sex and pathogenicity. Oc-
casional monosporidial lines are dip-
loid instead of haploid, but they are
Color of colonies among these bio-
types ranges from aniline black through
many shades and tints of purple, brown,
pink, drab, and white. Innumerable
patterns and combinations of topo-
graphic patterns are superimposed on
the profuse array of colors- - various
kinds of concentric bands and ridges
and many kinds of radial lines, folds,
furrows, and ridges, some straight,
some curving clockwise and some
counterclockwise. There are many
types of marginal growth. Some bio-
types produce sporidia only. Others
produce mycelium only. There also are
many intermediate kinds, in which the
growth type is determined by the
amount of sugars in the medium.
Temperature requirements differ
and may affect relative survival in
mixtures of biotypes.
There are multiple sex groups and
many gradations in pathogcnicity.There
are wide differences in mutability, and
it is becoming evident that in cultures
of some of the most constant mono-
sporidial lines there are mutants whose
presence is masked under most con-
ditions by the growth of the original
lines. These masked mutants may
persist indefinitely without betraying
their presence unless special methods
or media are used to detect them.
Several significant facts have been
obtained from investigations of Ustilago
JZeae. There are thousands of haploid
bioty]x;s within the species. Biotypes
may differ from each other in one or
more of all known characters, includ-
ing pathogenicity. Differential media
may be necessary to distinguish be-
tween biotypes, just as differential
varieties of crop plants are necessary
to distinguish between physiologic
races and biotypes of rusts. The asex-
ually produced progeny of a single
haploid sporidium, which should con-
stitute a single biotype if there were
no mutation, rarely do constitute a
single biotype, even when the line
appears pure and constant, because
mutation occurs so commonly and
many mutants may be masked. The
virtual impossibility of guaranteeing
genetic purity of the cultures suggests
caution in interpreting results of
experiments. Despite the vast diversity
within the species, the characters of
the spores (the chlamydospores) have
been remarkably uniform, even though
produced by thousands of different
combinations of haploid lines.
Possibly Ustilago ZfiM represents the
extreme of intraspecific diversity, or
possibly it is only better known than
many other plant pathogens. Covered
kernel smut of sorghum, Sphacelotheca
sorghi, and the grass smuts, Sorosporium
syntkerismae and Ustilago sphaerogena,
also comprise many biotypes. Some
smuts, however, such as loose smut of
barley {Ustilago nuda)^ loose smut of
wheat {U, tritici)^ loose smut of oats
(U. avenae), and covered smut of
barley {U. hordei) seem to be somewhat
more homogeneous and constant.
Investigations on rusts and smuts
have been mutually complementary in
explaining variability of pathogenic
behavior. In the rusts only the binu-
cleate uredial stage can be propagated
clonally. In the smuts only the
haplophase can be so propagated.
In the smuts and rusts, three distinct
phases correspond with the nuclear
condition: The haplophase, in which
the cells have nuclei with the reduced
number of chromosomes, such as the
sporidia of both groups and the pycnial
stage in the rusts; the dicaryophase, in
which two nuclei of opposite sex are
paired in the cells but iupt fused; and
the diplophase, in which the two
nuclei of the dicaryophase have fused.
The haplophase in the rusts (sporidia
and pycnial stage) is restricted almost
entirely to a sexual function. In some
of the smuts, however, the sporidia
(haplophase) can function both as
propagative cells and as sex cells, but
the ability of the haplophasc to grow
parasitically is limited. In both the
smuts and rusts, the dicaryophase is
the important parasitic phase, and it
is important to realize that there are
dicaryotic hybrids. This simply means
that each cell can contain two nuclei
of different sex and with different
factors for pathogenicity and for other
characters. The final hybridizing act
is not complete until the two nuclei
fuse to form the diplophase, which is
restricted largely to the resting spores,
the teliospores of the rusts and the
chlamydospores of the smuts, except
that diploid sporidial lines of smuts are
encountered occasionally.
The uredial stage of rusts can be
propagated indefinitely on appropri-
ate hosts; hence, repeated experiments
can be made on the pathogenicity of
dicaryotic hybrids, where minor dif-
ferences in pathogenicity are percep-
tible. In the smuts, on the other hand,
the gametic haplophasc can be propa-
gated saprophytically on the artificial
media where conditions can be varied
and controlled, but the pathogenic
dicaryophase cannot be propagated
clonally even on living plants. It
comes to an end with the formation
of diploid spores. Accordingly the
progeny of a single uredo.spore in the
rusts constitute a biotype, barring
mutation; in the smuts the progeny of
a single haploid sporidium constitute
a biotype, barring mutation. Likewise
the monosporidi^ diploid lines that
occasionally appear in smuts are bio-
types, barring mutation and segrega-
tion. A physiologic race in the rusts,
then, can he purified to a single bio-
type, while in the smuts the most
practicable way of determining the
parasitism of so-called physiologic
races is to inoculate differential vari-
eties with successive crops of chlamydo-
The term physiologic race, then, does
not have the same genetic connotation
in the rusts and smuts. In many of
the Fungi Imperfecti, which are im-
perfectly known genetically, the only
criterion of races must be behavior
in culture and on host plants. As
commonly used, therefore, the term
physiologic race means a biotype or
group of biotypes that can be distin-
guished with reasonable certainty and
facility by its physiologic characters,
including pathogenicity, and, in some
fungi, growth characters on artificial
Under that definition, most species
of plant pathogenic fungi comprise
physiologic races. Some of the downy
mildews (including Phytophthora m-
Jestans^ which caases late blight of
potato), some of the powdery mil-
dews, and several of the wood-rotting
fungi comprise many races. The spe-
cies of Helminthospoiium that cause leaf
spots, seedling blights, and root rots
of small grains and corn all are com-
plex in composition. Helminthosporium
sativurriy H. gramimum^ H. tereSy H.
carbonuniy and H. vicioriae comprise
many races, whether judged by be-
havior on artificial media or on host
plants or both; H. sativum is known
to be in the same category as Ustilago
zeae with res]:)ect to diversity. Various
species of Fusariumy such as those that
cause flax wilt, melon wilt, tomato
wilt, and head blight or scab of ce-
reals, comprise many races. Colleto-
trichum liniy which causes anthracnose
of flax, C. lindemuthianumy the cause of
bean anthracnose, Rhizoctonia solaniy
which causes blights and rots of hun-
dreds of kinds of plants, the apple
.scab fungus, the fungus causing brown
rot of stone fruits, and many others
comprise numerous physiologic races.
The determination of phenotypic
variability of fungi — the temporary
changes in appearance or behavior due
to environment — is relatively easy
when the fungi can be grown on
nutrient media, as environmental fac-
tors usually affect the fungus and not
the medium. Simjlar determinations
are more difficult when the fungus is
growing on living plants, because en-
vironment affects the fungus, the host
plant, and the interactions between
the two.
The phenotypic variability caused
by nutrients, temperature, and other
factors is often so great as to obscure
genetic differences between biotypes
or races when they arc determined
partly by cultural characters and by
pathogenicity. It is essential therefore
to standardize media and other con-
ditions with varying degrees of exact-
ness, depending on the fungus and
the objectives of the investigation.
A primary requisite is to determine
the limits of phenotypic variability of
isolates before making conclusions re-
garding genetic differences between
Variability in growth type of com
smut due to nutrition, temperature,
and other factors can be wide or nar-
row, depending on the biotype. An
example: Mycelial patches or sectors
in colonics of certain sporidial lines
seemed to be mutants until it was
found that subcultures from dissimilar
sectors sometimes were identical. Phys-
iologic and genetic experiments by
M. F. Kemkarap, at the University of
Minnesota, then showed that there are
strict sporidial lines that cannot pro-
duce mycelium, strict mycelial lines
that do not produce the sporidia, and
sporidial-mycelial lines that can pro-
duce both sporidia and mycelium. The
relative tendency toward sporidial or
mycelial production in the latter group
differs in different lines, but a high
content of sugar in the nutrient me-
dium favors production of sporidia and
a low content of sugar favors formation
of mycelium. Change from one type of
growth to another may result from
mutation also; hence it is always im-
portant to find out whether the change
is temporary and nonheritable or
whether it is permanent and heritable.
The same biotypes, then, may have
several distinctly different phenotypes.
Conversely, different biotypes may
appear alike on certain media and not
on others. Phenotypic differences may
persist to some extent for one or more
cultural generations; consequently the
classification of groups of isolates
should be made only ^ter they have
been grown for one or more genera-
tions under identical conditions.
Variability in development of fungus
pathogens on living hosts can be stud-
ied advantageously in some of the rust
fungi because of the distinct infection
types produced. From investigations
by W. L. Waterhouse and associates at
Sydney University, in Australia, Thor-
v^dur Johnson and others at the Do-
minion I.,aboratory of Plant Pathology,
Winnipeg, and by Helen Hart and
associates at the University of Min-
nesota, it Is now known that tempera-
ture and light can cause fundamental
differences in the development of cer-
tain races of stem rust on certain varie-
ties of wheat and oats. Certain Kenya
wheats and some hybrids, for example,
are almost immune to race 15B of
wheat stem rust at 65° F. and com-
pletely susceptible at 85®. Conversely,
race 34 develops best on some varieties
of wheat at moderate temperatures
and relatively low light intensity, and
the infection type is depressed by high
temperature and high light. The oats
variety Hajira is resistant to known
races of jP. graminis avenae below about
80® but it is susceptible to race 6 at 85°
and to races 7 and 8 at 90®. The impli-
cations of phenotypic variability in the
identification of races arc important,
because a given rust race may produce
infection type i on a host variety at
temperatures as high as 75® and type 4
at 85®. This is true of some race-variety
combinations but not of others, and
must therefore be studied for each
The term adaptation, as used here,
means the capacity of a single biotype
to acquire and transmit the ability to
do something that it either could not
do originally or could not do well.
Thus, race 19 of wheat stem rust can
produce only small pustules on Mar-
quis wheat. It would be a case of
adaptation if genetically pure race 19
were grown on Marquis several suc-
cessive rust generations and produced
successively larger pustules until it
acquired the ability to grow well on
this variety, or at least better than it
did originally. Likewise it would be
adaptation if a single biotype of the
com smut fungus {Ustilago Kfiai) were
grown for several successive genera-
tions on a medium containing arsenic
and thus acquired the ability to toler-
ate several times as much arsenic as it
did originally.
Between 1900 and 1910 the question
of adaptation was studied by several
investigators, who concluded that cer-
tain rust fungi and powdery mildews
could adapt themselves quickly to re-
sistant varieties.
Marshall Ward made many experi-
ments with rust of bromegrasses
{Puccinia dispersa) at Cambridge Uni-
versity, England, and published a
paper on adaptive parasitism in
1903. He concluded that the bromc
rust could develop the ability to grow'
well on a resistant species of Bromus if
grown on the resistant species for one
or more successive rust generations.
He also concluded that there were
“bridging species” of Bromus that en-
abled the rust to attack very resistant va-
rieties; for example, the rust could grow
well on variety A but not on variety C.
If, then, a variety B could be found
that was intermediate taxonomically
between A and C, the rust could be
grown on B and there it acquired the
ability to infect C. Variety B, there-
fore, was considered a bridge or
“bridging host” between the susceptible
A and the resistant C.
Ward’s general conclusions were
soon supported by results of experi-
ments made by E. S. Salmon with
powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis)^
also at Cambridge; by those of E. M.
Freeman and E. C. Johnson with
Puccinia graminis at the University of
Minnesota; and by experiments of
I. B. Polc-Evans with stem rust of
wheat in South Africa. Salmon con-
cluded that the powdery mildew
could attack injured plants of a nor-
mally resistant species and thus ac-
quire the ability to infect noninjured
plante of that species. Pole-Evans
applied the principle of bridging to
the breeding of stem rust resistant
varieties of wheat. He stated that some
hybrids between resistant and sus-
ceptible parents were more susceptible
than the susceptible parent and even
enabled the rust to increase its
virulence for the resistant parent.
In cooperative investigations be-
tween the United States Department
of Agriculture and the University of
Minnesota, E. C. Stakman, F. J.
Piemeisel, and M. N. Levine studied
the possible adaptation of stem rust of
wheat and other cereals and grasses
and of powdery mildew of wheat and
barley, but obtained no evidence that
these fungi could adapt themselves
to resistant varieties by any of the
methods previously tried nor by any
new methods that could be devised.
In a paper published in 1918 they
stated: “The facts given in this paper
do not support the conclusions of
previous workers that the patho-
genicity of biologic forms is easily
changed by host influence. . . . From
the practical standpoint the constancy
of biologic forms is of great impor-
tance. Breeding for rust resistance can
proceed with considerable assurance
that the same rust will not adapt itself
quickly to new varieties.”
They also pointed out that dif-
ferential hosts must be used to separate
different biologic forms from mixtures
before making experiments on adapta-
tion; otherwise what appears to be
adaptation may be merely the result
of the selective effect of host plants on
a mixed population of the pathogen.
At that time, the now obsolete term
“biologic form” was used to designate
what are now called varieties of stem
rust; races were just being dist'.ovcred
within the tritici and other “biologic
forms”; and eventually new facts led
to new concepts and to changed
These results seemed to prove that
stem rust and powdery mildew of
cereal grains did not change by
adaptation. But the rusts and powdery
mildews are obligate parasites; it
has not been possible to grow them
on anything except living plants.
Accordingly it was desirable to study
possible adaptation or changes in
virulence in fungi that can grow both
in living host plants and on nutrient
media — that is, both as parasites and
as saprophytes.
The results of extensive experiments
made by J. J. Christensen and G. L.
Schneider at the University of Minneso-
ta from 1 946 to 1 950 with Helminthospori-
um sativum, which causes leaf spots, foot
rots, and root rots of barley, wheal,
and other cereals and grasses, support
the view that genetically pure lines of
fungi do not change their virulence
easily. The i.solate of H. sativum they
studied had been grown on artificial
nutrient media for 28 years and had
been purified bv making many suc-
cessive single-spore isolations. Wheat
plants were inoculated with single
spores; when new spores were pro-
duced, single ones were again picked
and inoculated into plants with a fine
needle. This process was repeated ten
times in succession, and there never
was any evidence of change in viru-
lence. This extreme refinement of
method was necessary because H.
sativum mutates rather freely, produc-
ing many mutants that are less patho-
genic and a few that are more patho-
genic than the parental line. Some of
the less patliogenic lines grow very
rapidly and therefore tend to over-
grow the original parental line. Unless
the fungus is grown under conditions
that permit the recognition of mutants
and their separation from the parental
line, an initially pure isolate may .soon
comprise a diverse mixture of mutant
lines, and the original line may even
have been lost in the process of making
periodic -transfers to new tubes of nu-
trient media. Obviously, then, an
isolate of H. sativum derived from a
single spore may change in virulence,
but the change is due to the production
of new biotypes resulting from muta-
tion and not to a change in virulence
of the original biotype.
It would be easy to conclude that
some of the smut fungi increased in
virulence for resistant varieties as a
result of succc.ssive passages through
those varieties if the intraspecific com-
plexity of smut species were not known.
Many investigators, notably W. A. R.
Dillon-Weston in England, tested the
resistance of varieties of wheat, barley,
oats, and other crop plants to various
smuts. When first inoculated with a
collection of smut spores (chlamydo-
spores), very little smut develops on
some varieties. If the smut ffom a
resistant variety is used to inoculate
plants of the same variety, heavy in-
fection may result, becau.'se nonpurified
collections of smut spores are likely to
comprise many parasitic races that can
be separated from each other by cer-
tain varieties. A.ssuming that three
wheat varieties. A, B, and C, are
inoculated with a smut collection con-
taining races i, 2, and 3 in the ratio
of 90:9:1 and as.sumiiig that all three
races infect variety A normally, that
race 2 infects B but not C, and that
race 3 infects C and not B, the per-
centages of infection theoretically
should be the following:
Percentage of infection . . 100 9 t
Races 2, 3 2 3
Percentage of each race . 90:9:1 100
Obviously, if plants of variety A are
then inoculated with the smut pro-
duced on A, spores of all three races
w'ill again be produced. But if variety
B is inoculated with spores from B,
100 percent of them will be of race 2;
and if variety C is inoculated with
spores from C, 100 percent of the
spores will be of race 3, the only one
in the original mixture that can attack
C. Thus, varieties B and C are bio-
logic indicators, or differential vari-
eties, that make it possiWe to find out
not only which races were presenf<*iBpt^
the original smut collection but itrient
the relative percentages of each. More- ’
over, the apparent adaptation of the
smut to varieties B and C is not
adaptation at all but is due to .selection
of the races that can attack those
varieties out of a mixture in which
they were present in small amounts
Even after races of smuts have been
isolated and purified as we have de-
scribed, the degree and permanence
of purity are only relative because
the spores are not always exactly
alike. And, even if they were, the
chlamydospores of smuts are the result
of sexual fusions. When the spores
germinate, segregation and recombi-
nation usually occur, so that the prog-
eny of a single spore might be diverse
genetically. For practical purposes,
physiologic races of smuts are usually
considered to be collections of chlamy-
dospores that behave with relative
constancy in successive generations.
Because of sexual recombinations and
mutations within the races, however,
they often comprise many biotypes,
usually closely enough related so that
the race behaves fairly consistently.
The degree of refinement commonly
practiced in classifying smut races
usually suffices for determining the rel-
ative resistance of crop varieties, but
certainly not for studies on adapta-
tion or other physiologic and genetic
phenomena. It suffices for practical
procedures but not for scientific under-
There are several other reasons why
races or biotypes of fungi may appear
to have changed, when in reality
there has been a change in the kinds
of biotypes. It has been pointed out
in the discussion of Helminthosporium
sativum that apparent changes in a
monosporous line may be due to the
production of new biotypes by muta-
tion, so that the culture soon com-
prises not only the original biotype
but several others in addition; it be-
comes a mixed or heterogeneous popu-
lation instead of a pure or homogene-
^'^ne. That the original bio type may
1 ^ ‘ been shown by many
'CTperiments. And even if it is not,
the behavior of mixtures of biotypes
cannot be predicted.
Different races or biotypes of path-
ogenic fiingi may not survive equally
well in mixtures. This is to be expected
if the environmental conditions favor
one race more than the others. But it is
sometimes true when conditions, as far
as can be determined, are equally favor-
able to the different races. Extensive
studies of the relative survival races
of wheat stem rust have been made at
the University of Minnesota and at
Sydney University, and typical results
were published by I. W. Watson in
1942 and by W. Q. Loegering in 1951.
As the principle is more important
than the details, which must be ascer-
tained for each individual mixture of
each fungus, a few examples are given
to illustrate differential survival of crop
plants and of fungi.
H. V. Harlan and Mary L. Martini
of the Department of Agriculture pub-
lished in 1938 the results of experi-
ments on the relative survival of barley
varieties in a mixture grown in succes-
sive years. H. H. Lande and A. F.
Swanson made similar experiments on
winter wheats in Kansas and pub-
lished their results in 1942. The exper-
iments with barley and winter wheats
established the important principle
that certain varieties persisted better
than others in mixtures in which the
relative percentage of each variety was
determined in the first year and in each
successive year, when seed was taken
each year and used for the next year’s
planting. The Darwinian principles of
competition, natural selection, and
survival of the fittest applied to these
mixtures of varieties of barley and of
wheat. Watson and Loegering tested
the validity of the same principle on
mixtures of races of wheat stem rust.
Loegering prepared an approxi-
mately 50:50 mixture of races 17 and
1 9 of wheat stem rust and grew it for
six successive uredospore generations
on Litde Club, Fulcaster, and Min-
dum wheats, all of which appeared to
be equally susceptible to the two races.
In each generation the mixture was
tested on Marquis wheat, on which
race 17 produces type 4 and 19 pro-
duces type 2 infection, thus making it
possible to determine the percentages
of each race in the mixture. On Min-
dum the two races persisted almost
equally well, although race 17 per-
sisted slightly better than 19. But on
Little Club and Fulcaster the percent-
age of race 17 increased rapidly and
that of 19 decreased correspondingly.
In the second generation more than ^
percent of the rust was race 1 7 and less
than 20 percent was race 19, and with-
in 6 generations or fewer all or almost
all of the rust was race 17 and none or
almost none was race 19. In similar
experiments with races 17 and 56 on
Geres, Little Club, and Fulcaster
wheats, all apparently equally suscep-
tible to the two races, race 1 7 survived
only slightly better than 56 on Ceres,
but on the other two varieties it sur-
vived far better than race 56, which
had disappeared completely or almost
completely at the end of seven genera-
tions. These results are being fully con-
firmed by James W. Broyles at the
University of Minnesota, who is using
a yellow-spore biotype of race 1 1 of
wheat stem rust in mixtures with other
races. As the pustules produced by race
1 1 are yellow and those produced by
other races arc brick red, the percent-
ages of race 1 1 can he determined with-
out the necessity of inoculating special
differential varieties. Many experi-
ments have been made to find out why
some races of wheat stem rust persist
better than others in mixtures, but no
obvious reasons have been discovered.
Mixtures of other fungi may behave
like those of wheat stem rust, which
have been used as an example because
of the relative ease and precision of
identification. Paul E. Hoppe at the
University of Wisconsin inoculated
corn with equally pathogenic strains
of Diplodia which causes car rot
and stalk rot, and the antagonism
between strains was so great that only
one survived. Similarly V. F. Tapke
made experiments with different
races of covered smut of barley and
observed that there was differential
survival of races.
It appeared for a numl>cr of years
that Phytophthora infestans, the fungus
that causes late blight of potatoes,
could adapt itself to redstant vari-
eties, as Donald Reddick and associ-
ates, in their attempts to develop
blight-resistant varieties in New York,
ob^rved that resistant varieties might
be slightly infected when first inocu-
lated with certain races of the blight
fungus, but became more severely in-
fected when successive inoculations
were made with the blight fungus
from the same variety or certain
others. Helena L. G. DeBniyn made
similar experiments in the Nether-
lands and confirmed the results of
Reddick and others.
H. D. Thurston and C. J. Eide, at
the University of Minnesota, have
obtained results that indicate that the
apparent adaptation of the potato
blight fungus is due, in some cases at
least, to the selective effect of vari-
eties on a mixed population of bio-
types. M an example, two races of
the blight fungus infect Irish Gobbler
equally well, but one attacks Cherokee
and the other does not. When these
races were grown in mixture on Irish
Gobbler, the Cherokee race decrea.scd
rapidly in prevalence but did not
di5ap]:>ear entirely; consequently, when
the Cherokee variety is inoculated
with the blight fungus from the Cob-
bler variety the infection is very light,
because so small a proportion of the
racial mixture can attack it. But the
blight that docs develop is caused by
the Cherokee race, and when this is
used to inoculate Cherokee again,
there Hs abundant infection because
all of the inoculum is potentially
The present authors and some of
their associates began a comprehensive
investigation of adaptation in 1935.
As they had not been able to obtain
evidence for adaptive changes in para-
sitism, they investigated the possibility
of adaptation to chemicals in nutrient
media. Certain protozoa and bacteria
were reputed to develop the ability
to adapt themselves to deleterious
chemicals; therefore studies were made
independently by three groups of in-
vestigators to find out if diis wer e true
also of fungL The resuJts were not
uniform. In some instances mutation
clearly accounted for what could have
been considered adaptation. In other
instances visible mutation did not
account for the results. The results
that were obtained by the three groups
are given below.
J. J. Christensen and several as-
sociates grew the asexual {Fusarium)
stage of Gibberella zeae^ which para-
sitizes corn and causes head blight of
wheat and barley, on nutrient media
containing, respectively, ethyl mercury
phosphate, a widely used seed dis-
infectant; mercury bichloride; and
malachite green in concentrations
that dwarfed the growth of the fungus.
The fungus produced numerous clearly
visible mutants on each medium. Some
grew more poorly than the parent on
the special media. Some grew about
equally well. Some made from 5 to
1 5 times as much growth as the parent.
Some of the mutants, in fact, grew so
much faster on the mercury and
malachite green media that they soon
overgrew the original line completely.
The relative ability of the original
line and its mutants to tolerate these
chemicals persisted through many
generations. In the experiments there
was no increase in ability to tolerate
the chemicals tried, except as a result
of visible mutations, which might
easily have been overlooked if special
methods had not been used to detect
E. O. Mader and C. L. Schneider
grew the asexual, or conidial, stage
{Monilia) of Sclerotinia jmcticola^ the
cause of brown rot of peaches, plums,
and similar fruits, on nutrient media
containing injurious amounts of copper
sulfate. Some of their results were
comparable with those of Christensen:
Mutants were produced that grew
much better than the parent on the
copper media and they differed also
in appearance. The increased toler-
ance for copper was persistent and
constant in the mutant lines. But the
fungus also icquired increasing toler-
ance for copper sulfate, without visible
mutation, when grown in successive
transfer generations on copper-con-
taining media. When the fungus was
grown for successive generations on
copper-free media, however, it lost
the acquired ability.
The third series of Minnesota experi-
ments were made by Coyt Wilson,
Frank Stevenson, Donald Munnecke,
J. M. Daly, Elisa Hirschhom, and
£. C. Stakman. This group studied the
adaptation of corn smut {Ustilago z^ae)
to arsenic. Tliey grew mutable and
relatively nonmutable monosporidial
lines on nutrient media containing
2,400 parts per million of calcium
arsenite. All lines grew poorly at
first, but after having been transferred
successively for about 10 generations
to increasing concent rations of arsenic,
all lines eventually grew as well on
media containing 12,000 parts per
million of calcium arsenite as they had
originally grown on 2,400 parts per
million, and some lines even grew on
14,000 parts per million. When grown
for five successive generations or more
on arsenic-free media, the arsenic-
adapted lines lost their acquired
ability. Numerous mutants appeared
in the mutable line growing on arsenic
media. Some appeared in the relatively
stable line, but only two grew slightly
better than the parents on arsenic.
It was the consensus cf this group of
investigators, some of whom worked
independently at different times with
different lines and with different
methods, that perceptible mutations
did not account for the results. All
smut lines that were tried, including
the least mutable ones among thou-
sands that were studied by Stakman
and many associates for more than 20
years, increased their ability to grow
on arsenic. It is possible that there
had been unseen mutation in physio-
logic characters, but, if so, these
mutants escaped detection.
From extensive experiments with
several fungi, at Michigan State Col-
lege about 25 years ago, P. D. Caldis
and G. H. Coons concluded that white
variants that appeared in single-spore
cultures of several fungi were ‘^semi-
permanent” variations, which differed
from the parent form somatically
rather than genetically and were com-
parable with the “dauermodifications”
described for paramecia by Victor
Jollos. The genetic explanation for this
type of semipermanent change is still
lacking. It is commonly observed that
there may be what is sometimes called
a “hangover” effect when fungi are
grown for some time on one kind of
nutrient medium and then transferred
to another kind. This may be accounted
for partly by the production of adaptive
enzymes or other chemical substances,
but the exact explanation cannot be
given for many of these temporary
Although it cannot be asserted cat-
egorically that parasitic fungi never
adapt themselves to resistant varieties
of plants, there is convincing evidence
that apparent adaptation often is due
to the selective effect of crop varieties
on a mixed population of biotypes,
cither because the isolate or line of the
fungus was genetically diverse at the
beginning, even though it appeared
pure by all tests then available, or be-
cause it became mixed as a result of in-
conspicuous mutations. The apparent
loss of virulence in a single bio type fre-
quently unquestionably is due to the
production of mutants that look like the
original biotype but have lost genetic
factors for virulence. The apparent ac-
quisition of ability to tolerate injurious
chemicals certainly is due to mutation
in some instances but appears to occur
independently of mutation in others.
This is still an unsolved problem and
one that requires intensive research.
The difficulty of obtaining and main-
taining genetically pure cultures of
pathogenic fungi cannot be overem-
pha.sized in research of this kind.
Many pathogenic fungi mutate
abundantly on nutrient media. There is
evidence that mutation occurs also on
host plants in nature. The frequency of
mutation differs greatly with the
species, with the line or biotype within
a species, and with environmental con-
ditions, including some mutagenic
agents. In Ustilap z/^ae (corn smut),
Puccinia gramims (stem rust), and Ven-
turia inaequalis (apple scab), the factors
for mutant characters have been shown
to be inherited through the sexual
stage. Factors for mutability in 17. zeae
are inherited just as are factors for
other characters.
Mutation has been observed most
commonly in cultures on solid nutrient
media, where the mutants often appear
as conspicuous sectors or patches in the
colony. Many mutants remain unob-
served, either because the medium on
which they appear is not suitable for
their growth, or because mutation in
physiologic characters and in patho-
genicity may occur v/ithout change in
color, growth type, or other visible
characters or because mutants may be
obscured by the growth of the parental
Mutants of obligate parasites, such
as rusts, must manifest themselves on
living hosts and often are not easily
detected unless they cause conspicu-
ously different infection types or arc
different in color.
Mutant factors usually are recessive.
The parasitic stages of rusts arc mostly
dicaryotic, and mutation for a single
factor in the dicaryophasc can remain
unexpressed until the factors are
brought together in a homozygous
condition in a new dicaryotic hybrid.
'Fhe mutant characters can be ex-
pressed immediately in the dicaryo-
phase if the rust is in a heterozygous
condition at the respective loci; or if
a double mutation occurs, once for
each locus in the two conjugate nuclei.
A mutation, even if not expressed im-
mediately in the dicaryophasc, may
be expressed after recombination and
segregation of factors during the sexual
stage. Certain types of mutation, such
as albinism, can be observed easily in
haploid pycnia.
Mutation for cultural charac-
ters is common in all classes of fungi,
but the frequency of mutation differs
greatly in different species of the same
genus and in different lines or biotypes
within the species. Among the smuts,
as examples, mutation is relatively in-
frequent in Ustilago koUeri, covered smut
of oats; U. avenae^ loose smut of oats;
and Urocystis occulta^ stem smut of rye.
On the other hand, it is extremely
common in U. Zfioe, common corn
smut r Sphacelotkeca sorghi, covered ker-
nel smut of sorghum; and Sorosporium
reilianum^ head smut of sorghum and
The relative mutability of different
biotypes of Ustilago Z/eae, according to
Stalman and others, is due to heritable
genetic factors. There is clear-cut seg-
regation for mutability and constancy
in some crosses between mutable and
constant lines, but in other crosses
segregates have many degrees of mu-
tability. Mutability and constancy, re-
spectively, were increased by crossing
mutable x mutable lines and constant
X constant lines, in extensive experi-
ments made by Stakman and others.
These investigators isolated the four
primary sporidia (gametic segregates)
from the promyceiium of one of the
chlamydospores resulting from a mu-
table X constant cross. Twenty -five (24
in one case) single sporidia were then
isolated from the progeny of each of
the four sporidia, and the resulting
lines were grown on nutrient agar in
duplicate flasks. In the 100 colonies
derived from sporidia i and 2 there
were no mutants, but there were 360
in the 98 colonies derived from sporidia
3 and 4.
Little is known about the numerical
frequency of mutation in pathogenic
fungi, but it falls well within the range
reported for higher plants and for in-
sects. Twenty or more sectors may
appear in a single colony of a fungus
growing on nutrient agar, but the
colony may comprise millions of
spores and hyphal cells so that the
actual rate of mutation may not be so
high as it seems. Christensen and
Schneider calculated the frequency of
mutation, based on the number of
spores in colonics of certain lines of
Helminthosporium sativum on nutrient
agar, as from 1 12,400 to i :20,ooo, de-
pending on conditions; and on living
plants the rate was approximately
1:2,900. S. P. Chilton, G. B. Lucas,
and C. W. Edgerton, at the University
of Louisiana, have concluded that
certain factors in Glomerella sp. mutate
at the rate of about 1:1,700. Studies
now being made at Minnesota indi-
cate that rate of mutation in some
biotypes of Ustilago zyae is much higher
than in H. sativum. In one biotype ol
U, zeae^ 0.8 percent of the sporidia
derived from a single sporidium were
different genetically from the original
sporidium. Thus, in a flask of liquid
nutrient broth there were about 10
billion sporidia, all derived from one
original sporidium; 80 million of the
10 billion were genetically different
from the original. There had been at
least five different kinds of mutations
based on the character of color alone.
Mutation may be important in the
plant rusts even though the rate of
mutation appears to be low, because
there are at least 50,000 billion uredo-
spores of stem rust on an acre of
moderately rusted wheat, and even
a few mutants per acre could multi-
ply so rapidly under favorable con-
ditions as to produce an extremely
numerous population in one growing
Mutation in fungi can occur for
most physiological and morphological
characters. The change may be in
one or more characters and in many
degrees of magnitude. Mutation is
common for cultural characters, in-
cluding color, topography, consist-
ency of colonies, direction of growth,
nature of margin, zonation, rate of
growth, type of growth, and amount
of sporulation. There is mutation for
physiological characters (such as en-
zyme production), reaction to known
chemicals and to toxic substances,
in temperature requirements, and in
tendency to mutate. There often is
mutation for morphological characters,
principally size, shape, and color of
spores, fruiting bodies, and resting
bodies. Mutation in sexual vigor and
in pathogenicity also is common.
Mutation in Ustilago Helmin-
thospofivm sativum^ and many other
fungi has been studied at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota continuously for
more than 30 years, and many thou-
sands of mutants have been isolated
and studied. The number and kinds
of mutants produced by U, zitat and
H, sativum are indefinite. Mutants may
differ widely or very slighdy from
their parents. As one example, a
series of mutants from a single brown
monosporidial line of U, z^ae ranged
from near black through a score of
tints to colorless. From another line,
a white mutant was isolated from a
pigmented line of U. ZJfcif, and this
white mutant in turn produced white
mutants, which in turn produced ad-
ditional ones- The original mutant
was then crossed with certain pig-
mented lines to find out its breeding
behavior, and all of the while .segre-
gates from the cross were isolated and
kept. In this way, 98 clearly distinct
white lines, mutants and segregates,
were obtained, which comprised a
number of sex groups. Some of the
numerous white x white crosses pro-
duced large galls, but none produced
chlamydospores. When some of the
white lines were crossed with pig-
mented lines, however, both galls and
chlamydospores were produced. Evi-
dently, therefore, the original white
mutant had lost factors for color pro-
duction and for nuclear fusion and con-
sequent production of chlamydospores,
although the nuclei of opposite sex
in some of its progeny had the neces-
sary factors for pairing. Certain of
the white x white crosses therefore
had the necessary factors for pairing
of nuclei and for pathogenicity, but
not for the final stage in the sexual
process; hence there had been a loss of
some but not all of the factors for sex.
Although mutation in factors for sex
and pathogenicity are common in
smuts, complete sex reversal has not
been reported.
It is harder to observe mutation for
pathogenicity than for cultural char-
acters. When it docs occur, however,
there usually is partial or complete loss
in pathogenicity and only occasionally
is there a gain. This is conspicuously
true of if. sativum and of U. zeae^ prob-
ably the most thoroughly studied in
this respect. When successive mutants
of U. z^ae are isolated (that is, mutant
from mutant from mutant and so on),
a clearly descending scries from strongly
pathogenic to nonpathogenic is likely
to result. Occasional mutants, how-
ever, are decidedly and consistendy
more pathogenic than the parental
line. This is true also of other fungi.
Color mutations are not uncommon
in rusts, and at least two such recorded
cases also involved changes in patho-
genicity. There is evidence that uredo-
spores of orange and white races of
Puccinia graminis are destroyed more
easily by ultraviolet light than those
with the normal darker color. This
may partly account for the relatively
poor survival ability and infrequent
occurrence of the abnormally light-
colored races in nature.
Mutatioii in pathogenicity occurs
occasionally in rusts and it probably is
fairly common, although minor muta-
tions arc hard to detect. In cooperative
investigations between the Department
of Agriculture and the University of
Minnesota, E. C. Stakman, M. N.
Levine, and R. U. Cotter studied four
distinct mutations for pathogenicity in
race i oi Puccinia graminis tritici^ and two
of the mutants differed so much from
anything previously described that
they were designated as new races,
numbers 60 and 68. Margaret Newton
and Dr. T. Johnson, at the Dominion
Laboratory of Plant Pathology, re-
ported two separate mutations for
pathogenicity in Puccinia graminis, one
in the variety tritici and the other in the
variety avenae. Mutation for patho-
genicity also has been reported for
Puccinia hordti, leaf rust of barley; P,
glumarum, stripe rust of wheat and other
cereals; and A rubigo-vera tritici^ orange
leaf rust of wheat. Some of these rust
mutants were less virulent than their
parents on some varieties, but some
were more virulent than their parents
on some varieties of host plants.
In some fungi the number of visible
mutants produced differs on different
media. Whether this is always due to
different rates of mutation or to dif-
ferences in the conspicuousness of the
mutants on different media is not
known in all instances. Certain sugars,
potassium salts, uranium and po-
lonium salts, salts of some of the heavy
metals, and some other chemicals
generally increase the number of
visible mutants. Either high or low
temperature may also increase the
number, depending on the species or
biotype of the fungus. Ultraviolet light,
radiations, and some of the bacterial
products also are mutagenic.
J. J. Christensen observed that mer-
cury bichloride, ethyl mercury phos-
phate, and malachite green in nutrient
media were decidedly mutagenic to
Gibberella ztae-, Helminthosporium sativum^
H, carbonum, Fusarium moniliforme^ and
Colletotrichum Urn, IThe most significant
fact derived from these experiments
has been discussed in the section on
adaptation, where it was pointed out
that some of the mutants grew from 5
to 1 5 times as fast as the parental lines
on these chemicals. Christensen and
F. R. Davies also found that bactcria-
staled media caused very abundant
mutation in monosporous lines of H,
sativum. Among the mutants there were
zero, plus, and minus deviations from
the original lines in tolerance for the
bacterial products, in pathogenicity,
in rate of growth, and in many cultural
M. L. Gattani, E. C. Siakman, J. M.
Daley, Shih I. Lu, and J. B. Rowell, at
Minnesota , increased the rate of muta-
tion in haploid and diploid lines of
Ustilago zeae by adding uranyl nitrate,
at the rate of about one gram per liter,
to potato-dextrose agar. Most mu-
tants grew as well as or better than the
parental lines on the mutagenic me-
dium. Lu studied 13 characters in 198
uranium-induced mutants from a mon«
osporidial haploid line of U, zfioe and
summated algebraically the zero, plus,
and minus deviations for each of the 13
characters for each mutant. About 20
percent had a net minus deviation, 20
percent a plus deviation, and 60 per-
cent a zero deviation, although all
were, of course, different from the
parent in one or more characters.
Thus, deviation would be zero if a
mutant exceeded the parent in size of
colonies and in two other characters,
had lost some factors for color and for
two other characters, but was like the
parent in the other seven characters.
There would be a plus deviation if the
mutant exceeded the parent in two
characters, had lost in one, and re-
mained tlie same in 10, and there
would be a minus deviation if the plus
and minus numbers were reversed. In
similar studies on a solopathogenic
(diploid) line, 10 percent of the mu-
tants had a net minus deviation, 30
percent plus, and 60 percent were zero.
In similar experiments I. Wahl, also at
Minnesota, produced mutants of the
common mushroom, Agaricus campestris,
that were much more vigorous than
the original line and that produced
mushrooms of more desirable color.
Uranyl nitrate is not equally muta-
genic to all fungi, being effective in
about 10 percent of 194 species and
lines studied by E. C. Stakman, J. B.
Row^ell, How'ard Ehrlich, and others
in an investigation made cooperatively
at the University of Minnesota by the
United States Atomic Energy Commis-
sion and the University. Polonium
salts have been found more effective
than uranium salts as mutagenic agents
in the investigations.
From the studies of Ustilago zeae it is
evident that even the most constant
lines may contain mutants that may
be unobser\'cd in many serial transfers
on nutrient media and become visible
only under special conditions or when
dilution plates are made from shake-
cultures in liquid media. This fact has
many obviously important implica-
tions. Although there are many known
mutations in physiologic characters,
there undoubtedly are many more that
are not detected because there are no
visible evidences of their existence in
ordinary cultures. Several mutants
with decreased pathogenicity may be
present in a flask culture of a mono-
sporidial line of JJ. zfioe containing
about 10 billion cells. This could result
in lowered patliogenicity of a line that
originally comprised a single biotype,
but a tremendous amount of work
would be required to isolate the less
virulent mutants if they were slow
growing and like the original line in
all observable characters except patho-
genicity; if the less pathogenic mutants
were exceptionally fast growers on arti-
ficial media, they would tend to pre-
dominate in the culture; and the path-
ogenicity of the original line would
appear to have been lost, when actu-
ally the line itself had been suppressed
or lost. There is abundant evidence
that this is fact, not mere theory.
H, sativum and U. zjsae have been dis-
cussed so fully merely because they
have been studied extensively and con-
tinuously by many investigators at
Minnesota, under the general super-
vision of the writers, for about a quar-
ter of a century, and because evidence
is increasing that the principles derived
from them apply in varying degrees to
many plant pathogens. Above all, it is
noteworthy that in f/. where single,
haploid sporidia can be isolated and
propagated ascxually, thus theoreti-
cally establishing single-biotype cul-
tures, it is extremely difficult, because
of visible or invisible mutations, to
maintain the genetic purity even of the
apparently least-mutable monosporid-
ial lines. At best, purity appears to be
relative only.
Stability among mutants differs
greatly: Many mutants continue mu-
tating indefinitely. Others are rela-
tively stable. There are many inter-
mediate degrees of mutability. Many
mutants of Helminthosporium sativum^ H.
H. ewhonum^ Gibberella and
Fusarium Uni have been grown side by
side with their parental lines for many
years and have retained their distinc-
tive characters. Some have been grown
on many kinds of media several years,
and have retained their distinctive cul-
tural characters. Many mutant lines of
Ustilago zfiae have been grown under a
wide range of conditions for many
years without perceptible change, but
others continue to mutate abundantly.
G. S. Holton, in longtime experiments
started at the University of Minnesota
and continued under State and Federal
cooperation at Washington State Col-
lege, maintained an albino mutant of
covered smut of oats, Ustilago kolleri,
through many asexual and sexual gen-
erations during the past 1 8 years.
G. W. Keitt and M. H. Langford, at
the University of Wisconsin, passed
three haploid lines of Venturia inaequalis
through the leaves of the McIntosh
apples four successive times without
perceptible change in cultural charac-
ters. J. J. Christensen obtained similar
results by passing mutants of Diplodia
zeae^ Gibberella z^ae^ Helminthosporium
sativum, and //. oryzof through their
respective hosts, although in one case
the cultural characters of a mutant of
H. sativum were changed slightly. Mu-
tant characters of Ustilago z^ae have
persisted through the sexual stage on
corn plants, even though they some-
times were recombined with other
Heterocaryosk* means that condi-
tion in which the hyphae, or individual
cells of the hyphae, contain nuclei with
different genetic factors. Heterocaryo-
sis can come about independently of
sex. From extensive investigations by
H. N. Hansen and W. C. Snyder at the
University of California, it appears
that heterocaryosis is common in many
of the fungi in which the sexual stage ii
hot known, the Fungi Imperfecti. This
condition can result from ordinary
fusions between hyphae of different
kinds or lines of fungi, and would be
roughly comparable with natural grafts
in higher plants.
Sydney Dickinson, in experiments
at the University of Minnesota, grew
a red Fusarium and a white one side
by side, watched some of the hyphae
fuse, and then cut off hyphal tips pro-
duced by the fused hyphae and trans-
planted them to nutrient agar. Some
of the hyphal tips produced pink col-
onies, all of which, however, later sep-
arated into red and white. It appears,
therefore, that nuclei from the red and
white lines were associated for a time
and then became dissociated. Even
if a hyphal branch started with a sin-
gle nucleus, mutation could occur dur-
ing successive nuclear divisions and
result in hetcrocaryosis.
Whatever the origin of the hetero-
caryotic condition, there is likely to be
dissociation or regrouping of the differ-
ent kinds of nuclei. An example: If
the different kinds of nuclei in a hypha
arc designated as A, B, and C, branches
may be produced which contain any
one of tlie three, or any combination
of two, or all three of them. Conse-
quently, lines with different characters
can be isolated from such cultures.
Hetcrocaryosis is to be distinguished
from the dicaryotic condition in which
two nuclei of opposite sex are paired
and divide simultaneously during
growth of the fungus, so that all of
the derivatives of a given dicaiyotic
cell also have paired nuclei of oppo-
site sex that are kept close together by
some attraction which seems to be
lacking when sex is not involved as in
Variation due to hybridization is
common and extensive in plant patho-
genic fungi. Many recombinations re-
sult from cro.sscs between different bio-
types, races, and varieties within some
species, between s|:)ecics, and between
some genera. Intraspccific hybridiza-
tion has been studied especially in cer-
tain rustr, smuts, and in Venturia spp.
that cause scab of apples and pears.
Interspecific and intergeneric crosses
have been studied most extensively in
the smuts.
Hybrid i;:ation within species can re-
sult in changes of pathogenicity be-
cause of the production of numerous
new biotypes and races, with a widen-
ing of host range or increase of viru-
lence for certain varieties of crop plants.
It also can result in recombinations for
many physiologic and morphologic
characters. The practical importance
of hybridization in nature is clearly
apparent in certain smuts and rusts,
and, together with mutation, may re-
sult in. important changes in the reac-
tion of varieties of crop plants to dis-
ease. In the smuts, recombination of
morphologic characters used in iden-
tification of species can complicate
problems of classification.
In the rusts and smuts there are di-
caryotic hybrids, as the two nuclei of
opposite sex remain associated with-
out fusing during the parasitic life of
the fungus. In some fungi, including
the smuts and rusts, distinct pha.ses in
the life cycle arc associated with the
nature and number of nuclei in the
cells, as explained partly earlier. The
terms used to designate these phases
are haplophase, dicaryophase, and dip-
In the haplophase of smuts and rusts,
each cell has a single nucleus in the
haploid condition — it has half as many
chromosomes as the diploid nuclei and
is therefore comparable with either a
sperm nucleus or an egg nucleus.
Prerequisite to sexual reproduction
and to hybridization, therefore, are
nuclei of at least two kinds sexually.
In the smuts and rusts there are no
visible differences loetween the sexes.
The only known test of sexual differ-
ence is performance, the pairing and
fusion of the haploid nuclei. In both of
these groups the sexual process extends
over a long time because nuclei of
opposite sex pair and remain paired a
long time I)efore they complete the
sexual act by fusing.
The phase of development in which
the cells and spores have paired hap-
loid nuclei of opposite sex is the dicary-
ophase, which means the two-nuclei
phase. The mycelium in this condition
is sometimes called a dicaryophyte.
When the two haploid nuclei fuse, they
produce diploid nuclei, containing dou-
ble the number of chromosomes, half
from one haploid nucleus and half
from the other. The stage in which the
cells have diploid nuclei is the diplo-
phase. Thus, if black and pink haploid
sporidial lines of smut of opposite sex
are mixed together, the sporidia will
conjugate in pairs and thus bring to-
gether the nuclei B and P. The dicary-
ophase then has paired nuclei, B+P,
and is called a dicaryotic hybrid be-
cause the hybridization is not com-
plete until the B and P fuse to make
BP. Similarly, if races i and 2 of the
wheat stem rust are crossed, the result-
ing dicaryotic hybrid has in each cell
one nucleus of race i and one of race 2,
and the pathogenicity is determined by
this dicaryotic hybrid. The nuclei of
races i and 2 do not fuse until telio-
spores are formed. I'he diploid nu-
cleus resulting from the fusion has fac-
tors for pathogenicity from both race
I and race 2; the hybridization is com-
plete and segregation and recombina-
tion of factors can occur, and new races
can result.
In the rusts the aecial and uredial
stages are dicaryotic. As the parasitic
uredial stage can propagate asexually,
the characters of dicaryotic hybrids
(dicaryophytes) can be studied. In the
smuts, only the saprophytic haplophase
can be propagated clonally, except for
some diploid lines of Ustilago zeae. In
both groups the parasitic dicaryophase
terminates with the fusion of the two
nuclei in the cells and the production
of the diploid tcliospores, usually called
chlamydospores in smuts, which pro-
duce only a promycelium, or basidi-
um, on which the gametic sporidia are
formed following reduction division.
In these fungi, then, the terms dicary-
otic hybrids, hybrid tcliospores, and
hybrid chlamydospores are often used.
Studies of hybridization between
biotypes within species arc most feas-
ible in those smut fungi that produce
haploid sporidia on a four-celled pro-
mycelium, such as Ustilago z^m and
Sphacelotheca sorghi. When two haploid
lines are crossed and the four primary
sporidia from promyceiia of the result-
ing diploid chlamydospores are re-
moved and permitted to multiply on
nutrient media, segregation for cul-
tural characters is evident in the re-
sulting colonies. When the haploid
segregates arc mated, the results of
segregation for sex factors are evident.
All possible segregation ratios for cul-
tural characters, for sex, and for muta-
bility may occur. All four lines may be
different, all may be alike, or there
may be a 2:2, 3:1, or 1:3 segregation
for each character, with all possible
combinations between characters. All
four lines may appear sexually identi-
cal on the basis of intragroup matings,
but they may prove different when
mated with other tester lines, as there
arc multiple sex groups in both species.
As many as 40 to 60 haploid segregates
from a single cross of Ustilago z^ae have
been studied and all were different
and did not include parental types.
Although mutation may account for
some of this diversity, there is con-
clusive evidence that there can be very
extensive recombinations of almost all
characters studied, as shown by investi-
gations made at the University of
Minnesota by L. J. Tyler, Syed Vahee-
duddin, M. A. Petty, and M. F. Kern-
kamp, which will be summarized.
Tyler made 10 crosses between
monosporidial lines from the promy-
ceiia of three chlamydospores of Spha-
celotheca sorghi taken from a single
smutted kernel. The progeny differed
from each other in size of chlamydo-
spores, size and hardness of sori
(smutted kernels of sorghum), time
required for spore germination, and
degree of pathogenicity. Vaheeduddin
produced gray, brown, and gray-
brown peridia (the membrane sur-
rounding smutted kernels) by inocu-
lating sorghum with different combi-
nations of these ifionosporidial lines
and also produced a parasitic race
clearly different from anything previ-
ously deifcribed. Had this race been
produced in nature, it would have in-
creased the pathogenicity of the
“chJamydospore race,” and appro-
priate differential hosts would have
been needed to detect and separate it.
Petty and Kemkamp proved that
promycelial characters of U. zeae var-
ied with the combinations of mono-
sporidial lines that produced them,
and other investigators have shown
that pathogenicity, chlamydosporc
production, size and color of sporidia,
and tendency to produce sporidia or
mycelium vary widely with the cross.
Kernkamp, as an example, crossed
sporidial and mycelial lines of U, zeae^
and sporidia and hyphal branches were
formed in all possible ratios on the
promycelia of the hybrid chlamydo-
Despite the wide diversity of haploid
lines in smuts, group characters may
be fairly constant. In experiments
made at the University of Minnesota,
chlamydosporc collections of U. zeae
from Ohio, Kansas, Minnesota, and
other States retained their distinctive
pathogenicity when several varieiies
and lines of corn were inoculated with
three successive annual crops of chlam-
ydospores. Likewise, collections from
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Louisiana, and
Mexico tended to produce haploid
lines with group cultural characters:
Most lines from Wisconsin were light
in color; those from Louisiana were
predominantly dark; those from Min-
nesota were intermediate. There ap-
pear, therefore, to be group characters,
with great diversity within the group;
and the group may change with vary-
ing degrees of readiness. The new race
of Spkacelotheca sorghi synthesized by
Vaheeduddin, for example, easily
could have changed the group char-
acter and could have been isolated
from the group only by the selective
effect of differential hosts.
At the University of Wisconsin,
G. W. Keitt and others made crosses
between single ascospore cultures of
the apple scab fungus, Venturia inaequa-
Us. From the resulting perithecia the
parental types and new types w^erc
isolated. Factors for pathogenicity seg-
regated in the first or second nuclear
division in the ascus, and factors for
the infection type produced by each
segregate on a given host appeared to
be in a single locus, with multiple
alleles determining infection types on
different varieties of apples. Langford
and Keitt made crosses similarly be-
tween single-ascospore lines of V,
pyrina^ pear scab, and segregates dif-
fered in pathogenicity for certain vari-
eties of pears, in time required for
formation of the perithecia, and in
numbers of ascospores produced.
S. P. Chilton and others at the
University of Louisiana also obtained
evidence for hybridization between
different isolates of Glomerella.
In 1928 V. Goldschmidt in Germany
crossed two races of Ustilago violacea
smut of pinks, one of which attacked
Silene saxifraga but not Melandrium alba;
and the other attacked Melandrium but
not Silene. The hybrid, however, at-
attacked both hosts. Similarly, C. S.
Holton and H. A. Rodenhiser, of the
Department of Agriculture, crossed
race T8 with Tg and race T8 with 1 10
of Tillelia caries, the reticulate-spore
stinking smut of wheat. Some of the
hybrids attacked the wheat cross
Hus.sar x Hohenheimer, hitherto re-
sistant to all known races of lx)th
T. caries and T. Joetida, the smooth-
spore species of stinking smut.
Races of wheat stem rust can cross
readily and thus result in the produc-
tion of many biotypes or races, includ-
ing some that are new. Races of rust
may or may not be dicaryotic hybrids.
Some are homozygous and others are
very heterozygous. Thus, races 9 and
36 arc relatively homozygous and usu-
ally breed true when they are selfed;
but race 53, which is highly heterozy-
gous, has segregated into as many as 18
races when “selfed” in the sexual stage
on barberry. Many experiments have
been made to determine the results of
cros.sing races of wheat stem rust, and
in 1929 W. L. Waterhouse concluded
from experiments made at Sydney
University that new races could be
produced by crossing known races.
Similarly, Margaret Newton and T.
Johnson made extensive experiments
at the Dominion Laboratory of Plant
Pathology to determine the number
and kinds of races produced by crossing
known races and to discover the ge-
netic principles involved. When the
relatively homozygous races 9 and 36
were crossed, the first generation hy-
brid was race 17, but when this vyas
selfed it produced race 36, race 1 7, and
six other races. Newton and Johnson
studied the dominance of factors for
virulence by crossing races, one of
which could attack certain varieties
that the other could not. Thus, the
nonvirulcncc of race 9 for Kanrcd
wheat was dominant over the virulence
of race 36, but the virulence of race 9
for three varieties of durum was domi-
nant over the nonvirulence of race 36,
and the nonvirulence of race 36 for
Vernal emmer was dominant over the
virulence of race 9. If factors for viru-
lence in one of the nuclei of the di-
caryophase are recessive and domi-
nated by those for nonvirulcncc, a race
may produce races more virulent than
itself after being “selfed” in the sexual
stage on the barberry, because the
more virulent races could be “double
That hybridization and segregation
in Puccinia graminis arc going on in
nature is clear from studies of races and
biotypes on and near barberry bushes.
E. C. Stakman and W. Q. Loegering,
in extensive studies made cooperatively
by the Department of Agriculture and
the University of Minnesota, identified
43 races and bio types of P. graminis
triiiciy wheat stem rust, in 1949, in the
immediate vicinity of three groups of
barberry bushes in Lebanon County,
Pa., and only five races in nonbarberry
areas of the State. In 1940 they iso-
lated races 9, 10, 14, 24, 40, 55, 69, 77,
79» B3, 1 1 7, 125, 126, 140, 146, and
147 from or near barberry bushes but
not elsewhere in the United States and
Mexico. The ratio between races and
uredial collections is about i :5o; that
for aecial material is about 1 15 or less.
Although only 14 races of P. graminis
avenae arc known, the presently de-
structive races 7, 8, 10, and 12 were
found repeatedly near barberry before
they became generally distributed; the
potentially dangerous races 6 and 13
were still found only on or near bar-
berry bushes during the growing season
of 1952, but they are likely to become
more widely distributed in future.
That there are extensive recombi-
nations in the sexual stage of autoe-
cious rusts, those that produce all
stages on the same plants, is shown by
the researches of H. H. Flor on flax
rust, Melampsora lini^ made at the
North Dakota Agricultural Experi-
ment Station. Flor isolated 64 races
from the F2 progeny of a cross be-
tween race 22 from South America
and race 24 from the United States.
Of these, 62 were previously unknown,
and some were more virulent on cer-
tain varieties of flax than either
parental race.
Many crosses have been made be-
tween varieties of Puccinia graminis^
principally between the varieties tritici
and secalis. Although there is consider-
able information on parasitic behavior
of the immediate crosses, little is
known about their subsequent prog-
enies. Many of the varietal hybrids
possessed the pathogenic capabilities
of one or the other parental variety,
while others were less pathogenic, be-
ing more or lc.ss intermediate between
the two parents; but a few differed
strikingly in their parasitic capabili-
ties. In some crosses, many new races
were produced in the Fi generation,
which is expected if one or both of
the parents are heterozygous.
At the University of Minnesota nine
physiologic race.s were obtained by
crossing the homozygous race 36 of
the tritici variety with agrostidis (red-
top) variety. All of the nine races
infected wheat, but none infected red-
top or other grasses of the genus Agros-
tis. From a cross between race 36 of
wheat stem rust (tritici) and race ii
of rye stem rust (secalis), eight races of
tritici and two of secalis were isolated.
Two of the tritici races were new and
intermediate in pathogenicity between
the parents. Similar results have been
obtained at the Dominion Laboratory
of Plant Pathology at VVinnipeg, Can-
ada. The varieties tn/tet and sfca/is are
highly interfertilc and seem closely re-
lated, as both can infect barley and
several grasses about equally well. One
hybrid between the two attacked
barley, but not wheat or rye, and
could therefore be designated as vari-
ety hordei. From another cross between
the tritid and secalis varieties, M. N.
Levine and R. LT. Cotter isolated a
hybrid race that attacked wheat, rye,
and barley heavily, thus combining
the pathogenicity of both parents.
T. Johnson and Margaret Newton
in Canada crossed tritid and avenac
(oats variety) and obtained a hybrid
that attacked certain varieties of both
wheat and oats, whicli neither of the
parents could do. Although the host
range of the hybrid was wider than
that of either parent, pathogenicity
was weaker than that of the parents
on their respective hosts. More studies
on varietal crosses are needed.
At least eight species and genera
of cereal and grsss smuts have been
crossed :
Ustilago avenae x U. kolleri (loose smut
X covered smut of oats).
Ustilago avenat x U. perennans (loose
smut of oats x smut of tall oatgra.ss).
Ustilago hordd \ U. nigra (covered
smut X false loose smut of barley).
Tilleiia caries x T. Joetida (low bunt
X high bunt of wheat).
Sphacelotheca sorghi x S, cruenta (cov-
ered kernel smut x loo.se kernel smut
of sorglium).
Sphacelotheca sorghi x Snrosporium r<r-
iliamtm (covered kernel smut x head
smut of sorghum).
Sphacelotheca cruenta x Sorosporiwn
reilianum (loose kernel smut x head
smut of sorghum).
Sphacelothica destruens x S. syntherismae
(two head smuts of grasses).
Spccie.s involved in interspecific
cros.ses differ considerably in morpho-
logical and physiological characters;
therefore they arc suitable for study-
ing the recombination and segrega-
tion of two or more distinct characters,
such as type and consistency of the
sori (spore masses), markings and color
of chlamydospores, and pathogenicity.
Fertile interspecific dicaryotic hy-
brids are easily made between the
eight combinations listed above. In
some instances the Fi chlamydospores
germinate normally; in some cases
chlamydospores and sporidia germi-
nate poorly or abnormally.
The inheritance of factors for
spore- wall markings of hybrid chlamy-
dospores of smuts usually is simple.
When one with smooth-walled spores
is crossed with one that has spiny-
walled spores (cchinulaie), factors for
spiny wain tend to dominate over those
for smooth wall, but in crosses between
species of Tilletia with smooth and
reticulate-walled spores (those with
netlike ridges) more than one set of
factors apparently is involved. In
some cros.ses smooth completely dom-
inates over reticulate, and in others
reticulate is partly domiikant over
smooth, and intergrading types of re-
ticulation may occur in the Fi and ¥%
chlamydospore generations.
I'he F 1 sori (spore masses) produced
by interspecific crosses cf smuts tend to
be intermediate between the two par-
ents. There may, however, be consid-
erable variation, depending on the
species involved in the cross. Different
dicaryophytes of the same cross also
may produce sori of several shapes and
sizes. In the F2 generation, and some-
times in later ones, there frequently are
many diverse types. The factors for
different sorus characters are usually
inherited independently of each other
and of tho.se for sex and pathogenicity;
hence, new combinations of morpho-
logical and pathogenic characters are
The range of variation in types of
smut is well illustrated in crosses tie-
tween the loose and covered smuts of
oats. When varieties of oats are inocu-
lated with different combinations of
monosporidial lines of Ustilago avenae^
loose smut, and U, kolleri, covered
smut, many kinds of smutted heads
(panicles) may be produced, ranging
from loose to covered, through many
intermediate types. One combination
may produce loose smut on one variety
and covered smut on another, and
another combination may produce the
same type of smut on both varieties,
which indicates that the type of smutted
panicles is determined by both the
fungus and the variety of oats.
In interspecific crosses between the
barley smuts Ustilago hordei (covered
type) and U, nigra (false loose type),
made by C. C. Allison at Minnesota,
the Fi head types were intermediate,
but tended toward the loose type. The
progeny from the Fi chlamydospores
produced not only the parental types
of sori, compact heads with smooth
spores and loose heads with cchinulatc
spores, but several new types, including
intermed iates with smooth or echinulate
spores, compact heads with echinulate
spores, and loose heads with smooth
L. J. Tyler and C. P. Shumway, at
Minnesota, made crosses between the
sorghum smuts Sphaceloikeca sorghi
(covered kernel smut) and Sorosporium
reilianum (fxad smut). The characters
of the F, sori and of the chlamydo-
spores tended to be intermediate
between those of the parents. Syed
V^ahccduddin crossed Sorosporium reili-
anum (head smut of sorghum) walh
Sphaceloikeca cruenta (loose kernel smut
of sorghum). Dificrent combinations
of monosporidial lines produced sori
differing in shape and size. Some of
the Fi sori resembled one or the other
parent, w'hilc others were intermediate.
Similar types were obtained again in
F 2 from inoculating with different
combinations of fj (gametic) segre-
gates. Naturally, there was segre-
gation of factors for many other
characters also, such as size and
echinulation of chlamydospores, cul-
tural characters, sex, and patho-
genicity. Some of the hybrids between
the two smuts had pronounced hybrid
vigor. They caused extreme elonga-
tion of the ovaries of sorghum, thus
producing an effect similar to that
caused by the long smut of sorghum,
Tolyposporium filijerum. Moreover, the
chlamydospores, although intermedi-
ate in size betw^een the sizes of the
parental spores, germinated over an
exceptionally wide range of tempera-
ture and produced promycelia two and
a half to three times as long as those
of either parent, and the sporidia and
hyphal branches were correspondingly
large. In addition, some haploid
segregates had extraordinary toler-
ance for certain chemicals. Since
sporidia and promycelial cells are
haploid, not diploid as in higher
plants, a study of hybrid vigor in smut
fungi may aid in interpreting that in
higher plants.
Interspecific hybridization appar-
ently produces new parasitic races of
some smuts in nature. New virulent
races of buff smuts of oats have been
produced artificially by crossing Usti-
lago avenae with U, kolleri. Some of the
hybrids had a wider host range than
either parent. Some of the hybrid races
of the buff smut attacked both the
susceptible variety Monarch, and the
variety Gothland, which was immune
to the parental buff race. The inter-
specific hybrids combined some of the
factors for pathogenicity of both
parents. It appears that new races of
buff smut can be produced readily
by crossing any buff race with normal
black races of U, avenae or of U. kolleri.
Many new parasitic races of Tilletia
that cause bunt or stinking smut of
wheat have been produced by hybridi-
zation between 7*. caries and T.
Joetida. Although some hybrid races
are less virulent than: either parent,
others combine factors for pathogenicity
of both parents. Crosses between T,
Joetida and T. caries can result in new
morphologic types also. As an ex-
ample, the hybrid sori and chlamydo-
spores were smaller in one cross chan
those of either parent. Hybrids also
may have varying degrees of speire-
wall reticulations, and size of chlamy-
dospores can vary considerably. Su<^
hybrids occur in nature also, and in
some cases have been given taxonomic
rank, such as T. caries intermedia.
That there are innumerable species,
parasitic races, and biotypes of plant
disease fungi is a banal truism. That
innumerable new biotypcs and races
can be produced by mutation, hybrid-
ization, and heterocaryosis has been
shown by extensive experimentation.
That new biotypes and parasitic races
often appear in nature is known from
long-continued observ’ation. The new
biotypes and races, even though they
were produced infrequently, could still
become widely prevalent in a short
time because many fungi are prodi-
giously prolific and can be dissemi-
nated widely and quickly by the wind.
A single kernel of smutted wheat
contains between 2 million and 12
million spores; a single pustule of
wheat stem rust may contain a quarter
of a million spores; stem rust may
produce 70 billion spores on a single
barberry bush; there are about 50,000
billion rust spores on one acre of fairly
heavily rusted wheat. Countless bil-
lions of spores are literally carried on
the wings of the wind. Many of the
new biotypes that arc produced in
these enormous populations are not
dangerous, but some are. The poten-
tially rapid multiplication of new
biotypes and parasitic races of the
fungi and the potentially rapid spread
make the more virulent ones poten-
tially dangerous, and too often poten-
tiality has become reality.
The practical implications of the vast
variation in plant pathogenic fungi are
manifold, but the most important is
the menace to food supplies. Some of
the most devastating epidemic disca.ses
of basic food and feed crops can be
controlled economically only by the
development of disease-resistant vari-
eties. New parasitic races have re-
peatedly appeared to attack these
varieties in the past and the menace
still exists for the future. The genetic
diversity ard phenotypic variability of
many of the most destructive path-
ogens are so great as to create extreme-
ly complex problems of disease control
in the present and to raise the question
as to how complex they can become in
the future. How much virulence can
nature put into plant pathogens and
how much resistance can man put into
crop plants? This is one of the most
important questions for present and
future agriculture. It can be answered
only by basic studies to determine the
limits of genic combinations for viru-
lence in pathogens and for productiv-
ity and disease resistance in crop plants.
£. C. Stakman is head oj the department
of plant pathology and botany, University
of Minnesota, and an agent in the United
States Department of Agriculture, He has
devoted his professional life principally to
basic and practical studies of diseases of
crop plants and the fungi that cause them.
He is widely known for investigations on
the epiderniology and physiologic specializa*
lion in stem rust of wheat and the genetics of
the smut fungi. At Minnesota and elsewhere
he has participated in breeding programs for
disease-resistant varieties, particularly of
wheat and oats. He was president in ig^g of
the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, His current activities in-
clude membership in the executive committee
of the National Science Board, in the
Advisory Committee for Biology and Medi-
cine of the United States Atomic Energy
Commission, and chairmanship of the Com-
mittee on International Cooperation of the
American Phytopathological Society.
J. J. Christensen is professor of plant
pathology at the University of Minnesota,
where he obtained the doctor of philosophy
degree in rg2^. He has made extensive
studies of cereal diseases and the genetics of
plant pathogens in relation to breeding for
resistance and has participated in cereal
breeding programs. In addition to work at
Minnesota, Dr. Christensen has studied
genetics of plant pathogens in Europe, has
been adviser to SCAP on plant diseases in
Japan, and has traveled extensively in
South America on a study of cereal diseases.
He is past president of the American
Phytopathological Society,
Fungi, and
J. G. Leach
Insects influence fungus and bac-
terial diseases of plants in several ways.
Without disseminating the micro-
organisms themselves, insects may
make wounds on a plant through
which fungi or bacteria may enter. An
example is white grubs, which often
feed on the roots of raspberry plants
and make wounds through which the
bacteria that cause crown gall gain
entrance from the soil. We have no
evidence, however, that the white
grubs arc involved in the spread of
the bacteria. Curculios that feed on
young peaches and plums likewise
make wounds through which wind-
borne s|X>res of the brown rot fungus
enter and cause infection.
But some insects spread pathogens
from diseased plants to healthy plants
without wounding the plants. When
bees transmit the bacteria causing fire
blight of apples and pears from dis-
eased to healthy blossoms, they make
no wounds on the blossoms but intro-
duce the bacteria into the nectar,
where they grow and later penetrate
the tissues through the nectar glands.
Another example is the relationship
between flies and the ergot disease of
rye. In early stages of infection, the
fungus produces large quantities of
spores in a sugary exudate, which
has a foul and catrionlike odor and
attracts flics. The flics feed on it and
become contaminated with the fungus
spores. They transport the spores to
healthy flowers, where infection takes
place without the need of any wounds*
More efficient is the insect that
transmits the pathogen from plant to
plant and also makes the wound
through which infection takes place.
That kind of relationship exists be-
tween the elm bark beetles and the
Dutch elm disease, the striped cucum-
ber beetle and the bacterial wilt of
cucurbits, and many other diseases
transmitted by insects that feed upon
the plants by chewing the tissues or
sucking the sap.
In a few instances insects may in-
fluence the development of a disease
although they neither disseminate the
pathogen nor make wounds through
which it enters the plant. So it is
when beetles of Monochamus species
bore into the heartwood of trees or
logs already infected with wood-rot-
ting fungi and hasten the growth of
the fungi and consequently the rotting
of the log.
Almost everywhere, except possibly
the humid Tropics, some period of the
year is unfavorable for the growth of
fungi and bacteria. Then the pathogen
has the problem of survival. In the
Nortli the critical period is winter,
when temperatures arc too low for
growth of both pathogen and host. In
the warmer, drier regions, heat and
drought may be limiting factors. The
successful pathogens are the ones that
have some special adaptations that
enable them to survive winter cold
and summer heat so that they are
ready to cause infection when condi-
tions again arc favorable. Some patho-
gens are adapted to survival in the
soil. Others survive in roots or stems
of perennial plants or in the seeds of
annual plants. Some produce resistant
spores that withstand unfavorable
Some fungus and bacterial patho-
gens that are transmitted primarily by
insects can survive within the body of
the insects that transmit them. The
bacteria that cause wilt of sweet corn
survive the winter in the bodies of the
corn flea beetle. Those that cause the
wilt of cucurbits survive in the bodies
of the striped and spotted cucumber
beetles. The fungus that causes the
Dutch elm disease may overwinter in
the body of the elm bark beetle. Fungi
that cause the blue stain disease of
pines survive in the bodies of the pine
bark beetles. Pathogens like these,
which survive within the bodies of
their insect vectors, withstand the
digestive fluids in the insects, while
many other micro-organisms arc killed
and digested.
When fungi and bacteria survive in
the bodies of their insect carriers, there
is often a mutualistic symbiotic rela-
tionship — a mutual aid arrangement.
The fungi or bacteria may supply
digestive enzymes or vitamins that the
insect needs. They may condition trees
so that insects may breed in them or
they may provide a more concentrated
source of nitrogen for the insects. In
return, the insect protects the micro-
organism against unfavorable environ-
ments, transmits them to susceptible
plants, and often makes the wounds
through which they infect.
Such associations between insects
and plant pathogens arc not matters of
chance. They are the result of a long-
evolutionary process. Sometimes in-
sects have developed special organs in
their bodies for the purpose of harbor-
ing the micro-organism in relatively
pure culture. The females of some
species that have become dependent
upon micro-organisms have special
organs and devices in their bodies
designed to contaminate the eggs so
that the new generation will have a
supply of the necessary micro-organ-
isms. A rot of apples associated with the
apple maggot fly is caused by bacteria
that are transmitted in this way. The
female fly has special pouches in the
walls of the oviduct that harbor the
bacteria and are so arranged that they
provide a mechanism that contami-
nates each egg with the bacteria as it is
deposited into the tissues of the apple.
Wind, water, man, and animals also
spread plant diseases. Only a few
fungus and bacterial diseases depend
entirely on insects for their spread and
development. Wind scatters spores of
pathogenic fungi, but only a small per-
centage of them fall upon the proper
plant under conditions necessary for
infection. Most of them are wasted.
But spores that are adapted to dissem-
ination by insects are taken usually
directly to a plant that is susceptible to
their attack and are often deposited in
wounds where infection occurs imme-
diately. Thus, wind dissemination is
much more wasteful of inoculum and
is more subject to the vagaries of the
weather; insect dissemination leaves
less to chance and is more economical
of inoculum. The situation is like the
pollination of flowering plants by wind
and by insects. The highly developed
adaptative mechanisms of insect pol-
lination have evolved from the more
primitive and less efficient mecha-
nisms of wind pollination. A similar
evolutionary trend appears to exist in
the methods of dissemination of fungus
and bacterial di.seases.
A more striking parallel with insect
pollination is found in the rust fungi,
in which insects are instrumental in
transporting the sexual elements of the
pathogen in a manner quite compa-
rable to insect pollination of flowering
plants. Many of the rust fungi are het-
erothallic, which means that they form
two kinds of mycelium that differ sex-
ually. Before the rust fungus can com-
plete its entire life cycle, pycniosporcs
of one sex must be transported to re-
ceptive hyphac of the opposite sex so
that fertilization can be accomplished.
The phenomenon has been studied
in the black stem rust of cereals (Pmc-
cinia graminis). The rust is hetcroecious,
which means that it lives part eff its
life on cereals and grasses and part on
the common barberry (Berberis vul^
garis). The spores that infect the bar-
berry leaf arc of two sexes, designated
as and — . They arc in the haploid
condition and neither one can com-
plete the life cycle until there has been
a sexual fusion of the two. The + or —
spore infects the barberry leaf and
forms a mycelium of its own kind ( +
or — ). From them are formed (on the
upper side of the barberry leaf) small
fniiting bodies (pycnia), each of which
produces myriads of pycniospores of
the corresponding sex. Each pycnium
produces also a number of short hy-
phae, which protrude from the pyc-
nium and serve as receptive organs com-
parable to the stigma of flowering
lants. They are known as receptive
yphae. Before aeciospores can be pro-
duced on the under side of the leaf, a
pycniospore of one sex must reach a
receptive hyphae of the opposite sex
and fuse with it. The nucleus from the
pynciospore passes into the receptive
hypha and fuses with a nucleus of the
opposite sex. In this process it fertilizes
or “diploidizes” the mycelium within
the leaf tissues so that aeciospores can
be formed.
Since the pycnia producing these sex-
ual organs of different sexes are often
separated on a leaf or occur on differ-
ent leaves, a way is needed to bring
the pycniospores to the right kind of
receptive hypha. Nature has provided
a mechanism that tends to insure suc-
cessful fertilization. The pycnia arc
produced on the upper leaf surface on
a bright orange spot. The pycniospores
are liberated in a drop of nectar that
has a high sugar content and a fragrant
odor. The bright spots, the fragrance,
and the food attract insects of many
kinds, especially flies. The insects in
feeding move from one pycnium to an-
other and by transporting the spores
to receptive hyphae bring the opposite
sexes together.
Since individual diseases may be
transmitted in several ways, it is desir-
able to know the relative importance
of the different methods. Such infor-
mation often is necessary for working
out effective control measures. It has
been proved that the bacteria causing
wilt of cucurbits survive the winter
only within the bodies of cucumber
beetles and in nature are transmitted
only by the beetles. It is obvious there-
fore that eflective control of the beetles
will control the disease. But when in-
sect transmission is one of .several
methods, the relative importance of
each must be established and control
measures modified accordingly. An ex-
ample: The seed-corn maggot is known
to transmit blackleg of potatoes and
other bacterial soft rots, but it is only
one of several means of transmission
and even though the insects were com-
pletely controlled the diseases would
be spread to some extent by other
It is especially difficult to determine
accurately the importance of an insect
vector in relation to other means of
spread if one cannot control the vec-
tor. We knew for a long time, for
example, that the brown rot of peaches
might have some connection with the
feeding and egg-laying of the curculio,
but since no effective means of con-
trolling the insect was available we
could get no accurate data as to its
importance. When the newer organic
insecticides like DDT became avail-
able, however, better control of the
curculio was possible, and we learned
that less brown rot occurred in or-
chards in which the curculio was
We have no evidence that the cur-
culio is of great importance in dis-
seminating the spores of the brown rot
fungus, which are readily wind-borne,
but it is obvious that the curculio
influences the development of brown
rot by making wounds on immature
fruits through which the wind-blowm
spores are able to infect. The brown
rot fungus has difficulty in infecting
immature fruits if the skin is unin-
jured, but it grows readily in punc-
tures made by the curculio. Spores
formed early on the injured green
fruits provide an abundant source of
inoculum for the ripening fruit later
in the season
Often more than one. kind of insect
may transmit the same disease. Since
1891, when M. B. Waite, a pioneer in
the Department of Agriculture, first
showed that the honey bee could trans-
mit fire blight of orchard fruits, much
has been written, pro and con, about
the role of bees in the spread of the
disease. The importance of the bee is
often overemphasized by failure to
recognize that other insects regularly
transmit the disease and that wind,
rain, and other agents also are in-
volved. The bacteria commonly live
over winter in cankers on the larger
branches of the tree from which they
are liberated in early spring in a sticky
Flies and ants that feed on the
exudate are chiefly responsible for
transporting bacteria from the cankers
to the blossom and for initiating the
first blight infection of the new growth.
Bees and wasps, flics, and other in-
sects that visit the blossoms transmit
the disease from blossom to blossom.
Aphids, leafhoppers, and other suck-
ing insects transmit it to the young
green shoots. In the meantime, wind-
blown rain may also spread the bac-
teria throughout the tree and man in
his pruning operations may aid in
spreading it throughout the orchard.
Transmission of this disease is a com-
plicated process, and proper evalua-
tion of the different means of spread,
although difficult, is essential to an
understanding of its nature.
Those who have studied the Dutch
elm disease have shown that several
different insects under some condi-
tions may traasmit the disease. In the
United States the principal vector is
the smaller European elm bark beetle
(Scofylus multi striatus). The native elm
bark beetle {Hylurgnpinus rufipes) may
also transmit the disease, but is much
less effective. The greater efficiency
of the former is due to its feeding
Both insects breed under the bark of
infected trees and the fungus pathogen
p-ows and forms spores in their breed-
ing tunnels so that the new broods of
each species have equal opportunities
for becoming contaminated with the
fungus spores. But when the new crops
of beetles emerge, their behavior is
quite different. Those of the European
species fly to healthy trees and feed on
the young branches and in the process
inoculate the tree with the disease.
Those of the native species, however,
do not feed on young twigs. They may
bore into the trunk of healthy trees
but they rarely penetrate deep enough
to reach the sapwood and inoculate
the tree. Neither insect is able to es-
tablish breeding tunnels in healthy
trees, but those trees which were in-
oculated by the Europiean species
when it fed on the small t>ranches are
weakened so that they are subject to
the attack of both species. These
diseased and beetle-infested trees sup-
ply a new brood of contaminate
beedes. Thus a slight difference in
feeding habit may gready influence
the efflciency of an insect vector.
In a study of insect transmission of
plant diseases, consideration must
therefore be given to the feeding and
breeding habits of all the insects that'
arc potential vectors. Many other
insects develop in infected trees and
have abundant opportunities to be-
come contaminated with the pathogens
but are of no significance as vectors.
For example, the wood-boring beetles
(Buprestidacand Cerambycidae) breed
in infected trees and come in contact
with the pathogenic fungus, but when
they attack the new tree the adult
female of the wood -boring beetle does
not bore into the tree but deposits her
eggs on the surface or in niches in the
bark. When the eggs hatch the young
larvae bore into the tree, and because
they have had little or no opportunity
to become contaminated with the
fungus they rarely serve as vectors.
More than 40 species of insects visit
rye blos.soms and feed on the spores of
the ergot fungus, but not all have equal
importance as carriers of ergot. Among
those that feed on the spores arc certain
species of pollen-eating flies. I'hey also
regularly visit healthy flowers and feed
on the pollen. In doing so they trans-
mit the disease. Thus they are more
effective vectors than those that do not
eat pollen and visit healthy flowers only
by chance or not at all.
An important aspect of plant pathol-
ogy is the study of the influence of
environment on disease. When the
diseases are caused by fungi or bacteria
the study is complicated by the efiectof
the environment on two different
organisms, the micro-organism and the
crop plant, and also on the interaction
of the two. If the disease is transmitted
by an insect, one has to study three
different organisms and their inter-
The prevalence of a plant disease can
be determined more by the influence of
the environment on the insect vector
than by its influence on the disease
itself. That is obvious in such diseases
as bacterial wilt of cucurbits, for which
insects are the only known means of
transmission. Any weather condition
that influences the abundance of the
cucumber beetles must also influence
the prevalence of the disease.
Bacterial wilt of sweet corn is more
prevalent following mild winters than
it is following cold winters. It is gener-
ally agreed that this is because of the
survival in mild vvintei*s of a greater
number of contaminated flea beetles.
Unexpected siiuatiotis often happen
when environment modifies strikingly
the activities of insect vectors. The soft
rot of vegetables, caused by bacteria,
is usually favored by wet weather, but
when the disease occurs as a heart rot
of celery it is most destructive in dry
weather. Is was hard to understand
why until it was discovered that, on
celcr>% the disease is tran.smittcd by
insects of the fruit fly group, I'he flies
deposit their eggs on the celery leaves.
When the eggs hatch, the young mag-
gots burrow into the leaves and inocu-
late the plant with the bacteria. The
insects will deposit their eggs only on
moist leaves. In wet weather the eggs
are deposited on the outer leaves of
the celery plant where the decay cau.scs
little damage to the plant because the
outer leaves are resistant to decay and
arc removed and discarded at harvest.
In dry weather, how■e^'er, when the
outer leaves are not wet, the in.secis
seek the moist heart leaves on w'hich to
lay their eggs. Wh^n the lar\-ae inocu-
late the heart leaves with the bacteria
the growing point is killed and stem
elongates, so that the plant has no
market value. Thus a disease that
normally is favored by moist weather is,
in this case, more destructive in dry
Insects also may indirectly influence
the spread of diseases by birds. Chest-
nut blight is spread over short dis-
tances by wind and water, but spot
infections have appeared x oa miles or
more from known infected areas. They
were started by the woodpeckers and
sapsuckers whose beaks had been con-
taminated w'ith spores while feeding
on insects that were breeding in can-
kers on infected trees. Since the birds
feed on both insects and healthy cam-
bium, they are effective vectors. After
feeding on insects in a canker and con-
taminating their beaks with spores,
they would continue their migrations
and fly many miles before pecking
holes in the bark of healthy chestnut
trees to feed on the cambium. But in
so doing they would effectively inocu-
late the trees with fhe spores adhering
to their beaks.
It is evident from this brief review
that insects play an important role in
the spread and development of plant
diseases. Successful control of many
plant disca.ses depends upon the con-
trol of the insects that spread them or
otherwise influence their development.
Sometimes the in.secl that transmits a
plant disease is not directly injurious
and would be of no economic impor-
tance if it did not transmit the disease.
Frequently there is a symbiotic rela-
tionship between the insect and the
disea.se that it transmits in w'bich both
the insect and the micro-organism
derive mutual benefits.
J. G. Leach has been head of the
department of plant pathology and hac^
terioiogy in West Virginm University since
Earlier he was professor of plant
pathology in the University of Minnesota.
He has done extensive research with in^
suts in relation to plant diseases. In ig^o
he published a textbook^ Insect Trans-
mission of Plant Diseases. He is a
former president of the American Phyto*
pathological Society.
Crown Gall —
a Malignant
A. J. Riker^ A. C. Hildebrandt
Crown galls arc diseased growths
that occur on peaches, apples, rasp-
berries, roses, sugar beets, and a great
many other broadleaved plants. The
galls appear commonly where the
plants come out of the ground, the
crowm — hence the name.
They ordinarily are quite soft. They
have neither a definite exterior like a
bark layer nor a woody interior like a
stem. Having no protection against sec-
ondary invaders, the galls become hosts
to various bacteria, fungi, and even in-
sects, particularly during w'et weather.
A type of decay like soft rot sets in.
A gall contains a disorganized mix-
ture of large, sw'ollen cells; small cells
that divide rapidly; and sap-conduct-
ing cells, w'hich have a ladderlike
thickening in the walls. The gall may
seem hard if the woody cells are abun-
The nonparasitic bur knots, callus
overgrowths, and infectious hairy root
are common diseases that have been
mistaken for the true crowm gall.
The disease occurs the w'orld over.
Infected nursery stock easily could have
carried it from one place to another.
Its economic importance varies. I?i ir-
rigated districts and other sections with
abundant moisture, the disease may
occur so often that an uninfected plant
is hard to find. A gall that develops on
a lateral root may cause little damage.
A gall that occurs on the main stem
near the crr'wn and involves a consid-
erable pan of the circumference of the
stem, may weaken the stem, disrupt
the flow of sap, and favor the progress
of a cortical rot. Such a plant usually
Crown gall is caused by the bacte-
rium Agrobacterium tumefacienSy a small
Gram-negative rod. It is closely related
to the bacteria that produce root
nodules on leguminous plants and to
bacteria of the colon-typhoid group.
The crown gall bacteria grow readily
on any of the common bacterial media.
They do well on nitrate-sucrose-min-
eral salt agar.
The infection cycle is relatively
simple. The bacteria enter the tissues
apparently only through wounds, most
commonly through wounds caused by
insects or cultivation. Once inside the
tissue, they occur primarily between
the cells, from which they stimulate the
surrounding cells to divide. In the
earlier stage, that l(x>ks like the re-
sponse to a wound, but it never heals.
As the galls increase in size, some of the
larger cells apparently arc crushed by
the pressure, and the bacteria move
into other tissues for further activity.
The bacteria occur usually in abun-
dance on the surface, from which they
may be washed off and distributed by
flowing water. Chew'ing insects may
carry them from one plant to another
and also may introduce them into
wounds. Over long distances the bac-
teria travel on the surface of nursery
stock or in.side the tissue. Symptoms
may not develop for several weeks,
depending on temperature, humidity,
and the growth of the host. They may
not show during nursery inspection.
Galls ordinarily develop better as the
temperatures increase up to a certain
point. However, on tomato, Kalanchoe,
and certain other plants studied in
experiments, the galls fail to develop
much, if any, above 83° F., although
plants and bacteria do well at the
higher temperatures.
Moisture, light, and mineral nutri-
ents may influence the development of
the galls. Frequently, since no growth
means no gall, that merely reflects the
growth of the plant itself.
enOWN OAll^A M
Various insects living in the ground
seem important, especially those on
raspberries. They chew on the roots
and the galls. They open infection
courts and may actually transmit the
bacteria from one injury to another.
Cultural practices likewise may be im-
portant. Obviously a type of cultiva-
tion that encourages insects or pro-
duces many injuries on the roots or
crowns may encourage infection.
The means for combatting crown
gall are closely tied in with the environ-
ment and the way the disease develops.
Perhaps one of the best control meas-
ures is to grow a crop that is not sus-
ceptible for several years between crops
that are susceptible. A crop that re-
duces the presence of root-chewing in-
sects likewise discourages this means of
transmission. Sometimes, if the infec-
tion is carried on the surface of the
planting stock, a surface disinfectant
may be helpful — but not fully reliable,
because in some instances the bacteria
may enter a wound and be protected
against the disinfectant. Such infec-
tions are impossible to detect during
nursery inspection because frequently
the period of incubation is not long
enough to permit gall development.
Galls that develop in the nursery on
the unions nf piece-root apple grafts
have been controlled by special adhe-
sive tape wrappers. They may contain
the disinfectant, corrosive sublimate, in
the adhesive mixture.
While the economic importance of
crown gall makes it a critical disease,
particularly on sugar beets, fruits, and
some types of nursery stock, it has still
greater importance as a tool for work
dealing with the fundamentals of dis-
eased growth. Erwin F. Smith called
crown gall a '‘plant cancer.”
The changes from normal growth to
diseased grow’th involve many funda-
mental biological problems. The more
one learns about biochemistry the
greater appear the parallels betw'een
plants and animals — Ix^tween cabbages
and kings. From the standpoints of
growth stimulation and, what is much
more important, growth inhibition,
many basic substances, including vari-
ous carbohydrates, fats, proteins and
their derivatives, mineral salts, vita-
mins, and enzymes, are common fac-
tors occurring both in plant and animal
cells. Admittedly, a description of such
fundamental work becomes a bit tech-
nical. Its importance extends far be-
yond the agricultural field.
For fundamental work on growth,
plants have certain advantages over
animals. The plants have no complex
nervous, digestive, and circulatory
systems, which complicate the basic
physiology. Large numbers of plants
may be used at a relatively low cost.
The possibilities for genetic purity with
plant material arc real and important.
Many inbred lines are available for
use. Still better, various plants, such
as many fruits, are ordinarily repro-
duced by vegetative propagation.
Thus, the different individuals are
genetically identical. For details of
tissue metabolism, tissue cultures from
higher plants offer a relatively simple
and direct approach not yet possible
with tissue from higher animals. These
cultures grow indefinitely upon media
which contain only nutrients with
known chemical formulas. Ordinarily
the tissues grow well without a change
of nutrient for some weeks. The grow-
ing tissue develops in a compact mass
easily separated from the medium.
Thus, any change in growth may be
determined merely by weighing the
tissue pieces. Many ways arc available
for inducing at will one or another
kind of diseased growth.
What actually initiates these dis-
eased growths, what keeps them
going, and especially how they can be
inhibited are critical questions. They
have stimulated much speculation and
many experiments. One may approach
this problem from the standpoint that
the bacteria start off the diseased de-
velopment. They may or may not be
necessary to keep the diseased groMrth
going. To make a comparison with
firearms, one might consider that the
causal agent operates as a trigger
mechanism to set things off. However,
a trigger alone is not enough. The gun
must be loaded. Also important arc
the amount of the load, the character
of the load, the amount of dampening
the load carries, and so on.
Detailed data on the metabolism of
the plant, of the causal agent, and of
both together are necessary.
As the crown gall bacteria develop
in suitable culture media, a number of
physical and chemical changes occur.
Knowing what happens in such media
may help to clarify the action of the
bacteria as they work in host tissue.
Among the critical physico-chemical
changes are the modification of the
hydrogen-ion concentration, a reduced
oxidation-reduction potential, a de-
creased osmotic pressure, and an in-
creased viscosity.
Among the chemical factors arc the
ability to use an unusually large num-
ber of different sources of carbon and
nitrogen. Likev^ise these bacteria tol-
erate many kinds of inhibiting sub-
The metabolic products known to
be formed by crown gall bacteria have
thus far been surprisingly simple,
principally carbon dioxide. No vola-
tile organic material has been de-
tected, By far the most common resid-
ual metabolite is a bacterial gum. In
culture its weight is considerably
greater than that of the bacterial cells.
One molecule of this gum contains
approximately 24 glucose molecules.
The gum is viscous, takes up moisture,
and is chemically rather inert. Appar-
ently neither the bacteria nor the host
plant has an enzyme system capable
of attacking it.
The metabolites resulting from ni-
trogen in the medium have received
much less attention. Ammonia was
one of the first products reported and
has come the nearest to being a com-
mon factor of any found among the
various cell-stimulating bacteria.
The crown gall bacteria have been
shown to produce the vitamins biotin,
riboflavin, nantothenic acid, and thia-
mine. Since they grow in synthetic
media, they produce any other such
material needed for their metabolism.
An analysis of large quantities of the
crown gall bacteria has revealed the
presence of various lipids. These are
more or less toxic when strong prepa-
rations are placed upon host plants.
The attenuation of the virulent cul-
ture by means of certain amino acids
and related compounds has an inter-
esting bearing upon this problem. The
cultures were grown in media with a
relatively alkaline reaction and only a
tiny bit of the amino acid, glycine, but
enough to reduce but not to stop
growth. After a scries of 15 or more
successive transfers made at intervals
of several days, the cultures gradually
lost their capacity to induce gall forma-
tion. In some cases, if the attenuation
was not carried through too many
transfers, virulence was restored by a
series of transfers on ordinary media.
In other cases where the cultivation on
glycine was carried several transfers
beyond the point of attenuation, such
restoration did not occur in 4 years.
A re.storation of virulence has been
accomplished also by irradiating partly
attenuated cultures with ultraviolet
light so as to kill all but one in a thou-
.sand. The .survivors commonly showed
a conspicuous increase in vinilence.
I’he morphological responses of the
plant ti.ssuc to crown gall bacteria show
important changes. The wound that
introduced the bacteria flooded the in-
tercellular .spaces and provided a cul-
ture medium for the bacteria. The
cells around the bacteria enlarged
within 2 days and the adjacent cell
walls turned somewhat brown and took
ordinary stains mure intensely than
normal walls. Within 4 days new crown
gall cells had formed. In the early
stages of development the new cell
walls were laid down in somewhat the
same manner as tho.se from a wound.
This 4-day interval was determined
ii]^epcndently with inoculated peri-
winkle plants in which the bacteria
were killed by exposing the plants to
high temperature. Plants heated after
3 days developed only small galls, but
7 >
those heated after 4 days went on to
devdop galls which were free from the
crown gdl bacteria.
The old ideas about continuing dis-
eased growth without the causal agent,
once disease in the tissue was started,
thus have received experimental evi-
dence with periwinkle. This brings
closer still the comparison between
crown gall and certain diseased growths
in animals. How frequently such au-
tonomous growth also occurs in other
plants remains uncertain. The failure
of many “secondary” crown galls on
sunflower, Paris-daisy, and marigold
to continue development after the bac-
teria have died has suggested caution
about too broad inferences.
The differences in chemical compo-
sitions between the galls and corre-
spondingly healthy tissue have been
examined. Approximate analysis indi-
cated that the gall tissues resemble
those of young plants, being high in
nitrogen and low in fibrous material.
Considerable variations were observed,
dep)cnding on the time of collection
and on the species of plant. The ac-
tively growing tissues contained more
ascorbic acid. An increase of thiamine
appeared in the gall tissue w^ithin a
The enzyn ic content of the galls was
different from that of the healthy tis-
sue. The galls contained 86 and 57
percent more than the stems of catalase
and peroxidase on a total nitrogen
basis. The galls had active tyrosinase,
while the stems had little, if any. Fur-
thermore, the galls contained rela-
tively much more glutathione than
the stems.
Reduced respiration levels by the
gall tissues have appeared important.
With the coasiderable excess of oxidiz-
ing enzymes, the suggestion has ap-
peared that the basic metabolic activ-
ity of the galls may be relatively
anaerobic in comparison with that of
the neighboring tissue. This condition
deserves further study as a causal factor
for cell stimulation. It may be corre-
lated perhaps with the earlier observa-
tions that the tissues involved had
flooded intercellular spaces. The diffu-
sion of oxygen through normal tissue
is 2,000 to 3,000 times greater than
that in tissue with water in the inter-
cellular spaces.
As the amount of hyperplastic tissue
increases in size, more difficulty with
gas exchange doubtless also develops.
The crown gall bacteria lower the oxi-
dation-reduction potentials of the ma-
terial in which they are growing. The
formation of ammonia and the con-
sequent change of the pH in an alka-
line direction also lowers the oxida-
tion-reduction potential. The bacteria
and gum block certain intercellular
spaces. The presence of gummy ma-
terials, which are hygroscopic, might
cause the cells to swell and to metabo-
lize more slow'ly. The reduced oxygen
uptake in the presence of 3-indole-
acetic acid at a gall-inducing concen-
tration has added interest.
Among the well-known growth sub-
stance effects are increased epinasty,
adventitious roots, cambial activity,
bud inhibition, and delayed abscission.
All were found associated with crown
gall on tomato. The presence in galls
has been amply demonstrated of some-
thing like 3-indoleacetic acid at ap-
proximately 6 to 1 2 parts per billion —
an amount comparable to that in some
actively growing and normal plant
parts. While these extremely small
amounts strikingly affect certain tis-
sues, much stronger and almost lethal
concentrations are needed to induce
chemical galls.
The stimulation of tissue about in-
oculations with the attenuated crown
gall bacteria has been possible not only
with the virulent culture higher on the
stem but also with galls induced by
certain chemicals. However, no cor-
relation has appeared between the for-
mation of these chemical galls and any
other growth substance effects.
The po.ssibility of studying the phys-
iology of these diseased tissues has been
greatly enhanced by the development
of tissue cultures. These consist of
masses of largely undifferentiated cal-
lus that grow indefinitely on synthetic
media. Thus, science has an important
tool to determine which substances the
tissues can use, which are not ayailable,
and particularly which are inhibiting.
The diseased tissues in culture have
been derived commonly from crown
galls that were free from bacteria, or
&om growths having a comparable
origin. Extensive studies have been
made in relation to the best physical
conditions, the importance of plant
and bacterial products, the influence of
different concentrations of various
mineral salts, the responses to the more
common growth substances, and the
activity of different sources of nitrogen
and different sources of carbon — the
latter including sugars and polysac-
charides, alcohols, and the salts of or-
ganic acids. Some of the common
metabolites appear particularly impor-
tant, either for the stimulation or in-
hibition of growth. Likewise, the con-
centrations of certain metabolites seem
as important as the substances them-
These tissue-culture studies also have
shown some striking differences be-
tween the tissues from different species.
Are they opening further the door for
physiological as well as morphological
understanding of tissues? In any case,
many interesting possibilities appear
for studying various aspects of tissue
metabolism in health and disease, for
clarifying the relations between host
and pathogen, and especially for learn-
ing more about diseased growths.
Growth inhibitions from certain ami-
no acids and organic acids have led
to the hope that still other and more
pKJwerful agents would soon be found.
The most active inhibition came with
analogs of pteroylglutamic acid. These
inhibited callus growth at 10 to 100
parts per billion. The 4-amino-N*»-
melhyl-pteroylglutamic acid applied
locally to young crown galls on sun-
flower at o.i milligram per milliliter
completely inhibited gall development.
Certain nitrogen mustards, penicillin,
8-azaguanine, and cortisone also have
inhibited c;x>wn gall.
Many trigger agents have been as-
sociated with diseased plant growths.
Whether they operate by providing
stimulation or by removing inhibitors
remains to be determined. However,
as mentioned earlier, the trigger is not
enough. What happens depends on the
kind of load and the amount and
whether it is dampened by inhibitors.
The use of tissue cultures has opened
the way for determining much about
the load, about dampening materials,
and about the amounts of both neces-
sary for effectiveness.
Basic information is being developed
not only for the influence of common
mineral salts, sources of carbon, sources
of nitrogen, and various metabolites,
but also for concentrations that en-
courage or inhibit growth.
The idea that disea.sed growth de-
velops from a lack of balance among
critical factors fits well into this con-
cept. While we shall continue to ana-
lyze individual factors that by their
presence dr absence may change nor-
mal into pathological growth or keep
it going, no one thing may be responsi-
ble. For normal growth, a number of
factors operate in a suitable balance.
However, in pathological growth of
one kind a group of these factors may
be out of balance. Likewise, in patho-
logical growth of another kind, the
balance may be disturbed in some
other way.
A. J. Riker has been professor of plant
pathology in the University of Wisconsin
since /pj/. He is the author of Introduc-
tion to Research on Plant Diseases
{with R. S. Riker) and many research re’-
ports on bacterial plant diseases^ diseases of
forest trees^ and factors that influence pathch
logical growth. For 7 years he was an
editor of Phytopathology.
A. C. Hildebrandt is an assistant
professor of plant pathology in the Vniver*
sity of Wisconsin. After earning his doctorate
at Wisconsin in /p45, he has been engaged
in research on crown gaily mineral and
carbohydrate metabolism of tissue cultureSy
environmental factors affecting plant tissue
culture growthy vitaminSy and growth^
regulating substances.
Dodders, and
Lak€ S. cm
Parasites are plants and animals that
get their living at the expense of other
organisms, which are called the hosts.
Usually we think of parasites as
lower forms of life, such as fungi and
bacteria. A number of flowering, or
seed plants, however, are parasitic on
vegetation. Parasitism appears in vary-
ing degrees in several widely separated
botanical families and is regarded gen-
erally as a degenerative process in
species that once were free-living. A
higher plant that has become parasitic
does not, as far as wc know, return to
The parasite depends physiologically
for its existence on the host plant. The
host may incidentally supply protec-
tion or physical support, although
plants that derive only those benefits
are not classed as parasites but are
called epiphytes. Examples of epiphytes
are Spanish-moss and some tropical or-
chids that attach themselves to trees
but are physiologically independent
even though they maintain no contact
with the soil.
The parasitic seed plants vary widely
in their dependence. The more inde-
pendent ones are referred to as hemi-
parasites, half-parasites, or water-
parasites. All of them produce chloro-
phyll and therefore are capable of
manufacturing food from carbon
dioxide and water, although they
depend on the host for certain dis-
solved minerals and perhaps organic
substances. Some absorb from their
hosts all the water iliey need for tran-
spiration and the manufacture of food.
The mildest hcmipara.sites look like
normal green plants growing in soil.
They steal their food through root con-
nections, often inconspicuous, from
surrounding host plants, which may
suffer little or no harm from the
arrangement. Notable parasites of this
type are the sandalwood tree of India
and its near relative Commandra (falsc-
toadflax), a common herb in North
America. The mistletoes illustrate the
opposite extremes of this group, having
lost contact with the soil and being
dependent on their hosts for all water
and dissolved minerals even though
the chlorophyll-containing species can
manufacture sugars and starches in
their green leaves and stems.
The complete parasites have no
chlorophyll and therefore depend
wholly on their hosts for nourishment.
Plants that have degenerated to this
extent are never green. Their leaves
usually are reduced to inconspicuous
scales and they exhibit a marked modi-
fication of their functional root system,
which develops entirely inside the host
Parasitic seed plants important to
agriculture, forestry, and arboriculture
in North America are relatively few
and can be classified broadly in three
groups: (i) Mistletoes are green, yel-
lowish, or brownish plants growing on
the stems and branches of trees or
shrubs. (2) Dodders are slender, twin-
ing, orange or yellowish, rarely white
or purplish, leafless, threadlike stems
often forming dense tangled mats over
host plants. (3) Broomrapes are clumps
of whitish, yellowish, brownish, or
purplish stems that arise from the roots
of host plants.
The n.\me mistletoe is derived
from the Saxon mistl-tariy meaning
“different twig’* an indication that
the ancients recognized it as something
apart from the branches of the host
tree. It was featured in the Greek,
Norse, and Germanic legends as a
plant vested with supernatural pow-
ers for good and evil. The Druids and
other pagan peoples of Europe used
it as a sacred emblem in their religious
rites. The herbalists of the early
Christian era claimed that mistletoe
was once a forest tree but became
dwarfed out of shame when its wood
was used to make the cross at Calvary.
They called it guidhel or all heal and
prescribed it as an antidote for poisons
and cure for falling sickness and
epilepsy. Amulets made of the plant
were often worn to ward off disease.
The early American settlers consid-
ered our leafy mistletoe of the East
to be identical with the Viscum of
their homeland and thus it, too, be-
came vested with much of the tradi-
tional symbolism that had developed
about the European plant. Today it
is highly prized for Christmas deco-
rations and during the holiday pci iod
it may shed blessings on those who
stand beneath it.
About 305 B. C., Theophrastus,
the Greek botanist, recorded technical
observations which indicated that he
recognized mistletoe as a parasitic
plant. In the eighteenth century,
Carolus Linnaeus, the great Swedish
botanist, described and named the
principal European species Viscum
album. The name was doubtless .se-
lected because the w^hite berries of the
plant were then used in the manufac-
ture of bird lime. Strictly speaking,
this plant is the true mistletoe, al-
though today the name is loosely
applied to many members of the
botanical family Loranthaceae, which
embraces about 900 species, mostly
tropical tree-inhabiting hemiparasites.
About 35 species are known in tem-
perate North America. Five of these
are in the genus Arceuthohium^ also
called dwarfmistletoe; the remainder
are in the genus Phoradendron.^ often
called leafy mistletoe, true mistletoe,
or Christmas mistletoe. The latter
genus was set apart from the Old
World Viscum in 1847 by Thomas
Nuttall, first director of the Harvard
Botanical Gardens; the Greek origin
of the name means “tree thief.”
The Phoradendrons attack chiefly
broadlcaved trees, although in the far
West certain conifers, especially juniper
and its near relatives, are common
All species are regarded as half-
parasites that produce clusters of
green, perennial. Jointed stems on the
branches and trunks of trees or large
shrubs. The stems mostly bear con-
spicuous deep green, leathery leaves,
which persist for several seasons. A few
species, notably some of those on
conifers and desert plants in the West,
arc virtually leafless.
The stems are supplied from an
absorbing system, which develops in
the bark and wood of the host and
takes water and whatever else may
be required to supplement the food
manufactured in the aerial green
parts of the parasite. The flowers are
dioecious; that is, the staminate or
male and the pistillate or female
flowers occur on .separate plants. They
are borne at the base of the leaves
where ('among pistillate plants only)
the familiar translucent, whitish ber-
ries develop in the late fall or early
wdnter. In some western species the
berries are straw to pinkish in color
and mature in midwinter.
Within the tough outer coat of the
berry is a single seed, which is embed-
ded in viscin, a sticky substance. Birds
feed on the sticky pulp of the berries.
Some of the discarded seeds stick to
their bills, feet, and other parts of the
body. Thus the seeds are carried to
other trees or other parts of the same
tree, where they may be brushed off
on a branch or twig, germinate, and
perhaps develop into a new mistletoe
plant. If the berries are left undi.s-
turbed they disintegrate and release
the sticky seeds, which may fall and
adhere to a limb or twig below. Seeds
that pass through the digestive tracts
of birds may also germinate and start
new mistletoe plants.
In most parts of the country the leafy
mistletoes are relatively scarce and arc
regarded more as botanical curiosities
than as serious pests. Because of their
value as holiday decorations, some in-
terest has been shown in their culture
but thus far there have been no practical
developments in that held. Most of the
mistletoe for the Christmas trade is
gathered in the forests of the Southern
and Southwestern States where it is
abundant in some localities and where
it provides oiT-season income for agri-
cultural workers. The berries of Phora-
dendron Havescens are a recognized source
of a pressor compound (parahydroxy-
phenylethyl amine) of limited pharma-
ceutical value.
In certain arid or semiarid places in
the West, notably in Texas, New Mex-
ico, Arizona, and California, mistletoe
has become so abundant as to warrant
control measures for the preservation
of shade and horticultural trees. The
natural woodland species that arc most
heavily attacked — notably juniper and
mesquite — generally have such low
economic value that large-scale con-
trol operations cannot be justified ex-
cept possibly in public parks where the
primary aim is to presei-vc natural
vegetation for the enjoyment of gener-
ations to come. In some parts of the
Midwest, such hardwoods as walnut
and elm arc sometimes severely para-
sitized by mistletoe.
The spread of mistletoe can be re-
duced somewhat by breaking off the
pistillate shoots. That must be done
periodically because it docs not destroy
the absorbing system from which the
shoots develop; it merely discourages
the parasite from producing berries,
which may spread about the infected
tree or to other host plants. It is practi-
cal only if little mistletoe is present and
the danger of reinfection from outside
is remote.
When infections are moderate, one
can prune off the affected limbs and
thus free the host plant entirely of the
parasite. Sometimes severe trunk in-
fections can be destroyed by removing
the invaded bark. If hopelessly infected
trees occur near others worthy of pres-
ervation, it would perhaps be best to
remove the infected ones entirely.
Although a single species of Phoraden-
dron may attack a variety of trees,
strong host affinities arc usually devel-
oped within a species in a given region.
The extent to which crossing from one
host species to another occurs in na-
ture is not known exactly, although
there are strong indications it is quite
limited. In regions where mistletoe is a
serious pest, it would seem advisable to
favor tree species that are naturally
immune or highly resistant to attack in
that particular area even though they
are congenial hosts elsewhere.
The dwarfmistletoes are found only
on conifers. In North America they do
not attack juniper and related species,
which are common hosts of Phoradendron.
The mistletoe shoots themselves vary
in color from green to yellow or brown.
Less conspicuous than those of the
true mistletoes, they range from tiny
scattered outgrowths about one-fourth
inch high tc coarse, jointed stems up to
1 2 inches long. The seeds are borne in
explosive, berrylike fruits. At maturity
they may be shot 50 or more feet away
from the host tree and thus gradually
encroach on the surrounding forest.
The seeds arc covered with sticky
viscin and adhere to any surface on
which they may alight.
New infections are most likely to
develop when the seeds germinate on
young twigs of a suitable host plant.
In that case an absorbing root pene-
trates the tender bark and develops
a system of strands that attack the
living phloem of the host. They ab-
sorb from it what is needed for the
development of the parasite. Some of
the strands reach the cambium layer
of the host and are permanently em-
bedded in the wood as it is laid down
each year. They retain their connec-
tion with the strands in the phloem
indefinitely and are Called sinkers.
After the absorbing system is well es-
tablished, it produces buds from w^hich
shoots develop. That may occur the
year after infection or it may be de-
layed for a decade or more. Flowers
are borne on the shoots and, like
Phoradendron^ arc dioecious. Insects
carry the pollen from the male to the
female flowers and the fruits mature 5
to 16 months later.
Forests heavily infected with dwarf-
mistletoe do not produce top yields.
The greatest losses occur in the far
West. One species {Arceuthobium pusil-
him) is recognized as a serious agent
of disease in black spruce {Picea
mariana), especially in the Lake States.
The greatest economic damage occurs
in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)^
lodgcpolc pine {P, contoria), and west-
ern larch (Larix occidentalis) . The
effects of infection of the host plants
include premature death, rediiced
growth, poor seed production, poor
form, low quality of wood products,
and increased susceptibility to attack
by insects and other diseases.
Physical removal of the parasite is
the only known means of controlling
it. In heavily infected stands it is
usually necessary to depart from nor-
mal forest management practices to
obtain adequate protection for the
future forest — exceptionally heavy har-
vest cuttings, followed by stand im-
provement designed to reduce mistle-
toe in the unmerchantable trees. At
least one cleaning subsequent to the
initial eradication will be desirable
to remove the infections that origi-
nated before control work was started
but which were invisible at the time.
Economic justification for control will
depend on the value of the stand
attacked. A knowledge of the biology
of the particular mistletoe species
involved will aid in developing the
most efficient control techniques.
Dodder belongs to the genus
Cuscuta^ a close relative of the familiar
morning-glories. It is sometimes re-
ferred to as love vine, strangleweed,
dcvil’s-guts, goldthread, pull-down,
devirs-ringlet, hellbinc, hairweed,
devirs-hair, and hailweed. It com-
monly apficars as dense tangles of
leafless, orange or yellow strands on
its host plants. Sometimes it is tinged
with red or purple. Occasionally it is
almost white. The strands develop
from seed, v%hich germinate on the
soil. The leafless yellowish stem gropes
in the air until it makes contact with
a host plant. The contact is made Arm
by one or more coils about the host
stem after which haustoria — the ab-
sorbing organs — are produced. The
haustoria invade the host tissues and
absorb the food required for the
dodder to continue its twining growth.
The basal part of the parasite soon
shrivels away, so that no connection
with the soil remains. Growth con-
tinues with the aid of more and more
haustoria, wffiich arc produced at
intervals as the stem elongates. From
the original host plant, the twining
stems reach out to attack others in the
vicinity, so that a single dodder plant
may parasitize several hosts simul-
taneously. Many minute flow’crs occur
in clusters on the sterns; they develop
tiny seeds, which fall to the ground at
maturity. The seed may remain viable
without germinating for 5 years.
Of the loo-odd recognized sp)ccics
of Cuscuta^ ^2 arc reported as being
native to the United States; 18 others
have been introduced. The parasite
is particularly troublesome in regions
where clover and alfalfa arc grown
extensively, although it is not to be
feared in America to the same degree
as in .some European countries, where
the production of clover seed has been
abandoned because of its ravages.
Dodder also attacks flax, .sugar beets,
and onions. A large number of both
cultivated and wild plants also are
its hosts, but little or no economic loss
results from the association. Cereal
plants arc never attacked.
Dodder is most frequently carried to
a farm in impure seed. It may also be
carried in hay, manure, and irrigation
water and on vehicles and animals.
Prevention is therefore the first prin-
ciple of control. Once established, it
usually appears in small scattered
patches. Gutting the patches belbre
the .seed matures will often eliminate
the para.siie. After the seed has ma-
tured it will be nece.ssary to burn the
infested area. Heavily infested fields
should be plowed under or used for
hay; the stubble should be grazed
closely, preferably by sheep. The safest
method is to cut the crop and burn it
in place when it dries. If conditions
permit, an infested field can be planted
to immune or resistant crops such as
cereals, corn, soybeans, velvetbeans,
or cowpeas. Chemical control is feasi-
ble but is not recommended because
of the high cost.
The name droomrape is generally
applied to the genera Orobanche and
Phelipaea. The go-some species are
mostly in the temperate parts of the
world. Both belong to the botanical
family Orobanchaceac, all members
of which are complete root parasites.
The family also includes the genus
Epijagus^ commonly known as beech-
drops, which appears under beech
trees. From an evolutionary stand-
point, the group is closely related to
the snapdragons and foxgloves (Scro-
phulariaceae). Some species of the
parasites produce just as showy flowers
as their independent relatives. Several
members of the Scrophulariaceae ex-
hibit mild degrees of root parasitism
similar to that previously mentioned
in the case of sandalw^ood and false-
The broonirapes appjcar as clumps
of whitish, yellowish, brownish, or
purplish annual stems arising from the
ground at or near the base of their
host plants. The stems are 6 to i8
inches high. They have bractlike leaves
and numerous showy flowers somewhat
like those of the snapdragon. An
abundance of minute seeds is pro-
duced in capsular fruits. The seeds
germinate in the soil if the fibrous
roots of a congenial host plant arc
nearby. Otherwise they remain dor-
mant until they lose their viability,
which can be retained as long as 13
years. When the primary root, or
radicle, of a germinating seed makes
contact with a fibrous root of its host,
it forms a nodule of tissue, which
becomes fused with tissues of the host.
New roots and a stem of the parasite
develop at that point. The stem emer-
ges while the roots form new contacts
with other host roots at each of which
new roots and stems of the parasite are
About 1 6 species of broomrape are
regarded as pests of many crop plants.
Three are found in the United States.
The damage caused by broomrape in
America does not approach the situa-
tion in Europe. Our most troublesome
species, hemp broomrape {Orobanche
ramosa)^ w'as perhaps introduced on
hempseed from China or Japan. It
attacks a number of unrelated crops,
but it is serious only on our hemp. A
native species, Louisiana broomrape
(O. ludoviciana)^ sometimes damages
tobacco. Beyond these, the losses
cau.sed by broomrape are negligible
and sporadic.
Clean seed is the best protection
against broomrape in hemp culture.
Tht. .seeds of the parasite can be sep-
arated mechanically. Contaminated
lots may be treated with hot w ater or a
strong bluestone solution, both of
which kill the parasite without damag-
ing the hemp. Rotation wdth immune
or resistant crops is perhaps the most
practical procedure in heavily in-
fested fields, but it should be remem-
bered that the seeds of the para.site
remain viable in the soil for many
years. Small infections of broomrape
can usually be eliminated by destroy-
ing the aerial stems before the seeds
Lake S. Gill, senior pathologist of
the division of forest pathology. Bureau of
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural
Engineering, is an authority on the dis~
eases of forest Uees in the Southwest and
the Rocky Mountains. He \ias made com--
prehensive studies of mistletoe and devel-
oped methods for its control. He is stationed
in Albuquerque, N. Mex, He contributed
Arceuthobium in the United States'^ to
Transactions of the, ConnectkuJt Academy
of Arts and Science {volume js, pages in-
245, 1935)- ^'ith J. L. Bedwell he wrote
Dwarf Mistletoes^'" for Trees, the Year-
book of Agriculture 1949 {pages 458-461),
The Tiny but
Albert L, Taylor
Nematodes differ from most of the
other organisms that cause plant dis-
eases in that they belong to the animal
kingdom, not the plant kingdom.
The plant parasitic nematodes, or
eelworms, are representatives of a
large group of species that the zoolo-
gist considers quite different from the
other kinds of animals called worms.
That is, they are not closely related to
the earthworms, flat worms, wire-
worms, grubs, and cutworms, but are
in a class apart. They have no close
Several thousands of species of nem-
atodes are known. They differ in form,
habits, and habitat. Some are para-
sites of animals and of man. Others
live in the fresh waters of rivers, ponds,
and lakes. Many live in the salt waters
of the sea. A great number live in the
soil. Most of those livin^g in the soil
can be classed as harmless and some
even as distinctly beneficial, but sev-
eral hundred species are known to
feed on living plants as parasites and
to be the causes of a variety of plant
Plant parasitic and free-living nem-
atodes occur in enormous numlDers in
all kinds of soil in which plants can
grow. A single acre of cultivated soil
may contain hundreds of millions, but
they are seldom if ever seen, even by
the farmer who is constantly working
with the soil. The reason is simply
that, although they are thousands of
times larger than bacteria, they arc
just a little too small to be easily seen
with the naked eye, even when sep-
arated from the soil. The length of
the full-grown plant parasitic nema-
tode may be less than one sixty-fourth
of an inch and seldom exceeds one-
eighth inch.
Most are very slender, as the name
eel worm suggests. Nevertheless, they
have a highly complex organization.
Their small bodies have muscular sys-
tems, specialized organs for feeding, a
digestive system, a nervous system, an
excretory system, and a well-developed
reproductive system. Both males and
females occur in most species, but
reproduction without the males is
not unusual.
The life history of plant parasitic,
nematodes is simple enough. Eggs may
be deposited in the soil or in the plant
on which the female feeds. In the eggs
the immature forms, the larv'^ae, de-
velop and eventually hatch. If plants
on which they can feed are available,
they may begin to feed immediately,
developing through several distinct
stages. At the end of each of these, a
molt takes place. After the last molt,
the nematode becomes sexually ma-
ture and able to reproduce.
■Most of the forms that have been
closely studied have a minimum length
of life cycle, from egg to egg-laying
female, of several days to sever^
weeks. The maximum time may be
much longer, as sexual maturity is not
reached until the nematode begins to
feed on a living plant. Until then it
remains in the larval stage and lives
on a reserve supply of food originally
derived from the egg. The length of
time this reserve foc^ supply lasts de-
pends on circumstances. In warm,
damp soil, the nematode will be very
active and use it up in a few weeks or
months. In cool or dry soil, activity is
less and the food supply lasts longer.
The species found in cold climates
can easily live over winter and arc
not killed by freezing of the soil. Some
species are killed if subjected to dry-
ing, but others enter a dormant state
in which they can remain alive for
yean and from which they can revive
in a short time if moistened. The most
remarkable of these are parasites of
wheat, rye, and other grains and grass-
es. The wheat nemat^e has been re-
vived after dry storage for 28 years. A
species that parasitizes rye has been
revived after 39 years. Certain species
can live a long time outside in moist
soil. Females of the golden nematode
of potatoes and its relatives become
transformed at death into highly dur-
able cysts. Because few or none of their
eggs are deposited, the cysts contain
eggs with unhatched larvae, which
may remain alive for i o years or more.
As plant parasitic nematodes neither
feed nor reproduce except on living
plants, survival of the individuzd de-
pends on its reaching a plant on which
it can feed before its reserve food sup-
ply is finally exhausted. Unless hatched
in a plant, that means that the nema-
tode must travel through the soil in
search of food. This movement seems
to be more or less random wandering
and, since nematodes are small, is
confined to a small area of soil. Perhaps
most nematodes never get more than a
foot or two from the spot where they
were hatched. Therefore nematodes
spread very slowly by their own efforts.
Plant parasitic nematodes have many
enemies in the soil. At any stage of
their life they may be captured and
devoured by other soil animals, such
as insects or predatory free-living
nematodes. Certain soil fungi have
traps that seem especially designed to
catch nematodes. Some are loops
which close when a nematode starts to
crawl through. Others have sticky sur-
faces to which nematodes adhere. In
either instance, the fungus grows into
the body of the nematode and kills it.
Even though the accidents of life
take a large toil of the plant parasitic
nematodes, a field population is seldom
exterminated. Like other parasites, the
nematodes manage to reproduce just a
little faster than they can be wiped out.
A single female root knot nematode
may produce more than 500 eggs. If
only a few of them survive to reprc^uce
in turn, a great increase in the popula-
tion of a field can take place during a
summer when several generations fol-
low one another.
Information accumulated during the
past century indicates that all of the
crop and ornamental plants grown in
the world can be attacked by plant
parasitic nematodes. If there are ex-
ceptions to this rule, they must be very
few, indeed. Probably most weeds and
wild plants are also attacked.
That does not imply that any species
of plant parasitic nematode can attack
any kind of plant. All plant parasitic
nematodes are more or less specialized,
attacking some plants freely and others
not at all, even when given every op-
portunity to do so and when no other
source of food is available. So far as a
given species of nematode is concerned,
different kinds of plants may have
varying degrees of suitability as food.
On some they will not attempt to feed.
On others they will feed, but seem un-
able to reproduce. Such plants are
called immune to the nematode species
concerned. On other plants reproduc-
tion is inhibited to various degrees;
they are called resistant. Plants on
which normal reproduction takes place
are called susceptible. It should be
emphasized that any such clzissifica-
tion of plants can be taken as applying
to only a single species of nematode.
Plants immune to attack by one species
of nematode may be highly susceptible
to attack by others.
The species range from highly spe-
cialized (those that attack only a few
kinds of plants) to polyphagous (those
that attack a great many different
kinds of plants) The reasons therefor
are not known. In practice there seems
to be no way of knowing which plants
might be attacked by a given species
except by experiment. Resistance to
nematodes sometimes can be found in
horticultural varieties of crops or in
other species of the same plant genus.
Advantage is taken of this fact in the
development of nematode-resistant
crop varieties.
Plants almost invariably become in-
fected by nematodes that move into
them fi'om the soil. As would be ex-
pected, the undergrounc} parts of
plants, roots, tubers, corms, and rhi-
zomes are more apt to be infected than
above-ground parts. Infection of stems,
leaves, and flower parts is fairly
common, however.
Damage to plants attacked l)y nem-
atodes is due primarily to the feeding
of the nematodes on- the plant tissues.
All the important plant parasitic nema-
tode species have a special feeding
organ, known as a stylet or spear. As
seen in profile under the high-power
microscope, the typical stylet resembles
a nail with a thickened head, although
close examination reveals that the head
is composed of three more or less dis-
tinct knobs. Stylets, highly variable in
size and shape according to the species
of nematode, range from comparatively
long to very short, and the knobs have
a variety of forms, ranging from large
and distinct to nearly absent. Those
differences are useful in the identifica-
tion of genera and species. The stylet
really is more like a hypodermic needle
than a nail. It is hollow, and the nema-
tode uses it to pierce plant tissue or cell
W'alls. With the stylet pushed into a
cell, the nematode can suck out the
cell contents. In preparation for this,
it may inject a digestive secretion into
the cell, evidently to liquefy and partly
digest the food before it is ingested.
Nematodes may enter the plant to
feed, may feed from the outside, or be
only partially embedded. Feeding hab-
its vary according to species.
The feeding of a nematode may kill
the cell or may simply interfere with
its normal functioning. If the cell is
killed, it often is quickly invaded by
bacteria or fungi. If the cell is not
killed, it and the adjacent cells may be
stimulated to enlarge or multiply.
Con-sequently the most common typjes
of nematode damage arc manifest as
rotting of the attacked parts and ad-
jacent tLssue or the development of
galls and other abnormal growths.
Either can interfere with the orderly
development of the plant and cause
shortening of stems or roots, twisting,
crinkling or death of parts of stems and
leaves, and other abnormalities.
Those symptoms often arc compli-
cated by the presence of secondary
invaders in the affected parts and,
particularly in advanced cases, may
present a confusing picture. Conse-
quently the specialist depjends only
partly on symptoms for diagnosis and
searches for nematodes in the plant or
in the nearby soil.
The following representative nem-
atode diseases are common and can be
recognized fairly easily. It should be
remembered that it is easy to mistake
nematode dlserises for those caused by
some other organisms, and vice versa.
Merely finding nematodes in diseased
plant tissue or the soil is not conclusive
evidence that they arc the cause of the
trouble. Nonparasitic types of nema-
todes often are found in great numbers
in decaying plants and the soil always
contains a variety of free-living nema-
todes. Positive identification should
always be obtained before starting ex-
pensive or troublesome control meas-
ures. On the other hand, nematodes
should alw^ays be considered as a pos-
sible cause of plant diseases when root
systems arc galled, shortened, or re-
duced by rotting; when the stems are
shortened and thickened and the leaves
do not grow normally; and some other
abnormal growth is noted.
Probably the easiest of the nematode
diseases to recognize is root knot,
caused by nematodes of the various
species of the genus Addoidogync (for-
merly grouped under the name Hetero-
dera marioni). They are called root knot
nematodes. As the name implies, they
cause the formation of knots or galls
on roots of a great variety of crop and
ornamental plants, including trees and
shrubs. 'Fhe typical simple galls arc
best observed on the younger roots,
where they may look like beads on a
string. Galls caused by at least one
species of the genus commonly have
several short, adventitious roots that
rise from the upper part and produce
a bushy appearance of the root.
On larger roots, compound galls
may be an inch cm* more in diameter.
Severely infected roots have a rough,
clubbed appearance. Often there is
considerable rotting of the roots,
particularly late in the season. Galls
may also be formed on tubers and on
parts of the stem in contact with the
soil. Positive identification of the galls
is made by breaking them open and
looking for the nematodes; usually
the adult females arc found. They
arc pear-shaped and not cel-slii^ped,
like most nematodes. They are pearly
white and about as big around as
the shank of a common pin. That is,
they are large enough to be seen with
the naked eye and quite easy to see
with a magnifying glass, particularly
in a portion of the root that has begun
to rot so that they are in contrast
with the brown root tissue. The egg
masses of the root knot nematode
are also fairly easy to see. These
arc brown in color, often as large as
the nematodes, and are found cling-
ing to the side of roots. When lifted
off, the female will be found embedded
in the root tissue. A microscope allows
one to see the eggs in various stages
of development and the hatched
larvae in the egg mass. Sometimes
the male, a slender worm quite
different from the female, can also
be found in the egg mass.
Nematodes of the genus PratyUnchus^
known as meadow or root lesion
nematodes, are another common type
of nx)t parasites. They feed in the
cortex of roots and destroy the cells
on which they feed. Fungi then attack
the dead tissue. In the early stages
the only visible symptom of attack is
a small, reddish-brown lesion on the
root. The lesion later enlarges, often
girdles the root, and eventually severs
it. Heavily attacked plants have
greatjj^, reduced root systems; most of
the feeder roots are destroyed late in
the season. The same sort of damage
is also caused by other nematodes and
by other types of soil organisms ; positive
diagnosis depends therefore on iden-
tifying the meadow nematode.
Stubby root nematodes (species of
the genus Trichodorus) and sting nema-
todes {Belonol&imus gracilis) are external
parasites, which apparently feed most-
ly on root tips. The feeding causes the
root tip to stop growing and turn
brown. Parts of the root may then die,
probably l.)ecause of attacks of second-
ary invaders. The final result is a re-
duced root system with many .short
root stubs. The attacks are particularly
damaging to seedlings. Being external
parasites, these nematodes will be
found only in the soil.
Bulb and stem nematodes, species
of the genus DitylenchuSy cause more
or less localized deformations of stems
and leaves. Stems are shortened and
thickened; leaves are twisted, short-
ened, and otherwise distorted; and
bulbs, such as narcissus and onion,
become soft. In the later stages there
may be rolling of the infected tissues.
Nematodes can be found in large
numbers in the affected parts, but are
very slender and difficult to see with-
out a microscope.
The wheat nematode, Anguina trilici,
causes deformation of leaves of wheat
and other grains in the early stages
of growth. The nematode later in-
vades the developing car, causing the
formation of galls in place of grain.
The galls are shorter than normal
wheat grains and look much like smut
balls. But smut balls are soft enough
to crush with the fingers and nematode
galls arc hard. If the gall is cut open
and placed in a little water, the con-
tents spill out and can be seen under
the microscope to be thousands of
minute worms, the larvae of the
nematode. If still alive, they will
start active movement in a few hours.
The various kinds of nematode
damage interfere with the growth of
plants. Reduction in the size of the
root system by rotting or galling
restricts its efficiency in obtaining
the food and water the plant must
get from the soil.
Root knot galls distort the tissue that
has the function of conducting food
and nutrients to the upper part of the
plant. Damage to stems and leaves also
interferes with normal growth. Conse-
quently the yield of crop plants is re-
duced. Crippled plants cannot produce
a high-quality crop. With some crops,
such as carrots and white potatoes,
galls and rot caused by nematodes can
make culls out of what would other-
wise be salable produce.
The general appearance of a crop
heavily attacked by nematodes that
damage roots gives the impression that
it is suffering from lack of fertilizer and
water, even when they are available in
the soil in abundance. The color is a
lighter or more yellowish green than
normal. Nematodes are seldom evenly
distributed in the soil, so the growth of
plants is uneven and patches of stunted
plants appear here and there. Heavily
infected plants may die prematurely,
because of rotting of the roots, while
clean or lightly infected plants arc still
growing normally.
The relation of nematodes to other
soil-borne diseases, such as fusarium
wilt of cotton, is not clearly defined. It
is certain that plants attacked by both
nematodes and bacterial or fungus dis-
eases often suffer severe injury and that
control of nematodes has often resulted
in fair control of the other disease.
The usual theory is that nematodes, by
damaging the plant tissue, prepare the
way for infections by bacteria and
fungi, which would not occur other-
wise, but it has been difficult to
demonstrate this relationship experi-
I have no reliable estimates of the
amount of damage nematodes do to
crops in the United States each year,
but there is general agreement that it
is at least several hundred million
dollars. The use of soil fumigants for
nematode control during the past sev-
eral years has often produced dra-
matic proof that nematodes in the soil
can make the difference between a
good crop and one not worth harvest-
ing. Yield increases of 25 percent to
50 percent after soil fumigation arc
common. Experiments with soil fumi-
gation have also made it evident that
severe nematode damage can occur in
any part of the United States on a
great variety of crops, including tree
crops. It is also evident that severe
nematode damage is not confined to
the farm. Home gardens and orna-
mental plantings in city yards also are
often damaged; there may even be
damage to the flower pots on the win-
dow sill. New kinds of plant parasitic
nematodes are constantly being found
as aq^ new locations for the more fa-
miliar species.
Little is known of the origins of the
plant parasitic nematodes, but infor-
mation as to their distribution in 1953
indicates that man has been largely
responsible for their multiplication and
spread from place to place. Being so
very small, they are often unnoticed
contaminants of plants, roots, bulbs,
and tubers used for planting. It is
probable that some of the worst of the
nematode pests have moved from
country td country around the world
with such material. Soil moved from
place to place, purposely or accident-
ally, may also contain plant parasitic
nematodes. They arc transported over
long and short distances in soil adher-
ing to farm implements and vehicles or
to the feet of men and animals. Drain-
age water carries them from field to
field. Certain species may be blown
about by the wind.
After plant parasitic nematodes are
introduced into a field, it may be a
long time before their presence is
noted. This is partly because increase
from a small number is a slow process.
jEven when some damage to the crop
is noted, the trouble may be atuributed
to declining soil fertility or to a suc-
cession of unfavorable growing seasons.
Albert L. Taylor is a member of the
division of nematology investigatiomfOf the
Bureau of Plant Industry^ Soils, and Agri>^
cultural Engineering. He has done experi-
mental work on soil fumigation and, while
employed by the Shell Chemical Corporation
from to ig^, did research and develop-
ment work on the soil fumigant D-D,
The Effect of
Weather on
Paul R. Miller
Three things must happen at exactly
the same time if an infectious plant
disease is to occur. One, a susceptible
plant must be in a vulnerable state.
Two, the parasite that causes the
disease must be in an infective stage.
Three, environmental conditions must
be favorable for disease development.
The environment of a plant consists
of the air around it and the soil in
which it grows. The environment of a
parasite alternates between the body of
its host and either air or soil, according
to whether it attacks plants above or
below ground.
The aerial environment actually is
the weather. It is made up of light,
temperature, snow, rain, atmospheric
humidity, dew, cloudiness, sunshine,
wind, air currents, evaporation, and
atmospheric pressure. Perhaps each
clement of weather affects the occur-
rence of disease in some way, but
temperature and moisture apparently
are the limiting factors for most diseases.
The amount of heat and moisture
available in the soil environment de-
pends on weather (or on irrigation),
together with the ability of individual
soil types to absorb and retain heat
and moisture.
The surface of the soil affects the air
in contact with it and a short distance
above it. The state of the atmosphere
near the ground, therefore, is different
from that higher up. Depending on
topography, the direction of exposure,
the color, type, and moisture content
of the soil, the amount and kind of
plant cover, and other circumstances,
entirely different environments — mi-
croclimates — can exist close to each
other. As all plants live wholly or
partly within this lowest zone, the
weather in it affects them and their
The weather of any one region fluc-
tuates over a rather definite range and
averages up into a characteristic cli-
mate. For any given period, however,
weather may not conform to the re-
gional climate at all. That is why
forecasts are indispensable to any
undertaking that is greatly influenced
by weather conditions. If weatVier
progressed exactly according to climat-
ic specifications, forecasts would not
be needed. The same thing is true of
many plant diseases.
The effect of weather on a plant
disease is a consequence of its action
on the susceptible plant (the host) ; on
the parasitic organism (the pathogen
that causes the disease); and on the
relation between host and parasite.
One of the most noticeable things
about plant diseases is that some of
them occur wherever the host plant is
grown and that others are restricted to
certain parts of the host territory.
Again, a disease that is more or less
constantly present over a wide area
may always be destructive in some
locations but normally insignificant in
others. That is because of the action of
Climate is the average weather of a
locality or region. It includes the
seasonal progress of the weather as well
as the extremes. For a season, a year,
or a series of years, weather may vary
in one respect or another from the
“normar’ for the climate of which it
is a part, but over a long period
climate is as definite a feature of a
region as its soils, rivers, and forests.
In fact, climate is largely responsible
for the regional characteristics ex-
pressed in the landscape.
So it is with a plant disease. The
total effect of weather upon it is
summed up in its geographical dis-
tribution. Wc cannot always be sure
of the precise explanation, but wc
know that most diseases flourish best
in certain kinds of climate. Just as
with the plants that they attack, some
pathogens prefer cool regions and
others are restricted to warmer areas;
some require a great deal of moisture
and others get along with less.
Thus the climate of a region deter-
mines the crops that can profitably
be grown there and also the diseases
to which the crops are subject. To
put it the other way around: Given
the presence of susceptible plants, the
area of occurrence of a plant disease
depends primarily on the climate. The
outside boundaries of distribution gen-
erally are the extremes of hot and cold
and wet and dry that the parasite can
Within a range of conditions that
permit its existence, a plant disease
may be an insignificant or an im-
portant factor in crop production,
depending on how exactly the local
or seasonal conditions fit the require-
ments for its development and spread.
Also, within this range, some factor
other than weather may a.ssume the
decisive role — susceptibility of host
varieties, for example, or the type or
reaction of soil, or cultural manage-
A few examples illustrate some ways
in which climate is responsible for
the distribution and importance of
plant disease.
Apple scab, caused by the fungus
Venturia inaequalis, occurs almost every-
where apples arc grown. It is absent
or unimportant only in hot or very
dry regions. In areas with cool, rainy
springs, it becomes a limiting factor
and constant attention is required to
control it. In the Northeastern and
North Central States, climate is es-
pecially favorable to scab, which is by
far the most important apple disease
During a series of surveys to deter-
mine the inudence of cotton seedling
diseases and boll rots, technicians
discovered that the occurrence and
nonoccurrence of anthracnose caused
by Glomerella gossypii were definitely
separated by a line running through
eastern Texas and Oklahoma. The
line nearly coincided with the bounda-
ry between below 10 and over 10
inches of average summer rainfall.
Anthracnose is a constant and impor-
tant factor under high summer rain-
fall in the eastern part of the Cotton
Belt, but is practically nonexistent in
the western part, which has lower
Onion plants are susceptible to in-
fection by the soil-borne spores of the
smut fungus, Urocystis crpulae, for only a
very short period in the seedling stage
before emergence.. Warm soils hasten
the growth of the seedling and allow
it to escape infection. In the South,
onion seed mostly is planted in the fall
and germinates in warm soil. Smut
is scarcely know'n in the South, there-
fore, although it must have been intro-
duced time after time with onion sets.
By contrast, the disease is important
in old established onion-growing dis-
tricts from Kentucky northward, and
is still spreading in northern sections.
Some diseases occur widely because
the time of year at which susceptible
plants are grown in different regions
favors their development.
Potato late blight, caused by the
fungus Phytophthora injestansy which
requires cool and moist weather, is one
such disease. Most races of the fungus
cannot survive high summer tempera-
tures. The disease occurs in the South
because potatoes are a winter and
spring crop there and because the
organism is reintroduced with infected
seed tubers each season.
Climate can constitute an effective
barrier against the advance of a plant
disease from one region to another.
For instance, the Great Plains seems
to act as a barrier against curly top of
sugar beets. The virus that causes
the disease affects many other kinds
of plants, including tomato, cucurbits,
and beans. The disease occurs in the
intermountain region and westward
from north to south, but not farther
east than the western edge of the
Great Plains. Its failure to spread
eastward may be due to some climatic
relation of the insect that carries the
virus, the beet leafhopper Citculifer
Several important soil-bome organ-
isms cannot stand low temperatures
for long. Among them are the bac-
terium Xanthomonas solanacearum^ which
causes Granville wilt of tobacco and
attacks many other kinds of plants;
Sclerotium Toljsiiy the cause of southern
blight; Macroph»mina phaseoliy which
causes charcoal root rot or ashy stem
blight; and Phymatotrichum omnivorumy
to which the so-called Texas root rot
of cotton is due. All attack many
kinds of plants. All are practically
restricted to the southern part of the
country. The cotton root rot fungus is
further limited to the southwestern
region, where it is native to certain
types of soil. The first three organisms
have been carried by various means
to more nortliern areas but are not
likely to become constantly present
there because of their temperature
A soil-borne organism that prefers
cool temperatures but can endure
warm periods can achieve a much
wider permanent distribution. Scle^
Totinia sclerotiorumy another fungus with
a long list of hosts, occurs in nearly
all parts of the country. In the South
it is active during cool weather.
A DISEASE and the pathogen that
causes it pass through a series of
stages: Carry-over of the pathogen
from one season to another; primary
(first-season) infection of the host by
^e pathogen; growth of the pathogen
within the tissues of the host; repro-
duction of the pathogen and secondary
spread to new host plants; and finally
production of the carry-over stage of
the pathogen again.
At each of these stages temperature
and moisture must be within a range
(depending on the particular disease)
that permits the process to continue.
A cumulation of favorable stages
induces severe disease. Unfavorable
conditions at any of the stages retard
development of the dbease or may
stop it entirely.
Either temperature or moisture C2Ln
be decisive in the initiation, develop-
ment, and spread of disease. If one is
constantly favorable, the other be-
comes the limiting factor. If both
temperature and moisture fluctuate,
both must be favorable at critical
times. If both are constantly favorable,
the disease becomes serious.
The amount of inoculum (infective
stage of the pathogen) that wall be
available to start new infections at
the beginning of a season depends on
the extent of infection at the end of
the preceding season and on how well
the pathogen can overwinter. Abun-
dant overwintering and favorable
conditions for infection in the early
part of the season lead to heavy
primary infection; if conditions remain
favorable, the advantage of the early
start is maintained throughout the
growing period of the cijpp.
Some pathogens overwinter in the
tissues of their hosts — for example, the
potato late blight fungus in infected
tubers, the peach bacterial spot organ-
ism, Xanthomonas pruniy in cankers, and
the numerous seed-bome pathogens in
seeds. Soil fungi and bacteria may
overwinter on host debris. Many
fungi, for instance many of the cereal
smuts, produce a particular kind of
spore ^at is able to survive the
vrinter temperatures. Some of the
spores will not germinate unless they
have been subjected to low tempera-
tures. Sometimes alternating warm
and cool or wet and dry periods arc
required for spore germination or to
complete the development of primary
Some fungi, in addition to or
instead of spores, develop a different
kind of special organ to carry them
over unfavorable periods of various
kinds; these are sderotia.
A pathogen may overwinter in dif-
ferent forms in different regions. In the
United Sutes the apple scab fungus
overwinters and completes its develop-
ment in fallen leaves, and spring infec-
tion Ls started by spores of the perithc-
cial, or perfect, stage — the ascosporcs.
In England the perithecial stage is
rare, and the vegetative stage (myce-
lium) of the fungus is carried through
the winter in infected twigs and buds,
producing the ordinary summer spores,
or conidia, when growth begins again.
Another example is the cereal stem
rust fungus, Puccinia gramims. The sum-
mer spores, or uredospores, which are
responsible for continuous spread of
summer infection, can survive the win-
ter in southern Texas and sometimes
somewhat farther north. In northern
areas, how'ever, the winter spores, or
teliospores, are necessary for w'intcr
survival. This fungus is a rather special
case, since its winter spores infect not
grains but barberry, on which another
kind of spore is produced that will in-
fect grains and grasses in the early part
of the season.
During periods of high temperatures
or dry weather? many disease-produc-
ing pathogens cease progress and re-
main quiescent in established infections
or exist as saprophytes in ho.st debris.
The cotton anthracnose fungus is an ex-
ample. Between seedling infection and
boll infection, it resumes active growth
and spread wdth every rainy period.
The microclimate furnished by the
host plant itself undoubtedly aids sur-
vival of many pathogens in hot, dry
weather. Within the plant, air is hu-
mid, shaded, and comparatively cool,
quite different from the outside atmos-
The period of primary infection is a
critical stage. No matter how abun-
dant overwintering may have been, if
weather then is not favorable the path-
ogen cannot infect its host. Take apple
scab as an example. Primary infection
by the pathogen requires that asco-
sporcs produced in the fallen leaves
mature at the same time that unfolding
leaves and buds on apple trees arc sus-
ceptible to infection, which is only dur-
ing the short period of their active
growth. Further, there must be a rainy
period lasting long enough to keep the
new host surfaces constantly wet for
some hours, at a high enough tempera-
ture. Ordinarily in the Northeastern
and North Central States the time of
ascospore production, progress of host
development, and spring weather all
favor the disease. In a dry spring, how-
ever, dissemination and germination of
ascospores are inhibited. In some ex-
ceptional seasons, also, most of the as-
cosporcs may “shoot” before trees are
ready for infection; that is, before foli-
age is produced. Wh®n primary infec-
tion is reduced or delayed, subsequent
spread is likely to be reduced also, un-
less a very favorable period occurs
later in the season.
Later stages in disease development
are similarly affected by weather, al-
though some diseases (after infection
by the pathogen is established) are rel-
atively indifferent to subsequent condi-
tions. Other diseases, how ever, respond
quickly to any change in temperature
or moisture. Rather uniform environ-
ment throughout their course favors
some pathogens. Others grow’ well un-
der one set of conditioas but may
require the stimulus of a sudden de-
cided change to induce sporulation,
while still a different combination may
be necessary for spore germination and
for infection.
Often the connection between dis-
ease and weather is obvious — the at-
tacks of potato late blight following a
cool rainy period, for instance, or the
dependence of the apple scab on rain.
With other di.seases, however, the* crit-
ical period has been passed long before
the attack becomes evident. For ex-
ample, the temperature of the preced-
ing winter is the decisive factor in the
occurrence of bacterial wilt of sweet
corn (caused by Bacterium stewartii): on
the other hand, the severity of wheat
leaf rust depends on temperature and
moisture during late winter and early
spring. The weather at the time that a
plant disease is most conspicuous is not
necessarily a reliable clue to the condi-
tions that encourage disease develop-
ment. Moreover, we cannot generalize
from one disease to another. Each one
must be studied separately.
It is hard to determine the exact
relationship of disease to weather be-
cause of the variability of the weather,
the lag between the critical period for
infecuon of the host by the pathogen
and subsequent development of disease
syHiptoms, and the fact that best con-
ditions for production of a disease may
not coincide with best conditions for
growth of its causal organism. This
last apparently paradoxical situation
exists because disease is the result of
interaction between host and patho-
gen. Conditions that are most favor-
able for growth of the pathogen in
artificial culture may allow the host to
withstand or escape attack. In such
cases disease can occur only with some
other combination at which the host
will be vulnerable and the pathogen
will still be active. Therefore, the
disease-producing requirements of the
pathogen must be a compromise be-
tween what is most desirable for its
pwn processes and what is actually
possible in its relations with its host.
Change in the intensity of one
weather element brings about changes
in the whole disease relationship. A
change in temperature may make
existing moisture conditions more or
less favorable to attack by the jjatho-
gen, or it may increase or decrease
the vulnerability of the host. Con-
versely, change in moisture supply
may require a corresponding change
in temperature if the disease is to pro-
gress unchecked. The struggle be-
tween host and pathogen is sometimes
so delicately balanced that a very
small alteration in only one condition
is enough to assure victory to one side
or the other.
If both a host and its parasite in
their separate existence are favored by
the same range of conditions, and if
this range does not also enable the
host to resist attack, then the disease
caused by the pathogen is apt to be-
come a limiting factor in the culture
of the host, in any place where these
conditions are usual. So we have the
seemingly contradictory fact that best
yields will be obtained under circum-
stances known not to be particularly fa-
vorable to the host. On the other hand,
if best conditions for the host arc differ-
ent from those most favoring growth of
the pathogen by itself, or if conditions
suiting both make the host more re-
sistant, the disease will result only
when the pathogen gains the advan-
tage over its host — for example,
when the growth rate of the host is
slowed down so that it remains in a
susceptible state for a long enough
time to allow infection by the patho-
gen, or when injury from suffocation
by waterlogged soil permits root-
rotting fungi to invade the rootlets,
or when the chemical or mechanical
constitution of host tissues is affected
in such a way as to favor the pathogen.
A good example of the differential
effect of temperature on host and
pathogen and on the development of
disease is given by the fungus Gib-
berella zeae^ which is secd-bornc and
also overwinters in debris left in the
soil. It is widely distributed through-
out our more humid corn and wheat
sections and causes seedling blight
and other diseases of corn and small
grains. In artificial culture it grows
best at 75.2® to 8.0.6° F.; the mini-
mum and maximum are 37.4° and
89.6°. Wheat likes fairly low soil
temperatures. Corn prefers warmer
soils. If other growing conditions are
favorable, little or no seedling blight
develops on wheat at 53.6°. As the
temperature increases, so docs the
amount and severity of the disease, up
to as high as 80.6°. With corn, no
seedling blight results above 73.2°,
and the most favorable range for the
disease is from 46.4° to 68°. The
explanation is that with each host
grown under its most favorable con-
ditions, the cell walls of the host tissue
are more resistant and the reserve food
supply is less attractive to the patho-
gen. With wheat, higher temperatures
^ter composition of cell walls and
food supply to make this host moi*e
vulnerable to infection and the more
suited to the pathogen’s food require-
ments. The reverse is true with corn;
high temperatures make it more re-
sistant. Evidently, in both instances,
the temperature effect is due to action
on the growth processes of the host.
The practical result Is that seedling
blight due to this fungus attacks wheat
mostly in the southern part and corn
in the northern part of the range of
the host.
Cabbage yellows is caused by a
soil-borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum
f. conglutinans. The fungus grows best
in warm temperatures. The disease is
associated with warm weather. Here
it is the fungus that is affected by
temperature: Yellows is rare in south-
ern cabbage-growing areas because
cabbage is a winter crop there and
grows in cool soils.
Some diseases caused by soil- borne
organisms arc more closely dependent
on moisture than on temperature. One
such disease is the avocado root rot,
caused by Phytopkthora cinnamomi^ in
California. Plantings on overirrigated
or flooded locations are severely
affected. Exce.ss moisture prevents
soil aeration. The rootlets are injured
by lack of oxygen, and the fungus
gains entry to the roots through the
injured portions. The disease does not
occur on waterlogged soils that do
not contain the fungus, although the
rootlets are as badly injured.
For pathogens that affect the above-
ground parts of plants, environment
is much more complex and variable
than for the soil-borne organisms.
Alternation of night and day is accom-
panied by changes of temperature as
well as light. Cool air can hold less
water vapor than warm air. If the
difference between day and night
temperatures is great enough in rela-
tion to daytime humidity, dew forms
on the plants. Quiet air preserves
vertical and horizontal differences in
temperature and moisture. Air move-
ment mixes cool and warm, wet and
dry air. It aids evaporation by pre-
venting accumulation of moisture-
saturated air and promotes drying of
moist surfaces. Dew will not form on
windy nights. Moving air carries in-
fective stages of pathogens from place
to place. Rain, dew, and fog wet the
surfaces of plants and supply moisture
for germination of fungus spores and
multiplication of bacteria. Inoculum
on the soil surface may be borne to
low stems or leaves or low-hanging
fruit with splashing raindrops. Drip-
ping moisture from fog or rain can
iarry infection from tree tops to low-
est limbs. Wind-driven rain may
transport spores and bacteria for con-
siderable distances. Cloudiness and
sunshine affect temperature, evapora-
tion, humidity, air movement.
The constant trouble that plant dis-
eases cause might lead us to think
every bit of infective material succeeds
in producing infection. That is not so.
Most of the countless fungus spores
every season fail to survive all the haz-
ards against them and reach the right
part of the right kind of plant during
the life period of the spore. If it falls on
anything else, a S[>ore is so much dust.
If it does Anally fall on the surface of its
host, it must be on a part and during a
stage vulnerable to infection, without
a coating of fungicide that w^ould kill
the spore, and with sufficient moisture
or humidity and the proper tempera-
ture lasting for a long enough period to
allow the spore to germinate and pene-
trate the host tissue.
A pathogen carried by an insect, as
are most viruses and many fungi and
bacteria, has an advantage over air-
borne organisms. The insects take the
pathogen more or less straight to the
proper host, and in most cases inocu-
late it directly into the host tissues.
Such pathogens and the diseases they
cause are nevertheless just as subject to
the effect of weather > The vectors, in-
deed, add a third organism to be in-
cluded in the disease-weather relation.
Weather affects survival, increase, and
activity of the insects, as well as dircc-
lionj distance, and intensity of migra-
tion and flight. Overwintering of the
insect vector is as important as survival
of the pathogen itself. Some of the
pathogens even overwinter in the
Some of the most dreaded diseases
of crops are of moderate importance
or are scarce or even absent a good part
of the time. But they can attack with
great suddenness and destructiveness
in certain seasons, or perhaps during
several consecutive years. Among them
are wheat stem rust and potato late
blight, which are probably the most
famous of plant diseases because of the
importance of the hasts almost every-
where and because of the extraordi-
nary severity of epidemic outbreaks of
either disease.
The incidence of stem rust in our
central Wheat Belt goes sharply up and
down from high peaks in favorable
seasons to low troughs in years when
the disease is negligible or absent.
Widespread outbreaks are less frequent
than formerly because of the use of
varieties resistant to the predominant
physiologic races of the organism and
because of the eradication of barberry,
which was an important source of carJy-
season infection in the northern part of
the region. Nevertheless, every once in
a while the chain of circumstances still
favors the disease and an epidemic
The essential features are: Rapid
build-up of a physiologic race of stem
rust, to which the wheat varieties
predominantly grown are susceptible;
mild winter weather, which allows
abundant uredospore overwintering,
perhaps as far north as Oklahoma;
favorable damp and not too warm
weather for early infection in the
southern part of the region and con-
tinuing favorable weather along the
way, as spores are borne northward by
the wind, to produce infection step by
step until the northern whcatfields arc
reached. Finally, hot, dry weather is
necessary during the period when the
wheat kernels are forming on the rusted
plants to produce maximum damage.
Such a favorable combination resulted
in the 1935 epidemic, which cost the
country almost a quarter of the crop
for that year. In Minnesota and
North Dakota the loss was almost 60
A graph of the occurrence of potato
late blight would show as pronounced
ups and downs as for stem rust. In the
East, primary outbreaks follow two
weeks of rainy or foggy, cool weather.
The earlier in the season primary in-
fection occurs, the more severe the
outbreak will be, if moisture and
temperature are at the required levels.
In extremely favorable seasons, late
blight spreads with explosive rapidity.
The very conditions that favor the
disease make it exceedingly difficult
to keep plants protected by fungicides.
Naturally, the same conditions, when
they exist, would induce severe attack
in the Central States also. A more
frequent favorable combination in
that region, however, is alternation of
high daytime temperatures with low
night temperatures and high relative
humidity during the day. The marked
temperature fall at night stimulates
sporulation and forces excess water
vapor out of the air as dew, which
supplies moisture for germination and
infection. The microclimate furnished
by the plant may be an important
factor in the region. The result is
serious, continued spread under con-
ditions that, without analysis, would
appear unfavorable.
In any area, really dry weather, or
constantly high temperatures, and
especially a dry, hot season will pre-
vent the occurrence of late blight or
check its spread. Severe epidemics
result from an early start with abun-
dant inoculum and continuous favor-
able temperature and moisture.
Late blight has a habit of appearing
suddenly and destructively in regions
where it had not previously been
considered a factor. The epidemic in
the southern potato crop in the winter
and spring of 1943-1944 is a good
illustration. Contributing factors in
that outbreak were: The especially
abundant supply of inoculum that
resulted from wartime relaxation of
seed requirements; exceptionally wet
weather; favorable temperatures; lack
of experience with the disease; and
difficulty of control, the result of the
early heavy attack, weather that pre-
vented efficient application, and scar-
city of control materials. The total
result was tlie most severe and wide-
spread epidemic ever known in the
South. Losses were heavy in some
States where the disea.se had not been
seen for 30 years or more.
Late blight is also a disease of tomato.
Since 1940 or so several severe out-
breaks have caused heavy losses to
tomato growers. In 1946 tlie disease
caused an estimated loss of 40 million
dollars and brought sharply to at-
tention our need to use all the knowl-
edge that we already possess about
weather and disease and to learn a
great deal more, if we are not to be at
the mercy of late blight and other
epidemic disea.ses.
Tomato late blight had been severe
in various limited areas at different
times before 1946. In 1946, however,
all factors worked together and the
result was unprecedented severity and
heavy loss along the Atlantic coast
from Florida to New England. The
outbreak extended as far west as
Minnesota in the North and Texas in
the South. Again, late blight demon-
strated its capacity to move rapidly
and destructively into sections previ-
ously free of it.
The disease was severe on the
winter and spring crop in the South.
Plants grown in Georgia and other
Southern Slates for early planting
in northern fields became generally
infected. Weather at the time of
planting in the North favored the
spread of infection from this very
abundant and active source of inoc-
ulum and continued to favor the
disea.se for most of the season. As
usual with such sudden, widespread
outbreaks, preparations for control —
equipment, materials, and experi-
ence — were inadequate.
Late blight belongs to a group of
diseases, the downy mildews, that are
especially sensitive to weather. An-
other member of this group is the blue
mold or downy mildew of tobacco, the
causal fungus of which is Peronospora
tabacina. Thirty years of records have
shown that in southern tobacco-grow-
ing sections the incidence of blue mold
is greatly influenced by temperature
in January. Above-average temper-
atures are followed by early appear-
ance; with low temperatures, infection
is slow to develop. Subsequent condi-
tions also affect severity; the most
widespread, severe attacks occur in
years when high January tempera-
tures permit early infection, and tem-
perature and moisture conditions after-
ward favor continued spread.
Experience with sweet corn bac-
terial wilt shows how we can make
use of observed facts and records about
w^eather and occurrence even though
at first we do not know the explana-
tion for the behavior of the disease.
Bacterial w'ilt is constantly pre.sent
on su.sceptible varieties in the South,
but as a rule it occurs only occasion-
ally farther north. During the early
1930^8 general and severe attacks
made it the major disca.se of the crop
in north central and northeastern
sections of the country.
Study of a long series of observa-
tions recorded in Connecticut, to-
gether with the weather records, indi-
cated that the disease followed warm
winters and w^as .scarce or absent after
average or cold winters. The seasons
during which bacterial wilt had be-
come increasingly severe were pre-
ceded by unusually warm winters.
It was found that .summation of the
average temperatures for December,
January, and February for any given
place would show very accurately
whether or not the disease could be
expected during the following season
and how much damage it would cause.
If the sum, which is called the “winter
temperature index,’’ is 100 or above,
the disease will be destructive; with
lesser sums, incidence is correspond-
ingly less severe.
Since the correlation between winter
temperature and disea.se incidence was
established, it has been found that it
depends on winter survival of the
insect vector, the flea beetle Chaetoc-
nema pulicularia. This fact explains cer-
tain small discrepancies between ob-
served occurrence and the original
statement of the correlation. In some
seasons following a very warm winter,
incidence of bacterial wilt was less
than was to be expected. These sea-
sons usually were preceded by one or
several during which the disease was
minor. More than one favorable sea-
son is required for both the vector and
the Vjactcrium to build up sufficiently
to result in maximum disease inci-
The correlation is so regular that it
is used as a guide to planting. Re-
sistant sorts are used when severe oc-
currence is indicated.
Several points need to be noticed
about this disease-weather relation-
ship. First, it required study of both
disease occurrence and weather records
to establish it. Second, it was useful
even before the explanation w^as
known. Third, it involves a third
organism, the vector. Fourth, it gives
a chance to take measures against the
disease even before seed is planted.
In many ways, the fact that diseases
are so dependeni on weather is a great
advantage to us in our fight against
them, as we .shall see now.
One cannot study a parasitic plant
disease without taking into account
the influence of temperature and mois-
ture on the pathogen, on the reaction
of the host, and on consequent disease
development. Obviously, a connec-
tion so regular must have great prac-
tical significance.
One way in which we can make the
disease-w'eather relationship work for
us is in the management of various
agricultural operations to take advan-
tage of temperature and moisture con-
ditions unfavorable to disease develop-
ment. Thus, the way in which irriga-
tion, surface or overhead, is used can
cither favor or discourage attack by
pathogens. Many diseases attacking
through the seedling can be controlled
by so timing planting that the seed
will start growth under conditions
inhibiting infection by the pathogen.
Temperature and humidity in green-
houses and storage houses can be
maintained at levels that will prevent
or control disease. Arid and semiarid
locations are ideal for the production
of seed free from seed -borne pathogens,
since the requisite moi.sture for spore
germination and bacterial spread is
lacking in their climates.
Chemical control measures can be
used wdth precision w'hen climatic
relationships are taken into account.
For example, seed treatment for cotton
seedling disease gave varying results
before surveys show'cd that seed -borne
anthracnosc was by far the most im-
portant cause in the humid Southeast,
and that soil-borne organisms pre-
dominated in drier regions westward.
When this different disease distribution
was knowm, seed treatment could be
applied specifically for each type of
cause and was much more effective.
We can avoid the inevitable failure
that would result from planting a crop
in a region where it would be subject
to a disease hazard because of weather.
We can be watchful also to prevent the
introduction of new^ diseases that would
create new hazards in favorable cli-
It does not take very much imagi-
nation to realize that many of the
diseases we have already discussed
would constitute hazards in particu-
larly favorable regions, if the control
measures were not known. In fact,
after a series of seasons when WTather
especially suits disease attack and
makes control efforts arduous, expen-
sive, and inefficient, growling of the
host may have to be abandoned or
greatly reduced for a while.
If we can tell when an outbreak is
likely to happen, we can prepare for it
and reduce losses. In particular, we
can overcome the difficulty in the use
of expensive chemical control measures
arising from the fact that routine appli-
cation is wasted in years when the
disease is absent, but, on the other
hand, when it does attack protection
must be prompt and continuous to do
any good. With such a choice farmers
are apt to take a chance and often will
sustain severe losses. Forecasting en-
ables sound judgment instead of waste-
ful guessing on the need for control
Prediction docs not always help in
control but does enable farmers to
reduce their losses in other ways. For
instance, there is no practicable short-
time control measure available for
wheat leaf rust, but forecasts issued
early in the season allow farmers to
plow up their wheat and plant some
other crop or to pasture their fields if
a serious outbreak is indicated. Thus
they can recover at least part of their
season’s investment.
Predictions can never be entirely
right. This is just as true of plant
disease forecasting as of weather or
political polls or anything else. The
average correctness for the limited
number of plant diseases that arc being
forecast so far is more than 8o percent.
The possible accuracy depends on
how complicated the critical periods
arc and on how far in advance they
operate. For instance, if winter tem-
perature by itself determines the
amount of the disease for the following
season, a prediction is a simple matter
of calculation and can be made with
practically complete certainty that it
will be right. In contrast, if the patho-
gen can cause disease at any time that
its temperature or moisture demands
or both are met, both disease and
weather must be watched throughout
the season, and frequently revised
short-term forecasts are necessary.
Forecasting plant disease occurrence
on the basis of known weather require-
ments is well established. In this
country apple scab spray warning
services have been routine for almost
30 years. Some other diseases for which
forecasting is regularly a part of the
control program in one region or an-
other include bacterial wilt of sweet
corn, wheat leaf rust, late blight,
tobacco blue mold, cucurbit downy
mildew {Pseudoperonospora cubensts), and
lima bean downy mildew {Phytoph^
tkora phaseoli). The weather relations
that make it possible to predict for
some of these diseases have already
been indicated.
The 1946 tomato late blight out-
break proved beyond doubt that
diseases that spread so rapidly, and
attack so destructively, require more
than local attention to cope with them
adequately. As a result, the Crop
Plant Disease Forecasting Project of
the Plant Disease Survey, Bureau of
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural
Engineering, was organized. The proj-
ect is a concrete expression of the
importance of the weather-disease
relation. It was set up especially to
keep watch over circumstances that
might lead to outbreaks of plant
diseases, to use all available informa-
tion about conditions favoring diseases
as an immediate basis for making
forecasts, and to study the require-
ments for development and spread so
that predictions can be improved in
accuracy and duration.
The chart on the next page shows
how the warning service of the project
operates. A pathologist in each State
works with it and performs the same
task for his own State that the project
does for regions. Because information is
obtained from such a wide area, ample
time is given for local warning and
preparation if a disease outbreak seems
likely. An indispensable feature of the
project, noted in the chart, is the
cooperation of fungicide and equip-
ment manufacturers, which assures
availability of chemicals and control
equipment wherever and whenever
they arc needed. The role of the
Weather Bureau, in a program that
has weather as one of its components,
is obvious.
Late blight, tobacco blue mold, and
cucurbit downy mildew, up to now,
have been the chief diseases consid-
ered by the warning service. Regional
forecasting for pouto late blight has
been tried in the North Central States,
with good results. The forecasts are
based on temperature and humidity
recorded by hygrothermogi aphs placed
in potato fields in various parts of the
region, on the weather forecasts, and
on observations on the prevalence of
the disease in selected locations. This
regional forecasting on the basis of in-
strumental recording, much the same
as for weather, is a new trend and
shows promise of further development.
We can make useful predictions
without knowing all the reasons for
the observed reaction of disease to
weather. Neither do we need to know
at the time of predicting exactly what
the weather will be. We can say that
on the basis of what we know now, ij
the weather is this, then the disease will
be that, and even the conditional fore-
cast will be helpful. Obviously, how-
ever, the more we know about the
operation and timing of the factors
favoring or inhibiting the develop-
ment and spread of disease, and the
longer ahead of time we can be sure
of the weather, the more accurate our
predictions will be and the earlier we
can make them. Improvement and
extension of the long-range w^eather
forecasts is the answer to the latter
need. The research program of the
forecasting project is designed to add
to our knowledge on the connection
betw'cen environment and disease.
Detailed and continuous observation
of weather and microclimate is as
much a part of its investigation as are
the purely disease factors. By means
of w’ealher-recording instruments, the
weather can be correlated directly
with the development of the disease in
experimental fields. The regional late
blight forecasts in the Central States
are a result of this sort of study.
Paul R. Miller, a pathologist in
charge of the Plant Disease , Survey,
Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and
Agricultural Engineering, has spent j6
years developing survey techniques and
conducting field studies tf diseases that
occur on major economic crops, including
peanuts, tobacco, cotton and truck crops.
Dr. Miller directs a plant disease fore-
casting service in cooperation with the
agricultural experiment station pathologists
of the 48 States, the United States Weathei
Bureau., and the National Fungicide and
Farm Equipment Association.
Non parasitic
J. E. McMmtriy^ Jr»
Bad weather, air pollution, growth
regulators, and the deficiencies or ex-
cesses of minerals in the soil can cause
a group of diseases of plants that we
classify as environmental and non-
They are related closely to diseases
brought about by parasitic organisms.
Often we can regulate plant growth so
as to control them and thereby con-
trol somewhat the diseases attributed
to parasites. Symptoms associated with
nonparasitic diseases frequently arc
confused with those caused by fungi,
bacteria, and viruses. Often the injury
from nonparasitic disturbances per-
mits fungi, bacteria, or viruses to enter
and damage the plant.
The severity and type of injury vary
with the plant, its stage of maturity
when the disturbance occurs, and the
part of the plant involved.
Lightning, hail, wind-blown rain,
drowning, frost, and drought arc
among the elements of weather that
may harm plants.
Lightning may tear large trees apart
or it may only injure a few limbs. It
may kill the stem tissue of annual
plants, such as tobacco, so that tlie
leaves get a shrunken, dark midrib.
Damage to plants by lightning is local
and usually not extensive.
Hail may cause only small holes in a
few leaves or complete defoliation and
destruction of plants. A striking in-
stance of hail damage is the destruc-
tion of an entire field of shade-grown
tobacco and the shade cloth over it.
Usually hail does damage in limited
areas only.
Heavy rains may break young, ten-
der leaves or puncture holes in them.
Wind-blown rain also causes water
soaking of the intercellular spaces of
the leaves. Sometimes, if micro-organ-
isms are present, the damage may be
severe. Plants blow over; leaves and
grain in contact with the soil may rot;
it might be impossible to use machin-
ery to harvest the crop.
Most crop plants grow well on rela-
tively well-drained soil that may be
subject to leaching or temporary ■flood-
ing, but most plants will not survive
persistent flooding, which drowns and
destroys the root system. If a part of
the root system is damaged, growth is
reduced and micro-organisms may
invade the tissues. Temporary wilting
is often evident. In sandy soils the
rapid loss of water by percolation —
leaching — cau.ses the loss of soluble
plant foods, particularly nitrogen and
possibly magnesium.
Not uncommonly are plants injured
on days of high temperature and
bright sunshine. Sunscald is the per-
manent wilting of young leaves. An-
other type of injury results in a drying
of the lower or older leaves. vSuch con-
ditions are more common with tem-
porary shortages of water. Corn, for
example, first shows rolling of leaves;
if the drought continues it may suffer
to the degree that the upper part of
the plant, including the staminate
inflore.scence, dries up and fertiliza-
tion cannot take place. In extreme
droughts trees and other plants may
In cold weather growth may be
delayed so tliat parasites develop.
Losses from late spring and early fall
freezes arc an ever-present threat in
most of the Temperate Zone. Small
grains, com, and other crops often fail
to reach proper maturity before being
killed by freezes in some seasons in
northern latitudes. Following frost
and freezing injury, plants may suffer
death of twigs and branches, splitting
of trunks, and the loss of fruit crops
when flowers are killed.
Factories may release concentra-
tions of gases that are toxic to plant
growth. Sulfur dioxide is an example.
In many places the vegetation around
industrial establishments — such as fac-
tories that make sulfuric acid or
smellers of sulfide ores - has been
almost entirely wiped out. Smoke from
coal sometimes contains sulfur dioxide
in amounts that may injure plants if it
is not dissipated Ijy wind.
Fluorine, as hydrofluoric acid gas, is
injurious to plants near chemical
works that release it into the air. The
injury often appears only as marginal
lesions or necrosis, but sometimes the
entire leaf dies prematurely. Low con-
centrations of fluorine often cause
leaves to turn yellow.
Smog i.s a still, heavy mixture of fog
and various contaminant.s, such as
sulfur oxides, ammonia, fluorides, fil-
terable oils, gaseous hydrocarbons,
oxides of nitrogen, and hydrogen sul-
fide. It is not known for certain which
one of those gases is the culprit or
whether two or more act simultane-
ously to injure plants. In the south
coastal are.i of California, for example,
Romaine lettuce, endive, and spinach
sufler extreme injury from smog; beet,
celery, oats, S\vi.ss chard, and alfalfa
suffer moderate injury. Barley, onion,
parsley, radish, tomato, turnip, and
rhubarb suffer slight injury. Cabbage,
cantaloup, carrot, cauliflower, cucum-
ber, pumpkin, squash, and Ijroccoli
suffer no injury. Bleaching and .scorch-
ing sometimes are evident.
Insecticides may injure plants. Ar-
scnicals used improj>crIy may cau.se
shedding of leaves. The effect of
arscnicals, particularly lead arsenate,
may be cumulative and in time may
kill fruit trce.s. Calcium arsenate, as
used on cotton, may temporarily steri-
lize the soil. Oil sprays may damage
fruit trees. Parathion and some of the
other newer synthetic insecticides may
cause the russeting of some varieties of
apples. Benzene hexacliloride may
cause the formation of strap-leaf and
off-flavors, particularly in potatoes.
All parts of plants, notably orchard
trees, might be injured by bordeaux
sprays and dusts. The leaves may show
burning, shot holing, spotting, dis-
coloration, and defoliation. The blos-
soms may be injured so that no fruit is
set. The fruit may show spotting,
ru.s.seling, malformation, cracking, and
shedding. 'Lhc twigs may have injuries
of various kinds, or the entire tree may
die if damage is unusually severe.
Lime-siilfur also might cause lesions
on foliage or fruit and premature fruit
drop. The rno.st common injury is a
dull-brown spotting of the leaves or
burning of margins and tips.
Many injuries have followed the
extensive use of the growth-regulator
herbicides, especially 2,4-D. Minute
amounts of them are enough to pro-
duce ill effects on plants — even the
tiny residue in a sprayer that has not
been cleaned thoroughly with plehty
of hot W'ater and ammonia. Injury also
may occur from the drift of herbicide
spray wheel the w'ind is blowing. Leaf
malformations occur in sensitive spe-
cies around factories that prepare
2,4 -D. The injury may be only a slight
rat-tail type of grow'lh of the leaves or
the death of trees.
A DEFICIENCY ol any one of the
chemical elements necessary for plant
growth may reduce total growth of
plants. To distinguish the efl'ect of one
clement from that of another, one must
examine ckxscly the affected plant. For
example, it is not enough to say that
a leaf Ls chlorotic; a detailed descrip-
tion of the chlorotic pattern is neces-
saiY and the age of tiie leaf must be
known. A shortage of any one of
the element.s - boron, calcium, copper,
iron, magnesium, manganese, molyb-
denum, nitrogen, phosphorus, potas-
sium, sulfur, and zinc — may produce
malnutrilional di.seases of plants.
A sliortagc of boron in the soil results
in poor grow th of tops and roots. Top
sickness in tobacco, heart and dry rot
of sugar beets, internal cork of ap-
ples, internal browning of cauliflower
(which first occurs as small, concen-
tric, water-soaked areas in the stem
and central branches of the cuixl), and
cracked stem of celery are boron-defi-
ciency diseases. Poor growth, yellowing
of the terminal growth, and death of
the terminal buds are typical symp-
tom's in most plants. The affected ter-
minal growth becomes brittle, breaks
easily, and shows discoloration of
vascular tissues.
A deficiency of calcium shows up
finst near tKc growing point on the
young leaves. The growing point dies
and the young leaves often are severely
distorted and show a hooked tip. When
later growth takes place, the margins
arc irregular because of the failure in
early development. The leaf petioles
of many plants collapse when the
growing points die. The floral parts,
ncluding corolla and calyx, may show
bnormalities. Shedding and little or
o seed set may follow. Tobacco, to-
mato, and potato plants show distinc-
tive deficiency efi'ecls. Tomatoes show
pronounced dicback of .stems, leaves,
and fruiting branches and blo.ssom-end
rot of fruits. Potatoes form few luljers,
show bushy vines, and develop leaf-
lets near the shoot tips that are small,
chlorotic, and roll inward toward the
mid veins. Beans, peas, clovers, and
other legumes have pale-green leaves
with necrotic margins. The stems may
collapse near growing points, petioles,
and pedicels. Pods and seeds are few
and poorly developed. The growing
points of sugar beet, carrot, parsnip,
and other root crops may die. The tree
fruits undergo death of the terminal
shoots. The tip leaves have a scorched
and ragged appearance, and the mar-
gins roll inward. Calcium deficiency
in most plants results in breakdown of
the mcristematic tissues in stem, root,
or any part of the plant where the
deficiency occurs. Extreme shortages
of calcium commonly mean the early
death of the plant.
Years ago growers learned that the
dieback, or exanthema, of citrus trees
in Florida could be corrected by the
use of copper compounds, although
the ailment was not recognized at
first as due to a copper deficiency.
Apple, pear, and plum trees show
much the same symptoms when they
lack copper. Tobacco plants deficient
in copper suffer a breakdown of older
leaves and wilting of younger leaves.
When the shortage of copper operates
after flowering, the seed head cannot
.stand erect and the seed stalk bends
to one side. The cereals show much
the .same symptoms — withering of tips
of the younger leaves, wilting of the
foliage, dwarfing, distorting of seed
heads, and less formation of grain.
The low^er leaves and tillers on such
plants tend to remain green. Copper
is essential for normal color and
growth of lettuce and onions, particu-
larly wiien they are grown on peat
The first deficiency disease of plants
to be recognized was the one caused
by too little iron. It was first reported
in France, and the remedy was iron
salts. Yellowing of the young growth
is the first sign of the disease. Some
necrosis may occur. In extreme cases
the young leaves may become almost
white. In milder cases there i® a mot-
tled patteni; the primary and second-
ary veins tend to retain the green
color. Sometimes there is drying or
scorching of leaf tips and margins. In
extreme cases dicback of twigs may
extend to large branches of trees.
Fruit and shade trees are often more
commonly affected than field or vege-
table crops. The typical chlorosis due
to iron deficiency often occurs on soils
of high lime content and has been
tenned “lime-induced.” The typical
chlorosis of pineapples in Hawaii oc-
curs on soils high in manganese and
has l^cen corrected by the use of sprays
that contain iron.
Magnesium deficiency causes a chlo-
rosis that first affects the older leaves.
Magnesium is a component of chloro-
phyll. Sand drown, the distinctive chlo-
rosis of tobacco, is caused by mag-
nesium deficiency. The lowermost
leaves of the plant first lose their nor-
mal green color at the tips and margins
and between the veins. The primary
and secondary veins and the nearby
tissue tend to retain the normal green
color long after the remaining leaf
tissue has l:)ecome pale green or almost
white. The deficiency rarely occurs
until the plants have attained consid-
erable size. It is called sand drown be-
cause it is more prevalent in deep,
sandy soils and during seasons of ex-
cessive rainfall. Corn has streaks on
the lower leaves when magnesium is
deficient. The cotton plant shows
chlorosis, and a purplish-red color de-
velops in the yellow areas. Leaves of
vegetables turn yellow and die. Citrus
trees develop a chlorosis known as
bronzing. Leaves of deficient apple
trees turn yellow and unhealthy and
drop if the shortage is acute.
Chlorosis and necrosis of young
leaves are early symptoms of manga-
nese deficiency. Tomato plants grow-
ing in calcareous soils in Florida showed
retarded growth, failure to blossom,
chlorosis, and a necrotic spotting of
the younger leaves until manganese
was supplied. The gray speck disease
of oats is due to too little manganese.
The first seedling leaves of the oat
plant arc of a normal green; later
leaves are faintly yellow and develop
necrotic spots. “Pahala blight” of
sugarcane arises from too little man-
ganese. Snap beans show a chlorosis of
the young leaves; each new leaf shows
more chlorosis, and affected plants
finally die. Young leaves of an ailing
tobacco plant lose color in even the
smallest veins; the contrast between
the green and yellow places gives a
checkered effect to the leaf. Chlorotic
leaves develop small lifeless spots,
which may enlarge and fall out. The
spots arc distributed over the leaf —
not only at the tip and margin, as
with potassium deficiency. The acidity
or alkalinity of the .soil on which the
plant grows appears to dominate man-
ganese absorption, as most instances
of deficiency of manganese have been
reported on neutral or alkaline soils.
The effect of molybdenum deficiency
was first mentioned as a cause of the
whiptail disease of cauliflower in New
Zealand and Australia. The disease
restricts the development of the leaf
lamina, so that sometimes the midribs
are left bare. In extreme cases the
growing point dies. The effects of a
shortage of molybdenum on tobacco
and tomatoes has been reported for
plants grown in nutrient solutions.
The tomato plant shows a mottling of
the lower leaves, followed by necrosis
and crinkling. The fruit set is poor be-
cause most of the blossoms shed.
Tobacco show's much the same symp-
toms when molybdenum is deficient;
the shedding of flower buds leads to a
reduction in amount of seed. Various
crops, particularly legumes, have re-
sponded favorably to the addition of
molylxlenum on serpentine and iron-
stone soils in some areas.
Shortage of nitrogen, perhaps the
most common of the deficiencies,
show's up at any time from the seed-
ling stage to maturity. First the plant
loses its normal green color. The growth
rate slows down. Then lemon, orange,
red, or purple tints develop and the
older leaves dry or drop. Leaves that
develop later when nitrogen is trans-
ferred to them from the older leaves
are small; the production of fruit or
seed is correspondingly reduced. The
growth of nitrogen-deficient plants is
sparse, spindly, and erect. The roots
may be long and little branched; the
twigs of trees are short and small.
Small grains show a marked reduction
in number of tillers and consequently
yield poorly. Not all effects of nitrogen
deficiency are bad, however. The
growth of broad leaved plants, such as
tobacco, can be regulated by with-
holding nitrogen to produce leaf of a
certain type, such as the bright lemon-
colored leaf known as the flue-cured
type. Fruit trees on nitrogen-deficient
soil may produce highly colored fruits
that store well.
Shortages of phosphorus lower plant
grpwth markedly. The symptoms arc
not always clearly defined. Usually
the leaves are small and erect, the lat-
eral buds are few, and the roots may
be sparsely branched. But most of the
effects of phosphorus deficiency ap-
parently are more general. The leaves
usually are dark green, but in later
stages or in extreme cases they may be
dull green and may show purplish
tints. Sometimes necrosis is evident.
When the older leaves dry up or shed
they are dark brown to almost black.
The cereals often show purpling on
older leaves. Tobacco leaves are a
dark gray green and maturity is de-
layed. Production of fruit and seed is
reduced and slow.
Chlorosis, commonly beginning on
the older leaves at their tips and mar-
gins, is typical of potassium deficiency.
Necrosis follow’s, first as small areas
that gradually enlarge and merge. The
dead areas may fall out so the leaves
get a ragged appearance. Grasses,
when potassium is deficient, show a
yellowish streaking which, on older
leaves, may develop into .scorching.
The stalks on such plants arc short,
roots arc poor, and the ears arc poorly
filled at the tip. The tobacco plant
becomes bluish green, mottled, and
chlorotic. Generally the lower leaves
show the first symptoms, but if the
shortage operates during later growth
stages cf the plant, when growth is
rapid, the upper leaves may show the
first symptoms. Mottling is followed
quickly by necrotic spotting at the
leaf tips and margins between the
veins. Tomato and the potato plants
show much the same symptoms as
tobacco. Tomato fruits fail to ripen
evenly; often greenish-yellow patches
are intermingled with the red of the
red-fruited varieties. Colton and the
sweetpotato develop chlorosis and
necrosis of the older leaves and some
leaf shedding. Cotton rust is a.ssociated
with potassium deficiency. Foliage of
deciduous fruit trees becomes bluish
green; intervein chlorosis, necrosis,
and marginal scorch occur on older
leaves; extreme cases involve dieback
of shoots and branches, and fruits of
poor quality. Citrus fruits display small
leaves, fluting or tucking along the
midrib, small and poor fruit, and die-
back in serious disorders.
The effects of sulfur deficiency on
plant growth generally resemble those
caused by shortage of nitrogen. The
younger leaves display a pronounced
yellowing with little or no drying of
older leaves. While nitrogen shortage
4s accentuated and sometimes brought
about by excessive rainfall, sulfur
shortage is often more apparent during
dry periods and in dry areas, since
sulfur dioxide, a common air contami-
nant, is brought down by rainfall.
Grasses lose their normal green color
when sulfur is withheld. Leaves of
legumes become yellow and develop
brown spots; the plants are less
succulent and have thin stems. The
tobacco plant first shows light-green
leaves; veins and the tissue between the
veins lose their green color w'hen sulfur
is deficient. Much the same symptoms
have been reported for the tomato.
The tobacco plant recovers quickly
from sulfur deficiency in times of ade-
quate rainfall. Citrus trees show a
marked yellowing of the younger
leaves in the early stages of the
deficiency. Some dieback of the twigs
may occur later. A disease known as
lea yellows is caused by .sulfur de-
ficiency. The initial .stages of sulfur
deficiency generally are marked by a
yellowing of the younger leaves. When
the condition becomes acute and last-
ing, the older leaves may turn yellow.
Leaves of citrus and the tea bush may
die back.
The initial effects of zinc deficiency,
most evident on the older leaves of
many plants, arc chlorosi.s, necrosis,
shedding of leaves, and, in extreme
cases, dieback of twigs in trees. Pecan
ro.sette, citrus mottling, littlelcaf, and
citrus rosette arc due to zinc defi-
ciency. The corn plant shows yellow
streaks on the older leaves when zinc
is deficient. The streaks later become
necrotic; the young leaves unfolding
in the bud may be white or yellow and
produce the white-bud disease. Sugar
beet and potato develop leaf spots on
the older leaves. The leaves of the
potato are thickened and curled. To-
bacco grown in purified, zinc-free sand
or solutions in the greenhouse has
shown deficiency symptoms — first a
faint chlorosis on the older leaves at
the leaf tip and margins between the
veins. Necrosis soon develops as small
areas that rapidly enlarge to involve
the veins or the entire le^. The leaves
are thick, internodes are short, and the
corolla appears to be shortened.
It is not possible to distinguish
clearly between the disorders that are
due to a deficiency as such and the
disorders that are due to too much of
another element. A deficient supply
of one element implies an excess of
other elements. A mass-action effect
may arise as when too much of one ele-
ment may interfere with the solubility,
absorption, and utilization of another
clement to the extent of developing
acute deficiency effects. The effects of-
ten may result from the acidity or alka-
linity of the culture medium.
Many of the nutrient elements in ex-
cess may cause symptoms of toxicity.
For example, boron in any consider-
able amounts results in a marginal ne-
crosis of the Older leaves followed often
by stunting and death. Those symp-
toms often have been seen following
the use of irrigation water that car-
ried toxic amounts of boron. The use of
potash Salts in fertilizers containing ex-
cessive amounts of boron has caused
serious losses.
Calcium, if present in amounts that
cause alkalinity of the soils when the
levels of iron, manganese, boron, or
zinc arc low, often results in defi-
ciency symptoms previously described
as typical for the deficiency of each of
those elements.
An excess of copper causes necrosis,
wilting, reduced growth, and death of
Too much iron may induce a defi-
ciency of phosphorus or manganese.
Magnesium present in large amounts
may accentuate potassium deficiency
if the potassium supply is low. An ex-
cess of magnesium may operate in
much the same manner for calcium
and show the calcium-deficiency symp-
Manganese when present in excess
may bring about iron deficiency. Man-
ganese is often present in acid soils in
amounts sufficient to reduce plant
growth. Low calcium is often associ-
ated with this condition so that plant
growth will be improved by liming to
neutralize soil acidity.
Excess amounts of nitrogen stimulate
excessive growth and frequently may
cause a deficiency of another element
that is present in small amount. Often
the other element is potassium; then
the plant is commonly more susceptible
to rusts (in the case of the small grains
and cotton) and to leaf spots (tobacco).
Sulfur often is added to acidify alkali
soil to improve plant growth. Some-
times the continued use of ammonium
sulfate and other sulfates brings about
a low pH, which often is unfavorable
to plant growth. Excess sulfates bring
into solution the extra manganese and
aluminum that may be present in the
soil and thus injure plant growth.
Actually, most efiects associated with
soil reaction are related to solubility
of nutrient or toxic ions rather than
injuries associated with the hydrogen
ion. Since the acidity or alkalinity of
soils in humid areas may range be-
tween pH 4.0 and 8.0, most plants can
grow successfully at that range if there
arc no complications in regard to
availability and toxicity of the ions
present. The so-called alkali soils show
a much higher pH and present a
different problem.
Salinity is a serious problem in
many arid areas and in places where
ocean spray or salt water floods agri-
cultural soils. Excessive fertilization
with soluble salts sometimes causes
much the same kind of injury. The
effect may vary according to the plants
in question and the salts and concen-
trations that are involved. Sometimes
the effect is merely one of concentra-
tion of soluble salts, but again, if alkali
salts are present in excess, the soils are
said to be alkali. The actual salts
present may vary, but the three com-
mon ones are sodium chloride (table
salt), sodium sulfate (Glauber’s salt),
and sodium carbonate (sal soda). Vari-
ous other salts of sodium, calcium,
magnesium, and potassium may also
be present.
Most of our common crop plants are
sensitive to salts. Seed germination
may be retarded or prevented. Young
seedlings may die. When the plants do
survive, the growth rate commonly is
slow, the plant wilts, and the leaves
bum at the tips and margins. Fruit or
shade trees may survive for a time on
saline soils and show chlorosis, pos-
sibly caused by induced shortages of
iron brought about by alkaline soil
conditions. Their growth is reduced,
leaves drop, and eventually the trec.s
die. If conditions arc not too severe,
the more resistant types of plants may
have drought-resistant characteristics.
The leaves arc small and have a
thicker cuticle. Waxy coatings are
more developed and the breathing
pores are sunken below the outer
surface, so that evaporation or tranS'
piration arc reduced.
Among the crop plants, sugar beets,
Rhodes grass, and Bermuda-grass have
the strongest tolerance to saline con-
ditions. Those with medium-strong
tolerance to saline conditions arc al-
falfa, cotton, kale, barley as a hay crop,
rape, and sorgo. The crops with me-
dium tolerance include onions, .squash,
flax, Ladino clover, sunflowers, rice,
and rye as a grain crop. Those with
the weakest tolerance include red clo-
ver, snap beans, navy beans, vetch,
and wheat as a grain crop.
J. E. McMurtrey, Jr., ts principal
physiologist and project leader of investiga-
tions of production^ breeding, disease, and
quality of tobacco in the Bureau of Plant
Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineer-
ing, He is stationed at Beltsville, Aid, Dr,
McMurtrey has degrees from the University
of Kentucky and the University of Maryland,
The Effects
of Soil
George L, McNew
Many farmers and gardeners have
observed that plant diseases have be-
come more prevalent and soils less
fertile than they used to be. Some have
argued that the two phenomena are
related and that diseases are more de-
structive because the plants have been
weakened by poor mineral nutrition.
A few have even maintained that there
would be no serious disease problems
if plants were grown in properly con-
ditioned soU, but evidence obtained
in hundreds of experiments throughout
the world docs not uphold this extreme
Soil fertility does affect the preva-
lence and severity of some plant dis-
eases, but it is only one of several
factors that predispose plants to infec-
tion by fungi, bacteria, vimses, and
nematodes. We can make no sweeping
generalizations about the effect of
fertilizers on diseases because of the
extreme differences in crop plants,
their special nutritional requirements,
the soil types upon which they are
grown, and the diversity of the patho-
gens that attack them. Some diseases
are severe on weakened, undernour-
ished plants. Many others are most
destructive when plants arc growing
If wheat on a moderately fertile soil,
for example, is given an extra supply
of nitrogen it probably will escape
seedling diseases more readily, be
more subject to pythium root rot,
suffer less from take-all disease, and
be more subject to infection by leaf
rust and powdery mildew. Phosphorus
and potassium fertilizers would have
an entirely different effect on those
same diseases. The addition of barn-
yard manure to wilt-infested cotton-
fields will reduce the amount of wilt
in places in Arkansas where potassium
and nitrogen are deficient but will
increase the severity of the same disease
on the delta of the Nile, where nitrogen
is readily available.
Such effects of soil fertility on plant
diseases must be understood in this
age when fertilizer practices are being
changed so rapidly. More than i8
million tons of commercial fertilizer
and 2f) million tons of agricultural
lime were used in 1 948. That is about
twice as much as was required before
the Second World War. Less barn-
yard manure is being added to the
soil each year. Not enough green
manure from cover crops is being
plowed under to maintain the organic
matter content of soils on most of our
farms. Under such conditions, both
the balance of the various nutrient
elements and the total supply of
nutrients available to the plant can
be expected to fluctuate appreciably
from year to year and during the
growing season.
The primary consideration in
fertilizing soil is to use such materials,
in combination with suitable crop
rotations and other soil management
practices, as are necessary to promote
the maximum productivity of the
plant. Disease control is a secondary
consideration beyond the fact that
one must avoid certain conditions,
such as an excess of nitrogen or other
available nutrients, a deficiency of
potassium, or changes in soil reaction
that affect diseases of a crop.
Fertilizer materials that leave acid
residues (such as those from am-
monium sulfate, potassium sulfate,
sulfur, and calcium sulfate) should
be employed where neutral or alka-
line soils favor diseases like potato
Sodium nitrate, calcium phosphate,
limestone, and similar materials that
leave alkaline residues should be
used where diseases such as club-
root of cabbage and some wilt diseases
are suppressed by alkaline soils.
Residues from organic matter are
valuable for stimulating the growth
of beneficial micro-organismS in the
soil. They may destroy or prevent the
growth of some plant parasites that
arc not well adjusted to living in the
soil environment.
When diseases become a serious
problem on properly nourished, pro-
ductive plants, other control measures
such as spraying, crop rotation, or
use of disease-escaping varieties will
have to be employed. There is no
sound reason for starving the plant
into an unproductive state in order
to escape disease. If the plant is
properly nourished and capable of
full development, the disease control
measures, such as spraying or soil
disinfestation, are fully justified. They
are a form of crop insurance. They
pay the largest dividends on produc-
tive soils. Often they arc not worth
applying to weak and undernourished
Several plant diseases arc influ-
enced so seriously by soil deficiencies
that much of the damage from them
can be avoided by soil treatment.
The outstanding examples, which
are discussed here, are take-all disease
of wheat, wheat root rot, Texas root
rot of cotton, sugar beet seedling
diseases, fusariam wilt of cotton, wild-
fire di.scase of tobacco, clubroot of
cabbage, common scab of potatoes,
bacterial leaf spot of peaches, and
powdery mildew and rusts of cereals.
A deficiency of any plant nutrient
may influence disease development.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium,
the primary elements, are mentioned
most often. The secondary elements,
calcium, sulfur, silicon, manganese,
and boron also have been observed
to exert appreciable influence on the
prevalence of plant diseases.
Nitrogen is .supplied in the form of
sodium nitrate (Chilean nitrate), am-
monium sulfate, urea, organic nitix)-
gen, or anhydrous ammonia. It pro-
motes vigorous growth and is essen-
tial for production of amino acids,
growth regulants, and new proto-
plasm. Us^ to excess, it encourages
rank, vegetative growth, delays ma-
turity, and tends to cause thin cell
walls. Fungi may penetrate the thin
walls more readily than normal ones.
Infected plants collapse more easily.
Cereal plants lodge. Lesions on leaves
elongate rapidly. Because nitrogen
in a proper combination with other
nutrients often speeds up growth of
seedlings and roots, the plants escape
severe damage from pathogens that
develop slowly. But because nitrogen
may prolong vegetative growth, leaves
are exposed to infection over a longer
season. The roots, water-conducting
tissues, leaves, and fruits of plants
that are supplied with nitrogen are
more nutritious to most pathogens,
which grow better in them than in
nitrogen-deficient plants.
Phosphorus is applied as rock phos-
phate, superphosphate, ammonium
phosphate, basic slag, or bonemeal.
Phosphorus is essential for utilization
of carbohydrates and for cell division
because it combines with carbohydrate
materials to form nucleic acids. Ade-
quate supplies of phosphonis promote
root growth and seed development.
Applications of it are most beneficial
against seedling diseases and certain
root rots where vigorous development
of roots permits the plants to escape
destruction. It is essential for multipli-
cation of viruses in host cells and may
increase susceptibility to viruses and
other disease agents if too abundant.
Because of its use in building new cells,
any imbalance with nitrogen may
cause disease losses to increase.
Potassium (potash) is supplied to
soils as potassium chloride (Kainit,
muriate of potash), potassium sulfate,
potassium nitrate, or wood ashes. Un-
like other essential nutrients, it does
not become a structural part of the
plant cell. It is a mobile regulator of
cell activity and promotes the reduc-
tion of nitrates and the synthesis of
amino acids from carbohydrate and
inorganic nitrogen. Potassium pro-
motes the development of thicker outer
walls in the epidermal cells and firm
tissues, which are less subject to
A deficiency of potassium enforces
the accumulation of carbohydrates
and inorganic nitrogen in the plant.
Eventually it retards photosynthesis
and production of new tissues. More
plant diseases have been retarded by
use of potash fertilizers than any other
substance, perhaps because potassium
is so essential for catalyzing cell activi-
ties. It is unavailable in many soils of
light texture because its salts are so
water-soluble they readily leach from*
the soil.
Calcium is added to the soil as
ground limestone, hydrated lime, gyp-
sum, or calcium phosphate. It is es-
sential for normal growth since it
regulates chromosome development
in cell division and is assimilated into
the middle lamellae of new cell walls.
It is therefore important for cell divi-
sion and cell development. It also may
neutralize acid byproducts of cell
metabolism that could become harm-
ful if not precipitated in an insoluble
condition. Calcium also influences
plant diseases indirectly by its cfl'ect on
soil acidity, by neutralizing toxins pro-
duced by wilt-inducing fungi, and by
affecting cell division in those diseases
where abnormal growth of tissues is
important. Its balance with pota.ssium
becomes a primary consideration in
gall development because both mate-
rials contribute to the growth and divi-
sion of cells.
Silicon affects the availability of
potassium. It also may be combined
with other materials to give the cell
walls greater structural strength. The
primary effect on plant diseases ap-
parently is in the prevention of infec-
tion by powdery mildew, a disease in
which the fungus develops externally
and usually penetrates the host cell
through the outer wall. Sulfur is oxi-
dized to sulfates and thereby promotes
soil acidity, which discourages growth
and survival of some bacteria and
Soil reaction (the hydrogen-ion con-
centration, expressed in terms of pH
units) influences the growth and per-
sistence of some fungi and bacteria.
The parasitic organisms that depend
on delicate bodies, such as thin-walled
swarmspores, may have difficulty in
multiplying and infecting roots in soils
at unfavorable hydrogen-ion concen-
trations. Hydrogen-ion concentration
may change the ability of pine tree
roots to resist invasion, but that, if
true, is an exceptional case. Soil reac-
tion also may affect the availability
of essential nutrients in the soil and
the biological balance between plant
parasites and saprophytic soil-inhabit-
ing fungi and bacteria.
Although organic matter contributes
essential nutrients to the crop, it
probably exerts more influence through
the physical and biological changes
diat it brings about in the soil. The
carbohydrates and proteins in animal
and plant byproducts provide nourish-
ment to soil organisms that fix nitro-
gen from the air, tie up available
nitrates in the soil, and frequently
suppress plant parasites by antibiotic
The humus from lignified plant tis-
sues and other residual products pro-
motes the massing together of soil
particles and thereby improves aera-
tion and water-holding capacity of
soils. Organic matter may promote
the growth of plant parasites or even
facilitate their dispersal. Some of the
decomposition products may increase
the susceptibility of roots to invasion.
Young seedlings of most crops are
attacked by fungi that live in the soil or
arc carried on the seed.
Fungi such as Pythium deharyanumj
P, ultimum, and Rhizoctonia solani live
in most agricultural soils since they
compete successfully for space with
other soil saprophytes. They are stimu-
lated to growth by organic matter
around the germinating seed. If seed
germination or seedling development
is delayed by excessive moisture or
low temperature, the fungi may invade
the seed or girdle the young shoot
before the plant can establish itself.
These fungi become progressively less
aggressive as the plant begins to syn-
thesize its own food and its under-
ground tissues become lignified.
Sugar beet seedlings arc particularly
susceptible to these damping-off fungi
and Aphanomyces cochlioides. Failure to
secure a suitable stand occurs in
Montana, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, and
elsewhere whenever heavy rains fall
after seeding. The usual preventive
mea.sure employed is to coat the seed
with a fungicidal chemical, which
prevents seed decay and protects the
seedling near the seed ball. Seed dress-
ings do not always prevent the post-
emergence damping-off if the weather
conditions arc favorable for the soil-
inhabiting fungi.
Much of the damage can be avoided
by fertilizing the soil so as to promote
vigorous growth of the seedlings.
Phosphates alone at the rate of 400
to 800 pounds an acre in moderately
fertile soils are decidedly beneficial in
preventing severe losses from Aphano-
myces cochlioides at low soil temperatures.
In Montana, where seedling losses of
75 percent were common on a soil
of low fertility, the application of
manure, superphosphate, and sodium
nitrate reduced losses to 21 percent
and increased yields of roots from 7.47
tons to 18.23 tons.
The application of potash or nitro-
gen alone is not effective. Moderate
improvements have been obtained
from manure alone. Manure and phos-
phate or a combination of manure,
phosphate, and nitratt: are definitely
superior. Such treatments combined
with a desirable rotation such as beets-
potato-oats or a 3-year cycle of beets-
alfalfa-oats-potatoes eliminated most
of the seedling diseases in the experi-
ments in Montana.
Attempts to apply fertilizers as a
seed dressing have not been uniformly
successful. Highly soluble materials in-
jure the young plants, and phosphate
on the se^ is not so effective as it is in
soil treatments.
Although fertilizer treatments have
not proved so successful on other
crops, there are reports of benefits
from fall application of balanced
fertilizers to clover seedlings in Russia
and from calcium on soybeans in the
United States. Nitrogen applied to
cucumber seedlings reduced the se-
verity of damping-off, presumably by
accelerating the lignification of under-
ground portions of the stems. Most
observers have reported, however,
that application of nitrogen alone
or in excessive proportions makes
seedlings more susceptible to attack.
The damping-off of pines, other coni-
fers, and cotton is increased by
nitrogen fertilizers. Sodium nitrite,
however, applied at the rate of 4 to 8
ounces to the square yard, several
weeks before planting, destroys nema-
todes as well as damping-ohf fungi and
then oxidizes to harmless nitrates,
which may be used as a source of nitro-
gen by the young plants.
Australian w'orkers reported that
seed decay of peas was more severe
in poor soils than in fertile ones, but
emergence of peas was not improved in
Colorado by application of different
fertilizers to poor gravelly soil. Seed
decay of peas may be increased by
applying fertilizers in direct contact
with seed. The injury can be attributed
largely to the water-soluble nitrogen
in balanced fertilizers, because phos-
phorus alone causes little damage and
potassium salts are only slightly in-
jurious. Decay increases in proportion
to the percentage of nitrogen in the
formula and the total amount applied.
Tomato seedlings arc also more
subject to damping-off when soluble
salts accumulate around the tender
stem and roots. The concentration of
salt seems to be more important than
the kind of compound, except that
potassium salts are tolerated in fairly
heavy concentrations.
. A severe ^oot rot of wheat in Sas-
katchewan and other areas on the
Great Plains, known as the browning
disease, is caused by Pythium arrkewh
manes. The same fungus attacks sugar-
cane in Louisiana and Hawaii. Studies
made on the two crops have tended to
confirm each other on the effects of
soil fertility.
The disease is most severe on sugar-
cane and wheat in poorly drained,
wet soils. Such soils have many
products of anaerobic respiration,
such as salicylic aldehyde, present in
concentrations of 50 parts per million
or more. Salicylic aldehyde is ordi-
narily oxidized by species of Penicillium
and Actinomyces in wcll-acraled soil,
but the grow'^th of these fungi is
suppressed by the anaerobic conditions
in wet fields. The salicylic aldehyde
does not affect the growth of either
the roots or the root-rotting fungus,
but it does predispose plants to attack.
Injurious concentrations of salicylic
aldehyde .may be avoided by draining
the soil or using fertilizers that pro-
mote oxidation.
Wheat plants that have severe root
rot usually contain nitrogen in ade-
quate to excess amounts but are
deficient in phosphorus. The disease
is particularly severe on fields that
were held under fallow cultivation
the preceding years. The nitrogen-
fixing bacteria increase the supply of
nitrates during the fallow period and
these are readily available to the
next crop. Severe damage from root
rot can usually be avoided by adding
phosphates to the soil or by reducing
the supply of nitrates available so as
to restore a normal balance between
the two nutrients.
Wheat straw, plowed under, stimu-
lates the growth of soil micro-organ-
isms, which assimilate the available
nitrogen and thereby reduce the
amount immediately available to the
new wheat crop. So the balance with
phosphorus is temporarily restored dur-
ing the period when the young plant is
most susceptible. The same result is
achieved in Hawaii by applying to the
soil press cake from the cane extracting
plant or crude cane sirup wastes. Be-
sides promoting growth of soil bacteria,
the materials provide extra potassium,
which also helps reduce loss from root
rot. Barnyard manure, swcetclovcr, or
weed hay may also be used to advan-
Nitrogen added alone to infertile soil
increases the susceptibility of roots to
invasion by lithium. The plants are not
capable of developing new roots and
consequently are severely injured.
When phosphorus and nitrogen are
added simultaneously the roots are still
susceptible to infection, but new growth
develops so rapidly that the plant es-
capes severe damage. The ability of
plants to produce new roots explains
the beneficial effect from balanced
Several other root rot and foot rot
diseases of cereals are caused l )y species
of Fusariwn, Cercosporella, and Helmin-
thosporium. The diseases usually are
found to be most severe on dwarfed,
undernourished plants or on plants re-
ceiving an excess of nitrogen. Field
tests with phosphates and balanced
fertilizers, however, have failed to pre-
vent losses in many localities. In at
least one locality in Canada excess sol-
uble salts in the soil increased the
severity of iiclrainthosporium and fu-
sarium root rots.
The take-all disease of wheat
causes severe losses in the United
Slates, Canada, and Australia. Much
of the damage can be avoided by main-
taining a proper balance of soil nutri-
ents. The soil requirements seem to
differ in different areas. Decided bene-
fits from nitrogen fertilizers have been
obtained in England and Canada.
Phosphates have proved beneficial in
Kansas and Australia.
Some of the benefits from .soil fertili-
zation have been phenomenal. In an
Arkansas field where 8o percent of the
plants were infected, on an unfertilized
plot, the application of lo tons of barn-
yard manure or 400 pounds of 4-8-3
fertilizer to the acre reduced infection
to 45 and 7 percent, respectively.
Experiments in sand cultures have
shown that a suitable balance among
nifrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
must be maintained if losses from take-
all are to be avoided. Severe infection
occurs when all three nutrients are in-
adequate, or phosphorus and potassi-
um are in short supply. Nitrogen may
increase the incidence of root infection.
As in pythium root rot, however, if
phosphorus is also present the plant de-
velops new roots to replace the infected
ones and produces a good crop.
Readily available nitrogen has three
effects on the development of take-all.
An adequate supply during the fall and
winter permits the causal fungus, Ophi-
obolus graminis^ to prolong its existence
on infested stubble. Therefore the fun-
gus often lives longer in soil under fal-
low culture than in soils seeded to cover
crops or oats, which utilize all available
nitrogen. If nitrogen is made available
to young plants, the roots arc more
readily invaded. Adequate nitrogen,
however, will also permit the rapid re-
placement of diseased roots with new
ones if phosphorus is present.
Because of these various effects, S.
D. Garrett suggested in the Annals of
Applied Biology for 1948 that trefoil
was the ideal cover crop to precede
wheat. Plowed under in the fall, it
stimulated growth of micro-organisms
so all available nitrogen in the soil
would be incorporated into their bod-
ies and the survival of the take-all
fungus would be reduced. The plant
residues and micro-organisms would
then decompose the following spring
and summer to provide a continuous,
uniform supply of nitrogen to promote
disease-escaping ability in the wheat
For .some time it waf believed that
organic matter reduced the severity of
take-all by encouraging the multiplica-
tion of soil micro-organisms that were
antagonistic to Ophiobolus graminis.
Many carbohydrate-rich materials do
increase the soil flora, but most of their
effect is now attributed to uniform
supply of nitrogen and phosphorus.
There is very little change in the popu-
lation of bacteria and fungi in the
immediate vicinity of the roots where
the take-all fungus attacks and all ef-
fective materials, such as chicken ma-
nure, chopped ^falfa, horse manure,
and barley or oat grain, increase the
amount of available nitrate and phos-
phate in the soil.
Texas root rot has been one of the
more' difficult diseases to control.
There is little chance of obtaining
disease-resistant varieties because the
fungus attacks more than a thousand
species of plants. As the fungus spreads
slowly in the soil by mycelial growth,
infested areas gradually enlarge each
year. But it is a poor soil invader when
divorced from plant roots and does not
compete well with other soil-inhabiting
organisms. Consequently it often di-
minishes after 2 or 3 years.
The disease is most prevalent in
alkaline soils. Its radial spread may be
controlled by increasing the soil acidity
through use of sulfur. The fungus
grows better in soils made alkaline by
calcium carbonate than in soils re-
ceiving calcium nitrate, calcium sul-
fate, or calcium phosphate. The bark
of infected roots usually is rich in
phosphorus but deficient in nitrogen.
The disease can be controlled by
adding nitrogenous fertilizers to the
soil. The use of 15 to 20 tons of barn-
yard manure or green manure an acre
will permit production of a good crop
on infested soil. Ammonium sulfate
and balanced fertilizers such as 9 -3-3
at 600 to 900 pounds to the acre have
been recommended for silt loam soils
of Texas. Phosphate fertilizers increase
the severity of root rot. A potassium
deficiency reduces slightly the severity
of the disease.
Many of the effects of fertilizers can
be attributed to changes in the soil
microflora that destroy the sclerotia —
the resting bodies — of the pathogen
and otherwise reduce its prevalence,
The reduction of sclerotia is in pro-
portion to the amount of organic sup-
plements used over a range of 0.5 to
5.0 percent in clay, sandy loam, or
sandy soils. Crop refuse, green manure,
and such materials as starch, cellulose,
and peptone promote the destruction
of the root rot fungus. If soil micro-
organisms are not present, the organic
matter alone will not destroy the
The amount of carbohydrate in the
root bark affects the severity of dis-
ease. Because a moderate amount is
necessary for invasion, young seedlings
escape infection until they begin to
synthesize their own foods. Later in
the season carbohydrates begin to ac-
cumulate in the bark and escape into
the surrounding soil. Thus the growth
of soil organisms, which apparently
can inhibit the root rot fungus, is pro-
moted. High carbohydrate levels in
the roots induced by extra light, less
growth of twigs, reduced set of bolls,
or temporary deficiency of nitrogen
lower the amount of infection. Further
support for this observation has been
obtained by studying the relationship
of the soil organisms to the resistance
of corn roots. Corn secretes carbohy-
drates from the roots and is resistant
under normal circumstances but be-
comes susceptible when grown in the
absence of soil saprophytes that can
inhibit the fungus.
The cotton wilt caused by Fusa^
rium vasinfectum can be controlled by
the use of resistant varieties if nema-
todes are not present in soil. The
disease is most severe in the potash-
deficient soils of the United States.
It is very destructive on light, sandy
soils such as the alluvial deposits along
streams, where soluble nutrients have
been lost by leaching. It is severe also
on the fertile, heavy soils of the Nile
Delta in Egypt, presumably because
of the availability of nitrogen. Barn-
yard manure has been known to re-
duce the severity of cotton wilt in the
United States since 1907, presumably
because it corrects potash deficiency.
Its use in E^t, however, has been
reported to increase the severity of
wilt. The disease may occur in soils
ranging in reaction from pH 4.6 to
8.4 but is most common on the more
acid soils of Arkansas because most of
them are deficient in potash.
Wilt can be reduced by application
of 20 to 100 pounds of potash to the
acre^ but best results are had on most
light soils from use of a balanced fer-
tilizer, such as 6-8-8 or 4-10-7, at
the rate of 300 to 400 pounds to the
acre. On moderately fertile soils nitro-
gen should be omitted or used spar-
ingly because an excess of nitrogen
will increase the severity of wilt. A
surplus of phosphate may be harmful
but usually is not so influential as the
balance between nitrogen and potash.
Ammonium nitrogen is more con-
ducive to wilt than nitrate salts.
Much of the wilting promoted by
nitrogen fertilization can be avoided
by using calcium nitrate in alkaline
nutrient solutions or by plowing
under green manure crops.
The wilt of cotton caused by
cillium alho-atrum does not respond to
soil treatments in the same way as the
fusariam wilt. Application of potassium
does not reduce infection and may
even increase the severity of wilting.
Nitrogen treatments increase the se-
verity of the disease. Tomatoes infected
by the fungus respond to nitrogen and
potassium fertilizers much as cotton
does. On both crops, plant residues
arc beneficial because they lower the
availability ol soluble nitrogen com-
Clubroot of cabbage and other
cruciferous crops is caused by a fun-
gus {Plamodiophora brassiccu!) that sur-
vives for several years in infested soil.
The fungus produces free-swimming
swarmspores that infect roots and root
hairs. The swarmspores are released
most readily in neutral or acid soils
and may be inhibited in alkaline
soils. Therefore, and because cabbage
can grow well in calcareous soils,
many investigators have recommended
that soils be limed to pH 7.0 to 7.2 in
order to escape the disease.
Turnip growers 200 years ago
learned to use marl or alkaline clay
on their fields. Ground limestone or
hydrated lime is commonly recom-
mended today. Comparable amounts
of gypsum and calcium chloride are
relatively ineffective. Although the
hydrogen-ion concentration of soils
does affect clubroot, the disease has
been observed in alkaline soils of pH
7.8 to 8.1. Other contributory factors
consequently must also be involved.
The disease is most severe on cab-
bage that gets abundant supplies of
balanced nutrients. A deficiency of
potassium suppresses infection on cab-
bage, mustard, and turnip. The
disease is most severe when there is a
deficiency or excess of nitrogen or an
excess of potassium. Infection occurs
most readily on large, actively grow-
ing roots, but mineral nutrients ob-
viously influence the disease by chang-
ing the physiological balance within
the host tissue because nitrogen defi-
ciency promotes infection on poorly
nourished roots.
Apparently the ratio of calcium
to potassium may be more important
than soil reaction in determining the
severity of clubroot. Clubroot infec-
tion diminishes on moderately fertile
silt loam soil as the ratio of calcium
to potassium is decreased either by
adding calcium or using less potas-
sium while the other constituent is
held constant at nominal concentra-
tions. The effects of calcium and
potassium have been observed in
acid, neutral, and alkaline soils, but
the general severity of the disease
increases as soils become more acid.
The common scab of potato {Strep-
tomyces scabies) is usually avoided by
growing potatoes in acid soils. Scab
rarely occurs in soils at pH 4.8 or
below and is not serious at pH 4.8 to
5.1. It increases in prevalence and
destructiveness at pH 5.4 to 7.0.
Potatoes grow best at pH 5.0 to 5.5,
but tolerate a range of pH 4.6 to 6.i
without loss of yield. The usual
recommendation for potatoes on scab-
infested soil is to adjust the reaction
to pH 5.0 to 5.2. That may be done by
applying sulfur or using acidic fer-
tilizers such as ammonium sulfate and
potassium sulfate in preference to
sodium nitrate and other materials
that leave alkaline residues.
The sulfur treatment, which is also
used for the control of soil pox of
sweetpotatoes caused by Streptomyces
Apomoea^ consists of applying 500 to
3,000 pounds an acre well in advance
of planting so it will be converted to
acid by the soil organisms. It may
produce microbicidal concentrations
of hydrogen sulfide. J. H. Muncie and
his co-workers in Michigan reported
in 1944 that the scab organism may
become adjusted to the sulfur treat-
ment and not be controlled by a
second application even when soil
is made acid. Heavy applications of
sulfur may .suppress growth of pota-
toes; so sulhir-tolerant crops such as
cotton have been recommended for
use the first year after treating the
soil. In the Florida potato-growing
areas, sulfur-treated soils receive an
application of lime before planting
to potatoes and related crops.
Barnyard manure often increa^^es
scab, but we do not fully understand
the exact role of various nutrient
elements. The ratio of calcium to
potassium is important. One can
assume that one of the major effects
of hydrogen-ion concentration is on
this rrtio because it affects the mo-
bilization of cationic plant nutrients.
In tests by R. A. Schroeder and W. A.
Albrecht, of Missouri, where ex-
changeable ions w'erc controlled by
the colloidal clay technique, infection
increased as supplies of either cal-
cium or potassium were increased
in the presence of an adequate supply
of the other. Infection was about
equally prevalent at pH 5.2 and 6.8
when the calcium -potassium balance
remained constant. Scab was least
severe at either reaction when the
two elements were balanced. Those
observations were repeated and ex-
tended by G. A. Cries, J. G. Horsfall,
and H. G. M. Jacobson, of Connect-
The angular leaf spot and wildfire
disease of tobacco is caused by a bae*
terium {Pseudomonas tabaci) that in-
vades the leaf through the stomata.
Infection often is restricted to a small
spot around the stomata unlc.ss the leaf
tissues have become water-soaked
either by driving rainstorms or root
pressure during rainy periods. The
disease is most severe in the South-
eastern States in soils that are defi-
cient in potassium.
Potassium fertilizers do encourage
thicker cell wails, heavier cuticle, and
stronger mechanical tissues in tobacco.
The leaves of such plants are less easily
water-soaked. Consequently they are
less likely to be seriously injured by
the wildfire bacterium. Plants receiv-
ing an excess of nitrogen have thinner
cell walls and more succulent tissue
and are more subject to water soaking
and invasion.
Balanced supplies of potassium and
nitrogen arc essential if wildfire is to l)e
avoided. As barnyard manure contains
both elements, the application of 6 to
8 tons an acre has been effective in
Kentucky and other areas where IxJth
elements are deficient. Balanced ferti-
lizers like 4-10-6 or 6-2-3 are more
effective than nitrogen and potassium
alone in preventing wildfire. Most
soils in the tobacco-growing areas re-
quire alK)ut 40 to 60 pounds of potash
an acre. The usual recommendation
is for an application of 600 to 1,500
pounds of mixed fertilizer.
Peaches and plums frequently are
defoliated in late summer by Xantho^
monas prunu The bacteria from over-
wintering cankers on the twigs invade
the leaf through the stomata and cause
irregular circular lesions about one-
quarter inch or more in diameter. The
infected area dies and falls out, thereby
producing a shot-hole appearance.
Sometimes the infected leaves become
yellow and fall from the tree; on other
trees they continue to function. Usually
the nitrogen-deficient leaves in the
center of the crown and on the lower
branches arc the first to fall. The most
severe damage occurs to trees on in-
fertile, light, sandy soils.
Vigorous, healthy leaves in an or-
chard in Pennsylvania had more po-
tassium than infected leaves. Applica-
tions of potassium and magnesium,
however, failed to reduce the severity
of disease. Excellent results have been
obtained from six applications of sodi-
um nitrate each at the rate of i pound
to a tree. The added nitrate does not
prevent infection, but it does reduce
defoliation so that trees retain their
leaves throughout the summer and
W. D. Valleau concluded from his
observations in Kentucky that trees
supplied with adequate nitrogen have
ability to excise infected spots and
retain their leaves longer than under-
nourished trees.
Moderate applications of ammo-
nium sulfate will reduce the bacterial
canker of prunes, according to E. E.
Wilson. The treatment did not prevent
infection through the Icnticels but it
did encourage the development of
periderm and the cankers healed more
promptly. The bacteria] canker of
plums in England caused by Pseudo-
monas moTSprunorum differs from the
disease caused by Xanthomonas pruni in
that nitrogen has no beneficial effects,
the largest cankers occurring on plants
receiving generous supplies of balanced
fertilisers. The smallest lesions are oxi
plants deprived of phosphorus.
Powdery mildew of cereals is
caused by highly specialized races of
Erysiphe grafninis, an obligate parasite
that lives predominantly on the sur-
face of leaves and sends haustoria
(rootlike appendages) into the epi-
dermal cells, where they procure foods.
Either mechanical resistance of the
cell wall to penetration by the haus-
toria or an undesirable nutritional
balance inside the cell may restrict
mildew development.
Heavy application of nitrogen to
soil promotes rapid growth of cereals
and increases the severity of mildew.
Because the outer walls of the epidcr-
SOIl PEETIlltY 109
mal cells in such plants are thinner, it
has been assumed that that change
facilitates infection. Thicker walls may
be developed by balancing the nitro-
gen with adequate supplies of potas-
rium and phosphorus. The potassium
increases resistance, but phosphorus-
fed plants are more susceptible despite
the thicker cell walls. Although the
Sickness of cell wall undoubtedly
influences the susceptibility of wheat
and barley, other factors (such as the
chemical composition of the cell con-
tents) also regulate the development
of mildew.
Potassium has beneficial effects on
cereals. Potassium silicate is particu-
larly effective in improving resistance
of wheat and barley but not oats.
The outer cell membranes of the epi-
dermis arc perceptibly thickened,
presumably by depositing silicates and
changing the functions of the cell
protoplasm. Similar effects have been
reported from use of silica gel on rye,
barley, and wheat. Low concentrations
of nitrogen and adequate supplies of
potassium promote silicification of cell
walls. Silicates, however, do not im-
prove the resistance of rye to rust,
oats to hclminthosporium blight, or
corn to smut and anthracnosc.
Secondary nutrients also influence
resistance of cereals to mildew. A
deficiency of boron in California and
deficiency of manganese in Australia
were found to increase disease.
The cereal rusts consist of many
physiologic races that arc intensely
specialized in their parasitic behavior.
They multiply when in contact with
living cells and become dormant or
die when the host cells die because
they cannot utilize decaying organic
matter readily.
As early as 1903 J. C. Arthur com-
mented: “So intimate is the associa-
tion of parasite and host as a rule the
vigor of the parasite is directly pro-
portional to the vigor of the host.”
If growth of the plants is retarded
by too much nutrients, the fungus may
be less fruitful.
I lO
The leaf rusts of wheat, oats, and
corn arc influenced by mineral nu^-
tion. Heavy supplies nitrogen in-
crease the susceptibility of foliage when
supplied through the roots or by leaf
immersion. The nitrogenous materials,
in descending order of effectiveness
for accentuating rust, are ammonium
nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammoni-
um chloride, urea, glycol, ammonium
phosphate, magnesium nitrate, aspara-
gin, calcium nitrate, potassium ni-
trite, and sodium nitrate. Resistance
is impaired the least by these materials
when supplied with adequate carbo-
hydrates. Excessively heavy applica-
tions of sodium i^trate or potassium
nitrate reduce infection of wheat.
Potassium salts in moderate amounts
increase the resistance of wheat, rye,
and oats to leaf rusts. Moderately re-
sistant varieties may be made suscep-
tible by depriving them of potassium.
The reaction of very resistant varieties
is not affected materially and suscep-
tible varieties do not become immune
when supplied with potassium salts.
Although phosphorus has little effect
on the severity of leaf rusts, it may
increase resistance slightly when other
nutrients are available in adequate
amounts. Heavier infection usually is
promoted by increasing the amount of
balanced nutrients available to the
The reason has not been fully ex-
plained. Any deficiency that retards
growth of the host may reduce the
severity of rust infection, as was ob-
served by E. B. Mains for calcium,
iron, magnesium, potassium, phos-
phorus, nitrogen, and sulfur defi-
ciencies in the greenhouse. The albu-
men content of leaves is increased by
heavy nitrogen fertilization and low-
ered by potassium; consequently it
might regulate susceptibility. The pro-
duction of a rust-inhibiting toxin by
the plant may be affected. A. F.
Parker-Rhodes found that extra nitro-
gen or a deficiency of minor elements
enhanced the ability of wheat to pro-
duce a toxin for Puccinia glumarum.
The toxins possibly are produced by
the autolysis of proteins in the infected
Black stem rust may be influenced
by mineral nutrition of wheat, accord-
ing to G. R. Hurdi. A moderate
supply of nitrogen increases the in-
cidence of stem rust. Heavy applica-
tions weaken the straw and predispose
the plants to severe damage from en-
larged pustules and lodging. Potassium
and, to a less extent, phosphorus in-
crease resistance when a moderate
supply of nitrogen is available. Cal-
cium phosphate in the absence of
nitrogen rendered plants very resistant.
He believes the mineral nutrients af-
fect resistance by changing the thick-
ness of epidermal walls, the number of
stomata, or the amount of reenforcing
tissue (sclerenchyma), which limits
the size of pustules.
No change in the proportion of
sclerenchyma to collenchyma that
could be correlated with resistance was
found by Helen Hart, of the University
of Minnesota, except in the variety
Kota during one season. Plants re-
ceiving treble superphosphate were
less severely infected and had a larger
percentage of collenchymatous tissue.
The pustules in the plants were small
and well separated by sclerenchyma.
Plants receiving ammonium phosphate
or balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium had more collenchyma
tissue. She concluded, however, that
nitrogen probably did not increase the
amount of susceptible tissue in most
varieties of wheat.
The type of reaction in very resist-
ant or very susceptible varieties of
wheat cannot be changed materially,
according to J. M. Daly. The variety
Thatcher, however, grown at 65® to
75® F. in the greenhouse was com-
pletely resistant to race 56 when sup-
plied with ammonium nitrogen and
partly susceptible when supplied ni-
trate nitrogen. Mindum wheat was
resistant regardless of nitrogen source.
The reaction of Marquis, Mindum, or
Thatcher under field conditions was
not altered by different amounts of
No fundamental change in resist-
ance of Wheat to Puccinia graminis was
observed from use of fertilizers by
£. C. Stakman and O. S. Aamodt in
field trials that continued 8 years.
Plants receiving nitrogen often had
more infection, but that could be at-
tributed to heavier growth of plants
and delayed maturity. Their general
conclusion was that the wheat farmer
should give the soil the fertilizers that
the wheat needs but avoid too much
nitrogen; add potash and phosphates
judiciously — ^and the best results arc
likely to 1^ obtained.
Plant viruses arc most evident in
young, rapidly growing tissues and
may be masked in older tissues, par-
ticularly if they are exposed to in-
tense sunlight. Because the virus
increases only in the living cells of the
plant, any change in host physiology
might be expected to affect the mul-
tiplication of viruses. Most, of the
information available on effect of
mineral nutrition has been obtained
from studying various strains of to-
bacco mosaic in hosts that develop
local lesions or systemic mottling of
the leaves.
The yellow strain of tobacco mosaic
has been studied extensively by E. L.
Spencer on plants in sand culture and
nutrient-deficient soil. The virus cre-
ates local lesions most readily in
Turkish tobacco supplied with abun-
dant nitrogen, phosphorus optimum
for vegetative development, and po-
tassium at minimum concentration
for full growth of the plant.
Increasing the supply of nitrogen
beyond the optimum for growth in-
creases susceptibility if all growth of
the plant is not inhibited by nitrogen
toxicity. Phosphorus increases sus-
ceptibility directly in proportion to
plant growth. A moderate surplus of
potassium suppresses susceptibility to
infection. The effeex of the three
nutrients on the development of sys-
temic symptoms is not closely cor-
related with susceptibility to initial
infection. Moderate or heavy appli-
cation of potassium or phosphorus
delays incubation by 7 or lo days.
Either a deficiency or excess of nitro-
gen accelerates the appearance of
systemic symptoms.
Neither infection nor systemic spread
of the virus was completely controlled
by the growth rate of the host induced
by supply of nutrient. The local lesions
formed on Nicotiana giutinosa, however,
depend on vigorous growth of the
host. A sevenfold increase in lesions
occurred when ammonium phosphate
was added to depleted soil.
F. C. Bawden and B. Kassanis
confirm that observation. They report
greatest susceptibility in N. tabacum
and JV*. glutinosa to tobacco mosaic and
tomato aucuba mosaic when plants
were supplied nitrogen and phos-
phorus in concentrations optunum
for plant growth. They feel phas-
phorus is more important than
nitrogen or potassium in regulating
host susceptibility.
As the virus protein contains both
nitrogen and phosphorus, the two
elements might be expected to control
its multiplication. E. L. Spencer found
that Turkish tobacco that had ample
supplies of nitrogen had about 80
times as much virus as nitrogen-
deficient plants. Furthermore, the
total virus content of deficient plants
apparently declined after initial sys-
temic development. Multiplication of
virus did not depend on growth of the
host since the virus multiplied rapidly
in plants retarded by excessive nitro-
gen supply. The vims concentration
remained almost constant in infected
plants that were deprived of nitrogen
after inoculation. Apparently, there-
fore, the host did not assimilate virus
protein and the virus cannot multiply
at the expense of protein in nitrogen-
starved host cells.
These studies were based on the
infcctivity of extracted juice and may
have to be modified when virus pro-
tein is precipitated and measured
directly. Spencer reported that virus
preparations from young lesions puri-
fied by ultracentrifugation had less
intrinsic infectivity than virus frdtn
older infections. This increase in
infectivity did not occur when plants
were deprived of nitrogen shortly
after inoculation. These observations
were not confirmed by F. C. Bawdi^n
and B. Kassanis, who suggested that
Spencer may have recovered some-
thing other than the virus protein by
ultracentrifugation. Dr. Spencer recog-
nized this possibility and suggested
that precursor macromolecules that
could be activated into virus might
have been present. This possibility has
recently found support in the discovery
of a noninfectious macromolecule sim-
ilar to virus particles in tobacco leaves
by Takihashi and Ishii. Bawden and
Kassanis also differ with Spencer in
their belief that virus can multiply at
the expense of normal protein because
they found the ratio of virus to other
constituents was greatest in nitrogen-
deficient tobacco. They also found
that phosphorus increased both the
growth of plants and concentration
of virus in the sap.
More data arc needed on the effect
of mineral nutrients on virus diseases.
There is fair agreement that vigorously
growing plants are most subject to
infection and injury particularly if
cither nitrogen or balanced nutrients
arc in excess supply. The lower specific
activity of virus from nitrogen-defi-
cient plants has been confirmed by M.
Chessin, who found no difference in
the size of virus particles from plants
receiving nitrogen and those deprived
of it.
The principal effects of soil fer-
tility on disease development are exem-
plified by the diseases I have discussed.
These particular diseases have been
among the more thoroughly investi-
gated and economically important
ones. Many more plant diseases are
known to be affected by soil condi-
tions but little would be gained by
discussing other individual cases. A
brief summary of some of the general
principles involved may be of value
in understanding how various types of
diseases arc influenced by soil fertility.
Different fertilizer procedures arc to
be employed for damping-off and root
rot, the wilts, the galls and other over-
growth disease, and the leaf mildews
and rusts caused by obligate parasites.
Damage from damping-off and root
rot is avoided by promoting disease-
escaping growth habits, such as rapid
development of roots. The critically
important nutrients for such growth
are nitrogen and phosphorus; conse-
quently properly balanced nitrate and
phosphate fertilizers are beneficial.
The wilt diseases arc most critically
affected by the ratio of nitrogen and
potassium. The gall and overgrowth
diseases arc appreciably affected by
the calcium-potassium ratios, partially
modified by hydrogen-ion effects. Po-
tassium and nitrogen are decisive fac-
tors in influencing infection of leaves
by obligate parasites.
None of these treatments completely
alters the inherent reaction of a plant
to pathogens. Immune plants are not
attacked regardless of the soil they arc
grown in. Extremely susceptible vari-
eties cannot be immunized by fertiliz-
ing the soil. The greatest benefits from
soil fertilizers have been observed on
moderately susceptible to partially
resistant varieties. Most horticultural
varieties are in this latter class since
they often escape infection or recover
from disease. Proper fertilizers improve
their opportunities to escape destruc-
tion and produce a profitable crop.
The concentration of properly bal-
anced nutrients in the soil may influ-
ence the .severity of di.sease. As growth
is promoted by more liberal fertilizer
applications, the damping-off and root
rot diseases ^come less serious, but the
galls, clubroot, and .scab diseases be-
come more conspicuous and leaf rust
and powdery mildew caused by obli-
gate parasites flourish. If sufficient
balanced fertilizers are applied to
injure the plant and retard growth,
damping-off and seed decay are more
destructive and the obligate parasites
may be less active.
The balance of nutrients may be
more important than concentration of
total fertilizer when plants are exposed
to attack by parasites. A deficiency or
surplus of any one element often pro-
motes disease.
All classes of diseases — from those
caused by the facultative saprophytes
that destroy stored fruits and vege-
tables to those caused by the obligate
parasites — are most severe when nitro-
gen is overly abundant. Although it
encourages infection of wheat roots
by the fungi that cause the browning
disease and take-all, its over-all effects
may be beneficial if it promotes growth
of new roots. If phosphorus, however,
is not available to facilitate root de-
velopment, the excess nitrogen is fatal
to the root system of the plant.
An excess of nitrogen promotes wilt
diseases by providing better nourish-
ment for the vascular parasites. Am-
monium salts are usually more readily
used by the parasite so they are more
damaging than nitrates unless the lat-
ter are reduced to nitrites, which are
poisonous to plants. A deficiency of
potassium, which automatically cre-
ates an excess of nitrogen and carbo-
hydrates in the plant, also increases
wilting by most vascular parasites.
A deficiency of potassium increases
the severity of many diseases. Potash
fertilizers have alleviated damage from
more diseases than any other nutri-
tional treatment. The importance of
potassium has not been explained,
but it is probably due to its ability to
regulate chemical reactions in the cells
of the plant. A deficiency of potassium
under most circumstances implies an
excess of nitrates and phosphorus; thin-
ner cell walls in epidermal tissues; re-
duced production of amino acids be-
cause nitrate reduction is suppressed;
accumulation of carbohydrates which
cannot be synthesized into proteins;
failure to produce new cells for want
of essential amino acids for the proto-
plasm; and slower growth of meriste-
matic tissues that would permit re-
placement of diseased tissues.
These changes may facilitate pene-
tration of the epidermis by plant
parasites, increase their metabolism
and growth in plant tissues, or promote
destruction of the entire plant because
it cannot develop new tissue to replace
those lost by ravages of the pathogens.
The only diseases that arc consist-
ently suppressed by potassium deficien-
cy are the galls and overgrowths that
depend upon multiplication of cells.
Most of the overgrowths increase con-
spicuously as the potassium supply is
increased while wilts and leaf diseases
Soil reaction and organic matter
coptent of soils must be considered as
r^ulants of soil fertility because they
affect the availability of the nutrient
elements. Such materials as the phos-
phates, calcium, iron, manganese, and
boron are not available to plants in
alkaline soils since they may be precipi-
tated as insoluble salts. Applications of
organic matter contribute nutrients,
mastly nitrogen and potassium, but
the immediate effect is to remove all
surplus available nitrogen by combin-
ing with it or by promoting growth of
soil micro-organisms that assimilate ni-
trogen to the point of temporarily de-
picting the soil supply. The effect on
diseases may be good or bad, depend-
ing upon the type of disease and the
stage of its development.
Soil reaction and organic matter also
influence the prevalence of plant path-
ogens. Some pathogens prefer alkaline
soils and others thrive in acid soils .so no
general rule can be laid down. If soils
are extremely acid or alkaline soil mi-
cro-organisms may be eliminated. Or-
ganic matter is essential for growth of
most soil inhabitants irrespective of
whether they are beneficial or destruc-
Many plant para.siies increa.se and
are dis.seminated on organic matter,
such as plant refuse, manures, and
compost. The addition of organic mat-
ter to soil, however, often .suppres.scs
pathogens if they arc poor soil invad-
ers. The organic matter stimulates
growth of soil saprojihytes that deprive
the less aggressive pathogens of min-
eral nutrients or else they secrete toxic
antibiotics. Only a few plant disease
agents are affected appreciably, since
most of them arc effective soil inhabi-
tants and compete successfully with
the saprophytic micro-organisms.
Probably the greatest benefits de-
rived from organic matter arc in soil
stabilization. The humus from lignified
tissues improves the physical structure
of soil so it does not erode and will
hold more moisture. Application of
barnyard manure, straw, crop residues,
or even carbohydrates such as starch
and sugar stimulates the soil micro-
organisms to growth so they often
synthesize all available nitrates into
their bodies. This removes surplus
nitrates from the soil; later they are
released gradually so that the plants
have a more continuous supply of
nitrogen; excessive concentrations,
which predispose them to so many
diseases, are avoided.
This ability of organic matter to
stabilize the soil solution and make
the soil into a desirable medium for
root growth fully justifies its use.
The material may not have any
unusual properties that would make
plants resistant to all diseases. It can
and docs increase the severity of some
diseases, particularly when applied to
soils at the wrong time, but it can
also be used to advantage for other
diseases. There Is no evidence that
it encourages soil bacteria and fungi
to produce antibiotics that arc taken
into the plant and help immunize it.
As a matter of fact, there is evidence
that some antibiotics are inactivated
when added to soil.
No general rules can be laid down
about fertilizing soils so as to avoid
disease. Each disease must be con-
sidered by itself.
Any sound recommendation must be
based on the type of soil, the avail-
ability of essential nutrients in the
soil, and the character of the disease
agents that are most likely to strike
plants in the area. Conspicuous soil
deficiencies, particularly in potash,
should be corrected.
Every effort should be made to avoid
surpluses of nitrogen that are not
ne<^ed for steady and strong growth
of the plant. Fertilizers may often
be used to advantage in controlling
acidity so the soil reaction will be
favorable to the crop and unsuited
to maximum development of the
plant pathogens.
George L. McNew is managing
director of the Boyce Thompson Institute
for Plant Research at Yonkers^ N. Y,
Before taking that position in he was
professor and head of the botany department
at Iowa State College and manager of
agricultural chemical research and develop-
ment of the United States Rubber Company
at Bethany^ Conn. Earlier he conducted
research on vegetable crop diseases at the
New York Agricultural Experiment Station^
Geneva, N Y., and on the fundamental
nature of parasitism in bacterial plant
pathogens at the Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Resedrch at Princeton, A*.
Diseased root of cabbage plant.
How Fungicides
Have Been
John C. Dunegan^ S. P. Doolittle
How to keep school boys from pilfer-
ing their grapes had been a problem
of French peasants in the Mcdoc region
for a long time.
For the pilferers they found the
answer, a poisonous-looking mixture of
lime and copper sulfate that stuck
tenaciously to the leaves when sprin-
kled on vines near the roadsides.
Pilfering was not the peasants’ only
worry, for mildew — mildiou^ they called
it — every year defoliated the vines in
early fall. Professor P. M . A. Millardet,
of the University of Bordeaux, was
commissioned to study this disease
recently introduced from America.
One day, in 1882, as he walked
through the Medoc countryside, he
noticed that there was less mildew on
the sprinkled vines.
The professor put tw^o and two to-
gether: The cure for pilfering might
be the cure for the mildew. The next
year he started tests that confirmed
his guess. He and his colleague, U.
Gayon, in 1885 published illustrations
of treated and untreated vines. By
1887 they claimed unqualified success.
The mixture became famous as
“Bouillie Bordelaise”“^bordeaux mix-
ture — and was applied with fiber
brooms or, later, with sprayers in
vineyards ravaged by vine mildew and
also in blighted fields of potatoes and
Thus only 70-odd years ago chemi-
cal weapons came into use to control
blights, rusts, mildews, and fungus
diseases that for countless centuries
1 15
1 16
have robbed men of the fruits of their
Chemicals used to control fungus
diseases are called fungicides, a word
derived from the Latin Jungus^ a
microscopic plant, and caedo^ “I kill.”
Originally the term was restricted
to any substance applied to higher
living plants in active growth to kill
parasitic fungi or prevent the develop-
ment of fungus diseases without seri-
ously injuring the host plant. The
meaning has been further broadened
and as currently used denotes any
substance or mixture of substances
used for controlling fungi present in
any environment. Thus, materials used
to prevent molds from destroying the
insulation of electrical equipment or
etching camera lenses are properly
called fungicides.
In agriculture, fungicides by and
large are used to prevent infection,
because once the fungus has caused
any extensive alteration of the part at-
tacked little is to be gained by killing
the fungus. To do so will not repair the
damage already done, although it
may prevent the further spread of the
The virtues of bordeaux mixture
were soon demonstrated, but so were
its faults. On certain plants the mix-
ture produced injury. Attention was
turned to other materials. In 1905
A. B, Cord^ey introduced lime-sulfur
solution, a mixture of calcium poly-
sulfides formed by boiling sulfur and
lime together in water. The material
proved to be exceptionally efficient
against the apple scab fungus and
eliminated the russeting of the fruit
that follow'cd the use of bordeaux
mixture early in the season.
Lime-sulfur s<5lution, however,
proved to be too caustic to use on
peaches. In 1907 W, M. Scott and
T. W. Ayers introduced another sul-
fur mixture they called “self-boiled
lime-sulfur.” 7 'hcy made it by adding
sulfur to stone lime slaking in water.
Enough heat was produced by the
slaking of the stone lime to cause a
mild chemical reaction. The mixture
turned out to be too mild to control
the apple scab fungus, but it proved
to be effective against the peach brown
rot and scab fungi, the cause of two
serious peach diseases. It did not injure
peach trees and it made the commer-
cial production of peaches practical in
humid sections of the East.
Bordeaux mixture proved to be
good for most vegetable diseases and
for such midseason apple diseases
as blotch and bitter rot. With it and
lime-sulfur solution for early use on
apples and pears for scab control and
self-boiled lime-sulfur for use on
peaches, pathologists felt they were
well equipped to prevent fungus
diseases on fruits and vegetables.
Indeed, from 1907 until about 1930,
the three preparations were standard.
Experiments were concerned largely
with tests of the proper timing of
sprays, the number of applications,
and the amounts to be used, rather
than with the development of new
But as time went on, people noticed
that in seasons when the fungi did not
develop extensively the yield from
unsprayed tomato plants frequently
was better than from those protected
by the bordeaux mixture. Probably it
was the result of physiological changes
induced by the residue of copper and
lime on the plants. Also, they found
that the lime-sulfur solution affected
the leaf and shoot growth early in the
season and had an adverse effect on
the setting of the fruit of certain apple
varieties. Bordeaux mixture too fre-
quently caused a russeting of the fruit,
severe injury to the leaves, and a pre-
mature defoliation. The main ob-
jection to self-boiled lime-sulfur was
the need of stone, or unslaked, lime,
which was cumbersome to handle and
had to be stored in sealed containers.
Those defects led to the develop-
ment of entirely new compounds as
technicians began to explore the fun-
gicidal properties of other inorganic
compounds such as the fixed (rela-
tively insoluble) copper compounds
and the organic compounds. The
latter compounds exist in almost
countless numbers. Some 25,000 have
already been tested as possible fungi-
cides and new compounds are con-
stantly being synthesized in the re-
search laboratories.
Obviously, with such a multitude of
compounds available, some orderly
testing or screening procedure is
necessary to expedite the big task. It
would 1^ physically and financially
impossible to test each compound by
actual spraying tests in the fields.
In these screening tests, spores of
certain disease-producing fungi are
suspended in solutions or suspensions
of the chemical. They are removed at
stated intervals, and their viability
is tested. An alternate method is to
expose spore suspensions of the test
organisms to the chemical on glass
slides and later determine whether
the spores have been killed by contact
with the chemical.
The test can be further improved by
determining the effect of environment
upon the dried deposits of the chemi-
cals exposed on glass slides outdoors
for varying periods. Tests are made
at fixed intervals, frequently at the
end of 7, 14, and 2i days and are
compared with the effects of freshly
prepared residues on the fungus
spores. The tests tell whether the
exposure outdoors has affected the
fungicidal activity of the chemical and
have eliminated unstable compounds
that appear promising when freshly
prepared. Other phases of the screen-
ing procedure deal with the physical
properties (particle size, solubility,
tenacity) of the material. As the result
of these various laboratory studies it is
now possible to compare the effective-
ness of various compounds at different
dosage rates and even to determine
the portion of the complex organic
molecule that actually kills the fungus.
Special types of spraying and dusting
equipment have been devised for
laboratory use that deliver known
amounts of material with great pre-
cision. These machines make it pos-
sible to duplicate in the laboratory
or greenhouse many of the factors
that occur in the normal use of the
compound and are an important part
of tlie screening procedure.
Compounds that have passed through
the various screening tests must still sur-
mount the final barrier of actual field
usage. They must control, the fungus
diseases, must be compatible with com-
pounds added for the control of insects,
and must not, either alone or in com-
bination, produce injury to the treated
plants. Furthermore, the new com-
pounds must not be so toxic that their
widespread use presents dangerous haz-
ards either to the user or the consumer
and finally their price must be such
that they can compete with other com-
pounds currently in use.
The development of a new compound
therefore is a tedious and expensive
process. On the average this develop-
ment involves an investment between
250,000 and 350,000 dollars and may
even exceed a million dollars.
“Many are tested but few are cho-
sen,” to modify an old adage, aptly
applies to the development of new
fungicide materials. Less than o.i per-
cent of the many thousands of com-
pounds tested are in general use.
Singe 1 930, many new materials for
use on fruits and vegetables have been
developed. They include:
Copper (silicates, basic sulfates, chlo-
rides, oxides, phosphate, and certain
copper organic combinations).
Mercury (phenyl derivatives — ^lac-
tates, acetates, formamides).
Dithiocarbamates (thiuram disul-
fides — tetramethyl and morpholine;
metallic methyl derivatives — ^iron, zinc,
and lead; metallic ethylene deriva-
tives — sodium, zinc, manganese).
Chlorinated quinones (tetrachloro-
Chlorinated naphthoquinones (di-
chloronaphthoquinone) .
Quinolinolates (copper and zinc
Quaternary compounds (quinoline,
Il 8
Nitrated phenols (dinitro com-
Chlorinated phenols (pentachloro-
Thalamides (N-trichloromethylthio
tctrahydrophthalimidc) .
Chromium compounds (complex
double salts with other metals).
The control obtained with some of
these new compounds is outstanding.
The effect of ferric dimethyl dithio-
carbamate (ferbam) on cedar-apple
rust is an example. Before it was in-
troduced, sulfur gave only indifferent
control of this disease, but this iron
dithiocarbamate has practically solved
the problem of cedar-apple rust for the
commercial apple grow-er. The same
compound has eliminated the spray-
injury problem in the production of
high-quality pears in the Pacific North-
Many of the new compounds have
proved satisfactory for the control of
plant diseases in the Tropics. An im-
mense potential demand exists for the
products in the Tropics, but their wide-
spread use is limited by the relatively
low purchasing power of many of the
tropical farmers. Strangely enough, no
organic compound has been found to
replace bordeaux mixture for the con-
trol of the very destructive Sigatoka
disease of bananas. So intensive is the
attack of the fungus causing this leaf
disease, banp.na plantations must be
sprayed 1 5 to 17 times a year. Approx-
imately 45 million pounds of copper
sulfate are required each year to pro-
tect the 1 30 thousand acres of bananas
growing in tropical America.
While these new compounds have
given better control of the fungi, they
have been less satisfactory against
plant diseases caused by bacteria.
Those diseases present a particularly
difficult problem, for the bacteria are
present in such enormous numbers
that it is difficult to kill all of them
by ordinary procedures.
Current research for the control of
bacterial diseases of plants is centered
on ■ the possible use of antibiotics.
These materials, derived from the
fungi themselves, have given brilliant
results in the field of human pathology,
and research workers in various parts
of the world are trying to determine
if they are just as effective in their
action against the bacteria that cause
plant disease. The investigations are
still in the preliminary stages, but
even so it is evident that some anti-
biotics are absorbed by the plant and
transported into the newly developing
leaves and stems. This absorption
suggests the possibility of protecting
the entire plant against invasion by
disease-producing bacteria.
Those tests are not limited to the
use of antibiotics. The action of
chemicals injected into the stem of
living plants or applied as solutions
to the soil around the roots also is
being investigated as a possible mode
of attack against virus diseases of
plants — a group of important and
destructive maladies that arc difficult
to control.
The improvements in fungicide ma-
terials would be of little value had
they not been accompanied by an
analogous development in the ma-
chines used for applying them. Bor-
deaux mixture was firet applied by
sprinkling it on the plants with
brooms or brushes. This tedious pro-
cedure soon led to the development
of simple, hand-operated hydraulic
pumps. The spray material was
forced, under pressure from the pump,
through a jet-lipped rod and deposited
on the various plant parts as the
operator moved the spray rod among
the plants. The bucket pump, the
knapsack sprayer, the barrel-type
sprayer, and the one- or two-cylinder
hydraulic pumps (either hand-oper-
ated or driven by a chain-drive
sprocket connected to one wheel of
the wagon carrying the pump and
spray supply in a barrel) are repre-
sentative of the pioneer types of
sprayipg equipment.
The gallons-per-minute output of
all these rigs was low, operating them
was hard work, and the acreage they
could cover was limited. Nevertheless
the benefit obtained, particularly when
diseases required only one or two
applications, was striking, indeed.
Sprayed plants remained healthy and
produced good crops, while the un-
sprayed plantings had to be aban-
doned because of disease.
Just as the development of some of
the new organic fungicides evolved
from compounds used in the manu-
facture of automobile tires, so did
the development of efficient spray
machinery evolve with the develop-
ment of the gasoline engine for auto-
mobiles. Indeed, modern control of
plant diseases on a large scale became
feasible just as soon as the gasoline
engine was substituted for manpower.
Pumps were redesigned to operate at
higher speeds, develop more pressure,
and have a higher gallons-per-minute
output than was possible with manu-
ally operated machines. The gasoline
engine also permitted the introduction
of a power-driven agitator to keep the
spray materials thoroughly in sus-
pension, a feature that was inade-
quately provided for in the manually
operated machines.
At first there were rather cumber-
some rigs powered by heavy, one-cyl-
inder, two-cycle engines of low horse-
power. The machines gradually were
more refined. Wooden wheels on the
truck were supplanted by steel wheels,
which in turn were replaced by rubber-
tired wheels. The heavy, one-cylinder
engines were replaced by two-cylinder
and four-cylinder engines, which de-
veloped increasing horsepower. Pump
pressures increased from loo to 600
pounds pressure to the square inch,
and the output in gallons a minute
from 2 to 3 to as high as 40 or 50,
with the present-day high-capacity
The increase in pump capacity
necessitated larger tanks, and machines
with 400- and 6oo-gallon tanks be-
came standard equipment. The limit
on tank size appears to be 600 gallons
— ^because the weight of that much
water, 4,800 pounds, is about the
maximum that can be drawn over
soft ground. Some large commercial
orchards use pumps in a central
station and a network of pipes with
suitable outlets or risers spaced through
the planting. It would seem to be an
ideal solution, but large investment in
pipes and machinery is required,
pipes break in winter, and the spray
chemicals corrode equipment all the
time. Stationary spray plants are
practical only in the very large com-
mercial operations. They probably
reached their maximum use in the
banana plantings in Central America.
Power-driven spray machines also
have been develops for use with
vegetable crops. The problem there is
to cover each plant in the rows
adequately with fungicides. That is
done by a series of nozzles on hori-
zontal booms arranged so that the
.spray envelopes the plants. In some
machines the booms simultaneously
spray all plants in a swath 40 feet
wide. Their development has made
possible the protection of extensive
acreages of row crops.
Likewise, for use in vineyards and
plantings of brambles on trellises,
spray machines have been devised
with vertical instead of horizontal
booms. Some machines are designed
to cover both sides of an individual
row. Others spray on both sides of
the machine as it moves up the rows.
The motor-driven spray rigs re-
quired two or three men. Wartime
manpower shortages and high wages
meant that faster and cheaper ways
of applying sprays had to be found.
First in citrus orchards and then in
peach, apple, and pear orchards a
new machine was put into operation.
It was called a speed sprayer. It had
a 6oo-gallon tank, an engine of 80
horsepower or more, conventional
pumps, and spray nozzles arranged
as adjustable arcs on both sides of the
machine. Men were not needed to
direct the spray to various parts of
the tree. The spray, as it was forced
from the nozzles, was caught in the
blast of air from a rapidly revolving
propeller and blown into the trees.
The machine was so heavy that it
could be pulled only by a tractor, but
the controls were so arranged that
the driver could spray the trees.
Many years earlier, the use of fine
powders or dusts had cut the cost of
operation and reduced the amount of
water needed. But the method has
faults: The deposits of fungicidal dusts
apparently do not adhere quite so
well as "Spray deposits. Because of the
lighter weight of the equipment and
the speed of application, however,
dusting is used often with success.
All in all, the trend in 1953 was to
combine the advantages of several
methods. One was to increase the ad-
herence and effectiveness of dusts by-
injecting water and adhesives into the
dust stream under relatively low pres-
sure (70 pounds the square inch).
Another was to use machines equipped
with highly efficient fans or specially
designed turbines, which develop high-
velocity air blasts carrying either dust
or liquid particles to all parts of tlie
plants to be protected. Sometimes these
modem efficient blowers were available
as units for the modernization of older
equipment at a minimum cost. Still
another procedure was to use sprays in
concentrated form. If, say, 20 gallons
of dilute spray w'ere needed to protect
a given area, the same amount of
fungicide was applied in 5 gallons of
water — a 4 times (or 4.x) concentration.
Such concentrated sprays reduce the
amount of water needed, but to gel
proper protection the rate of delivery
of the pumps and nozzles and the for-
ward movement of the spray machine
must be in careful adjustment.
John C. Dunegan is a pathologist in
charge oj investigations oj jungus and bac-
terial diseases oj deciduous fruit trees in the
division of fruit and nut crops and diseases^
Bureau of Plant Industry^ Soils, and Agri-
cultural Engineering.
S. P. Doolittle is a pathologist in
charge of investigations of diseases of
tomatoes, peppery cucurbits, and certain
other vegetable crops in the division of vege-
table crops and diseases in the same bureau.
Using Chemicals
To Combat
Root Diseases
Jesse R. Christie
Many of the myriad of organisms
that inhabit the soil subsist on living
plants. They may injure the roots and
other underground parts of the plants
and interfere seriously with growth.
The damage they cause is likely to
become more serious the longer the
land is in cultivation, especially if the
same crops are grown repeatedly in
the same place.
Their control is a problem that we
have not yet solved entirely. Suitable
crop rotations and the elimination of
weeds that may serve as the hosts for
the disease organisms, the planting of
resistant varieties, and other cultural
practices help reduce losses of crops,
but often they are not enough.
Control by the use of chemicals has
met with considerable success, espe-
cially with vegetables. Volatile liquids
that function as soil fumigants have
come into use extensively since 1945.
Thousands of acres are fumigat^
annually, and the acreage is increas-
ing. Apparently growers have found
the procedure profitable. Soil fumi-
gation is costly, but the increased yield
^lerwards may have a cash value
very much more than the investment.
Sometimes fumigation makes the dif-
ference between a profitable crop and
none at all.
To the bacteria, fungi, nematodes,
and insects, to which most of the
noxious organisms belong, it will be
practical for us to add weed seed.
Soil fumigation has been most sue*
cessful in controlling nematodes; some
of the fumigants kill other pests; some
other methods are as effective as fumi-
gation and less expensive. When one
has to fumigate for nematodes, how-
ever, the control at the same time of
insects and other pests is important.
Soil fumigants are sold under vari-
ous trade names, but only four dis-
tinctly different kinds are in general
use. They arc composed of (or have
as their active ingredient) methyl
bromide (bromomethane), chloropic-
rin (trichloronitromethane), dichloro-
propenc (1,3-dichloropropcne), and
ethylene dibromide, which is 1,2-di-
For seedbeds, soil fumigation or any
other chemical treatment should be
effective against a variety of organisms.
Damping-off is notoriously serious
in seedbeds, and failure to control it
or reduce losses from it is a serious
defect of a treatment.
A soil treatment that will kill weed
seed and thereby eliminate the cost of
weeding may effect savings that more
than pay the cost of even an expensive
Root knot is an ever-present prob-
lem in the South. Its control in seed-
beds is especially important. Other
nematode problems may be equally
serious in some regions — ^for example,
control of the stubby root nematode
(species of Trichodorus) in the seedbeds
of certain celery-growing regions in
Florida. Of the fumigants in general
use, methyl bromide and chloropicrin
come nearest to fulfilling those re-
Methyl bromide, a highly volatile
compound, has a boiling point of
about 40® F. In order to inject it into
the soil, in the manner that most
fumigants are applied, it must be
mixed with a diluent having a higher
boiling point. Such mixtures have
been in use for some years, but with
them it is hard to keep the gas in the
soil long enough to obtain the desired
A newer method makes it possible
to utilize, to a much greater degree,
the killing power of the chemical.
Undiluted methyl bromide is evap-
orated in shallow trays placed on the
surface of the soil under a gastight
cover. The cover is held up a few
inches by supports, so there is a shal-
low air space between it and the sur-
face of the soil. The edges of the cover
are buried. The rate for most pur-
poses is 1 pound to 100 square feet,
but for controlling the more resistant
fungi, rates up to 4 pounds to 100
square feet are recommended. The
cover should remain in place for 48
hours. Usually seed can be planted 2
to 3 days after the cover is removed.
Penetration of the gas into the soil is
surprisingly good. Under favorable
conditions, the sterilizing effect ex-
tends to a depth of 1 2 inches or more.
Most or all of the insects are killed.
Miscellaneous soil nematodes are
nearly eradicated. Control of root
knot is usually good, although not
always complete. All living plants are
killed, including the most tenacious
of the grasses and ail but a few of the
more resistant weed seed. On the
basis of some tests, the control of fungi
seems satisfactory. The main disad-
vantage of the method is cost of the
cover and equipment needed to treat
large seedbeds and the amount of
time and labor involved in moving
equipment from place to place.
Chloropicrin has been on the mar-
ket longer than any other soil fumi-
gant in general use. It is expensive
and disagreeable to handle, but many
vegetable growers prefer it for fumi-
gating seedbeds. Properly applied, it
will kill insects, nematodes, most weed
seed, and all except a few of the more
resistant fungi. Chloropicrin is in-
jected into the soil in the same manner
as most other fumigants. Injection
points — or continuous streams if power
equipment is used — should be spaced
10 inches apart. The recommended
ratQ of application is 2 cubic centi-
meters to 3 cubic centimeters (about
one-half teaspoonful) at each point.
A water seal must be applied im-
mediately. For best results, the area
should be covered with burlap sacks,
canvas, newspaper, or something like
them, which, in turn, should be
sprinlded with water. The cover, when
it is used, may be removed after 4 or
5 days. The soil is allowed to aerate.
Seed must not be planted until every
trace of the gas has disappeared, which
usually takes 8 to 12 days; in wet, cool
weather it may take longer.
Ghioropicrin forms a gas that is ex-
tremely toxic to plants, in both the
soil and the air. Under certain weather
conditions, a blanket of gas may col-
lect over a fumigated bed near the
ground, then drift slowly over a near-
by area, and cause severe injury to the
plants growing there, especially at
night when foliage is wet with dew.
That does not alw'ays happen, but it
is a risk that should be remembered
when one fumigates seedbeds near
growing crops.
Chlorobromopropene, commonly
called GBP, is a promising new chem-
ical for the treatment of sccdlxids.
When emulsified with water and ap-
plied as a drench it has given good
control of nematodes, fungi, and weeds
in tests conducted on the sandy soils
of central Florida. Equipment that
has a small gasoline-driven pump,
which mixes the chemical with water
and delivers the mixture through a
plastic hose to a sprinkling nozzle,
makes application quite easy.
Mixtures containing dichloropro-
pene or those containing ethylene
dibromide are also used for fumigating
seedbeds. They give good control of
nematodes and soil insects but neither
has much effect on weed seed or fungi.
The practice in some regions is to
prepare beds that are 6 inches or more
higher than the walkways between.
When methyl bromide, chloropicrin,
or GBP are used, the beds are first
prepared and then treated. The walk-
ways are not treated. When ethylene
dibromide or dichloropropene ^arc
used, a common practice is to fumi-
gate the entire area, and prepare the
beds afterward. The rates usually rec-
ommended are higher than those for
ordinary field applications: 35 to 45
gallons an acre of a dichloropropene
fumigant or 30 to 40 gallons of 40
percent ethylene dibromide.
Ethylene dibromide and mixtures
containing dichloropropene are gener-
ally used for fumigating fields. Both
are excellent nematocides and good
insecticides, but at ordinary rates
neither has much value as a fungicide
or herbicide. Ethylene dibromide is
more effective against wireworms.
Either fumigant substantially reduces
the population of the mole crickets in
Florida by killing the insects or else
driving them to the surface, where
they are eaten by crows and blackbirds.
All dichloropropene fumigants have
about the same strength — the same
percentage of active ingredients. Ethyl-
ene dibromide fumigants are mixtures
of ethylene dibromide and a diluent,
usually naphtha. The diluent adds
nothing to the efficacy. It is used
merely to increase volume and thereby
facilitate accurate and uniform appli-
cation. The different trade-marked
fumigants of this kind differ in the
amount of ethylene dibromide they
contain. The two most commonly used
for field-scale applications contain
cither 41 percent or 83 percent of
ethylene dibromide by weight. The
83 percent fumigants usually are
diluted by the dealer or by the farmer
before applying. If proper equipment
is available, they may be applied
without diluting.
The entire area of a field may be
fumigated. The procedure is called
solid, or broadcast, application. Or
the fumigant may be applied only in
the rows or hills where the plants arc
to grow. For solid application, stand-
ard practice is to space injections 12
inches apart. The recommended dos-
age for a dichloropropene fumigant
is 20 to 25 gallons an acre. For a 41-
percent ethylene dibromide fumigant
it is 15 to 20 gallons an acre. For row
fumigation a single stream is applied
along each row. The usual rate for
either of the materials is about 2 cubic
centimeters (about one-half teaspoon-
ful) per linear foot of row or i gallon
to 1,900 feet of row. If rows are 3 feet
apart, an acre will require about 8 gal-
lons. Row fumigation has given satis-
factory control of root knot on toma-
toes and some other crops.
A few tomato growers have adopted
the practice of applying two streams,
12 inches apart, along each planting
row, but no one seems to have demon-
strated that applying two streams is
very much more effective than apply-
ing about the same amount of fumigant
in one stream. Good control of root
knot on watermelons has been ob-
tained by making a single injection in
each hill.
Row or hill fumigation wUl prove
effective, no doubt, for controlling
many — but not all — kinds of nema-
todes. In experiments conducted in
Florida for controlling the stubby root
nematode on sweet corn, row fumiga-
tion failed completely. Those nema-
todes move into the fumigated area
from the surrounding unfumigated
soil so quickly that the plants arc given
only very brief protection.
Soil fumigation has been in use long
enough and has been tested extensively
enough to demonstrate that it is an
effective and useful method, but re-
quirements for success arc somewhat
exacting and the factors influencing
efficacy arc numerous and not fully
understood. Failures may occur for
many reasons, among them faulty
diagnosis (attempting to correct trou-
bles not caused by organisms that fumi-
gation will control), faulty application,
and insufficient aeration of the soil
between application and planting.
In places .where crop failures arc not
caused by organisms that fumigants
will control but occur for some other
reason, soil fumigation is a waste of
time and money. It is not advisable to
fumigate on general principles. Diag-
nosis should precede treatment. Often,
however, determining the cause of crop
failures is more easily said than done.
When the cause of the trouble is in
doubt, a wise procedure is to make trial
applications on a small scale.
Fumigants to be successful must be
properly applied. The requirements
are not unduly difficult to fulfill and
the reasons for them are easy to under-
stand, but more failures have resulted
from faulty application than from any
other cause.
The land should be thoroughly and
properly prepared. The soil should be
reasonably free from lumps and clods
and should be moderately, not exces-
sively, loose. Very light, sandy soils
should be compact. When seedb^s are
prepared with a rotary tiller, a few
days should be allowed for the soil to
settle, except if methyl bromide is to be
evaporated under a cover.
The soil should Ije moist but not wet.
When the soil is even moderately dry,
die efficacy of fumigants in killing most
organisms is somewhat reduced, and
ample moisture is especially important
for effective control of weeds and cer-
tain fungi. The nearer a weed seed Is
to germination, the easier it is to kill,
and fumigants are more likely to kill
the sclerotia produced by some fiingi
if those structures have been wet for a
few days.
The soil should be warm. Some fumi-
gants are more effective than others at
low temperatures, but generally the
temperature of the soil should be at
least 50® F. and preferably 60® or above.
The fumigant should be injected at a
uniform depth. If the ground is un-
even, the cliisels of a power applicator
will inject the fumigant too near the
surface or even on the surface when
they pass over low spots. The proper
depth varies with conditions and the
pests to be controlled. When chemicals
are injected into the soil, organisms lo-
cated near the surf£^:e are often not
killed. This is an inherent weakness of
soil fumigation regardless of the pests
involved, and it is especially serious
when attempting to control weeds or
damping-off in seedbeds.
In order to overcome this difficulty
by increasing the concentration of gas
near the surface, shallow application
is recommended, with injection 3 or 4
inches deep. For field application un-
der most conditions, 6 inches is usually
recommended. In the sandy soils of
Florida, roots that grow in the upper
2 or 3 inches escape injury by nema*
todes to a marked degree. Celery
plants, growing on land that is heavily
infested with the stubby root nema-
tode, may produce a thick mat of more
or less healthy roots in the upper 3
inches of soil, although all the roots
deeper than that are completely de-
stroyed. The same is true, though to a
somewhat lesser degree, for plants in-
jured by the root knot nematodes.
Hence, for field applications in Flor-
ida, fumigants should be deeply in-
jected, never less than 6 inches deep
and preferably 7 or 8 inches.
Holes or furrows made by the appli-
cator should be promptly and firmly
filled. If loosely filled, the gas, instead
of diffusing into the surrounding soil,
will escape upward into the air.
Fumigants arc toxic to plants and
should have diffused out of the soil
before a crop is planted. Otherwise the
plants may be stunted. The time re-
quired for adequate aeration of the
soil varies greatly and is influenced
by many factors, including the kind
of soil, the condition of the soil (espe-
cially temperature and water content),
the fumigant used, the rate of applica-
tion, weather conditions following ap-
plication, and the crop planted. Chlo-
ropicrin, being extremely toxic, must
be followed by thorough aeration.
Some kinds of plants will tolerate low
concentrations of ethylene dibromide
without being seriously injured. The
toxicity of dichloropropcne mixtures
is intermediate between those two
extremes, but, to avoid all danger of
injury, aeration must be fairly thor-
ough. Methyl bromide is highly toxic,
but the gas leaves the soil so quickly
that aeration for 2 or 3 days is usually
The usual recommendation for di-
chloropropene fumigants is to allow
I week for every 10 gallons per acre.
For, 41 percent ethylene dibromide,
one should allow similarly varied but
slightly shorter intervals. For most con-
ditions, this rule allows a reasonable
margin of safety, but there are excep-
tions. If the soil is wet or cool and if
the content of organic matter is high,
those intervals may not be long enough.
On the other hand, if the soil is light
and the conditions are hot and dry,
shorter intervals may be enough.
The question has been rais^ as to
the possibility of injury to the soil by
use of soil fumigants and whether
their continued application will re-
sult in chemical, physical, or biological
changes that may have a deleterious
effect on the growth of plants.
Three possibilities have been sug-
gested: That the continued applica-
tion of fumigants may eventually re-
sult in the accumulation of toxic res-
idues; that the chemicals will kill
beneficial organisms and thereby se-
riously interfere with the normal bio-
chemical changes that occur in the
soil; and that after land has been once
fumigated the treatment must be re-
peat^ each year, otherwise injurious
organisms may become more serious
than would have been the case had
the land never been treated.
Experiments have not been numer-
ous enough or of sufficient duration
to provide a final answer to the ques-
tion of toxic residues, but results
indicate that, with the fumigants now
in use, we have litde to fear on this
score. Very definitely, fumigation kills
beneficial organisms, but most of them
seem able to reestablish themselves
rather quickly. The effect of fumiga-
tion on the nonparasitic organisms of
the soil generally is more transient
than is its effect on the parasites.
Obligate parasites, such ^s many of
the nematodes, cannot reproduce ex-
cept on a suitable host plant, and,
although fumigation rarely extermi-
nates them, at least one crop can be
grown before their numbers increase
sufficiently to cause serious damage.
The conversion of nitrogen from an
ammoniacal to a nitrate form is a
biol^ical process. Destruction of ni-
trifying bacteria by fumigation may
retard the process and result in an
accumulation of nitrogen in the form
of ammonia. Different plants differ
in their ability to utilize nitrogen in
this form. Tomatoes are reported as
able to absorb ammoniacal nitrogen
readily if the soil is neutral but not if
it is acid. Hence it appears that the
extent to which fumigation may
possibly have an adverse effect on
crops by reducing the nitrifying bac«
teria of the soil depends on at least
two factors — the kind of crop and the
condition of the soil. 1 know of no
instance in which fumigation has
caused an accumulation of ammonia-
cal nitrogen sufficient to interfere
seriously with the successful growing
of any crop.
Fear that soil fumigation, if once
begun but not continued, will be fol-
lowed by an abnormal build-up of
noxious organisms seems to have
had its origin in results of experiments
with the sugar beet nematode. Where
land is heavily infested with that pest,
the crop of sugar beets on fumigated
areas may be very good, but the crop
on unfumigated areas may be a failure.
When sugar beets are grown on this
same land the following year without
fumigation, the situation may be re-
versed and the crop may be more
severely damaged on the areas that
were fumigated the previous year
than on those where no fumigant was
A suggested explanation is that dur-
ing the first season on the unfumigated
areas a huge number of nematode
larvae hatched, attacked the roots of
the plants, destroyed them, and, in so
doing, eliminated their own food
supply and thereby destroyed them-
selves. On the fumigated areas the
plants made an abundance of roots,
so that the residual population of
nematodes not killed by the treatment
could build up rapidly. By the end
of the season more cysts had been
produced in the fumigated than in
the unfumigated areas. If this is the
correct explanation, these results are
scarcely an indictment of soil fumi-
gation. That treatment of the soil
with chemicals may permit popula-
tions of plant parasitic nematodes to
build up by destroying their natural
enemies is a possibility. Not a great
deal is known about these natural
enemies and virtually nothing is
known about the extent to which
they hold the parasites in check.
Research laboratories are active as
never before in a search to find new
and more effective chemicals for con-
trolling pests of all kinds and those
that inhabit the soil are not being
slighted. Compounds under test in
different localities show promise of
being useful additions to the ones in
use, especially for controlling fungi
both in seedbeds and in the field.
Some can be applied to the soil in
powdered or granular form. Others
can be mixed with water and applied
as a drench, a procedure that may
have advantages for certain purposes.
Chemicals that will kill some or-
ganisms and not others and can be
applied around the roots of living
plants seem a possibility.
Root diseases are so serious and the
need of better methods for controlling
them is so pressing that new chemicals
arc certain to come into use either
with or without the sanction of experi-
ment stations. While the purpo.se of
such chemicals is to bring about
desirable changes in the biology of
the soil they may at the same time
have other and undesirable effects.
What these effects are, how serious
they may become, and how they can
be avoided or minimized are ques-
tions that provide a research problem
for the future.
Jesse R. Christie, c native of New
Hampshire^ is a nematologist in the Bureau
of Plant Industry, Soils, and Af^ricultural
Engineering, wluVh he joined in ig22. He is
now stationed at the Central Florida Experi-
ment Station, Sanford, Fla., and is in charge
of the Bureau^ s nematode investigations in
the Southeastern States. He holds degrees
from the University of Kentucky, the Uni-
versity of Illinois, and George Washington
of Soil in
Walter Carter
As agricultural soils become older
and cultivation continuous and more
intensive, some soil amendment often
is needed to offset the unfavorable
effects on plants of the growing com-
plex of pathogenic soil organisms or
little known nutritional factors.
If that can be achieved by adding
large amounts of organic matter — such
as green-manure crops — or if crop
rotations arc established, the need for
soil amendment is not so great as in
areas where similar methods are not
Some crops, howwer, cannot be
grown successfully except occasionally
in a long rotation. In many places in
Great Britain, potatoes can be grown
on the same land only one year in
seven. In Utah, sugar beets require
a 4-year or a 5-year rotation with
other crops. Nematodes are the limit-
ing factor. In tropical or subtropical
areas, where active organic matter
decomposes rapidly, the need for a
soil amender is acute.
Hawaii is no exception. Truck crops,
particularly those that are susceptible
to nematodes, cannot be grown profit-
ably in succession on the same soils
without the use of fumigants or other
control methods. Pineapples have
been grown in Hawaii for more than
40 years on the same land without the
addition of organic matter other than
the residues of the previous crop, and
the decline of productivity before
fumigation became an established
practice had been noted with increas-
ing concern. One notable exception
is a plantation where grass is grown
for 2 years between pineapple plant-
An early attempt at soil amendment
by fumigation in Hawaii in 1926 was
directed primarily against insects and
nematodes in sugarcane soil. A still
earlier study, in 1910, was concerned
with molasses as a fertilizer for sugar-
cane. Fumigants were used in those
experiments. The effect of fumigation
with carbon bisulfide on nitrifying
organisms was recognized as signifi-
cantly affecting the availability of
nutrients to the plant. The chemical
did not destroy the micro-organisms
but caused a reproportioning of them.
The term is significant: It is not con-
sidered practical to eradicate a micro-
organism, but its position relative to
that of the other organisms can be
Usually soil amendment by fumi-
gation in Hawaii and elsewhere has
been approached from the standpoint
of control of nematodes and soil
insects. As early as 1931, however,
stimulation of the growth of pine-
apples was recognized as being the
result of partial soil sterilization. In
1933 incrcjiLsed yields were recorded as
having been obtained despite damage
by nematodes.
The first approach to the current
viewpoint on soil fumigation in Hawaii
was by the late Maxwell O. Johnson
in experiments begun in 1927. He
got striking increases in plant growth
and yields of pineapples by the use of
chloropicrin — tear gas. In his first
experiments he applied this liquid to
pineapple fields by means of a Ver-
morel injector, a French device origi-
nally used for the injection of carbon
bisulfide into soil and stored grain.
The first effect of the treatment was
to produce a dark-green growth of
the plant. Sometimes the fruit was
larger. We now know that this was
due, at least partly, to the killing of
the nitrifying organisms in the soil by
the chloi-opicrin. That meant that the
plant used ammonium nitrogen rather
than nitrate nitrogen. The pineapple
plant fortunately is well adapted to
ammonium nitrogen nutrition. John-
son patented the use of chloropicrin as
a soil fumigant in U. S. Patent No.
1,983,546, which makes numerous
claims, all of them concerned with
plant stimulation. The killing by
chloropicrin of such organisms as
nematodes was known previously, at
least academically, and it was therefore
not included among the allowed claims.
Chloropicrin has disadvantages. It is
an extremely pungent and tear-making
gas. It has always been relatively ex-
pensive, so that its field-scale use is
limited, especially as soil cover with
water seals or with more or less im-
permeable papers was essential to best
results. Furthermore, at the lime John-
son first used chloropicrin in Hawaiian
pineapple soils, the favorable response
to fumigation, so generally experienced
now, was not consistent. Many applica-
tions failed to give economic returns.
The whole question of the field-scale
use of the fumigants was completely
changed by the discovery in 1940 that
a mixture of 1,2-dichloropropane and
1 ,3-dichloropropene is an effective soil
amender. The discovery of its efficacy
came about in an interesting w'ay.
The mealybug wilt of pineapple had
been seen to be much less serious in
virgin lands in Hawaii; the point was
confirmed in other tropical countries.
As a result, a continuous search was
made for soil amenders that might re-
store some of the qualities of virgin soil
that produced more wilt-resistant pine-
apple plants. The study had gone on
more than 5 years with no satisfactory
results, when a number of chlorinated
hydrocarbons were provided by the
Shell Development Co. for trial. None
of them had any effect on the suscepti-
bility of pineapple plants to mealybug
wilt, but one of them, the mixture I re-
ferred to, which now is known as D-D
mixture, proved to be the most prac-
tical and successful soil amender known
up to that time.
The first results with pineapple plants
were available shortly after the out-
break of the Second World War, when
the domestic production of vegetables
became of great importance. Soil treat-
ed with D-D mixture and planted to
carrots and other vegetables produced
much more heavily than nontreated
check plots. The result undoubtedly
was due to the measure of control of
nematodes that had been achieved.
D-D thus proved to be a most effec-
tive nematocide, although the discov-
ery was purely by chance. Perhaps that
was all to the good, for it gave an op-
portunity for the soil -amendment qual-
ities of the material to be recognized
early in its development. A logical con-
sequence was the added recognition of
growth response beyond that due to
nematode control as one basic require-
ment for an effective soil fumigant.
Hawaii has also pioneered in the
development of suitable injection ma-
chinery. Injection is a problem when
large acreages have to be treated and
planted in a short season. Probably the
first large-scale field fumigation ma-
chine was the one engineered by the
California Packing Corp. for use with
chloropicrin. The development of the
field injectors was not easy. D-D is rela-
tively corrosive and requires special
metals. Pumps and delivery systems
had to be devised — and then rede-
signed to get the most efficiency. The use
of check rows has iong been dropped
as unnecessary in pineapple fields,
but many an example is still provided
unwittingly when application is faulty
and long rows or partial rows are left
untreated. From them the increasing
necessity for soil fumigation, as time
goes on, is demonstrated.
The methods available for small
growers of truck crops have been
greatly improved by the development
of more effective hand injectors by
firms on the United States mainland.
With those new methods and new ma-
chinery, D-D and other fumigants,
such as ethylene di bromide, have l>een
found to be economical and practical
as nematocides and as soil amenders.
The use of D-D mixture has become
standard practice in Hawaii on pine-
apple lands. Some 7 million pounds
are used in that way each year. The
fact that in 1942, when the first results
were obtained, only laboratory quan-
tities were available as byproducts
from a pilot plant used for other syn-
theses underscores the remarkableness
of the development. Furthermore, the
total volume of fumigants used on a
held scale is evidence that Hawaii has
pioneered in a development of vast
significance to agriculture.
Perhaps a more important result of
the discovery of D-D mixture was the
stimulus given to the whole problem
of soil amendment by fumigation for
field crops in the United States and
in many other countries. Other fumi-
gants, particularly ethylene di bro-
mide, have appeared on the market
and are competitive with D-D mixture.
Some ethylene dibromidc has been
used in Hawaii on pineapple soils as
a preplanting fumigant in place of
D-D, An exact evaluation of the rela-
tive merits of the two compounds for
the purpose is difficult because EDB
is more sensitive to soil-moisture con-
ditions than is D-D. With appropriate
soil moisture, EDB has given excellent
response. As most of the pineapple
acreage is planted during dry seasons,
however, D-D is perhaps the most
reliable general preplanting fumigant.
EDB has found a place in the post-
planting fumigation of pineapple fields.
Ethylene chlorobromide (ECB) is also
promising for this purpose. The process
involves some risk to the growing plant
but growth stimulation usually has
been pronounced. Sometimes profit-
able increases in fruit weight have
Methods of testing soil fumigants
have been dominated by the micro-
biologists’ need for data on specific
organisms, and the small pot test has
been standard. New fumigants usually
are screened by that method. Quan-
titative result have accrued, but the
interpretation of the results in terms
that the grower can use is difficult,
for the method at best is artificial and
of too short duratiem. Field-plot tests
furnish a more reliable criterion for
the growers because ultimate crop
yield must determine the economic
feasibility of the practice.
Future advances will come by under-
standing how fumigants afiect growth.
There is, first, the effect on specific
organism-nematodes, soil insects such
as wireworms, and bacteria and fungi,
both pathogenic and beneficial.
Second, there is growth stimulation.
Plants may be stimulated because the
development of root systems is has-
tened and improved, either by re-
moving root pathogens or by supply-
ing necessary factors for their growth.
Possibly there is release of root-pro-
moting hormones in the soil.
Nutrients may be more readily avail-
able because of depression of the nitri-
fying organisms in the soil. That is
true of the early stages of growth,
but growth stimulation of pineapple
plants continues sometimes for the
whole 4-year growth period and is
often more pronounced in the second
crop than in the first. Furthermore,
soil fumigation after the plant has been
established for several months will
favorably affect the root system by
stimulating or permitting new active
white root tips for that portion of the
whole root system that is near the
point of injection of the fumigant.
This suggests the possibility that soil
fumigation makes nutrients available
that are needed in small quantity for
vigorous plant growth.
These problems of growth stimula-
tion are closely related to a third
consideration; namely, the effect of
the fumigant on fertilizer practices.
That is a practical point because the
effects may govern dosages to be used
and the economic position of the chem-
ical in the production of the crop.
Walter Carter is a graduate of
Montana State College and holds advanced
degrees from the University of Minnesota,
He is head of the entomology department of
the Pineapple Research Institute of Hawaii,
More About the
Control of
Albert £. Taylor
The control of nematodes requires
clean soil, clean planting stock, and
sanitation. Plant parasitic nematodes
arc eliminated from the soil by crop
rotation, chemicals, heat, bare fallow,
and a few other methods.
The use of crop rotations to control
nematodes is based on the fact that
nematodes are obligate parasites and
can neither live indefinitely nor re-
produce unless they can feed on
living plants. Furthermore, all have
a degree of host specialization: Any
given species can feed and reproduce
only on certain plant species. Without
those plants, the nematodes starx^e or
succumb to parasites, predators, and
diseases, even though other plants are
grown nearby.
The main disadvantage of crop ro-
tations for control is the time required
and the loss of income if the rotation
crops arc less profitable than the main
crop. When crops of low or moderate
value are concerned, it is the only
practical method of control.
Chemicals used to kill nematodes in
the soil must be efficient for killing the
nematodes and must leave no residue
that can harm plants. They should be
easy to apply and inexpensive. Many
chemicals have been tested for the
purpose. Four arc in general use:
Chloropicrin and mixtures that con-
tain methyl bromide, chlorobromo-
propene, ethylene dibromide, or di-
chloropropcnc. One type of methyl bro-
mide mixture is a gas at ordinary tem-
peratures. The others are liquids. The
liquids are applied by injection into
the soil. The methyl bromide gas is
released under a cover placed above
the soil. In either case, the fumes
permeate tlie upper layers of the soil,
killing the nematodes by contact.
Each has advantages and disadvan-
tages. Prices also vary, so the choice of
one for any given plot of soil involves
consideration of the organisms to be
controlled, the local conditions, and
the relation of the cost of the fumigant
to the value of the crop.
Chloropicrin applied at 200 pounds
an acre is an excellent ncmatocide
and insecticide. Applications of two or
three times that amount also control
some fungi, bacteria, and weeds. Be-
cause chloropicrin does not penetrate
undecayed plant material readily, it
should be used only after the residues
of a crop have had time to decay.
Because its fumes in the air will dam-
age plants, chloropicrin cannot be used
in one part of a greenhouse while
crops are growing in nearby sections —
a difficulty that may also be en-
countered outside.
After chloropicrin is applied, it must
be confined to the soil. The usual
method i.s to apply a “water seaP’ by
sprinkling with enough water to wet
the top inch or two of soil. An interval
of 5 to 25 days must be allowed
between application of the fumigant
and planting. The exact time depends
on the amount applied, the soil mois-
ture, and the type of soil.
Extreme precautions must be used in
handling chloropicrin. Small amounts
of the fumes in the air will cause
profuse watering of the eyes. Larger
concentrations cause violent coughing,
vomiting, or even death! Nevertheless,
chloropicrin is not dangerous to use.
In fact, the opposite is true to a
certain degree, because the watering
of the eyes gives preliminary warning
of the presence of fumes before the
more .serious effects ensue. No one
will voluntarily remain in even a low
concentration of chloropicrin fumes.
Gas masks of the proper type give full
protection. Chloropicrin is not in-
flammable. The shipping containers
are heavy cylinders for large quantities
and sealed cans for i -pound bottles.
The 98 percent methyl bromide fu-
migants, applied at rates of i or 2
pounds for each 100 square feet, give
good control of nematodes, soil insects,
and most weed seeds, fungi, and bac-
teria. The 10 to 15 percent methyl
bromide mixtures are good ncmato-
cides and insecticides at the rate of 78
to 100 gallons to the acre. Methyl
bromide penetrates undecayed roots
readily. Small amounts of fumes in the
air do not damage growing plants.
Crops can be planted 2 to 4 days after
application. It is particularly useful for
greenhouse fumigation. If reasonable
precautions arc taken, methyl bromide
is neither unpleasant nor dangerous to
use. The 98 percent methyl bromide
fumigants are obtainable in i -pound
cans. The lo-perccnt or 15-percent
mixtures are shipped in drums.
Ethylene dibromide soil fumigants
usually contain 41 percent to 83 per-
cent of the chemical by weight, the
diluent being naphtha. I’he rates usu-
ally recommended to control nema-
todes and soil insects are 10 to 20 gal-
lons an acre of the 41 -percent mixture
and proportionately less of the 83-per-
cent material. The latter is often dilu-
ted for convenience in application.
Penetration of undecayed crop residues
is good and small concentrations of
fumes in the air are not toxic to plants.
No water seal or cover is necessary.
The soil can be planted 10 to 14 days
after application of the fumigant. Eth-
ylene dibromide fumigants arc not
dangerous or unpleasant to handle if
used with care. The .shipping contain-
ers are drums of various sizes.
Dichloropropene fumigants have
about 50 percent of this chemical mixed
with dichloropropane. Applications of
20 gallons an acre are used against
nematodes and soil insects. The kill of
nematodes in undecayed crop residues
is good. Fumes in the air do not injure
plants. At least 2 wrecks must be al-
lowed between application of the fumi-
gant and planting of the crop. No cover
or water seal is necessary. The shipping
containers are steel drums.
Chlorobromopropcne can be used
effectively against nematodes, insects,
and soil fungi.
All soil fumigants are poisonous to
man and animals. They must be han-
dled with care lest the liquid come in
contact with the skin or clothing and
the fumes inhaled. If the fumigants are
accidentally splashed on the skin, they
should be washed off immediately with
soap and water. If clothing or shoes be-
come w-et, they should be removed in-
stantly and not worn again until clean.
Stored fumigants should be kept tightly
scaled. With the ones that are inflam-
mable or have inflammable diluents,
precautions should be taken against
fire or explosion. Most of the soil fumi-
gants are corrosive to metals, particu-
larly in moist air, so applicators should
alw^ays be cleaned thoroughly after
use and partly empty containers should
be tightly closed.
Besides fumigants, a few other ma-
terials have limited use in the control
of nematodes, the greater part of the
applications being to soil u.sed for to-
bacco and other seedbeds. Urea con-
trols nematodes when applied at rates
of 8 ounces to i pound the square yard
and is often mixed with calcium cyana-
mide for weed control. Sodium azide is
also an effective nernatocide when used
at the rate of 4 ounces to the square
yard. I’hcse materials are used in pow-
der form, which is mixed with the up-
per layers of the soil.
Liquid .soil fumigants arc put 6 to
8 inches beneath the soil surface. The
applications are made 10 to 12 inches
apart horizontally. On a small scale
that can be done with improvised
equipment, but large-scale applica-
tions require special applicators. For
areas of less than an acre, hand appli-
cators that have a calibrated pump to
deliver measured amounts of the fumi-
gant through a hollow spike thrust
into the soil arc satisfactory. For larger
areas, applicators drawn by tractors
or mounted on tractors arc used.
They arc of two general types. One
type delivers the fumigant in contin-
uous streams behind shanks that run
through the soil. The other delivers
the stream of fumigant ahead of a
plow which immediately turns the
soil to cover it. If a shar^ applicator
is used, the soil is prepared in advance
by plowing, harrowing, and leveling.
If a plow applicator is used, the har-
rowing and leveling follow immedi-
ately after application. Shank applica-
tors can be made in any convenient
.size, but usually have six to eight
shanks and can cover an acre or more
an hour.
The essential points in soil fumiga-
tion arc good preparation of the soil,
application of the exact amount of
fumigant desired with correct spacing
and at the proper depth, and prompt-
ness in carrying through the opera-
tions necessary after application. Soil
preparation includes cutting up of
weeds, trash, and crop residues, which
might interfere with the smooth oper-
ation of the applicator. After the
application of the fumigant, the soil
should be left smooth with all clods
well broken up. This is usually accom-
plished by a drag behind the shanks
of the applicator or by a harrow and
drag after use of a plow applicator.
Gaseous fumigants, such as 98
percent methyl bromide, arc applied
in a different manner. The soil is
prepared as for planting. A gas-im-
pervious cover, usually a specially
treated paper, such as Sisalkraft, or
plastic tarpaulins (Fumi Cover and
others), is placed over the area to l^c
fumigated. The cover is not in con-
tact with the soil surface, but is sup-
ported a few inches above it. The
edges of the cover arc buried. The
methyl bromide is then introduced by
means of a plastic tube into an open
container placed underneath this cover
on the soil surface. Inexpensive appli-
cators especially made for the purpose
make it a simple operation. The cover
is left in place for 24 to 48 hours. This
method is limited to rather small plots.
It is used mostly to fumigate seedbeds,
greenhouses, and nursery plots.
When the best possible control of
nematodes or other soil pests is de-
sired or when the crop is to be planted
in rows less than 24 inches apart, the
fumigant is applied to the whole area
to be planted. This is called solid,
area, over-all, or broadcast fumigation.
Row fumigation is used where crops
arc to be planted in rows more than
24 inches apart. One or two lines of
fumigant are centered on the row. It
requires some definite method of mark-
ing the rows so that they can be
located for planting. The usual pro-
cedures are to form a raised bed when
the fumigant is applied, to mark the
rows by shallow furrows, or jto locate
them w'ith reference to the tracks left
by a tractor applicator.
Strip applications of fumigant may
be used when orchards arc to be
planted. A strip of soil 6 to 8 feet wide
is fumigated for each row of trees.
Site fumigation is used in orchards
or when individual trees or shrubs arc
to be planted. An area 6 to 8 feet in
diameter centered on the planting
spot is fumigated by means of a hand
If crops are to \>e planted in widely
spaced hills, spot fumigation can be
used. The locations of the hills are
marked and the fumigant placed with
hand applicators.
The advantage of strip, row, site,
or spot fumigation is the saving in the
amount of fumigant required. At
the .same lime the plants are protected
from serious infection wiien they arc
small and most vulnerable. Often they
are the most advantageous methods
of using soil fumigants.
Best results with soil fulnigation are
had on soils of the lighter types, such
as sandy loams. Fumigation of heavy
soils is often disappointing. Muck or
peat soils require an increase of 50
percent to 100 percent in the amount
of fumigant applied to obtain results
comparable to those obtained on
light mineral soils. The soil should be
neither very wet nor very dry when
the fumigant is applied, but should
have a moisture content about right
for planting seed. The soil temperature
at a depth of 6 inches should be above
50® F., though some fumigants can be
applied at temjDeratures as low as 40®.
As all of the fumigants are somewhat
toxic to plants, they must be applied
far enough in advance of planting to
allow them to have their effect and
then diffuse out of the soil. This aera-
tion time depends on the type and
amount of fumigant used, the type of
soil, and the temperature and mois-
ture conditions. Fumigants disappear
more quickly from warm soils than
from cold soils and more quickly from
dry or moist soils than from wet soils.
Plowing or otherwise working the soil
will hasten aeration, but should not be
done until at least a week after appli-
cation. It should be emphasized that
the number of days l)etween applica-
tion of fumigant and planting as given
in the preceding discussion are mini-
mum times. It is often convenient to
fumigate the soil .several months in
advance of planting. Soil can be fumi-
gated in the fall for planting in the
spring without serious loss of efficiency.
The effect of succc.s.sful .soil fumiga-
tion is the elimination of enough of the
nematodes and other soil pests so that
the crop is not seriously damaged.
Since the damage from nematodes is
usually the formation of galls or the
partial destruction of the root system,
there will be a marked increase in the
number and extent of the roots, im-
proved growth and vigor of the plant,
and a tendency toward more uniform
growth. If other conditions are favor-
able, yields will increa.se. Yield in-
creases of .several hundred percent are
not uncommon when heavily infested
soil Is fumigated, but usually yield
increases are from 20 percent to 50
percent. With root or tuber crops, the
percentage of culls drops. Such liene-
ficial effects are most conspicuous on
the first crop following fumigation, but
are often seen on subsequent crops.
, Optimum applications of soil fumi-
gants are not assumed to eradicate the
nematodes but to provide the degree of
control that will produce the most cash
return in proportion to the cost of
the fumigation. Usually it is better
to use a moderate amount of fumigant
for each crop than to attempt a higher
degree of control with a larger amount
in the hope that several crops can be
raised before it is necessary to repeat
the fumigation.
Ethylene dibromide and dichloro-
propene fumigants are the least ex-
pensive. The average cost of moderate
application.*: is about 35 or 40 dollars
an acre. The two fumigants arc widely
used on crops of moderate to high
value when the increase of salable
produce will be more than twice or
three times the cost of the fumigation.
The cost of applying 500 pounds of
chloropicrin to the acre is 400 dollars.
Liquid methyl bromide fumigants ap-
plied at the usual rates cost about 175
dollars an acre, and 98 percent methyl
bromide fumigants cost about ^
cents per 100 square feet when i
pound per 100 .square feet is applied.
The use of these fumigants is confined
to crops of very high value, to green-
houses, seedbeds, and nurseries. Weed
control by fumigation, since it elimi-
nates expensive hand weeding, is often
an important consideration.
The principal question in the prac-
tical use of soil fumigants is that of the
possible profit to be obtained from
their use — whether the increase in
salable crops as a result of the fumi-
gation will pay for the cost of the
fumigant, the expense of application,
and a reasonable profit. The best guide
is experience with similar crops and
conditions. Lacking that, trial plots
can be used to compare yields from
fumigated or unfumigated areas and
to compare different fumigants or
different rates of application of one
fumigant. Such trials are advised if
plant parasitic nematodes are known
to be present in significant numbers,
if yields of crops have declined over a
period of years, and if the growth of
crops is not uniform or root systems
are poor.
All plant parasitic nematodes are
killed almost instantly when heated
to about 140® F. Several methods of
heating soil for nematode control have
been devised. The most common is
steam, released from pipes buried in
the soil or under a steam pan. Steam
pans, usually of metal, are about 8
inches deep and 6 to 8 feet wide by
8 to 10 feet long. They arc closed
above and open below. The edges of
the pan are buried 3 or 4 inches deep.
Steam is released under the pan until
the top 6 or 8 inches of the soil is
heated to the required degree.
Other methods of applying heat arc
used with small lots of potting soil,
which are heated by steam in a closed
chamber, exposed to dry heat in
shallow layers, drenched with hot
water, or heated by electricity.
Many species of plant parasitic
nemat<^es can be killed by drying.
Small lots of soil can be air-dried by
spreading out in thin layers. In
favorable climates, the method can be
applied bn a large scale, the usual
procedure being repeated plowing of
the soil during the dry season of the
year. In any climate it is good practice
to remove the roots of a nematode-
infected crop from the soil as soon
after harvest as possible and to allow
them to dry before plowing under.
In low, flat fields, flooding is some-
times used. We have little information
on the effect of the method, but farm-
ers who use it generally agree that
flooding for several weeks is necessary.
Another possible method is bare fal-
low. Keeping the soil free of all
vegetation deprives the nematodes of
the opportunity to feed and reproduce.
But because of the labor required for
weed control and possible deleterious
effects on the soil, this is seldom
practical even for small plots.
One of the main sources of nematode
infestation is planting stock, par-
ticularly plants used for transplanting,
bulbs, tubers, corms, and roots. Some
species of nematodes, such as the
wheat nematode, Angmna tritici^ and
related forms, may be locat^ in
galled kernels mixed with seed, cysts
of the genus Heterodera may be mixed
with seed, or nematodes such as the
rice nematode {Aphelenchoides oryzae)
may be found between the seed and
its enclosing glumes. Soil clinging to
roots of transplants may be infest^.
Other important sources of nema-
tode infestation are soil brought into
a field on vehicles or farm implements,
or washed in by running water.
Compost made from infected plants
may also be infested. If a field is
fumigated, special care should be
taken to see that the seedbed is also
fumigated. In fact, seedbed fumigation
or sterilization by other means is ex-
cellent practice under any conditions.
It is best to discard infected planting
stock, although it is sometimes possible
and worth while to attempt to kill the
nematodes in it and so save exception-
ally valuable material. The hot-water
treatment is extensively used for
killing nematodes in narcissus and
other bulbs, which, especially when
dormant, can stand enough heat to
kill the contained or adhering nema-
todes without serious harm to the
plants themselves. Narcissus bulbs arc
presoaked in water with a wetting
agent added, placed in water heated
to 1 10® F. for 4 hours, and immediately
dried or planted. Similar treatments
have been worked out for other bulbs
and planting stock.
Attempts to kill nematodes in plant-
ing stock by means of chemicals have
been made, but always — so far — with
serious injury to the plants. When the
nematode is one of the ectoparasitic
species — that is, one that does not
enter the plant — it can be removed
from transplants by simply washing
off the adhering soil with cold water.
Only a few satisfactory and practical
methods of controlling nematodes on
growing plants arc known. Such
methods would find widespread use
in orchards, in growing perennial
shrubs, and even for annual crops.
Where orchards or perennial orna-
mentals arc to be planted, the only
precautions that can be taken are to
make sure that the soil is not infested
before planting and that the trans-
plants are free of nematodes.
The type of cover crop used in
peach orchards can have a consider-
able effect on the degree of attack by
root knot nematodes and consequently
on the growth and yield of the trees.
In experimental plots in Georgia,
trees on plots where root knot resistant
cover crops were planted produced
about six times as many peaches in
four seasons as trees on control plots
where cover crops highly susceptible
to root knot were planted. Where no
cover crops at all were used and the
plots were kept free of weeds, about
five times as many peaches were
produced as on the control plots.
Some species of the nematode Aphe-
lenchoides^ which parasitize the above-
ground parts of such plants as straw-
berries and chrysanthemums, can be
controlled by repeated spraying of the
plants with parathion.
Undoubtedly the simplest method
of preventing nematode damage is the
use of plant varieties or rootstocks
which are not susceptible to attack.
Examples are the Shalil, Yunnan,
and S-37 peach rootstocks, which are
highly resistant to attack by some of
the most common species of root
knot nematodes in this country,
though not to all of the root knot
nematode species. Some advances
have been made in the development
of varieties of other crops resistant to
root knot and other nematodes, but
progress is necessarily slow and it will
be many years before satisfactory
nematode-resistant varieties of all
crops will be available.
Albert L. Taylor joined the division
of nemaiology investigations of the Bureau
of Plant Industry^ Soils, and Agricultural
Engineering in 1^35. He did experimental
work on soil fumigation in Tifton, Ga,,
until 13^ when he joined the Shell Chemical
Company to do research and development
work on the soil fumigant D-D, He returned
t9 the division of nemaiology in and is
now stationed in Beltsville, Md,
Treating Seeds
To Prevent
R. IV. Leukel
Sometimes chemicals are applied to
seeds, bulbs, corms, tubers, and roots
to prevent their decay after planting
and to control seed-borne and soil-
bome plant diseases.
To be satisfactory, a seed treatment
has to be effective yet reasonably safe
from seed injury in case of overdosage;
economical, readily available, easily
applied, and chemically stable; and
not overly poisonous or disagreeable
to operators or corrosive to metal.
Fungicides may be classified as seed
disinfestants, disinfectants, or pro-
tec t^ts, according to the location of
the organisms to be combatted.
Disinfestants inactivate organisms,
such as bunt spores, that arc borne on
the surface of the seed.
Disinfectants are effective against
those located deeper within the seed.
Protectants protect the seeds from
attack by organisms that are present
in the soil.
Practically all effective seed-treat-
ment materials are disinfestants. Many
are also disinfectants and protectants.
The formaldehyde and hot-water treat-
ments, however, are disinfestants and
disinfectants but are not seed pro-
tectants. In fact, seeds that have been
treated with formaldehyde or hot
water frequently are attacked by
soil-borne fungi more severely than
are untreated seeds and therefore
should be treated also with a pro-
tectant before planting.
Based on composition, fungicides
may be organic or inorganic, mer-
curial or nonmercurial, and metallic
or nonmetallic. There arc organic
mercurials (Cercsan) and inorganic
mercurials (calomel); there are non-
mercurial metallic organics (Fcrmatc)
and nonmetallic organics (Spergon);
there arc metallic inorganics (copper
carbonate) and nonmetallic inorganics
Fungicidal seed treatments may be
dry or wet according to the form in
which the fungicide is applied to the
In a dry treatment, the fungicide is
applied in dust form, usually in a
mechanical mixer at rates ranging
from to 4 ounces or more to the
Wet treatments once meant soak-
ing the seed in a water solution of the
fungicide for a certain period, after
which the seed was allowed to drain
and dry. Wet treatments now are ap-
plied mostly by the slurry method or
the “quick-wet” method.
In the slurry method, the fungicide
is applied to the seed as a soup-like
water suspension, which is mixed with
the seed in a special slurry treater.
The seed requires no drying but may
be bagged immediately for sowing or
In the “quick-wet” method, a con-
centrated solution of a volatile fungi-
cide is applied to the seed and
thoroughly mixed with it. The dosage
may range from K to 5 fluid ounces
to a bushel. As in the slurry treatment,
that adds less than i percent of mois-
ture to the seed. The well-known
formaldehyde spray treatment of oats
is essentially a “quick-wet” treatment.
So also is the method recommended
for applying Panogen, Mercuran,
Setrete, and several other materials.
Inorganic mercurials used for treat-
ing seed are limited practically to
mercuric chloride, mercurous chloride
(calomel), and mercuric oxide.
Mercuric chloride, as a i to 1,000
solution, may be used for treating po-
tato se<^ pieces, sweetpotatoes, and
rhubarb roots for planting. It is also
used for seed of crucifers (plants of the
mustard or cabbage family), celery,
cucumber, pepper, tomato, water-
melon, and certain other vegetables.
Most seed.s arc more or less susceptible
to injury by mercuric chloride.
Calomel is used on seeds of crucifers,
celery, and onion. Mercuric oxide may
be used as a dip treatment for sweet-
potatocs (i pound to 30 gallons of
Organic mercurials arc more nu-
merous and more widely used than the
inorganics just mentioned. They are
used on seed of small grains, legumes,
grasses, cotton, beets, flax, sorghum,
and some other field crops, and also on
certain corms, bulbs, tubers, and roots
and the seeds of some vegetables.
Oresan, 2 percent ethyl mercury
chloride, introduced in 1926, was the
first organic mercurial widely used in
the United States. It is applied at 2
ounces a bushel. It was followed and
largely replaced in 1933 by New Im-
proved Ctresan, 5 percent ethyl mer-
cury phosphate, which is applied at J4
ounce per bushel. Both were used
mostly on small grains, flax, cotton,
peas, hemp, and sugar beets.
Cercsan M, 7.7 percent ethyl mer-
cury /?- toluene sulfonanilidc, appeared
in 1948. It largely replaced the two
previous Ccresans because of several ad-
vantages over them, including its ap-
plication as a slurry.
Leytosan and Agrox, 7.2 percent and
6.8 percent phenyl mercury urea, re-
.spectively, are applied to small grains,
peas, rice, and sorghum at ounce to
the ljushel and to flax at ounces.
They may be applied in dust or slurry
Mercuran, 3.5 percent mercury as
methoxy ethyl mercuric acetate, is
used at the rate of ounce per bushel
on small grains. It may be applied as
a dust, in concentrated solution by the
“quick-wet” method, or in a more di-
lute solution with a slurry machine.
Panogen, 2.2 percent methyl mer-
cury dicyan diamide, is a concentrated
liquid applied at % fluid ounce per
bushel to small grains, 1% fluid ounces
to flax, and 4 fluid ounces per 100
pounds of segregated beet seed. It is
applied in a special Panogen treater,
but can be successfully applied in a
slurry treater if diluted with water.
Setrete, 7 percent phenyl mercury
ammonium acetate, is a concentrated
liquid that may be applied as such at
}i ounfce per bushel, or it may be
diluted I to g with water and applied
in a slurry treater.
Mersolite, 5 percent phenyl mercury
acetate, is u^ as a dip treatment (i
pound to 800 gallons) for narcissus
corms to combat basal rot.
Merthiolate, sodium ethyl mercury
thiosalicylate, is used to prevent corm
rot and yellows in gladiolus.
Sanoseed, 7.9 percent ethanol mer-
cury chloride, and Corona P. D. 7, 5
percent mercury in a mercury bro-
mine-phenol compound, arc used as
dip treatments for seed potatoes.
Semesan, 30 percent hydroxy mer-
curic chlorophenol (19 percent Hg), is
an excellent mercurial used as a wet
soak treatment for bulbs, tubers, and
corms and as a dust treatment for seeds
of flowers and vegetables.
Semesan Bel, a mixture of 2 percent
hydroxy mcrcurichlorophenol and 12
percent hydroxymercurinitrophenol, is
used as a dip treatment for seed
Puratized N-5-E, 10 percent phenyl
mercury triethanol ammonium lactate,
is used for treating seed potatoes and
lily bulbs.
L~224, an experimental mcrcury-
zinc-chromate material, is an excellent
treatment for seed com.
Aagrano, 3.5 percent ethoxy propyl
mercury bromide, is cflcctive against
cereal diseases, especially when it is
applied in slurry form.
Semenon, 2 percent isopropyl methyl
mercury acetate, gave excellent results
in controlling diseases of small grains
and sorghum. Both Aagrano and Se-
menon arc European products. They
were not available in the United States
in I953«
Nonmercurial organic fungicides
have increased greatly in number since
1945. Generally they are less eflective
than the mercurials, but as a rule they
are less injurious to seeds and less dan-
gerous to persons using them. The or-
ganic sulfurs and quinones are promi-
nent ingredients in these compounds
and often arc combined with phenol,
chlorine, bromine, quinoline, zinc,
iron, copper, sodium, or other ma-
Spergon, 98 percent chloranil (tetra-
chloro-/^benzoquinone), was among
the first nonmetallic organics to be
widely used for treating seed, espe-
cially peas and beans. It is used for vege-
table seeds, com, sorghum, peanuts,
alfalfa, clover, soybeans, and some
other crops. It may be applied as a
dust or as a slurry.
Arasan, 50 percent thiram (tetra-
methylthiuram disulfide), still another
early organic fungicide, is used for the
same crops as Spergon. Both will also
control bunt in wheat, but are not rec-
ommended for treating oats or barley.
Arasan SFX, 75 percent thiram, is
the wettable form of Arasan for treat-
ing seeds by the slurry method. Tersan,
also a wettable form of thiram, is used
for the control of diseases of turf and
lawn grass.
Phygon (formerly Phygon XL) con-
sists of 50 percent 2,3-dichloro-i,4-
napthoquinone and 50 percent talc.
It is an effective seed treatment
for corn, peanuts, rice, sorghum, and
most vegetables. It controls bunt in
wheat, but is not recommended for
other small grains.
Zerlate, 70 percent ziram (zinc, di-
methyl dithiocarbamate), is effective
as a prebedding dip for controlling
black rot in sweetpotatoes. It is similar
to Zincate, Methasan, Zimate, and
Karbam, as all contain ziram as the
active ingredient.
Fermatc, 70 percent ferbam (ferric
dimethyl dithiocarbamate), like 21er-
late, is used as a prebedding dip for
sweetpotatoes. Both materials are tised
alsQ as foliage dusts or sprays.
Dow g-B, 50 percent zinc trichloro-
phenate, has been used to treat gladi*
olus bulbs and seed of cotton, corn, and
Dithane Z-78, 65 percent zinc ethyl-
ene bisdithiocarbamate, has shown
promise as a disinfestant and chemo-
therapeutic fungicide.
Mycon, 7.7 percent methyl arseni-
lulfide, in extensive field tests, has been
found effective in controlling those
seed-borne diseases of wheat, oats, and
barley that are amenable to control by
Seedox, 50 percent a,4,5-trichloro-
phenyl acetate, has been used to treat
cottonseed. Mycotox is similar to Seed-
ox. Neither is effective as a seed treat-
ment for small grains.
Anticaric, 40 percent hexachloro-
benzene, is effective as a seed treat-
ment for the control of bunt in wheat.
When applied to the soil it also pre-
vents infection due to bunt spores in
the soil. It is not recommended for
treating seeds of other cereals.
Pcntachloronitrobenzcnc (50 per-
cent) controlled covered kernel smut
in kafir and a 20-percent product con-
trolled bunt in wheat. In Europe this
chemical is reported as having con-
trolled infection from soil-borne spores
of both common bunt and dwarf bunt
when it was applied to the soil at
planting time at the rate of about 50
pounds an acre.
Inorganic nonmercurials are few.
Copper carbonate, the first dust seed
treatment to be widely used in agri-
culture, and basic copper sulfate are
still used on wheat as bunt preventives.
Copper sulfate (bluestone) solution,
once a popular seed treatment for
wheat, now is used for that purpose to
a very limited extent.
Cuprous oxide (yellow or red) serves
as a seed protectant for vegetable seeds
to prevent seed decay and prccmcr-
gcnce damping-off. It is injurious to
seeds of lettuce, crucifers, and onions.
Va^o 4, a mixture of zinc oxide and
zinc hydroxide, is used on seed of
crucifers, spinach, and other vegetables
that are sensitive to cuprous oxide.
Other seed-treatment materials,
some effective and some experimental,
may be mentioned. The hot-water
treatment remains the standard meth-
od for controlling the flower-infecting
loose smuts of wheat and barley. It is
effective also for treating seed of cru-
cifers, onion, tomato, and some other
Some gases, such as chlorine, have
been suggested for treating large quan-
tities of seed, but their effectiveness
has not been proved.
Hot vapor was described in 1944 as
being applied to tons of seed exposed
on a moving belt. Ultraviolet and in-
frared rays, short waves, Hertzian
waves, diathermy, X-rays, and other
similar devices have been tried as seed
disinfectants, but none has been
proved practicable. Like hot water,
these materials would not act as seed
protectants, and so a supplementary
treatment would be necessary to guard
against soil-borne fungi.
Testing the effectiveness of fun-
gicides in the control of seed-borne
diseases presents two chief difficulties:
Obtaining a supply of suitable seed
that is sufficiently infected to furnish
an adequate test for the fungicides,
and obtaining environmental condi-
tions after planting that favor infection
in the plants.
In diseases like bunt of wheat, in
which the causal spores are located on
the surface of the seed, clean seed can
be infested artificially if a supply of
spores is available. But many disease
organisms arc located deeper within
the seed in a manner that cannot be
duplicated artificially. So one has to
get seed from a badly 'infected crop,
or, better still, from the seed lot that
produced that crop. At times seed ob-
tained from a heavily infected field
may be infected too lightly to serve as
an adequate test for seed treatment
because conditions for infection may
have been very unfavorable at the
critical period.
We must observe certain precau-
tions in testing fungicides for seed
treatment. The seed should be thor-
oughly cleaned, before treatment, to
remove dust, chaff, weed seeds, and
other substances, all of which take up
much of the fungicide. Proper dosage
is important because the seed sample
used usually is relatively small and
hence the amount of fungicide applied
must be carefully weighed or meas-
ured. In treating cereal seeds exper-
imentally, 500 cubic centimeters is a
convenient sample. This volume,
which is 1/70 of a bushel, simplifies
the conversion of ounces-per-bushel to
grams-per-sample. If the desired rate
of application is one ounce (28.34
grams) per bushel, 1/70 of a bushel
will require 1/70 of 28.34 grams, or
0.4 grams. Rates of }i, 2, 3, and 4
ounces per bushel are easily converted
to 0.2, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 grams per
sample, respectively. Differences in
bushel weight among different seeds
or seed lots then can be ignored. It
also avoids the error involved in
treating samples of light, chaffy seed
as compared with plump, heavy seed.
The light seed should receive more
fungicide for each weighed bushel than
the heavy seed.
When small samples of seed are
treated, the capacity of the container
should be such that it is only half filled
by the sample. It should be first “con-
ditioned” by treating in it a sample of
seed at a rate sufficient to coat the
inside with the fungicide. This seed is
then discarded.
After the fungicides have been ap-
plied to the different samples, the con-
tainers should be shaken in some
mechanical contrivance so that all
receive the same amount of mixing.
Thorough mixing is especially es-
sential when applying the nonvolatile
Between the treatment and sowing,
the treated and untreated samples
should be stored at a moderate tem-
perature and preferably at a low
humidity. Metal or glass containers
are preferable to paper envelopes
because if the envelopes are stored in
contact with one another, the fumes
from a volatile mercurial fungicide
in one envelope will treat the seed
in the adjoining envelope. If this
envelope contains the untreated check
sample, it will be rendered useless
for that purpose.
The effects of the treatments on
germination of the seed, seedling
emergence, disease control, and plant
growth and yield are among the details
usually desired from seed-treatment
Germination tests, to study any
harmful effects of the fungicides on
the seed itself, may be made on wet
blotters placed in incubators (in
which temj^erature and humidity are
controlled) or in steamed wet sand
or soil. Relatively disease-free seed and
disinfected soil should be used in the
tests, because the harmful effects of a
fungicide on the seed may be masked
by its protective effect against sced-
bome or soil-borne fungi that cause
seed rot or preemergence damping-off.
The use of infested soil is essential
for determining the effect of the seed-
protectant qualities of treatments on
emergence. That may involve the iso-
lation and culture of soil-bome fungi,
such as species of Pythium^ Fusarium^
Helminthosporium^ and R/iizoctonia, and
using the pure cultures to inoculate
soil in which the treated (and un-
treated) seed is to be planted. Such
tests may be made in the greenhouse
in pots, flats, or beds. The soil should
be steamed or chemically fumigated
before being inoculated in order to
determine the effectiveness of the
fungicides against each specific soil-
borne fungus culture.
The effectiveness of fungicides in
the control of seed-borne diseases,
such as the smuts of cereals, that are
not apparent in the seedling stage
usually is studied in field plots. The
seed should be sown at the proper date
so that the soil temperature as well
as moisture before emergence are
conducive to infection. For the cereals,
that calls for soil that is not too moist
for aeration and germination of the
seed-bome spores. Along with this
somewhat submedium moisture con*
tent of the soil, the temperatures con-
sidered conducive to infection by
cereal diseases are: Bunt of wheat,
41® to 50® F.; barley covered smut,
50® to 68®^ false loose smut of barley,
59® to 68®; the smuts of oats, about
64® to 72®; the barley stripe disease,
46® to 59®; and kernel smuts of sor-
ghum, 75® to 86®. Periods favorable to
infection cannot be predicted with
certainty. Frequently, because of the
absence of such conditions, significant
field data are not obtained.
The effect of the seed treatment on
yield should be obtained by treating
and sowing relatively disease-free seed
in replicated plots along with un-
treated seed. Increases in yield from
such treated seed presumably reflect
the seed-protectant qualities of the
fungicide used.
Cereal seed treatment was rather
widely practiced for quite a few years
before the treatment of other crop
seeds was generally recommended.
The reasons perhaps were that
smuts could be seen in cereals and that
it was discovered early that some of
them could be prevented by seed
The beneficial effects of the treat-
ment of cereal seeds may result from
the elimination of seed-borne diseases,
the prevention of seed rot and seedling
blight, and the suppression of weeds
by better and more even stands.
One of the greatest benefits lies in
the elimination of some seed-borne
fungi or bacteria that cause primary
infection lesions from which the dis-
ease spreads to other plants. Out-
standing examples are certain hel-
minthosporium diseases of wheat, oats,
and barley. This spread by secondary
infection may cause heavy loss, al-
though only a small percentage of
the seed sown may have been in-
fected. Annual seed treatment of
cereal seed is now considered a wise
farm practice because the use of
disease-free or treated seed one year
does not insure the production of
disease-free seed for the next year’s
crop. Airborne spores from neigh-
boring fields may contaminate the
heads of grain grown from disease-
free seed, so that seed from these
heads, if sown untreated, may produce
a diseased crop the following year.
Growers of certified seed have found
it wise to guard against this source of
infection, as it may disqualify their
fields for certification.
Wheat is treated mostly for the con-
trol of bunt, which if only seed-borne
is the most easily controlled of all the
seed-borne cereal smuts. Ceresan M,
Agrox, Setrete, Panogen, Leytosan,
Mercuran, Aagrano, and some other
organic mercurial compounds are
generally most effective in bunt con-
trol, especially if infection is severe.
Most are applied at less than an
ounce to the bushel. Many nonmer-
curials also are effective — copper car-
bonate, basic copper sulfate, Arasan,
Spergon, Phygon, Anticaric, Mycon,
and several experimental materials.
The mercurials by and large are pref-
erable because they eliminate also
some of the pathogens borne more
deeply within the seed. Loose smut
(caus^ by Vstilago tritici) is prevented
only by the hot- water treatment.
Rye may be treated to prevent the
spread of seed-borne diseases, like
stalk smut and bunt. The treatments
for wheat may be used also for rye.
Barley is treated largely for the
prevention of covered smut, black or
false loose smut, and stripe disease.
Seed treatment also reduces the
amount of primary infection from such
diseases as bacterial blight, scab, net
blotch, and spot blotch. The fiingi-
cides recommended are restricted
largely to the organic mercurials such
as Ceresan M, Panogen, Leytosan, and
Agrox. The nonmcrcurial organics
may improve stands and reduce in-
fection by these diseases to some ex-
tent but, with a few exceptions, they
seldom control them satisfactorily.
The flower-infecting loose smut (caus^
by UstUago nuda) is controlled only by
the hot-water treatment.
Seed of oats, like that of barley, is
treated most frequently for the pre-
vention of the smut diseases, which are
visible at heading time. The effective
treatments are restricted largely to the
organic mercurials, although the for-
maldehyde spray treatment is widely
used. It is cheap and effective but may
injure the seed. Also it is not a seed
protectant. The effective oi^anic mer-
curials also prevent primary infectitm
from seed-borne halo blight, frisarium
blight^ anthracnose, and the helmin-
thosporium diseases; they will not pre-
vent these diseases, however, if the
causal organisms are present in the
Corn, a warm-season crop, is subject
to many diseases, most of which cannot
be prevented by seed treatment. Dis-
ease control or prevention is largely a
matter of developing disease-resistant
strains and providing favorable grow-
ing conditions for the plants. The chief
purpose of corn seed treatment is to
prevent seed rot and seedling blight
caused by seed -borne and soU-bome
fungi, especially when cold, wet weath-
er follows planting. For many years
Semesan Jr. (i percent ethyl mercury
phosphate) was most widely used for
the purpose, but it has been supplanted
largely by the nonmercurial organics,
such as Arasan, Spergon, Phygon, and
Dow 9“B. The experimental com-
pound, L- 224, a mercury zinc chro-
mate, and Dithane also have proved to
be effective. Mercury compounds may
injure com seeds that have been dam-
aged near the embryo by rough han-
dling, especially if planting is delayed
after treating.
Hybrid corn seed, which constitutes
about 80 percent of the corn seed
planted, is treated at the seed houses
before it is sold to the growers; thus
the work of seed treatment of corn
mostly has been taken out of the hands
of individual growers.
Treatment of rice seed was not a
generally recommended farm practice
until about ^947. Experiments proved
that the treatments increased stands,
especially in the early seedings when
the soil was cold and wet. Often
yields also were improved. Best results
were obtained with Ceresan M, Phy-
gon, Arasan, and Spergon. Ceresan M
prevented seedling blight caused by
Helminthosporium oryzae^ Dow g-B in-
jured the seed after long storage.
Cuprocide (cuprous oxide) seemed
best for seed sown in water, but it may
injure presprouted seed. Rice may be
fumigated with methyl t»x>mide to
combat the seed-borne rice nematode.
Exposure to a concentration of tK
pounds of methyl bromide to r,ooo
cubic feet of space for 12 to 15 hours
will kill the seed-borne nematodes
without injuring the seed seriously.
Sorghum, like corn, is benefited
most by seed treatment when cold, wet
weather follows planting. It reduces
seed rot and seedling blight and pre-
vents infection by the kernel smuts.
The nonrnercurial organics, such as
Phygon and Arasan, have b^n found
beneficial in improving stands and
controlling smut In varieties whose
seeds have persistent glumes, however,
the kernel smuts are controlled more
effectively by the use of volatile or-
ganic mercurials, such as Ceresan M
and Panogen.
Sugar beet seed is treated mostly
to combat sccd-borne infection by
Pkoma betae and Cercospora beticola.
Seed treatment is effective in pre-
venting precmcrgcncc damping-off,
caused either by seed- or soil-borne
fungi. Materials used for beet seed
treatment include the organic fungi-
cides N. I. Ceresan, Ceresan M,
Panogen, Phygon, and Arasan. In-
organic mercury compounds, cuprous
oxide, and various mixtures of mer-
curials with copper carbonate have
proved effective experimentally but
never have come into widespread com-
mercial use.
Prccmergencc and postemergence
damping-off have been successfully
combatted in greenhouse experiments
by applying an Arasan-fertilizer mix-
ture to the soil so that the sugar beet
seed germinated in the soil impreg-
nated with the mixture and the seed-
lings grew through it. The Arasan was
used at a rate of about 4 pounds an
acre. Field experiments to control
black root by Arasan-fertilizcr mix-
tures have not given consistently
favorable results.
Seed treatments for the control oC
damping-olF caused by PyMum spe-
cies, Phma biU^r and the Rhizt>eima
species unless s^ in«
is con*
ditiosis ait u#tycrabk. Black root^^
caused by cochlmdes, how-
ever, is not prevented by seed treat-
Proper soil management helps re-
duce the soil populations of sugar beet
pathogens. Adequate drainage and
heavy application of commercial ferti-
lizers, especially phosphate, are im-
portant. Of great importance also is
a rotation in which sugar beets do
not immediately follow a legume sod
crop but follow an early fall-plowed
legume. Such handling of the legume
crop is necessary because clovers,
swectclovcr, and alfalfa harbor the
various pathogens that cause damp-
ing-off. Their sods, if spring-plowed,
produce peak populations of the fun-
gus at the period corresponding to
planting time for sugar beets. If associ-
ated with proper soil management,
control of excessive soil moisture by
drainage, and a good fertilizer prac-
tice, seed treatments show value.
Cotton, flax, and hemp respond to
seed treatment in the order named.
The diseases of cotton that arc re-
duced somewhat by seed treatment
arc bacterial blight or angular leaf
spot {Xanthommas malvacearum)^ an-
thracnose (Colleioirichum gossypii)^ sore
shin (Rhizoctonia solani), and seedling
blight caused by species of Aspergillus^
Fusariuniy Diplodidy Sclerotiumy and other
^d of cotton is generally delinted
before being treated because seed-
borne infection is more easily elimi-
nated in delinted seed. Delinting may
be done mechanically by reginning or
chemically by acid treatment. Me-
chanical delinting may injure the seed
and impair its germination. Acid-
delintcd seed germinates better than
fuzzy seed, but it rots more casUy,
especially in cold, wet soil. Effective
seed treatments largieVy prevent ihat.
Organic mercurials 1 ,suc\l aa Vhie
C«te«ua>> NOXVv tfSSS^
gateralSy been more effective tbm
nonmcrcurial organics (such as Sper-
|<w^ Dow o-B, Ky^on, Arasan, and
beedox) in eliminating seed-bome
infection. Some growers object to the
use of poisonous fungicides, such as
the mercurials, however, bt^use ex-
cess treated seed may b^ome mixed
with untreated seed used for making
cottonseed meal or oil. The non-
mercurials are especially useful as se^
protectants for acid-delinted seed.
Treatment of flaxseed is made neces-
sary largely because seed, especially
of large-seeded kinds, may be injured
in threshing. Many of the fractured
seeds rot after planting, particularly
in heavy soils, unless they arc first
treated with an efficient protectant,
which prevents invasion by species of
Alternaridy Penicilliumy Fusariumy and
Pythium, Several seed-borne diseases
of flax ^re alleviated by seed treat-
ment. Pasmo {Mycosphaerella linorum)^
when seed-borne, causes primary in-
fection lesions, which initiate second-
ary infection in other plants. Brown-
ing and stem break {Polyspora lint)
and anthracnose {Cdletotrichum lini-
colum) also may be seed-borne.
One of the difficulties in treating
flaxseed is the failure of dry fungicides
to adhere to the smooth seed coat.
The seed therefore requires a much
heavier dosage of dusts than is applied
to most other seeds. Wet treatments
cause gumming of the seed because of
the mucillaginous coat. The organic
mercury dusts usually are appli^ at
i)4 ounces per btuhel. Nonmercurials
are applied somewhat more heavily.
Seed treatment of flax may increase
stands, but increased yields do not
always follow unless an abundance
of weeds prevents sufficient branching
to compensate for the thinner stands
from untreated seed.
Treatment of hcmpsced with New
Improved Ceresan, Spergon, and Ara-
san was found to improve stands
when planting was followed by un-
favorable conditions for germination
and growth.
Treatment of seeds of forage crops
controls some diseases, such as certain
smuts in slender wheatgrass, millet,
Canada wild rye, and Sudangrass.
Seed treatment sometimes has in-
creased stands in some species of
LespedezCy Lotus ^ MedicagOy Meli lotus,
and Ttifolium. Other species are in-
jured by certain treatments when the
treated seed is sown in dry soil.
Seed of winter peas, mung beans,
cowpeas, hop clover, hairy vetch, and
alfalfa gave better germination, im-
proved stands, and superior plants
when treated with Spergon, Arasan,
Phygon, or Dow 9-B in extensive field
and greenhouse tests in 1949. Nodula-
tion was not inhibited by treatment
when the nitrogen-fixation culture was
applied to the treated seed immedi-
ately before sowing. Some investiga-
tors, however, say that legume seed
should not be treated before being in-
oculated if it is to be sown in soil not
previously cropped to legumes.
Experiments with treating soybean
seeds have been more numerous and
extensive than with those of almost
any other legume. In general, im-
proved stands were had after the use of
Arasan, Spergon, Phygon, and Dow
9-B. Organic mercurials are some-
times injurious. Increased stands due
to treatment were not always followed
by increased yields, probably because
branching of the plants often compen-
sates for thinner stands and because a
higher percentage of the soybean
flowers in a thin stand of plants will
form pods.
Treatment of peanut seed is a prof-
itable farm practice, especially when
mechanically shelled se^ is used. In-
creases in stand have ranged from 30
to 100 percent. Uninjured hand-
shelled sect:? frequently gets no benefit
from seed treatment except when un-
favorable growing conditions follow
planting. Arasan, Spergon, Phygon,
Dow g-B, and Geresan M arc com-
monly recommended.
Vegetable seeds arc treated prima-
rily to prevent seed rot and damping-
off. Sometimes the control of seed-
borne diseases is a major aim. The
materials so used include Arasan, Phy-
gon, Spergon, Fcrmate, Semesan, Dow
9-B, N. I. Geresan, Geresan M, Gupro-
cide, zinc oxide, zinc hydroxide, mer-
curic and mercurous chlorides, copper
sulfate, phenothiazine, Zerlate, Di-
thane, and others.
Arasan and Spergon are two widely
used fungicides for vegetable seeds.
Arasan seems most suitable for seed of
beets, chard, and spinach. Spergon
seems best for legumes.
Some fungicides display differential
benefit or injury toward the seed of
certain crops. Cuprocide, for example,
is injurious to seed of crucifers and
lima beans and causes necrosis, de-
layed absorption, and delayed seed-
ling growth in peas. It is especially
beneficial, however, to lettuce seed,
which in turn is injured somewhat by
Arasan and Fermate. Zinc oxide is
injurious to p)cas but is highly benefi-
cial to seed of spinach and crucifers.
Potato tubers often are treated be-
fore planting. Fifteen or more diseases
of potatoes may be transmitted in or
on the tubers. Few of them are ame-
nable to control by treating the tubers
before planting. Scab, rhizoctonia or
black scurf, and fusarium seed-piece
decay respond to seed treatment if
they arc sccd-bome. The principal
treatments recommended arc hot
formaldehyde dip, cold formaldehyde
soak, hot mercuric chloride dip, cold
mercuric chloride soak, yellow oxide
of mercury dip, and the hydrochloric
acid-mercuric dip. Several organic
mercury fungicides also are used.
Among them are Semesan Bel, Sano-
secd, and Gorona P. D. 7, all of which
are made specifically for treating
potato seed pieces. B^eficial results
have been obtained also from the use
of Fcrmate, Semesan, Spergon, and
Sweetpotatoes used for planting are
treated to prevent injury due to
seed-borne black rot, scurf, and stem
rot and soil-infesting pathogens as
species of Pythium^ Rhizoctonia^ and
Sclarotium. The standard treatment is
one lo-minute dip in a i to 1,000
mercuric chloride solution, or a dip
in Semesan Bel solution (i pound to
1 % gallons of water). Both are effec-
tive but sometimes they delay or
reduce the production of sprouts.
Fairly good results without injury
have been had with Spergon, Phygon,
Fermate, Zerlate, Tersan, and Pura-
tized N“5-E.
Some vegetable diseases, caused by
soil infestation, are partly or wholly
prevented by applying fungicides to
the soil, usually with the fertilizer.
Clubroot of cabbage has been con-
trolled by adding calomel to the soil
along with fertilizer and hydrated
lime. Onion smut has been controlled
by applying sodium nitrite, calcium
nitrite, potassium nitrite, or Fermate
to the soil a few days before .sowing.
Arasan, similarly applied, controls
onion smut and damping-off. Phygon,
applied to the soil in fertilizer, con-
trols damping-off in eggplant, pepper,
beet, cucumber, and tomato. Differ-
ent formulations of Di thane, applied to
the soil, are said to be effective against
red stele in strawberries, downy mil-
dew in lettuce, blight in peppers, bed
diseases of mushrooms, and damping-
off in peas. The material acts either as
a soil disinfectant or as a therapeutic
Treating the seeds of ornamentals
is a common practice. Semesan has
been widely used for this purpose.
The nonmercurial organics, such as
Arasan and Spergon, also are satis-
Ornamentals grown from bulbs,
corms, tubers, and roots also are
benefited somewhat by the use of
fungicides. Gladiolus corms, for ex-
ample, are helped by a 15-minute dip
in a solution of i pound of New Im-
proved Ceresan in 50 gallons of water
just before planting. The standard
mercuric and mercurous chloride solu-
tions also are used. Dipping the corms
in slurries of Spergon, Fermate, or
Dow 9“B after digging is beneficial.
Tulip bulbs have not responded
very well to treatment. Some fungi-
cides have lowered the yield of bul^.
Dipping bulbs in slurries of Spergon
or Fermate has increased some yields.
Narcissus bulbs may be dipped in a
phenyl mercury acetate solution (i
pound to 800 gallons) for 5 minutes,
after digging in spring and again
before planting in fall, to control
fusarium basal rot. Arasan SFX, Dow
9“B, and New Improved Ceresan also
arc beneficial.
Hormones in seed treatments have
been tried often. Results have varied.
Of 30 investigators whose work was
reviewed, 10 reported beneficial re-
sults from the use of growth-pro-
moting substances on seeds. Twenty
failed to obtain any benefits. Appar-
ently the conditions under which hor-
mones may or may not be beneficial
in seed treatments arc not fully under-
Growth-promoting substances are
used commercially to induce root
formation in cuttings, prevent fruit
drop in apple orchards, induce fruit
formation without pollination in some
plants, and to prevent sprouting in
stored potato tubers. It seems reason-
able that under proper conditions the
materials may improve seed germina-
tion and early growth of the seedlings.
Definite and reliable recommenda-
tions cannot be made until more
extensive research has been carried
Synergism and antagonism be-
tween different fungicides, when mixed
together, has been demonstrated often
enough to restrain one from mixing
fungicides with one another or with
insecticides without knowing how they
will affect each other and the seedis
on which they are to be used.
A few examples of the effects of such
mixing may be mentioned. The addi-
tion of New Improved Ccresan to
DDT reduced both the fungicidal
action of Ceresan and the insecticidal
action of DDT. Magnesium oxide,
added to copper carbonate or to
Spergon, reduced the beneficial effect
of those materials on emergence in
wheat and on smut control in sor-
ghum. Magnesium oxide also reduced
the fungicidal efficiency of cuprous
oxide and of Dow g-B, but seemed to
increase the fungicidal effectiveness of
sulfur. Pyrophyliite containing 3 per-
cent DDT when mixed with Dow g-B
reduced the control of sorghum kernel
smut from 0.3 percent to 40 percent,
with 60 percent infection in the check.
Copper compounds in general are
reduced in effectiveness when mixed
with materials high in protein.
A good fungicide, prepared especial-
ly for seed treatment, usually is a
well-balanced combination of active
ingredients and suitable diluents, per-
haps with the addition of wetting
and dispensing agents, dyes, and other
materials in proper projX)rtion. The
addition of other materials, such as
insecticides or other, fungicides, may
cause chemical reactions and the
formation of compounds that are in-
effective as fungicides or injurious to
the seed.
The labels on containers for fungi-
cides used for dusting or spraying
vegetation often mention the insecti-
cides with which they are not to be
used. Labels for seed- treatment fungi-
cides, however, do not include such
directions because, as a rule, those
fungicides are not mixed with insecti-
cides or other fungicides, l^hat may
change, however, with the growing
need for combatting insects that attack
seeds after they have been planted.
Experiments in New York showed
that Arasan SFX mixed with chlor-
dane, lindane, or aldrin and applied
to lima beans prevented both seed rot
caused by fungi and seed injury due to
the seed-corn maggot. Mergamma, a
treatment for cereal seed, contains
phenyl mercury urea for the control
of certain cereal diseases and benzene
hexachloride for wireworm control.
The number of these insecticidal-
fungicidal seed-treatment combina-
tions doubtless will increase, but their
use in combination should follow
careful chemical and biological ex-
Seed injury following treatment was
common when the treatments were
mostly copper sulfate solutions, for-
maldehyde, or mercuric chloride,
especially when planting was delayed
after treatment.
When copper carbonate dust began
to be used to treat wheat, it was found
that delayed planting after treatment
caused no injury to the seed but actu--
ally protected it against rodents and
insects in storage. The more volatile
organic mercury treatments, however,
occasionally lowered the viability of
seed after storage periods of more than
a few days, especially when the mois-
ture content of the seed was high.
Several factors govern the degree of
such injury: The moisture content of
the seed; tlic volatility of the fungicide
and the rate at which it is applied; the
length of the storage period; the tem-
perature, humidity, and aeration dur-
ing storage; the kind of seed (seed of
some genera, species, or varieties are
more susceptible to chemical injury
than are those of others); and the
condition of the seed coat (cracked,
chipped, or broken seed coats are
conducive to seed injury).
If seed is to be stored for a while
after treatment with a volatile fungi-
cide, its moisture content should be
relatively low — 13 percent or less for
cereals — and a lighter rate of applica-
tion used. Different portions of oats of
12 percent moisture content were
treated with New Improved Ceresan
at 1/2 and 1/8 ounce per bushel and
cither sown at once or stored for several
wccks.The seed treated at the i /2-ounce
rate yielded better when sown the day
after treatment. The seed that got the
lighter application yielded better when
sowing was delayed for several weeks
after treatment. Several experiments
proved that sound seed of wheat, oats,
and barley of good quality and proper
moisture content, treated with one of
the better organic mercury disinfect-
ants at the recommended rate and
properly stored for a year, was not
injured in viability but yielded better
than did untreated seed similarly
stored. Occasionally in the more hu-
mid areas of the Southeast, treated
seed is stored with a too-high moisture
content and the poor viability is
ascribed to the treatment. Subsequent
tests often show that the viability of
the untreated seed is equally poor.
Pretreatment of seed sold by seed
dealers has been advocated for years.
Some large seed houses pretreat seed
of some field crops, such as cereals,
flax, cotton, sugar beets, peas, corn,
broomcorn, and some forage crops,
either as a general practice or on a
buyer’s request.
Pretreatment of seeds by all dealers
would mean cheaper but more general
and more effective seed treatment;
fewer outbreaks of preventable dis-
eases; less waste of chemicals; less
need of storing large stocks of chem-
icals in many places; more economical
packaging, distribution, and use of
seed-treatment chemicals; the use of
the proper disinfectant at the proper
rate for each type of seed; and many
other advantages.
Some objections to general pre-
treatment of seed are valid enough.
There is no general agreement as to
what treatment is best for each kind
of seed. Some buyers object to planting
“poisoned” seed. Some persons might
not realize that treated seed is some-
times poisonous and they might suffer
injury. I think, though, that all the
advantages of pretreating seed out-
weigh the objections.
Continued advances in seed treat-
ment doubtless vrill bring new and
better fungicides, better apparatus,
and improved procedures into use.
Fungicidal materials that promise to
be more effective but less costly and
less poisonous and disagreeable are
sought. Slurry treaters that are more
accurate and less troublesome arc
promised. A process that will fix the
slurry fungicide to the seed and
prevent its dusting off when the dried
seed is handled will rid the slurry
method of its chief shortcoming.
The possibility of systemic fungicides
and chemotherapeutic disease pre-
vention has been suggested and has
been demonstrated in a few instances.
This might eventually lead to the
prevention of such Nation-wide calam-
ities as epidemics of stem rust of
cereals. Such fungicides would be
applied to the soil and, when taken
up by the plant, would render it
resistant or fatal to the fungus attack-
ing it. The fact that a tiny amount
(3 parts per million) of selenium in
soil is fatal to aphids and spider mites
feeding on plants grown in the treated
soil should encourage the search for
fungicides equally effective against
fungus infection but not poisonous to
humans and animals. Such fungicides
would be a tremendous advance in
our war against plant diseases.
R. W. Leukel is a plant pathologist
in the division of cereal crops and diseases
at the Plant Industry Station^ Bellsville^
Md, He has been engaged in the study of
the cause and control of cereal diseases since
I gig and is the author of more than 50
articles on the subject.
Conidia and cociidiophores*
Making Sure
of Healthy
Erwin L, LeClerg
The primary purpose of seed certifica-
tion is to maintain and to make avail-
able to our farmers crop seeds, tubers,
or bulbs of good seeding value and
true to name. The factors considered
in determining good seeding value or
quality include viability, content of
weed seeds, and freedom from seed-
borne pathogens or viruses.
The production of certified seed of
superior varieties of field and forage
crops involves the cooperative effort of
many State, Federal, and private
agencies. Among them are State agri-
cultural experiment stations and exten-
sion services, State -departments of
agriculture, State crop improvement
associations, the International Crop
Improvement Association, the seed
trade, and the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The work started
at a meeting in 1919 of representatives
of the States and Canadian certifying
The determination of eligibility of
varieties for certification is the chief
responsibility of the State agricultural
experiment station in every State.
Factors considered in determining the
suitability of a crop variety for inclu-
sion in a ccrtificd-sccd program in-
clude yield, adaptation, and resistance
to diseases and insects.
The requirements for eligibility for
certification vary as to type of crop.
^Certification for such cereal crops as
wheat, oats, or barley, because of
their limited area of adaptation, is
relatively simple and frequently is
conducted on a local-area basis. But
the distribution of good seed of peren-
nial forage crops — alfalfa, red clover,
the grasses — requires the effort of
many persons in widely separated
areas because most of such seed is not
produced in the locality where it is
used for hay and pasture scedings.
The farmer may make application
for inspection but is under no obliga-
tion to do so.
Varieties of field crops must be ap-
proved by a State agricultural experi-
ment station before they are eligible
to be considered for certification. In
general, only one variety of the same
crop, for seed production, is permitted .
on a farm except by prior approval of
the certifying agency.
Field inspection is an important
phase of the certification procedure.
The International Crop Improvement
Association has established certain
minimum field standards, which form
the basis for the regulations adopted
by State certifying agencies. The
standards take into consideration the
type of crop, the degree of isolation
necessary to prevent cross-pollination,
and the class of seed produced.
Four classes of seed are recognized
in seed certification of field and forage
crops: Breeder seed, foundation seed,
registered seed, and certified seed. The
International Crop Improvement As-
sociation defines them thus:
“Breeder seed is seed or vegetative
propagating material directly con-
trolled by the originating, or in certain
cases the sponsoring plant breeder or
institution, and which provides the
source for the initial and recurring
increase of foundation seed.
“Foundation seed shall be seed stocks
that are so handled as to most nearly
maintain specific genetic identity and
purity and that may be designated or
distributed by an agricultural experi-
ment station. Production must be
carefully supervised or approved by
representatives of an agricultural ex-
periment station. Foundation seed
shall be the source of all other certified
seed classes, either directly or through
registered seed.
“Registered seed shall be the prog-
eny of foundation or registered seed
that is so handled as to maintain satis-
factory genetic identity and purity and
that has been^pproved and certified
by the certifying agency. This class of
seed should be of a quality suitable for
the production of certified seed.
“Certified seed shall be the progeny
of foundation, registered, or certified
seed that is so handled as to maintain
satisfactory genetic identity and purity
and that has been approv^ and certi-
fied by the certifying agency.”
State and Federal plant breeders for
years have been developing sujjerior
varieties of forage crops. For a long
time, however, less than i percent of
the legume and grass seed produced
in the United States was of improved
The great demand for seed of the
newer varieties in forage-producing
areas meant the draining away of the
early generations of seed stocks, which
should have been used to increase seed.
The small supply of breeder seed has
been the principal limiting factor in
production of adequate supplies of
foundation seed of some varieties of
legumes and grasses. But, equally im-
portant, no procedure for maintaining
and distributing foundation seed of
forage crops on a Nation-wide basis
was available.
The Foundation Seed Project was
initiated in 1948 to set up the organiza-
tion and financial procedure whereby
foundation seed stocks of improved vari-
eties of legumes and grasses could be
rapidly pr^uced from breeder seed and
distributed. Methods necessary to main-
tain genetic purity of the varieties were
devised. It is a cooperative effort uti-
lizing the facilities of State and Federal
agencies and the commercial seed
trade. In 1952, 34 States participated.
The cooperating agencies include State
experiment stations. State extension
services^ State seed certifying agencies,
State foundation seed organizations.
the International Crop Improvement
Association, the American Seed Trade
Association, and the Department of
The operational phases of the pro-
gram are concerned with producing,
assembling, distributing, and limited
stockpiling of breeder and foundation
seed. The coordination of those func-
tions is the responsibility of the Bureau
of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agri-
cultural Engineering of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. Financial assist-
ance for contracting for the mainte-
nance of adequate reserves of breeder
and foundation seed stocks is provided
by the Grain Branch of the Production
and Marketing Administration, repre-
senting the Commodity Credit Cor-
poration of the Department of Agri-
culture. Each State is represented by
a State foundation seed representative,
who is responsible for initiating the
foundation seed work and handling
operations in his State.
Direction of the program is the
responsibility of a 16-man advisory
group. Its members serve without pay.
It is known as the Planning Con-
ference and includes two representa-
tives of each of these organizations:
Northeastern Experiment Station Re-
gion, Southern Experiment Station
Region, North Central Experiment
Station Region, Western Experiment
Station Region, International Crop
Improvement Association, American
Seed Trade Association, Production
and Marketing Administration, and
Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and
Agricultural Engineering.
A superior variety developed by a
plant breeder is tested for regional
adaptation under the supervision of
the Regional Forage Crops Technical
Committee. A new variety found to
be good in part or all of a region is
then recommended by this technical
committee to the Planning Conference,
for inclusion in the Project.
The Planning Conference deter-
mines the areas for foundation seed
production for each new variety,
estimates the requirements for breeder
and foundation seed stocks, and co-
operates with State workers in the
areas of production in the develop-
ment of the seed-increase program.
The breeders’ seed of a new variety
is assigned by the Planning Conference
to State foundation seed representa-
tives in the States where it has been
determined that foundation seed is
to be produced. All foundation seed
is grown under contract with indi-
vidual growers, who are selected by
the State foundation seed representa-
tive. Because the number of growers
needed is small, only the most depend-
able growers, located in an area with
favorable soil and climate, arc chosen.
The foundation seed of all varieties
included in the program is allocated
by the Planning Conference to State
foundation seed representatives for
planting to produce registered seed.
The registered seed is handled by com-
mercial seedsmen, who sell it to grow-
ers for the production of certified seed.
The certified seed, which is subse-
quently used by farmers for forage
plantings, is distributed through regu-
lar seed trade channels.
The 12 varieties included in the
program in 1952 were Atlantic, Buf-
falo, Narragansett, and Ranger alfal-
fas; Kenland red clover; Tift Sudan-
grass; Climax lespedeza; and five
blend lines of Midland red clover.
The 27 million pounds of certified
seed of Ranger alfalfa available for
1953 planting was the largest amount
ever produced of an improved alfalfa
variety. It was almost double the
amount farmers had the previous
year. The market had ahnost twice as
much Buffalo alfalfa seed in 1952 as
was available in 1951. The supply of
certified Atlantic alfalfa for hay and
pasture seedings had increased from
150,818 pounds in 1950 to 1,511,000
pounds in 1952. Narragansett alfalfa
was added to the list of varieties in the
Project in 1951. Yet it was possible to
produce more than 5,000 pounds of
certified seed the first year in addition
to increasing breeder and foundation
seed supplies.
Enough stock seed of Kenland red
clover was distributed to make avail-
able 2 1 5,000 pounds of certified seed in
1950, the first large-volume produc-
tion. Yet in 1952, only 2 years later,
there was a tenfold increase in certified
seed production, which meant farmers
had 2,000,000 pounds o^planting. The
increase of Tift Sudangrass has been
The potato tuber is subject to
many diseases caused by fungus and
bacterial pathogens and viruses. Dis-
ease-free seed is important.
The quality of seed potatoes has
greatly improved since 1925 through
the elimination of tuber-transmitted
virus diseases by roguing, tuber-unit
planting, tuber indexing, early harvest
and pulling or killing vines; the use of
winter field test plots; the use of im-
mune or resistant varieties; the en-
forcement of high standards of certi-
fication; the production and use of
better foundation seed; and the pro-
duction of certified seed.
Many tuber-transmitted diseases of
potatoes, like mosaic, curly dwarf,
spindle tuber, leaf roll, and blackleg
{Erwinia atroseptica), cannot be con-
trolled by spraying or dusting. The
only way is to remove the diseased
plants from the field, a procedure that
is commonly termed roguing. Seed
pieces, tops, and tubers are removed
sufficiently far from the field and de-
stroyed to prevent winged aphid vec-
tors from migrating from the rogued
plants or parts back to the potato field.
Roguing usually commences when the
plants are 4 to 6 inches above the
ground. The first roguing Is followed
by roguing at weekly or 10-day inter-
vals throughout the season.
Tuber-unit planting and tuber in-
dexing have been generally used as an
aid in the detection and elimination
of virus diseases in the production of
high-quality seed stocks. Tuber-unit
planting, first practiced in 1908, is
commonly used for seed plots and the
production of foundation seed. The
method consists of planting all the
seed pieces (usually four) cut from a
single tuber one after another in the
row, with a space separating them
from the sets of the next tuber. Ready
and accurate recognition of weak or
diseased units thus is possible. All
plants from the same tuber are re-
moved if any one of them is weak or
shows symptoms of a virus disease.
Tuber indexing, first described by
F. M. Blodgett and Karl H. Fernow
at Cornell University in 1921, has been
generally adopted in se^-producing
areas. It consists of removing a small
piece bearing a single eye from each
tuber and planting it in the greenhouse
in winter. Only the tubers whose seed
pieces produced normal and healthy
plants are retained for field increase
the following spring.
Foundation seed plots a mile away
from other potato fields can become
infected with virus diseases trans-
mitted by winged aphids. As the
growing season progresses, insect vec-
tors of virus diseases may increase,
and infection, contracted by the tops
during the current season, is more
likely to have reached the tubers in
late- than in early-harvested stock.
Healthy plants harvested early show
a lower percentage of virus diseases
than do healthy plants harvested late
in the season. Early harvesting of seed
plots or foundation seed is now a
common practice in some potato seed
producing areas.
Hand pulling was one of the first
methods employed to destroy potato
vines in an effort to produce better
disease-free seed. It soon became
apparent that the method was imprac-
tical because of the great cost and the
high labor requirement.
Flame burning destroyed the leaves
but left stems standing, from which
new growth was produced in late-
maturing varieties. A similar situ-
ation occurred when the foliage was
mascerated with a rotobeater machine.
The use chemicals to kill the
vines has become a common practice
in many of the potato seed pr^ucing
areas. It helps reduce the spread of
virus diseases, prevent infection of
tubers by the late blight fungus
{Phytopkthora injestans)^ complete har-
vest before freezing weather, regulate
the size of seed tubers, and reduce
skinning and bruising of tubers. Late-
maturing varieties have been found
to be more difficult to kill than early-
maturing ones. Vascular discoloration
of the tuber frequently occurs from
the use of chemicals to kill vines.
More work needs to be done to de-
termine the factors that cause the dis-
Because some weather conditions
mask symptoms of some tuber-trans-
mitted virus diseases, detection is
sometimes difficult in the northern
areas. The diseases can be detected
when the plants are grown under field
conditions in winter in some of the
Southern States and California. Thus
it is now mandatory to test all founda-
tion seed (and much of the certified
seed) in winter test plots. Through
this means some northern growers of
foundation seed have been able to
maintain relatively disease-free stocks.
The winter tests of samples from fields
of potatoes grown for certification
are completed in time so that the
data may be used by certification
officials of the seed-producing States.
The information also helps growers
of certified seed to keep from planting
inferior stock.
It is generally agreed that very little
progress would have been made in
controlling mosaic and other tuber-
transmitted virus diseases if winter
tests had not been established for
guidance in the program of production
of good foundation and certified
The production of the good, new,
resistant varieties of potatoes is largely
due to the accomplishments of the
National Potato Breeding Program,
which began in 1929. It is a Nation-
wide program in which State agri-
cultural experiment stations and the
Department of Agriculture cooperate.
The Katahdin variety was the first
distributed under this program. It has
resistance to mild mosaic and some
resistance to leaf roll. It is immune to
net necrosis. Nearly 1 3 million bushels
of certified Katahdin seed were grown
in the United States in 1952. In 1952
it represented more than 30 percent of
all certified seed potatoes and led all
other varieties. Since then, 42 addi-
tional varieties have been introduced,
some of which have replaced older
varieties to a significant extent. Not
all are resistant to any of the major
potato diseases but were relea^
because of their reported superior
horticultural characters.
Potato seed certification dates from
1914 and the work of Professor J, G.
Milward of the University of Wiscon-
sin. It was the object of the work then,
as now, to put upon the market the
best seed that could be produced.
Certification is recognized as a con-
structive preventive measure in tuber-
borne diseases. The industry has ex-
panded greatly. The average produc-
tion of certified seed potatoes in the
United States, for the years between
1949 and 1952, v/as 44.7 million
The enforcement of certification
standards is the responsibility of the
colleges of agriculture and State de-
partments of agriculture in most
States. In Nebraska, Utah, and South
Dakota, the work has been conducted
by growers’ organizations.
Certified potato seed is grown under
a system of inspection. The plants are
inspected twice in the field during the
growing season. The tubers are in-
spected in the bin after they are dug.
The first field inspection is usually
made early so as to identify and rogue
the diseased plants. The second in-
spection is made in the period between
the time of blossoming and just before
the vines mature. For each inspection
a maximum percentage of affected
plants or tubers for each disease is
allowed. This disease tolerance varies
for dise<ise and by certifying States
but is usually between i and 5 percent.
Each State has jurisdiction over its
own certification work and sets the tol-
erances permitted for various diseases.
For example, the tolerances allowed for
various diseases and varietal mixtures
by Maine arc (the figures are percent-
ages allowed in first inspection and
second inspection, respectively): Leaf
roll, 2 and i ; mosaic, 3 and 2; spindle
tuber, 2 and 2; yellow dwarf, 0.5 and
0.5; total virus diseases, 5 and 3;
blackleg, 2 and 1 ; wilt, 2 and i ; bac-
terial ring rot, o and o; total for all
diseases, 6 and 4; giant hills, 1 (second
inspection); varietal mixtures, i and
The production of certified seed
potatoes depends upon the quality of
foundation seed stocks from which
they arc grown. All plantings produced
for certification must be grown from
foundation stock of the best quality
and should be thoroughly rogued. Im-
provement of foundation seed stock
through field roguing permits the re-
moval of diseased, we^, off- type, or
varietal-mixture plants during the
growing season. In order to insure
freedom from virus diseases, the foun-
dation seed is produced in areas iso-
lated from other potatoes and free
from disease-transmission insects. A
comparatively small number of tubers
indexed one year and planted in the
field the next spring will give a siz-
able increase in seed stock for the fol-
lowing year. After one season’s in-
crease, a sufficient quantity would
then be produced so that the grower
could replace his old stock entirely
with disease-free potatoes for the pro-
duction of certified seed.
The most recent development is the
operation of seed-source farms by the
certifying agencies. The farms (in
Maine and some other States) arc oper-
ated to produce seed stocks for growers
of foundation seed. Seed is carefully
grown in isolated areas and is tested
in winter field test plots. Seed thus
produced is released to selected grow-
ers for the production of foundation
seed. The varieties grown on the farms
are planted by tuber-unit methods and
carefully rogued by representatives of
the certification agencies.
Vegetable seed production areas
have been shifted to areas where the
weather is less favorable to the devel-
opment of plant diseases. Such a shift
is possible with crop-seed production
because the total acreage of a particu-
lar crop is usually relatively small in
proportion to the crop for which the
seed Ls used.
Anthracnose {Colletotrichum lifidemu~
thianum) and the bacterial blights
{Xanthomonas phaseoli and Pseudomonas
phaseolicola) are three major diseases
of beans in the United States. They
are wet-weather diseases, and their
spread and development depend to a
great degree on the presence of high
moisture and suitable temperatures.
Before 1925, the production of bean
seed was largely limited to the New
England-Ncw' York area and Michi-
gan. In those regions the weather
conditions are generally favorable for
the development of the three diseases.
Between 1916 and 1919, losses in
some of these localities were as much
as 25 percent. For many subsequent
years the diseases were widespread
and destructis'e wherever beans were
Since the causal organisms of the
diseases are disseminated chiefly with
the seed and it is imperative to have
clean seed for planting, attention was
centered on seed production in the
West, where weather is unfavorable
to the development of the diseases.
Such areas were found in Idaho and
California. Those centers of certified
seed production have elevations of
2,000 to 3,000 feet, exceptionally low
humidity, few showers, and little hail
during the growing season. As a conse-
quence of producing certified bean
seed there, the three diseases have
ceased to be the limiting factors in the
production of the crop.
At one time pea seed for gardens
and canning was grown chiefly in
the Northeastern States. Since 1925 or
so, the center of production has lifted
to the irrigated and more arid parts
of some of the Western States. Pea
seed for these purposes is now pro-
duced in the Snake River Valley and
the Twin Falls areas of Idaho, near
Bozeman, ‘Mont., the Palouse section
of northern Idaho, and eastern Wash-
ington. This shift was made in order
to produce seed free of bacterial
blight (Pseudomonas pisi) and leaf and
pod spot (Ascochyia species).
The growing of seed stocks of cab-
bage, turnip, rutabaga, and cauli-
flower used to be limited to the Mid-
west and East. More recently the
ravages of blackleg (Phoma lingam)
and black rot (Xanthomonas campestris)
have caused the shifting of the seed-
producing areas for these crop.s to
localities along the Pacific coast.
Because of the low rainfall in those
areas during the time the seedling
plants are growing in seedbeds, the
two diseases do not become estab-
lished. Hence a crop of disease-free
seed can be produced from the seed-
lings, which are sub.sequenily trans-
planted to clean fields.
Most of the cauliflow’cr seed pro-
duced in the United States is grown
in the coastal valleys of California.
In those areas, the seed has Ix'.en
relatively free from both blackleg
and black rot.
The use of resist.aNT varieties, if
available, is the most effective w‘ay of
controlling the seed-boine organisms.
That subject is discussed in the section
that begins on page 165.
Erwtn L. LeClerg is a research
coordinator in the office of the Administra'^
tor of the Agricultural Research Adminis-
tration, He is charged with coordinating
parts of the research program of the De-
partment that have to do with sugar crops,
dry beans and peas, seeds, weeds, forage
crops, pastures and ranges, pesticides and
insecticides and related equipment. He holds
degrees from Colorado Agricultural and
Mechanical College, Iowa State College,
and the University of Minnesota. He joined
the Department in i^jo.
How Nurseries
Get Virus-free
Fruit Stock
L, C. Cochran^ Earle C. Blodgetl,
J. Duain Aloore, K. G, Parker
More than 40 virus diseases affect
stone fruits. Others attack pome,
citrus, avocado, fig, and other fruits.
No major fruit crop is free from
virus diseases. Some virus diseases have
caused the destruction of orchards
throughout communities and others
have ruined orchards in large areas.
Some, more insidious, do not kill trees
but take an annual toll by reducing
the yield and quality of the crops. Still
others produce only mild effects and
are important chiefly because they
complicate the question of control.
Part of the geographic occurrence
of most of the virus diseases affecting
stone fruit is traceable to distribution
in infected nursery stock. Most fruit
trees now are grown from nursery
stock produced by budding or grafting
the desired variety onto seedlings or
rootstocks propagated vegetatively
from cuttings. If the variety or the
rootstock is infected with a virus, the
resulting nursery trees usually will be
infected. If the nursery is located near
infected trees, viruses may spread nat-
urally into nursery stock during the
growing season. When diseased nurs-
ery stock is planted in a district where
the disease was not previously present,
spread may take place toother trees and
the disease soon becomes established.
The question of nursery improvement
is complex. The many factors that
are involved vary among areas because
different diseases are present, different
varieties of fruit are grown, and differ-
ent conditions exist in each. It seems
impossible to devise a program with
provisions that would be entirely ap-
plicable to all areas, although some
general procedures can be formulated*
Because some virus diseases of stone
fruits are known to have been carried
in the nursery stock, a logical starting
point for improvement is the use of
procedures to eliminate them from
scion and budwood sources and from
rootstock seed sources. Growers of such
sources then could be issued certifi-
cates indicating the standards that
have been met. Certification has value
only w'hen it refers to specified definite
Any plan for the production of cer-
tified fruit tree nursery stock could
well make use of the same principles
and procedures developed for certified
seed potatoes: Establishing disease-free
foundation stocks true to variety; in-
creasing the stocks in the field under
rigid inspection and roguing; passing
the stocks for certification if the num-
ber of diseased 01 off-type plants is
maintained at or below a standard,
w'hich has l>een determined by prac-
tice to be necessary to insure high
yields and good quality; and super-
vising sales to maintain the identity
of the certified stock.
Considerable progress has been
made toward nursery improvement in
the more important fruit-growing
States. The program has been mostly
voluntary. The approach has been
from different angles. Unknown and
variable factors have prevented the
formulation of any uniform procedure
usable, in all States.
In most of the States, the first step
has been to inspect the orchard trees
desired as a source of budwood and
the trees adjacent to them. If no symp-
toms of virus or viruslike diseases are
found, the nurseryman who gets buds
from them may obtain a certificate
that his trees were propagated from
sources that had been inspe<;tcd and
found visibly free of virus diseases.
The procedure has helped reduce the
prevalence of such vims diseases as the
peach yellows group, peach wart, and
certain cherry diseases, which are gen-
erally expressed on all the horticultural
varieties of the aflected host. It has also
helped in the elimination of cherry
diseases like mottle leaf, twisted leaf,
msty mottle, the necrotic rusty mottle;
apricot ring pox; the psorosis of citrus;
and other diseases that damage some
fruit varieties but are only mcagerly
expressed on others. Orchard inspec-
tion has also materially helped in the
elimination of certain viruslike non-
transmissible but bud-perpetuated dis-
orders, such as sweet cherry crinkle
leaf, sweet cherry deep suture, almond
bud failure, and Italian Prune leaf
spot and sparse leaf, and has assisted
in the selection of fruitful types time to
The usual procedure has been for
the nurser>'man to apply for the service
by a given date to the Stale depart-
ment of agriculture in his State. The
trees then are inspected in the proper
season and given some sort of identi-
fying designation. Standards have to
be set, such as minimum age of the
trees to be used and the distance from
the nearest diseased trees. Because
most of the diseases spread in orchards,
any certificate based on orchard in-
spection is good only for the year in
which the inspection is made and new
inspections must be made each year.
Orchard inspection alone is not
enough to determine the presence of
all the viruses that affect fruit trees.
Some viruses that arc destructive to
one variety may exist in another with-
out symptoms. Buds from such infected
but symptomless trees produce similar
infected nursery trees, which carry the
vims to orchard locations where the
trees are planted. The mottle leaf
virus mins the Napoleon (Royal Ann)
and Bing varieties of cherries, but may
cause few symptoms or none on Lam-
Environment, such as high or low
temperatures, influences the expression
of symptoms of some disease.s. Symp-
toms leaf yellowing of the sour
cherry yellow^s disease arc expressed
on sour cherry trees and damage is
accentuated in areas W'here tempera-
tures following petal fall are relatively
low, but no leaf symptoms occur in
areas where the temperatures arc
higher. Nursery stock propagated in
warmer climates from vigorous-ap-
pearing trees can very innocently
carry the sour cherry yellows virus and
result in serious losses if planted in such
areas as those near the Great Lakes,
where summer growing temperatures
are low.
The western X-disca.se vims, con-
versely, may not produce symptoms,
especially on sweet cherries growing on
mazzard rootstock in areas of high
elevation where temperatures arc low.
Some virus diseases have long incuba-
tion periods; hence, if buds arc cut
from orchard trees in the early stages
of infection before symptoms appear,
they may carry the viru.s to nursery
slock. The ring spot virus produces
symptoms only during the acute or
initial stages of infection on many
fruit tree hosts, yet buds taken from
trees in the chronic stages and showing
no symptoms carry the virus.
The pre.scnce of viruses in symptoin-
Icss trees is determined by indexing
them on varieties that express symp-
toms. That commonly is done by bud-
ding healthy nursery trees of a suscep-
tible symplom-exprc:)Sing variety with
buds from the suspect trees. Certain
varieties and species arc known to
produce consistent and characteristic
symptoms when infected with particu-
lar viruses. By use of a combination of
such hosts in index procedures, a fruit
tree can be tested for the pre.scnce of
any of the known virusc.<l. In order to
keep the number of necessary hosts to
a minimum, hosts that will express
and differentiate a large number of the
viruses may be used. Here is a list of
index hosts and the diseases which each
may serve to diagnose:
Peach Elberta: Peach yellows, little
peach, red suture, |>cach rosette,
rosette mosaic, phony, peach mosaic,
X-discase, western X-disease, yellow
bud mosaic, wart, peach motile, peach
necrotic leaf spot, asteroid spot, gold-
en-net, peach calico, peach blotch.
Peach. J. H. Hale: Ring spot, willow
Peach. Muir: Muir peach dwarf.
Peach. Seedlings (open-pollinated
seedlings of Lovell and Halehaven have
been used): Necrotic ring spot, sour
cherry yellows.
Sour cherry. Montmorency: Sour
cherry yellows, green ring mottle,
necrotic ring spot, pink fruit, peach
Sour cherry. On mahaleb: Western
X-di.sease will and decline.
Sweet cherry. Bing: Buckskin, al-
bino, mottle leaf, rusty mottle, mild
rusty mottle, rasp leaf, twisted leaf,
latter leaf, small bitter cherry, western
X little cherry, peach mottle.
Sweet cherry. Royal Ann: Black
canker, cherry rugose mosaic, pinto
Sweet cherry. Lambert: Necrotic
rusty mottle, little cherry, small bitter
cherry, Lambert mottle, Utah Dixie
rusty mottle.
Prunus sertulala vars. Shiro/ugen: Ring
Prunus serrulata vars. Kwanzan: Other
latents, rough bark.
Plum. Italian Prune: Prune dwarf.
Plum. Shiro: Line pattern.
Plum. French Prune: Prune diamond
Plum. Standard prune: Standard
prune constricting mosaic.
Plum. Santa Rosa: Plum white spot.
Apricot. Tilton: Ring pox.
Almond. Nonpareil: Drake almond
bud failure.
It may not be necessary to index
bud wood sources in all areas on all of
those hosts. For example, our evidence
indicates that some of the cherry vi-
ruses are not present in peaches in
some sections where only peaches are
grown. Also, mo.st peach virus diseases
(or at least most of those that seriously
damage peaches) affect all varieties of
peaches similarly, and their presence
generally is determined easily by or-
chard inspection. But cherries appear
to be more commonly affected by
viruses than peaches. Some viruses are
ruinous on one variety of cherry but
may infect another with only meager
or no symptoms; index procedure to
find virus-free trees therefore is needed
for cherries more than for peaches.
The question of how much indexing
should be done depends on what dis-
eases are present in the area, the des-
tination of the nursery stock, and the
variety of the host.
Stone-fruit clones completely free of
all viruses are difficult to achieve for a
number of reasons. The complete host
range of many of the stone-fruit viruses
has not yet been determined. Com-
pletely .satisfactory index hosts for all
of the stone fruits have not been de-
termined, particularly because of the
variability of reaction caused by dif-
ferent forms of certain viruses. Some
stone fruits are nearly universally in-
fected, particularly with some of the
latent viruses. Certain viruses (sour
cherry yellows and ring spot) are
transmitted through seeds. As insect
vectors are known for only a few of
the diseases, it is not known what
measures are necessary to protect
healthy stock from outside infection.
The problem of obtaining virus-free
stocks by indexing procedure is com-
plex. Index hosts have to be found
that will serve with certainty to indi-
cate the presence of a given virus in all
its forms. The search for such hosts has
been complicated by the fact that
stocks of certain of those used w^ere
already infected. Orchard trees being
indexed often arc infected by more
than one virus and therefore give con-
fusing results. The long incubation
period of some virus diseases, such as
diamond canker of French Prune and
willow twig of peach, makes the pro-
cedure slow and costly.
Some of the difficulties are exempli-
fied by the efforts to get sour cherries
free of the sour cherry yellows virus.
The climate around the Great Lakes
appears to be well suited to sour cher-
ries, and most of the sour cherry or-
chards on the United States arc there.
The climate also favors development
of the sour cherry yellows disease, the
cause of serious losses. Infected trees or
nursery stocks grown in warmer cli-
mates may not be seriously affected
and may not show leaf symptoms. A
simple procedure for testing the sour
cherry orchard trees for the presence
of the sour cherry yellows virus or free-
dom from it would be to grow proge-
nies located in an area where, if the
virus were present in the progenies,
symptoms would be sure to develop on
them. Trees of other species could be
correspondingly tested by placing buds
from them into healthy sour cherry
nursery trees. The chief objection to
this procedure is that the nursery trees
propagated from diseased trees, or
healthy nursery trees infected by inoc-
ulation from diseased trees, sometimes
take 2 years to develop symptoms;
thus it takes a long time to get results.
Some difficulty has been experienced
in obtaining and maintaining disease-
free indicator trees. Also, sour cherry
does not expre.ss symptoms of many of
the other viruses which may be present,
thus necessitating further indexing on
other hosts.
A high percentage of sour cherry trees
is infected with the ring spot virus.
Build-up of this virus has taken place
over the years by indiscriniinnie prop-
agation frf»m infected trees, in which
the virus had become latent; by propa-
gation on infected seedling rootstocks,
infected by passage of the virus through
seeds; and by orchard spread.
Ring .spot is much more prevalent
than sour cherry yellows; in fact, ail
cultures of sour cherry yellows appear
to contain the ring spot virus.
The universal occurrence of ring spot
with yellows might indicate that yel-
lows is the expression of the combined
effect of two or more viruses, of which
ring spot is one. Ring spot is known to
exist without yellows and may be due
to a single virus that is generally a con-
taminant of yellows. Any index proced-
ure for sour cherry yellows would neces-
sarily have to take ring spot into ac-
In Michigan, index procedure for
sour cherries has l)cen developed with
peach seedlings as indicator plants.
Halehaven peach seedlings grown dur-
ing the current season arc budded with
cherry buds in late August. If ring spot
alone is present in the sour cherry trees
from which the peach seedlings were
budded, grow'th of the seedlings the
following spring is retarded, buds die
on many of the branches, and some-
times the branches die. Subsequent
new peach growth from surviving buds
assumes a normal appearance.
If sour cherry yellows is present in
the cherry trees, the inoculated peach
trees will show the retarding and die-
back characteristic of and caused by
the ring spot virus l)ut in addition sub-
sequ(‘nt peach grqjA’th from surviving
buds })roduccs shoots with short inter-
nodes and abnormally green leaves
crowded into loose rosettes. If neither
ring spot nor sour cherry yellows was
present in the clierries, the peach seed-
lings grow normally and should com-
pare with un inoculated checks.
"I'lie peach seedling technique is quick
and inexpensive. It can be done on a
large scale in many areas in the open
field. Its shortcomings are that peach
does not react well in the greenhouse
and cannot be used out-of-doors in
regions wliere peaches are subject to
winter injury. In sonic instances, poss-
sibly l)ccausc of virus forms or individ-
ual seedling differences, peach docs not
give clcar-ciit reactions. The possibility
exists that the dwarfing leaction attrib-
uted to yellows is due to a third virus,
which is a contaminant commonly as-
sociated with sour cherry yellows.
In Wisconsin, indexing procedure
has been developed by making use of
the fact that ring spot is usually associ-
ated with sour cherry yellows. Index-
ing is done in one of two ways. Scions
from the irecs are grafted on potted
disease-free Montmorency cherry trees
in the greenhouse and held at 70° F.
for 3 to 4 weeks; if the orchard tree has
ring spot, ring spot symptoms will de-
velop on the leaves of the potted tree.
The second way is to cut scions from
Ijb VIA«100K OF AORICUlTURi 1943
the orchard tree and hold them in cold
storage. The tree is inoculated with a
known culture of ring spot and ob-
served for symptoms, if no symptoms
develop, the tree is assumed to have
had ring spot l^efore the inoculation
and the scions in storage are discarded.
If the tree develops ring spot symp-
toms, it is assumed that it was not pre-
viously infected and the scion wood in
storage is used for propagation. By
eliminating ring spot, it is reasoned
that sour cherry yellows also is elimi-
nated. Our experience thus far has sup-
ported this conclusion.
Use has been made in Oregon of
two varieties of Prunus serrulate, Kwan-
zan and Shirofugen, for indexing for
the presence of ring spot and possibly
other latent viruses. When buds
carrying ring spot are inserted into
arms of Shirofugen, the buds die
without uniting, and gumming le-
sions are formed around the bud
insertion points. The virus apparently
moves very slowly, because if the
^branch is severed below the gumming
lesion the virus is removed. By spac-
ing index buds at intervals of 6 inches
or lc.ss along a branch, a single Shiro-
fugen tree can be used to index a
large number of orchard trees. Trees
that test negative on Shirofugen arc
then tested on Kwanzan, because in
a few instances a virus has been
found that wiU not affect Shirofugen
but will cause a reaction on Kwan-
zan. Viruses usually spread rapidly
through Kwan/an. A Kwanzan tree
therefore can he used only for one
Prunus tomeniosa, Manchu cherry,
has been used in Iowa and is reported
to be a more sensitive host for ring
spot than Lovell peach seedlings.
Manchu cherry was found unsatis-
factory in California because of varia-
bility among seedlings and its failure
to give a reaction with forms of the
ring spot virus which reacted on Hale
peach. Results of tests in Washington
indicate that Shirofugen is a much
more sensitive test plant than Manchu
More information is needed before
the different inde.v hosts can be
evaluated. Where sour cherries arc
maintained as clones and do not
show any symptoms of sour cherry
yellows under growing conditions
favorable for yellows, it can be pre-
sumed with reasonable certainty that
they arc free of yellows. Peach, sour
cherry, and the Shirofugen and Kwan-
zan varieties of oriental flowering
cherry all appear to be of value in
indexing for ring spot. Shirofugen
can be grown in climates with in-
sufficient chilling requirements for
sour cherries and appears to be as
sensitive to the ring spot virus as sour
cherry or peach.
Programs have been started in some
States to develop certified foundation
stocks. In some instances nursery-
men were furnished budwood direct
from orchard trees that had been
determined by index methods to be
free of virus. Tree performance was
determined by observations directly
on the orchard tree. In other in-
stances progenies have been grown
from indexed orchard trees and bud-
wood has been supplied to the nurs-
erymen from the progenies. In a few
instances enough budwood for direct
propagation of nursery stock has been
supplied from progeny trees, but
mostly nurserymen have increased
their own foundation stocks to supply
budwood sulTicicnt for their needs.
Peach budwood heated at 122® F.
for 5 minutes was used in Michigan
on a sufficiently large scale to show
that such treatment was practical
for nursery procedure. Experiments
earlier had shown that the treatment
would eliminate viruses of the peach
yellows group and X-disease. Certi-
fication on the basis of inspection
of orchard trees has been used satis-
factorily in Michigan for avoiding
the yellows group of diseases in
nursery stock; the heat treatment
adds assurance against any of these
diseases getting through.
A project has been undertaken in
Washington by the State Department
of AgfricuJture to assemble commercial
stone-fruit varieties free of the known
virus and virusiike diseases and to
grow them at an isolation station
near Moxee. The station is about 8
air miles from the closest commercial
orchards. The water supply is such
that the development of orchards
nearby is unlikely. Wild species of
pTunus arc not present in the locality.
Cooperating in the project are re-
search divisions of the United States
Department of Agriculture and the
Washington State Agricultural Experi-
ment Station. The plan is to establish
foundation stocks, true to variety and
free from diseases, that can be supplied
to nurserymen for increase. Nursery-
men arc encouraged to use the bud-
wood they obtain from Moxcc to
establish their own blocks of mother
trees, from which they can get buds
for nursery propagation.
The foundation stock-mother block
procedure has several advantages over
use of approved trees in orehards.
Mother- block trees projierly isolated
can be maintained with le.ss risk of
becoming infected by natural spread.
Pedigreed stocks, centrally located,
can be given proper care and can
more easily be checked for off- types or
diseases. Centralization also makes for
simplification of record keeping,
especially as regards progeny per-
formance and tracing troubles which
may arise.
It also has limitations. Standards
may be hard to determine. It has
not been established that certain
viruses, especially certain of the latent
ones, are sufficiently harmful to war-
rant exclusion. New diseases arc
continually being found, and it may
be difficult to prevent some of these
from getting into stocks. There will
be a continuing demand for the new
varieties and new strains of varieties,
which will pose a continuous problem
of what should be stocked.
If the isolation station procedure is
generally adopted, much expense can
be saved by putting it on a regional
basis. In the same way, procedure
for interstate shipment of nursery
stock could be simplified by inter-
state agreement on the requirements
for certification.
The most serious virus diseases of
citrus and pome fruits in most in-
stances can be detected and avoided
by orchard inspection. The psorosis
disease of citrus occurs in all of the
citrus-growing areas of the world. It
was distributed in infected budwood
before people knew it was caused by
a virus. Infected trees do not commonly
develop the spectacular scaling lesions
and decline symptoms until they
are 12 to 16 years old, yet the buds
taken from them before the symptoms
appear carry the virus. Exocortis, a
disease that affects trifoliate orange
rootstock, re.sulting in dwarfing the
trees growing on it, can be carried
by the top variety without symptoms
if it is grown on other rootstocks.
Stubborn disease, a third virus disease
that reduces the vigor and fruitfulness
of sweet orange, also requires several
years for recognizable symptoms to
develop in infected nursery stock.
All these diseases can be avoided
by selecting budwood from vigorous,
healthy-appearing orchard trees old
enough to show symptoms. For free-
dom from the exocortis virus, bud-
wood must be taken from trees grow-
ing on trifoliate orange rootstock.
The discovery that psorosis could be
diagnosed on the basis of symptoms in
young leaves has greatly simplified
certification procedure. Sweet orange
seedlings can be used to index any
species of citrus on which the presence
of psorosis cannot be determined by
orchard inspection.
None of the three citrus viruses we
mentioned appears to have any means
of natural spread in North America
except by occasional natural root
grafts between trees. Production of
virus-free nursery stock is therefore
an important and efficient way to
control them.
The contagious nature of the quick
decline disease of citrus, the lack of
distinctive symptoms, and the wide
occurrence of the causal virus in
sweet orange on rootstocks other
than sour orange make production of
nursery stock free of the quick decline
virus impractical as a control pro-
cedure within infected areas.
Several virus diseases affect pome
fruits, but only one, stony pit of pear,
has caused sufficient damage to merit
selection of disease-free scion wood.
Fruits of the Bose variety on diseased
trees are variously misshapen and
pitted. Tissue at the ba.se of the pits
and around the core becomes hard and
stony, making the fruit worthless. The
di-sease can readily be recognized in
the orchard just Ix'fore harvest on
frviits of the Bose variety. Other varie-
ties can be indexed by grafting healthy
Bose on one arm.
One rather .serious virus disease of
avocado, sun blotch, is the cause of
unfruitfulness and misshapen fruits.
The expression of the cli.scase is erratic
and no good indicator variety is known.
The best method of avoiding the dis-
ease seems to be l)y the use of f)ropa-
gation material from trees shown liy
progeny performance to be free of sun
i3lotch. 7’he disease appears to have
been spread chiefly in di.sea.sed nursery
stock and is the cau.se of enough dam-
age to w'arrant efiorts to avoid it.
Elimination of viruses and vinislike
disorders from nursery stock must pre-
cede measures applied in the orchard
for effective control. "I'o do this, .several
general steps are ne.ce.ssary. Viru.scs
and viruslike disorders, which cause
obvious symptoms, can be avoided by
use of bud wood from orchard trec.s
that show no .symptoms, are fruitful,
and true to type. Such trees preferably
should not be in plantings where, con-
tagious virus dise«j.se.s are pre.sent and
should not in any case Ijc adjacent to
virus- infected trees. Screening by in-
dex procedure is necessary to avoid
viruses that may be latent in orchard
trees. When desirable trees are once
determined free of virus, they should
l>c propagated on virus-free rootstocks
and grow'n under isolation where they
can be maintained under observation
and periodic testing to assure virus
freedom and desirability of type. Such
trees can serve as foundation material
from which propagating materials can
he supplied to nurserymen for estab-
lishing mother tree blocks, which in
turn supply budwood for nursery
It is equally important that orchards
producing seeds for growing rootstocks
be virus-free and of desirable type.
Specifications for indexing and isola-
tion would necessarily vary' with dis-
tricts, depending on the disea.scs pres-
ent and the fruits grown, but effort
should be made to devise provisions
with enough uniformity to allow for
interstate shipment. Growers should
demand virus-free trees. Nurserymen
need the cooperation and a.ssistance of
rc.search, regulatory, and extension
men, and growers. Nursery improve-
ment j)rograms are under development
in .several States and there is rea.son
for optimism.
L. C. Cochran is in charge uj investi-
gations oj virus diseases of deciduous fruits
in the Bureau of Plant Induslr}\ Soils^ and
Agricultural Engineering .
Earle C. Bi.odoett is located at the
Irrigation Experiment StalioHy Prosser^
Wash.y and holds a joint position of plant
pathologist with the Washington State De-
partment of Agriculture and the Washington
Agricultural Experiment Station, He is
responsible for developing fruit tree founda-
tion stocks and nursery improvement pro-
J. Du AIN Moore is associate professor
of plant pathology in the University of
Wisconsin and is engaged in investigations
of diseases of tree fruits., with particular
interest in virus diseases of sour cherries.
He is a native of Ijincaster County^ Pa.,,
and holds degrees from Pennsylvania State
College and the University of Wisconsin,
K. G. Parker is professor of plant
pathology at Cornell University. He has
been investigating diseases of trees since
and has been in charge of investiga-
tions of virus diseases of tree fruits since
ig 46 . He is a native of Indiana and holds
degrees from DePauw and Cornell,
The Inspection
of Imported
Donald P, Limber, Paul R. Frink
Federal plant quarantines have been
in effect in the United States since
1912. They do not prevent the impor-
tations of large numbers of plants each
year. The plants offered for introduc-
tion must be examined to determine
tliat they arc free from plant pests that
are not present in our country or are
not widely established here. This first
examination at the ports of entry
searches out all plant pests — insects,
fungi, virus diseases, and nematodes.
The Bureau of Entomology and
Plant Quarantine is responsible for the
pest-risk problem in the importation
of plants. Two States, California and
Florida, collaborate with the Federal
Government at the ports within their
borders. All States cooperate in the
follow-up inspections that are given
certain genera of plants when they arc
grown in the field under post entry
The inspector’s basic tools are a
hand lens and a microscope. He ex-
amines the imported plant material to
sec if any plant diseases are present
and identify the ones he finds. On the
identification depends the decision as
to whether those plants should be
rejected, treated, or released. If he
cannot identify the disease, the. inspec-
tor holds the shipment and refers a
specimen to the Washington office for
determination by specialists.
The very nature of plant diseases
makes it hard to enforce plant quaran-
tines. Bacteria and the spores of the
higher fungi that spread the diseases
are so minute that they are usually
invisible without magnification unless
massed in large numbers. Even when
the spores have germinated and in-
vaded the tissues of the plant, evidence
of the developing disease ordinarily
docs not appear at once. Leaves in-
oculated with Celletotrichum cypripedii
show the first symptoms in 15 or 16
days. That is about the normal period
for the incubation of many other dis-
eases, but some may appear in as few as
4 days and others only after a month
or longer.
Few fungus diseases can be eradi-
cated when they arc present in living
plants. Therefore the plants on which
a new disease is found usually are
rejected. There are some exceptions.
Hot-water treatments for nematode
diseases and a few fungi (such as the
leaf smut of rice, Entyloma oryzae^ and
the mint rust, Puccinia menthae) under
favorable conditions may eliminate the
parasites. Another example: The citrus
seeds may carry the bacteria Xan-
thornonas citri, w^hich cause the citrus
canker. Citrus seeds immersed in a
soluiion of I part peroxide of hydrogen
to 2 parts of water for i o minutes arc
completely cleansed of viable citrus
canker bacteria.
The plant quarantine inspector
at Houston, Tex., made his customary
examination of the stores of a cargo
vessel from Japan. The fruits and
vegetables in ship’s stores, though for
use on the ship, may be a serious risk.
The crew members may attempt to
smuggle fruit ashore. Peelings and
spoiled stores may be thrown into
harbors and washed ashore.
In the stores the inspector found
five citrus fruits on whose rinds were
numerous small, round, corky spots.
The fruits were confiscated and de-
stroyed, as citrus from Japan is pro-
hibited entry into the United States.
Samples of the rind bearing the
spots were sent to a Bureau mycologist
at Hoboken, N. J. All five fruits were
infected with citrus canker, Xantho^
monas airt\ a highly destructive disease
of citrus and one that is believed to
have been completely eradicated from
the United States after long and ex-
pensive effort.
Citrus canker was found in passen-
gers’ baggage and ships’ stores on lo
occasions in a single month at the
port of San Francisco — an illustration
of the need for continuous vigilance.
At the old inspection house in
Washington, D. C., which stood on
the corner of Constitution Avenue at
Twelfth Street, an inspector was ex-
amining some orchids from the wilds
of Brazil. Some small patches of
dusty, yellow material on a leaf caught
his eye.
It seemed harmless at first glance
and resembled amorphous materials
sometimes found on orchid leaves.
Upon turning the leaf over, however,
he saw that there was a yellowing of
the tissue extending through the leaf.
Other leaves with more numerous
spots were found. Some of the leaves
were dead.
When sections were made, the dusty
material proved to be the uredospores
of the rust, Hmileia oncidii. All the
infected leaves were removed and de-
stroyed, The plants were then disin-
fected by a dip in bordcaux mixture.
Hemileia oncidii and other rusts of
orchids, which have also been inter-
cepted many times, are not known to
be established in the United States.
A LARGE SHIPMENT of lily-of-thc-
valley pips (Convallaria majalis) arrived
on the docks at New York in 1950,
The pips originated near Hamburg,
Germany. The inspectors at the port
gave them the usual thorough exam-
ination on the pier, as these plants
are a known host of the stem and bulb
nematode {Ditylenchus dipsaci).
No Ditylenchus was found, but the
roots carried some sandy soil. Soil is a
serious hazard in quarantine enforce-
ment. It may carry insects, particu-
larly the larvae and pupal stages,
various soil-borne fiingi, and plant
nematodes. Imported plant material
therefore must come with clean roots.
The pips were ordered to be sent to
the Hoboken Inspection House for
cleaning. At Hoboken the washings
from the roots were examined care-
fully for plant pests, and finally proc-
essed to recover any nematode cysts
that might be present.
The plant pathologist, looking down
through the microscope at the debris
Boating in the dish beneath the lens,
observed a smooth, dark-red, spheri-
cal body with a short neck, floating
around with the debris. The whole
object was less than i millimeter in
diameter. Here was a truly dangerous
immigrant — the cyst of the golden
nematode (Heterodera rostochiensis) filled
with living eggs.
Further search revealed that it was
not a lone cyst, but that the whole
shipment of pips was heavily contami-
nated with golden nematode cysts,
by hundreds at least, and possibly by
thousands. Each cyst contained 10 to
400 eggs. It is quite probable that
this one shipment of lily-of-the-valley,
after being distributed by sale to
florists for growing, might have es-
tablished the nematode in not one but
many new areas. Its introduction
into our remaining potato-growing
areas would be a disaster as it has
proved to be on Long Island and in
some parts of £uro]>e.
The interception of the golden
nematode on these Convallaria was not
the first interception of this pest nor
by any means the last. The cysts are
found frequently not only in soil with
plants, but they have also been inter-
cepted adhering to straw and burlap
bagging. The menace they present is
heightened by the longevity of the
eggs within the cysts. H. rostochiensis
eggs have been known to hatch after
8 years.
Part of the Convallaria shipment was
treated with hot water. The pips were
immersed in hot water at 118® F. for
30 minutes, then removed and cooled
with water after draining for 5 minutes.
The treatment must be given with care
as the margin between a complete kill
of the nematodes and serious injury to
the plants is very small. The plants
not treated were forced in postcntry
quarantine in isolated greenhouses.
After the flowers were harvested the
plants were destroyed, and the soil and
the benches then sterilized with steam.
Our three examples illustrate the
varied nature of the inspector’s prob-
lem. The virus diseases arc especially
difflcult to detect in dormant plants,
the condition in which most nursery
stock is imported. It was largely to
overcome this difficulty that postentry
quarantine was devised.
Postentry quarantine is the re-
quirement that some genera of plants
be grown under observation of State
and Federal inspectors, usually for two
growing seasons, before they are re-
leased for sale or distribution. The
plants subjected to this treatment are
the ones known to be the hosts of
some serious plant disease that does
not occur here or is restricted in dis-
tribution in the United States. In
most instances the plants are pro-
hibited from the countries in which the
disease is known to occur. The post-
entry provision then applies only to
other countries in which it might be
present but unreported.
Rose will virus {Marmor flaccum-
Jacieni) occurs in Italy, Australia, and
New Zealand. Rose plants or cuttings
arc prohibited from those countries.
If a nurseryman wishes to import the
material from any other foreign coun-
try he will be required to make a legal
agreement that he will grow the mate-
rial at a designated place, accessible to
the State nursery inspector and the
Federal plant quarantine inspector
until it is released. In each of the fol-
lowing two growing seasons the State
nursery inspector will inspect the
plants several times. Sometimes he
will be accompanied by an inspector
from the postcntry section of the divi-
sion of plant quarantines. The plants
will be examined particularly for any
evidence of rose wilt virus, but also
for other foreign diseases or insects
which may have accompanied them.
Postentry inspectors aim must gather
from the published records information
on the foreign plant diseases which we
are attempting to exclude. Summaries
of the information are then dis-
tributed to the State inspection serv-
ices. In that way the State inspectors
can know the proper time to inspect
roses, hops, or other postcntry plants
in their areas, and something of the
appearance of the foreign diseases.
Daphne mosaic virus was found in
1950 in a lot of 250 Daphne mezereum
plants from Holland. Then the disease
was known only in Australia and
New Zealand. It was the basis for
the inclusion of daphne in the post-
entry list. The plants were promptly
destroyed under the supervision of the
State nursery inspector.
At the end of the second growing
season those postcntry plants which
have remained free of diseases and
insects new to the United States arc
released from quarantine.
The postcntry inspection makes it
possible to examine the plants when
they are in leaf and at times favorable
for detection of the particular diseases
for which they arc quarantined. In
1953 there were 50 genera of plants
that must be grown in postentry
quarantine when imported from cer-
tain parts of the world. Besides them,
a blanket provision includes fruit
and nut plants.
Donald P. Limber has been em-
ployed as a plant pathologist in the
Department of Agriculture's plant quar-
antine work since rg24. He is now plant
pathologist of the postentry section of the
Bureau of Entomology arid Plant Quaran-
tine stationed at Hoboken^ N. J,
Paul R. Frink, a native of Nebraska^
received his graduate training in plant
pathology at the University of Nebraska,
He has worked with several Government
agencies since ig^i and with the division
of plant quarantines since ig42. He is
employed as a plant quarantine inspector
at the San Francisco Inspection Station,
Horace S. Dean
Modern transportation in the air age
brings us close in time to lands far
distant in point of miles. Travel for
business, recreation, and cultural pur-
poses stimulates interest in exotic
plants, fruits, and other plant products.
Modern commerce and world econ-
omy are conducive to an international
flow of plants and plant products —
together with the plant diseases which
these materials may carry — across
international boundaries, including
our own.
Were there no barriers to plant dis-
ease entry, the United Stales could
readily become the habitat for a host
of plant diseases which are not now
known in this country and which, if
introduced and established here, could
become the cause of untold additional
annual losses in field crop, fruit, hor-
ticultural, floricultural, and forest pro-
We take comfort, however, in the
provisions of the Plant Quarantine
Act of 1912, as amended, by which
many safeguards are erected against
entry and establishment of foreign
plant diseases as well as against the
domestic spread of introduced diseases.
The safeguards consist of embargo and
regulatory provisions in both foreign
and domestic commerce. The follow-
ing remarks relate only to the pro-
visions of the Act concerning plant
Jn order to ,jrcvent the introduction
of any plant disease that is not known
in this country or that is not widely
prevalent or distributed in the United
States, the Act empowers the Secretary
of Agriculture to issue a quarantine
prohibiting the importation of the host
materials of that disease and prescribes
certain legal requirements which must
precede the issuance of that quarantine.
They include a determination of the
necessity for the action, and a public
hearing on the subject. The quarantine
notice must specify the host materials
to be excluded and name the countries
where the disease occurs. Thereafter,
and until the quarantine is withdrawn,
the importation of the named host
materials from the specified countries
is prohibited regardless of the use for
which the materials are intended.
All nursery stock not excluded by
such embargo action may enter this
country only when a permit has been
issued by the Secretary of Agriculture
for the importation. If the plants arc
to come from a country with an official
phytosanitary inspection system, the
shipment is to be accompanied by a
certificate of the proper official of the
country of origin that the nursery stock
has been thoroughly inspected and is
believed to be free from injurious plant
diseases and insect pe^ts. In the case of
importations from countries without
ofl^icial systems of inspection, the ship-
ment shall meet such conditions as the
Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe.
Any plants, fruits, vegetables, roots,
bulbs, seeds, or other plant products
not defined as nursery stock in the Act
may be brought under regulated entry
comparable to that for nursery stock
by action of the Secretary. To do so he
must determine that the unrestricted
importation of any such plant mate-
rials may result in the entry of injurious
plant diseases. Other requirements arc
similar to those necessary to promul-
gate a prohibitory quarantine.
An amendment to the Act that was
approved July 31, 1947, improves the
protection against foreign plant disease
entry by making provision for growing
nursery stock under postentry quaran-
tine by, or under the supervision of, the cign countries are examined for unau-
Department of Agriculture, for the thorized plant material,
purpose of determining whether it may The plant material that is permitted
be infested with plant pests not dis- entry into the United States is in-
cernible by port-of-entry inspection spected for the presence of plant pests,
methods. Should there be such infec- The more hazardous of the plant
tion, the Secretary is authorized to propagating materials that arc per-
prcscribe remedial measures to pre- mitted entry are routed, upon ar-
vent the spread. This feature is partic- rival, for intensive inspection at
ularly useful in the instance of virus specified locations where specialized
diseases. facilities are available, both for in-
spection and for whatever treatment
The various quarantines and is required. These facilities arc main-
orders issued under authority of the tained at Hoboken, N. J. (in the Port
Act and now in force cover practically of New York); Miami, Fla.; Laredo,
the entire field of foreign host mate- Tex.; San Francisco and San Pedro,
rials — plants and plant parts, including Calif.; Seattle, Wash.; Honolulu,
fruits, vegetables, seeds, several filjers, T, H.; and San Juan, P. R. Certain
and cut flowers — likely to carry inju- designated kinds of plants arc then
rious plant diseases into this country, released only for growing by the im-
Several of the quarantines and orders porter pending further observation for
are issued under authority of both the plant pests — particularly virus dis-
prohibitory and regulatory parts of the eases — not detectible at the time of
Act. entry.
A number of the foreign quarantines Not all importations are inspected
cont^n provisions complementing do- with equal thoroughness because that
mestic plant disease control programs, would be loo costly and, according to
For example, a feature of Nursery experience, unnecessary. The Depart-
Stock, Plant, and Seed Quarantine ment therefore places greater empha-
No. 37 regulates the entry of barberry sis on the inspection of some classes
seeds and plants in harmony with the of plants and plant products than on
provisions of Federal domestic Stem others (according to known or po-
Rust Quarantine No. 38. Another fea- tential risk of entry of plant diseases)
ture of Quarantine No. 37 prohibits in order to afford the maximum de-
the entry of citrus seeds into Florida, gree of protection possible with the
where there is a comparable State facilities available. The State plant
quarantine against citrus propagating quarantine agencies support the De-
materials from other States. partment in connection with the
The quarantines and orders are en- postentry quarantine work by assum-
forced by plant quarantine inspectors ing the primary responsibility for the
at the principal ports of entry. The growing-season surveillance of im-
inspectors are assisted through cooper- ported plants held under postentry
ative relations by their associates in the quarantine conditions. Certain States
Customs, Immigration, Public Health, contribute materially to the entry
and Postal Services, and the Bureau of control program at ports of arrival.
Animal Industry and by collaborating The Department itself makes nu-
Statc plant quarantine services. The mcrous importations in connection with
total effort of those services and the its program for improving field and
foreign inspection and certification of vegetable crops, the horticulture,
plants before shipment provide an cf- floriculture, and forestry of the coun-
fectivc program for the enforcement of try, and for kindred experimental
the quarantines and prevention of the and scientific reasons. These intro-
entry of plant diseases. Carriers and ductions, which may legally include
cargoes, mail, and baggage from for- material prohibited entry, are sub-
jected to evcn^orc rigid control and
S2deguards on entry than are intro-
ductions by the public.
As to domestic commerce, the Act
in some respects is more adaptable
to the needs of a program for preven-
tion of the spread of plant diseases
because it gives the Secretary au-
thority to embargo or regulate the
moveruent of “stone or quarry prod-
ucts, or any other article of any
character whatsoever, capable of car-
rying any dangerous plant disease,”
as well as authority to embargo or
regulate the movement of nursery stock
and other plants and plant products.
In a manner similar to the proce-
dure prescribed in the field of foreign
commerce, the Secretary may quar-
antine any State, Territory, or Dis-
trict of the United States, or part
thereof, whenever he determines it is
necessary to do so in order to prevent
the spread of a new or not yet widely
prevalent or distributed dangerous
plant disease. He is directed, when
public interest will permit, to provide
by regulation for the msp>ection,
treatment, and certification of the
regulated materials in order to govern
their movement from the quarantine
Unless the Secretary has issued a
quarantine to prevent the domestic
spread of a dangerous plant disease,
the Act sp'^cificily provides that a
State, Territory, or District may en-
force a measure for the same purpose.
The Secretary has discretionary au-
thority also to cooperate with States
to carry out their quarantine measures.
The quarantines and regulations
governing the domestic movement of
plant materials may be divided
roughly into two classes — those gov-
erning interstate movement on the
mainland of the United States and
those governing movement between
the off-shore territories and possessions
and the mainland, or other off-shore
territories and possessions. These do-
mestic quarantines on the mainland
are usually associated with disease
control projects of the Department.
The States help materially in carrying
out these projects, including enforce-
ment of related intrastate quarantines.
Further assistance in the domestic
quarantine enforcement is derived
from the inspection by Federal inspec-
tors of shipments of quarantined
materials moving interstate through
traffic centers. Although the Act pro-
vides for such protection, practical
enforcement problems resulted in lift-
ing the only quarantine of the main-
land for the protection of an off-shore
area. Only three quarantines of off-
shore areas exist w^hich arc designed
for plant disease reasons to protect the
continental United States; namely the
quarantine (No. 16) of Hawaii and
^erto Rico on account of sugarcane
diseases, and the quarantines of Hawaii
on account of citrus canker (Nos. 13
and 75).
The Act also makes especial pro-
vision with respect to the District of
Columbia in order that it may have a
plant quarantine inspection service
similar to that of the States and Ter-
ritories. The Secretary of Agriculture
is authorized to make regulations to
govern the movement of plants and
plant products into and out of the Dis-
trict “in order further to control and
eradicate and to prevent the dissemi-
nation of dangerous plant diseases.”
This part of the Act also confers au-
thority to compel an owner to take
sanitary action in case of a nuisance
situation to prevent the dissemination
of plant disease.
Horace S. Dean, a graduate oj the
University of Tennessee^ entered the em^
ployment of the Federal Horticultural
Board in Washington, D, C,, as a plant
quarantine inspector in 1923, Except for a
brief period as a plant pathologist in Cen^
tral America, he has worked continuously
in the field of Federal plant quarantine,
with special emphasis in later years on
program administration. He is now assist^
ant division leader of the division of plant
quarantines. Bureau of Entomology and
Plant Quarantine,
The Nature of
to Disease
S. A. Wingard
We can get a double economic gain
if we can introduce into our agriculture
crops that are naturally immune to
diseases and thereby avoid both the
loss from disease and the cost of sprays
and other ways of combatting disease.
To do that — as W. A. Orton pointed
out in 1908 — one has to know the
problems of heredity, the nature of a
disease, its governing factors, and the
type of resistance involved in order to
adopt the most promising lines of ap-
proach in breeding.
Disease resistance in plants is not an
easy subject to understand. It involves
the intricate relations between the
plant — the host — that is being at-
tacked and the fungus or bacterial
organism — the parasite — that is doing
the attacking.
I’he terms “disease resistance” and
“immunity” can be used lo denote
different degrees of the same thing.
Various degrees of disease resistance
are possible. Immunity means com-
plete resistance to disease; immune
means not subject to attack by a path-
ogenic organism or virus.
We might consider othei definitions
here at the start: A pathogen is a
parasitic organism or virus whose
activity causes disease in the host. The
host is a living organism that harbors
another organism or virus that depends
on it for existence. Pathogenic, the
adjective, means having the ability to
induce disease. A parasite is an organ-
ism or virus that lives on the tissues of
another living organism. To inoculate
is to introduce a micro-organism or
virus or a material containing either
into an organism, a culture medium,
soil, or something like them. To infect
is to invade an organism and to bring
about infection. A suscept is an organ-
ism that is affected or can be affected
by a given disease. Resistance is the
ability of a plant to withstand, oppose,
lessen, or overcome the attack of a
pathogen. Susceptibility is the inability
of a plant to defend itself against an
organism or to overcome the effects of
invasion by a pathogenic organism or
Immunity is absolute. Resistance
and susceptibility are relative: A plant
is either immune or not immune to a
pathogen, but it may be more or less
susceptible or resistant. A plant may
be “slightly susceptible,” “moderately
resistant,” or “extremely susceptible” —
but not “moderately immune” or
“highly immune.”
The ability of a susceptible plant to
avoid infection because it possesses
some quality (such as earliness of
maturity) that prevents successful in-
oculation is called escape, or klendu-
sity. Escape must be clearly distin-
guished from resistance. Tolerance is
the ability of a plant to endure the
invasion of a pathogen without show-
ing many symptoms or much damage.
A degree of resistance great enough so
that no serious economic loss results
(although there might be considerable
invasion by the pathogen) is termed
“practical resistance.” Certain varieties
of wheat, for example, for practical
purposes are resistant to Icslf rust —
the rust causes little loss although the
plants may become heavily rusted as
they approach maturity.
We use the term hypersensitiveness
to denote such a violent reaction of a
plant to an attack by an obligate para-
site (a pathogen that depends on living
tissue for its nutrition) tl^t the invaded
tissues of the host are quickly killed, so
that there is no further spread of in-
fection. In essence, hypersensitiveness
is extreme susceptibility, but its prac-
tical effect, as far as crop Joss is con-
cerned, amounts to extreme resistance.
This type of reaction is common in
cases of infection of many plants by
rust fungi and some of the viruses.
The definitions help us avoid some
wrong ideas about the nature of resist-
ance and help us understand what can
and cannot done in plant breeding.
For instance, a variety that escapes a
particular disease is not necessarily a
resistant variety.
William A. Orton long ago pointed
out the differences between what he
termed disease-escaping, disease-en-
during, disease-resisting, and immune
He said: “Disease endurance some-
times results from the ability of the
plant to grow in spite of an attack,
cither through exceptional vigor or
through a hardier structure, as in the
case of certain melons which better
survive the attacks of leaf-blight be-
cause the leaves do not dry out as
quickly as do those of the ordinary
melons. Drought-resistant plants are
often disease-enduring. Watermelons
from semiarid Russia were for this
reason the last to succumb to the wilt
disease when planted in our Southern
“Finally, we have disease-escaping
varieties. Such, for example, arc the
extra early cowpeas which mature
before the season for wilt and root-
knot to develop. These varieties which
escape disease through earliness or
lateness are often really very suscep-
tible. The Early Ohio and o^cr early
potatoes, which commonly mature
before the appearance of the late
blight disease, are among the first to
succumb to this disease if planted so
late as to be still immature when the
moist weather of the late summer or
early fall enables late blight to spread.”
E. M. Freeman, a professor in the
University of Minnesota and one of
the pioneers in this subject, pointed
out that little difference exists in the
real resistance powers of oat varieties
to the common oat rusts, and when a
grower is told that an oat variety is
resistant because it usually escapes the
rust through eariiness of ripening, he
is led into a serious mistake. The
essential character of true resistance
lies in a protoplasmic activity and is
independent of inoculation accidents.
A variety may escape a disease
through certain peculiarities of the
host. To prove that, Dr. Freeman grew
a variety of barley in different soils,
which varied from the normal garden
soil to those containing about 2 per-
cent of alkaline salts. Plants in the
different soils, inoculated by sprays in
the greenhouse, showed different
amounts of rust. Those in the stronger
alkaline soils generally showed less
rust. The latter, however, when at-
tacked outside the greenhouse, ex-
hibited large and vigorous growths of
the rust. That was undoubtedly due to
the greater development of “bloom”
on the barley foliage when it was grown
in the strong alkali; the bloom caused
the drops of water to roll off and the
inoculating material to be lost. The
bluish color of the plants in the alka-
line soils and the greater tendency of
the water drops to run off were quite
pronounced. There seems to be no
reason for assuming that there was
any difference in real resistance to
The economic importance of disease-
enduring varieties ought not to be
overlooked by pathologists and plant
breeders. Effective work in selection
and breeding may be accomplished
in the production of disease-enduring
plants. Some of the best varieties
of the hard spring wheats commonly
used in the North Central States, for
example, come under this class in
regard to stem rust, since they do
not possess any appreciable amount
of resistance. They can endure mod-
erate attacks of rust, but all go down
in a heavy epidemic of rust. No sharp
distinction may exist between disease-
enduring and disease-resistant varie-
ties, but for practical purposes well-
marked resistance can be detected
readily under proper experimental
Immune varieties have perfect re-
sistance. Their production will prob-
ably always remain rare in comparison
with those possessing only a partial
resistance or high powers of endurance.
E. J. Butler of India in 1918 em-
phasized the importance of distin-
guishing between disease resistance
and disease escape, between avoidance
of disease and endurance of disease,
between true immunity and resist-
ance. He gave several instances of
the way in which plants may avoid
a disease to which they are not
truly resistant. They may be grown
in areas with a climate that the
parasite cannot stand. (Many of our
most important cultivated plants have
a wider range than their parasites.)
Or the date of sowing may be changed
to a period when the temperature
or humidity is unsuitable for germina-
tion of the spores of the parasite.
Varieties may be grown that mature
quickly before the parasite can do
them much damage. Instances of
successful endurance of plants to
attacks of parasites involve mostly
the vigor of the plants and can be
modified by different methods of
cultivation and manuring.
True resistance to disease is different
from those instances in that it depends
on some structural or physiological
characters of the plant that prevent
successful invasion of the parasite.
C. Brick of Germany in 1919 pointed
out that susceptibility of plants to
disease is not due to degeneration, old
age, and such causes, but usually
is the result of certain differences in
the stiiictures of the host itself. He
believed that a higher content of
acid, sugar, and tannin also has a
bearing on the resistance of a variety
to parasites. He said that some plants
escape disease because their season of
blossoming or maturing does not
coincide with the development of the
Different types of disease resist-
ance exist in plants.
To quote Orton again: “The typi-
cal form of disease resistance involves factory demonstrations of cases whw
a specific reaction on the part of the resistance to highly adapt^ parasites
host cell against a true parasite, a is due to thickened epidermis, develop-
character developed in nature in the ment of hairs, etc., are lacking,
evolution of the species and strength- It has, on the other hand, been
ened in cultivated plants through the shown . . . that germinating spores
work of the breeder. of fungi often penetrate the epidermis
“Less imp)ortant from the breeder’s of plants they can not parasitize,
standpoint aie plants resistant through and are killed forthwith by the cells
(a) structural differences, (b) disease they attack. It is hard to under-
endurance, and (c) disease avoidance, stand why a thick cell wall should
The evidence indicates that the resist- protect from infection a leaf which
ance is due to a specific protective has many thousand openings as
reaction of the host cell against the breathing pores through which a
parasite. So in plants the evidence fungus might enter. . . .
leads us to believe that more is in- “Resistance due to structural causes
volved than the acidity of the cell docs occur in troubles due to wound
sap or the chemo tactic effect of sugars parasites, a fruit or a tuber with a
or other food substances. thick rind being thereby less liable
“The first group is the most im- to bruising; as there may be an
portant, relating as it docs to diseases indirect connection, a plant of more
due to the most highly developed open habit of growth being thereby
parasites, such as the rusts, mildews, less subject to attack by fungi which
and other injurious fungi. The evi- require moisture for their develop-
dence indipates that the resistance is ment.”
due to a specific protective reaction Observations by other early scien-
of the host cell against the parasite.” tists showed that mechanical immunity
Orton was not sure that the re- may have some significance in certain
action between host cell and fungas instances but cannot be accepted as
parasite in plants w'as the same as a universal phenomenon; natural im-
that described for some forms of munity does not depend on the ana-
immunity in man and the higher tomic^ peculiarities of plants, but on
animals, in wliich substances in the properties of their cytoplasmic cell
blood serum neutralize the toxin contents and on active resistance of
excreted by the invading bacteria host plant cells, usually accompanied
and assist in the de.struction of the by a complicated physiological re-
latter. He stated, however, that the action in response to penetration by
evidence in plants leads us to believe the parasite.
that more is involved than the acidity Other workers just as strongly
of the cell sap or the chemotactic contend that resistance or immunity
effect of sugars or other substances, in plants is due to morphological
He said: “The delicacy of the factors. Still others have confused
reaction may be better understood the “disease-enduring” and “disease-
if we recall the fact that it is adjusted escaping” varieties with resistant or
to repel specific invaders. A plant immune varieties,
resistant to one disease may be quite
susceptible to another. General hardi- The causes for apparent resisti-
ness is also another matter. A plant ance or immunity to a disease and
may be resistant to cold and yet tolerance to a disease arc rather easily
extremely susceptible to the attack of explained. But when we consider the
some parasite . causes for true immunity and resistance,
“Structural differences do not seem we find ourselves involved in a maze
to play much part in enabling plants of anatomical, physiological, biochem-
to resist the true parasite. Satis- ical, and ecological evidence and
theories, which have been offered,
some to explain specific cases of re-
sistance and the others to explain the
problem in general.
Before entering into a discussion of
them, we should have in mind the
fact that what we commonly think of
as infection consists of two stages. The
first is the entrance of the parasite
into the tissues of the plants. The
second is the establishment of para-
sitic relationship with the host. Some
fungi, such as the rusts, enter many
plants from which they cannot obtain
nourishment and therefore perish be-
cause they cannot accomplish the
second stage of infection.
One realizes, then, that immunity
and resistance may be due to the
plant’s morphological and anatomical
characters that prevent the first stage
of infection or entrance of the para-
site into the tissues; or to biochemical
properties or anatomical characters
of the tissues of the host, which prevent
the second stage of infection or the
establishment of parasitic relationship
with the tissues of the plant.
Cases of immunity or resistance due
to the anatomical characters of the
host preventing entrance by the para-
site are frequent.
Coffee leaf disease usually starts on
the under surface of the leaf because
there are few stomata — pores or open-
ings — on the upper surface.
Young beet leaves are practically
immune to attacks by Cercospora hcticola
because their stomata are so small as
to be incapable of opening widely
enough to allow for the entrance of
the germ tube of the spores of the
fungus which can only enter the host
through the mature stomata.
Some varieties of plums resist brown
rot caused by Sclerotinia cinerea because
the stomata soon become plugged
with masses of small parenchymatous
cells. The toughness of the skin, the
firmness of the flesh, and high fiber
content also arc characteristics that
make varieties of plums resistant to
brown rot. As ripening progresses, the
texture of the resistant varieties rc-
mains firm, while that of the suscep-
tible becomes softer.
The stomata of Kanred wheat,
which is resistant to certain strains of
Puccinia graminis tritici^ arc said to be of
such a nature as to shut out most of
the fungi. Wheat has a tendency lo
keep many of its stomata dosed.
It may be that a secretion of the
rust fungus makes the mechanism of
the stomata inoperative and they re-
main closed, thus excluding the fun-
gus. In the Kanred wheat, which has
smaller stomata, those peculiarities
might be more effective in excluding
fungi than in varieties of wheat with
larger stomata.
The resistance of Citrus nohilus to
citrus canker is due to a broad ridge
over-arching the outer chamber of the
stomata, which practically excludes
water from them, thus preventing the
entrance of the canker bacteria.
The resistance of some carnations
to rust may be due to the type of
stomata that make it impossible for
the rust hyphac to penetrate the leaves.
The resistance of some varieties of
barley to rust is due to the bloom —
waxy coating — on the leaves, which
keeps drops of water from adhering
to them. Consequently the rust spores
cannot germinate on them. The more
waxy varieties of. raspberries and
grapes arc less damaged than others
by cane blight.
Mr. B. F. Lutman, uf the Vermont
Agricultural Experiment Station, after
investigating the resistance of potato
tubers to scab {Actinomyces scabies)^ re-
ported that at the head of the resist-
ant class stand the potatoes of the
russet type and that thickness of skin
determines resistance of tubers to scab.
The hairs on the leave's may in-
fluence resistance of plants. Varieties
of potatoes with small, hairy leaves
and open habit of growth dry quickly
after wetting and are less liable to
infection by late blight than other
kinds, but perhaps the open habit of
growth (and not the abundant hairs)
is the chief factor with such varieties.
Some technicians believe that hairs
seem to save the under surface of the
apple leaves from infection with the
apple scab fungus (Venlurta inaequa-
lis)y while Venturia pyrina readily at-
tacks the smooth under surface of the
pear leaves. That belief, however,
does not agree entirely with other
observations in regard to the scab on
apple. Frequently most, if not all,
primary infection by apple scab is on
the lower surface of the leaves. It is
also a matter of common observation
that the young fruits, while still cov-
ered with down, are very susceptible
to scab.
The very hairy common mullein
(Verbascum thapsus) is attacked by six
leaf-inhabit* ng parasitic fungi, but
only three are reported as occurring
on the moth mullein (V. blattaria)^
w'hich is free of hairs.
Variations of form or structure in
certain varieties may influence suscep-
tibility. As an example: Varieties of
pears with an open channel from calyx
to core are most susceptible to Fusarium
petrejaciens, a fruit-rotting organism.
The immunity to loose smut in barley
has been attributed to the closed flow-
ers found in the resistant varieties. In
closed flowers the stigmas are not ex-
posed to infection. The rare occurrence
of ergot on wheat is said to be due
to the brief and irregular openings of
the glumes at maturity.
Let us next consider cases of im-
munity due to incompatibility of the
invading organism with the tissues of
the plant — the failure of the organism
to accomplish the second stage of in-
fection, which is the establishment of
parasitic relationship with the host.
The prevention of this second stage
of infection sometimes is due to the
anatomical characters of the host tis-
sue. More often it is due to biochem-
ical properties of the cells.
Examples of structural characters
influencing resistance have been ob-
served in plums attacked by brown
rot {Sclerotinia cinera) and potatoes in-
fected by tut^er rot {Pythium dehary-
anum). Some varieties of plums be-
come more susceptible to rot when
they begin to ripen. That is due to a
softening of the middle lamellae be-
tween the cells, which allows the
fungus to force its way through the
tissues more rapidly.
In making a physiological study of
the parasitism of Pythium debaryanum
on the potato tuber, Lena Hawkins
and R. B. Harvey, of the Department
of Agriculture, found that the fungus
secretes a toxin that kills the cells and
an enzyme that breaks down the mid-
dle lamellae but does not affect the
secondary thickenings to any extent.
They observed that White McCor-
mick, a potato very resistant to Pythium
debaryanum^ has a higher crude fibc:r
content than that of susceptible vari-
eties. The higher fiber content they
attributed to more secondary thicken-
ings in the cell walls. Resistance to
infection is apparently due to the
resistance of the cell wall to mechani-
cal puncture by the invading hyphae.
When we come to consider cases of
immunity due to biochemical proper-
ties of the cells, we are confronted with
many complicated theories and specu-
lations, all of which support the theory
that such immunity Ls due to a chemi-
cal interaction between the host and
the parasite.
E. C. Stakman, of the University of
Minnesota, in 1919 showed that resist-
ance of some plants to rust is due to the
dying of the cells surrounding the
point of infection and the consequent
starving of the obligate parasite. That
is called supersensitivity, or hyper-
sensitiveness. The cause has not been
determined, but it might be of bio-
chemical origin.
J. G. Leach, then of the University
of Minnesota, stated that in a variety
of bean highly resistant to anthracnose
seldom more than one or two cells are
attacked and that resistance seems to
be due to the inability of the fungus to
obtain nourishment from the living
protoplasm of the bean.
Tannin, often found in vegetable
cells, generally is toxic to fungi.
M. T. Cook and J. J. Taubenhaus,
of the Delaware Agricultural Experi-
mcnt Station, pointed out that fc^ans
are more susceptible to anthracnose
(Colletotrichum lindmuthianum) during
the stages of their growth when the
enzyme that acts on gallic acid in the
cells to form tannin is least abundant.
In apples, pears, and persimmons, and
other fruits, the enzyme is less abun*
dant when the fruits are ripe than
when they are green. That explains
the lower resistance to rots in the ripe
Cook found also that tannin affects
differently the various species of the
Endothia fungus. It inhibits E, radicalis
and E. gyrose, E, parasitica^ the cause
of chestnut blight, is retarded at first
but later is able to feed on the tannin.
Acidity of the cell sap evidently
plays some part in resistance of grapes
to black rot (Guignardia hidwellii).
Varieties that contain less tartaric acid
in their cell sap show greater resistance
to the rot than those containing greater
amounts. Botrytis cinereay a parasitic
fungus, is repelled by certain acids in
plant cells. The resistance of grapes to
powdery mildew {Uncinula necator) also
has been correlated with the acidity of
the cell sap. The resistant varieties
contain more tartaric acid than do the
less resistant kinds.
O. Comes, an Italian investigator,
has drawn attention to the fact that
Rieti, a variety of wheat strongly re-
sistant to rust in Italy, has a more acid
sap than that of any of the other less
resistant kinds he tested. The loss of
resistance in Rieti when it is grown in
warmer localities than its native area
is correlated with reduced acidity of
the sap.
M. Popp, a German scientist who
investigated the hydrogen-ion concen-
tration and natural immunity of plants,
found that infections of pathogenic
bacteria cause the plants to respond
with variations of the hydrogen-ion
concentration. Immediately aher in-
fection the acidity decreases. At the
end of the incubation period the
acidity rises. If the plant can with-
stand the infection, the acidity then
falls back to normal. If the plant can-
not withstand the infection, hydrogen-
ion concentration rises to a high level
and then falls, usually below normal.
Other cell contents seem to account
for some types of resistance.
Biologic species of parasitic fungi are
sensitive to minute differences in the
amounts of albumin in host plants.
Maybe that explains why some varie-
ties are resistant to certain biologic
strains and not to others.
J. C. Walker, of the University of
Wisconsin, observed that the smudge
fungus, Colletotrichum circinanSy normally
attacks only white onions and not
those with red or yellow papery scales.
But if he removed the colored scales,
the colored onions then became sus-
ceptible to the smudge disease. Acting
on the hunch that the pigments were
associated with the resistance of the
colored onions, he extracted the pig-
ments with water and found that in the
extracts the spores of the smudge
fungus would not germinate normally.
Nor would the fungus grow, although
it developed normally in similar ex-
tracts of white-scaled onions.
The extracts of red and yellow pig-
ments were analyzed later by K. P.
Link and H. R. Angell, Dr. Walker’s
associates. They found the toxic sub-
stances to be protocatcchuic acid and
catechol. They discovered that the
substances also protect the colored
onions from certain other diseases.
H. N. Kargopolova discovered in
Russia that the cell sap of wheat varie-
ties immune or highly resistant to the
leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina was
characterized by a high content of
phenols similar to protocatechuic acid,
while that of susceptible varieties was
low or completely devoid of these
J. Dufrenoy of France has shown
that in resistant plants the vacuolar
sap of cells adjacent to those killed by
the invading pathogen become rich
in phen9lic compounds. He suggested
that such elaboration of toxic materials
is an important factor in the resistance
of the plant.
W. N. Ezekiel and J. F. Fudge, of
the Texas Agricultural Ex]:)eriment
Station, explained that the general im-
munity of monocot plants to root rot
{Phymatotrichum omnivorum) is due at
least in part to the presence in the roots
of these plants of minute quantities of
acids, ether-soluble substances, and
possibly organic acids or esters. G. A.
Greathouse and hLs associates of the
Texas station have shown that the
resistance of several species of plants to
phymatotrichum root rot can be ac-
counted for on the basis of their alka-
loid content.
L. I. Miller, of the Virginia Agri-
cultural Experiment Station, noted a
close correlation between the ribo-
flavin content of the leaves of j^caiiut
varieties and the resistance of the
varieties to peanut leaf spot (Cercospora
arathidicola) . The lower the riboflavin
content, the greater the susceptibility
to leaf spot. No apparent relationship
existed between leaf spot resistance and
the amount of protein, ether extract,
ash, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free
extract of the peanut leaves.
Chemical disease resistance in plants
offers the biochemist a fertile field for
research, and in that field we should
search for the causes of disea.se resist-
ance in plants.
We must not regard the different
degrees of disease resistance displayed
by plants as fixed and absolute. En-
vironmental factors modify them pro-
foundly. In fact, growers qften believe
that unfavorable rainfall and tem-
perature arc the direct and only rea-
sons for the trouble. Temperature,
moisture, fertility, and reaction of the
soil markedly affect disease develop-
ment. Light and the temperature and
humidity of the air also may be
Other factors, such as the age and
maturity of the plant, may affect dis-
ease resistance. Thus the observed de-
gree of susceptibility or resistance in
any case is a product of many inter-
acting factors of which the inherent
susceptibility of the host is only one.
The degree of virulence of the patho-
gen, the age and condition of the plant,
and the environment with its many
effects on both host and pathogen, ail
must be suitable before maximum sus-
ceptibility can be cxpres.scd.
K. Starr Chester, of the Oklahoma
Agricultural Experiment Station, has
compared infection with the operation
of a complicated lock, every tooth and
tumbler of which must be in proj>cr
alincment before the lock will open;
as the failure of a single correspondence
between lock and key will prevent the
act of unlocking, just so the failure of
any of the many factors required for
disease expression may entirely inhibit
the infection.
We have seen that plants have
many types and grades of resistance to
disease. In certain types the resistance
is due to a reaction of the cells or tis-
sues of the host to invasion by the
It is natural, therefore, for us to ask
whether there is in plants a type of in-
duced or acquired immunity, such as
is so important a factor in animal and
human pathology. A patient, for in-
stance, recovers from scarlet fever; his
blood contains antibodies that destroy
the pathogen; he has acquired an im-
munity from .scarlet fever and he will
not again take the disease. Also, his
blood scrum may be used to prevent
or cure scarlet fever in other patients.
Once a child is vaccinated with the
virus of cowpox, a mild form of small-
pox, he suffers a mild attack of cowpox,
and as a consequence he acquires im-
munity from the more virulent small-
pox disease.
Do plants have the same ability as
animals and human beings to recover
from one attack of disease and thereby
acquire an immunity against subse-
quent attacks of the same disease? If
not, why not? Much thought has been
given to those questions. With the ex-
ception of some of the virus diseases,
however, we have little or no clear evi-
dence of the development of acquired
immunity in plants. There appears to
be no good evidence of the existence
of antibodies elsewhere than in the im-
mediate vicinity of the site of infection
by fungus and bacterial parasites. Be-
cause infection by the organisms is usu-
ally localized, only local immunization
is apt to occur.
The organization of plants is much
simpler than that of animals in the
sense that each component part is less
closely linked with the well-being of ail
the other parts and is less dependent
for its functioning on them. There is no
central nervous system and no blood
or lymph streams. Every living part
has or may have within it the capacity
to regenerate the whole plant. There-
fore we should not draw analogies be-
tween what occurs in animal disease
(where any local disturbances or local-
ized injury may have rapid repercus-
sions on other parts) and disease in a
plant (where an organ, such as a leaf
or branch, may be lost with little or no
effect on the rest of the plant).
The only cases in which it has been
fully demonstrated that infection can
lead in plants, as in animals, to im-
munity from subsequent reinfection oc-
cur in the most completely systemic
plant diseases that are known — the
ones that arc catjscd by viruses.
The virus diseases of plants arc much
like the diseases of animals in that the
virus can spread through the entire
plant and infect all its cells. In several
virus diseases a previous inoculation,
or “vaccination,” will confer immu-
nity against a later attack, even when
the second inoculation is with a much
more virulent strain of the virus.
Tobacco ring spot is an example.
Its virus produces many dead lesions
on the leaves of young tobacco plants.
If the diseased plants arc protected
and allowed to continue growth, how-
ever, the severe phase of the disease
passes, and the new leaves show less and
less evidence of disease. Finally leaves
arc produced that arc entirely normal
in appearance. If the leaves arc inocu-
lated with the ring spot virus, no
disease will develop; the plant has
thus acquired immunity from ring
spot. Cuttings may be taken from
the recovered parts of suck plants
and from the cuttings new plants
may be produced. The plants appear
entirely normal and they arc immune,
as they cannot again be made to show
symptoms of ring spot by inoculation
w'ith the virus.
These “recovered” plants, however,
still contain the virus. If juice from
one of them is inoculated into a
normal plant, the latter will develop
typical ring spot symptoms. This type
of immunity, as in animal medicine,
is specific. The recovered ring spot
plant is immune to ring spot but
not to other virus diseases, just
as the person who has recovered from
smallpox or has been vaccinated
against it is immune to that disease
but not to any other disease.
S. A. WiNGARD is head oj the depart-
ment of plant pathology and physiology oj
the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
plant pathologist oj the Virginia Agricul-
tural Experiment Station and Extension
Service^ Blacksburg^ Va. He has devoted
most oj his time to research on the diseases
oj tobacco, beans, and tree jruits and jor
many years has been especially interested
in the nature oj disease lesistarice in plants.
Dr. Wingard holds degrees jrom the Ala-
bama Polytechnic Institute and Columbia
Ergot sclerotia producing sexual spore
Breeding for
Resistance to
George H. Coons
In the botanical garden of the Na-
tional School of Agriculture at Mont-
pellier, France, stands a statue dedi-
cated to Professor G. Foex, commem-
orating his success in saving the grape
industry of France by resistant varie-
ties from America. It symbolizes the
spirit and aim behind man's efibrt to
breed healthier plants.
The figure of the weak, old man in
the statue repre.scnts the grape industry
of southern France, about to die. Sup-
porting and sustaining the man is a
sturdy, young woman, America.
The statue comrrcmoraics the mod-
ern application of disca.se resistance as a
control measure that began about 1870.
The story of it has great meaning for us
Attempts to control powdery mildew
of grape m Europe by introducing
rooted American vines for breeding
purposes had backfired because the
American grapes had carried with
them the grape root aphis, or phyllox-
era. The insect, native of United Stales,
did no great damage to our wild and
cultivated grapes because it and its
host had reached an equilibrium over
the centuries. Introduced into Europe
some time before i860, the phylloxera
found the vinifera types of grape highly
susceptible. Soon the insect spread
throughout the entire grape-growing
When the vines were first found dy-
ing under attacks of the root aphis, the
American varieties were remarkable in
escaping injury. Attempts were then
made to substitute the best American
varieties to replace the dead vines.
That was not, satisfactory. Next, the old
French vinifera varieties were grafted
to the American varieties that had
maintained vigorous growth despite
the phylloxera. That procedure was
more successful. It saved the grape in-
dustry until hybrids between the re-
sistant or nearly immune American
sorts and the French varieties could be-
bred to furnish better adapted, resist-
ant stocks on which to graft the vinifera
Powdeiy mildew, phylloxera, and
dow ny mildew, introductions from the
United States, revolutionized methods
of grape culture in Europe. Some of
the resistant stocks that were developed
to meet the crisis still are being used
W'herever vinifera types are grown.
All that the statue at Montpellier
tells. And more: It underscores the in-
ternational aspects of the research pro-
gram that seeks to control plant dis-
eases by developing disease-resistant
That program has many facets.
Men the world over have searched
wnthin all species of crop plants sub-
ject to serious diseases and their cousins
for breeding materials that carry the
hereditary factors for resistance.
They have made worldwide collec-
tions of germ plasm and comprehen-
sive assemblages of varieties and strains
of crop plants and their related species.
The crop specialists have sought the
wild forebears of the cultivated sorts at
the places where the species presum-
ably originated. They have combed
the countries where the particular dis-
eases are endemic in the searcii for
strains and individuals which, through
operation of natural selection, might
have come to bear factors for disease
For experiments and tests of resist-
ance, they have chosen sites where in-
cidence of disease may be expected to
be extremely high, the exposure severe
and uniform, and other conditions con-
ducive to efficient research.
All in all, then, breeding healthier
plants is a long-time program whose
many phases require diversified yet
balanced, strong, consistent, and thor-
oughly coordinated efforts.
The research has to be international
and national. It must also be regional
in scope: Seasons have to be tele-
scoped; tests of breeders’ strains and
selections under a range of disease ex-
posures have to be conducted in many
areas at the same. time. Delays in pro-
ducing seed and multiplying clones of
desirable stocks must be avoided. In-
creases of seed for commercial pur-
poses have to go forward promptly and
Breeding for disease resistance has
constituted for many years a major
part of the Department of Agricul-
ture’s plant pathological program, in
which the Bureau of Plant Industry,
Soils, and Agricultural Engineering
works in cooperation with Stale agri-
cultural experiment stations, the seed
growers, and farmers.
Outstanding results have come from
the research. Among them are funda-
mental biological discoveries that ap-
ply not alone to plants and their reac-
tions but shed light and afibrd new
techniques for solution of probleni.s of
human and animal dLseasc. They have
added to our knowledge, especially to
the concepts concerning man and his
relations to hi.s environment. They
have had immediate practical signifi-
cance. The disease-resistant varieties
that have been developed and intro-
duced have added greatly to our own
wealth and to the wealth of nations.
An attempt was made in 1 936 to ap-
praise the contribution of disease-re-
sistant varieties to American agricul-
ture. The crop statistics and the dollar
values of the 8-year average, 1928-
*935> yycrc compiled then of
course do not apply to today’s farm
production and values. But at that
time the contribution to farm value for
17 leading farm and vegetable crops
was placed at 10 percent.
In the years since 1935, the degree
of disease resistance in the new vari-
ctics has been greatly increased, and
many other disease problems have
been put in line for solution by the
introduction of superior types. The
acreage of many crops has increased,
and on the expanded acreage the dis-
ease-resistant varieties have gained
wider and wider acceptance among
growers. Almost revolutionary changes
have occurred as old varieties have
been replaced bv new productions
whose chief superiority derives from
disease resistance. The acreage occu-
pied by varieties for which it is proper
to apply the term “disease-resistant”
has moved from approximately 25
percent in 1933 to more than 50 per-
cent. No small part of the increase
derives from the almost total swing in
many States to varieties of hybrid
corn and to the popularity of newer
kinds of wheat, oats, and potatoes.
Very generally in the areas of greatest
production the higher yielding, belter
adapted, and more disease-resistant
sorts have replaced the old varieties.
If we want to j^ut the benefit from
disease resistance in terms of dollars,
we may use the early, conservative esti-
mate of 10 percent, which allows for
seasons with lessened disease outbreak.
But we must take into account the
greater utilization of the superior sorts.
Wc assume that about one-half of the
acreage is concerned. Our total farm
value of crops ranges from about 12 to
15 billion dollars annually. So we get
ri figure of Goo to 750 million dollars
as the annual benefit that comes from
the use of resistant varieties.
But the returns must not be based
alone on the farm value of the crop.s,
because that omits the marketing
pliase. In a fanning area, if the farmers
lose their crop or have a reduced pro-
duction, those engaged in tlic proces-
sing, handling, sale, and transporta-
tion have their means of livelihood
curtailed. With most crops, wc are
not far wrong in placing the contribu-
tion to the processing, packaging, mar-
keting, and transportation industries
as equivalent to that of the farm
value — so that 1.2 to 1.3 billion dol-
lars is the annual contribution to agri-
culture of disease-resistant varieties.
One more aspect: The utilization of
■disease resistance is not merely the
stopping of leaks here and there in an
otherwise profitable agriculture. The
disease situation with our crops very
frequently is serious and, almost with-
out exception, control measures add to
farming costs. The farmer, as he pays
for fungicides and their application
and as he employs other disease-con-
trol measures — such as sterilization of
seed and soil — pays a heavy impost to
the plant pathogens. Control of disease
by use of a disease-resistant variety has
been described as the “painless meth-
od’* that does not levy on the farmer’s
pocketbook except as he has to pay
for the care and harvest of a larger
crop. As increasing crop production
costs tend to make more and more
crops marginal, the lessened expense
for disease control may mean the dif-
ference between profit and loss from
the farming business.
With some crops, notably the sugar
plants, cereals, and potatoes, disease-
resistant varieties may spell the dif-
ference between success and failure.
Without the kinds resistant to curly
top, western United States would have
abandoned the culture of sugar beets,
and this keystone crop would have
been lost to irrigation agriculture.
Without resistance to mosaic and root
rot, sugarcane culture would have dis-
appeared in the Sugar Belt of the
South. The citrus industry must de-
pend on trees reworked on resistant
stocks if tristeza should develop in
the United States at all comparably to
its advance in Argentina, Brazil, and
other countries. Wheat production
has been threatened by a new race of
the black stem rust, 15B, and new
resistant varieties are imperatively
The contribution of a disease-resist-
ant variety includes other things.
Improvement in yield and quality
usually has accompanied the resistant
“variety as a result of better and more
nearly normal growth or as intrinsic
improvement, irrespective of the fac-
tors of resistance. The farmer gives
better culture to a crop that shows
promise. Certainly the varieties that
have gained ready acceptance and
have moved into position of standards
in our agriculture — such as Washing-
ton asparagus; Wisconsin yellows-re-
sistant cabbage; the numerous wheat
varieties; Bond, Victoria, and other
disease-resistant oats; Michigan golden
celery; the Robust bean; mosaic and
root rot resistant G. P. sugarcane;
U. S. 22/3 sugar beet, which is resist-
ant to curly top; U. S. 215 x 216/3
and U. S. 216 x 226, the varieties of
sugar beet that are resistant to leaf
spot; Katahdin and Chippewa pota-
toes; and mildew- resistant cantaloups
(to cite only a few) — all have had im-
proved commercial quality and high
capacities for yield, along with disease
resistance. With the resistant varieties,
even if the crop is somewhat reduced
under epidemic conditions, there is
certainly something to harvest which
offsets labor costs of production — a
striking contrast to crops of some of
the old varieties that were not worth
harvesting at all. Those intangible
contributions — stability in rotation sys-
tems, permanence in the agricultural
program of an area, and the increased
security that comes from lessening of
hazards in crop production — permit
the farmer to plan with greater
Almost all of our cultivated plants
trace back to primitive man. During
the ages, as people wrested the plants
from nature and conserved them, they
must have improved them whenever
disease outbreak retarded or eliminated
the less resistant ones.
The early experiences in which re-
sistant host plants were found in re-
gions where a given disease or insect
pest is endemic have shaped our think-
ing and forced recognition of the first
and fundamental principle in breeding
for disease resistance, namely, that
where host and parasite are long asso-
ciated, then in the evolutionary proc-
ess resistant forms are developed by
natural selection.
Conversely, when an introduced par-
asite enters a new environment and
finds new host plants, conditions may
be conducive to its growth and spread;
above all, the pathogen may find a host
*blant in which no resistance has ever
been developed. Such plants are at-
tacked with great virulence. Many of
our serious outbreaks of plant disease
trace to the introduction of parasites
to which our nonresistant crop plants
immediately succumb. Faced with such
emergencies, it is almost axiomatic
to apply this basic concept about host
and parasite relations that came to
light 75 years ago when grape culture
in Europe was threatened with, ex-
William A. Orton inaugurated in
the Department of Agriculture breed-
ing for disease resistance as an effec-
tive and practical means of disease
control. His investigations met the spe-
cific disease-control problems and gave
the guiding principles to this branch
of plant pathology. When Erwin F.
Smith, famed plant pathologist and
bacteriologist of the Department, had
completed his studies on the pathology
of the fusarium wilts of cotton, water-
melon, and cowpea, he assigned to
young Orton — fresh from the Uni-
versity of Vermont — the job of devel-
oping control measures. Each disease
problem was solved by the application
of disease resistance, but each crop
required a different approach. To
combat the wilt of cowpea, Orton
utilized the natural resistance of an
existing variety after his comparative
tests on infested soil had shown the
“Iron” cowpea not only resistant to
wilt but nearly immune to the root
knot nematode.
Against cotton wilt, Orton employed
methods that are operative today in
all attempts to improve cotton varie-
ties — the selection within desirable
strains of individuals that survive
under conditions of drastic exposure
and the proving of the selections by
subsequent tests of the progeny. Co-
operating closely with growers and a
practical cotton breeder — E. L. Rivers,
who had started some selections in
1895 at Centerville, S. C. — Orton
centered his attention on fields of
highest infestation with the fusarium
wilt fungus. He subjected to further
tests the progenies from the individual
plants that were selected, because he
soon learned that mass selection alone
was not effective. In less than 10
years he produced many highly resist-
ant varieties — Rivers, Centerville, Dil-
lon, and Dixie varieties, each, in its
day, a successful introduction that
grew well where ordinary types failed
and each a contributor of germ plasm
for the use of cotton breeders to im-
prove their varieties further.
In developing wilt-resistant water-
melons, Orton had to go beyond just
selection and progeny testing. Failing
to find resistance in edible varieties of
watermelon, he turned to the highly
resistant citron melon, used only for'
feeding livestock, and incorporated
genes for resistance from it into the
“Eden” watermelon. Thus he synthe-
sized a disease-resistant variety by hy-
bridization. Those investigations ante-
dated the rediscovery of Mendel’s law,
whose disciplines would have been ex-
tremely useful to the young scientist as
he selected for desirable characteristics
from the segregates in the F2 genera-
tion. By further selection, Orton ob-
tained the wilt-resistant watermelon,
Conqueror, capable of giving good
crops despite disease. In repeated tests
in later years, Conqueror retained its
qualities, and the problem apparently
was solved, except, as Orton quaintly
said, “styles in watermelons changed.”
Market demand for long melons of the
Tom Watson type made 4 he round type
of melon unwanted. But the scientific
contribution was there, and the genes
from Conqueror still are used in re-
H. L. Bolley, another pioneer in
plant pathological research, shares
with Orton the distinction of bringing
to the fore the possibility of meeting
serious disease problems by resistance
breeding. BolJey discovered in 1900
that flax wiJt, most serious of all flax
diseases, was caused by a soil-infesting
fungus, Fusarium Uni. Bolley added a
new concept to plant pathology,
namely, that of flax-sick soil — that is,
soil infested with Fusarium Uni. Bolley
extended this concept of soil infesta-
tion to apply to other crops. He
pointed out that greatly reduced
yields below those of virgin soils and
the so-called “running out of soil”
might have a biological explanation.
He used experimental plots, notably
famed Plot 30, that were highly in-
fested with Fusarium Uni to develop
resistant flax varieties: North Dakota
Resistant 52, North Dakota Resistant
1 1 4, and Buda, and later, with O. A.
Heggeness, produced the variety Bison,
which is still in wide commercial use.
The investigations of Lewis R. Jones
and his students, J. C. Gilman, J. C.
Walker, and W. B. Tisdale, at the
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment
Station, in breeding yellows-resistant
cabbage firmly established disease-
resistance breeding as a control meas-
ure. This wilt disease, caused by Fm-
sarium conglutinanSy had practically ru-
ined cabbage production in the rich
bottom lands near Racine, Wis.
Building on the work of Orton and
Bolley, the Wisconsin investigators se-
lected in 1910 some individual plants
from fields sustaining an almost com-
plete loss. Only a few of the remaining
plants produced heads. The plants to
serve as seed bearers were critically
selected from them and brought to
seed. Then the individual progenies
were tested on highly infested soil. By
this technique, yellows-resistant strains
of Hollander type were obtained. Lat-
er, Walker and his associates produced
yellows-resistant strains of other stand-
ard cabbage varieties. The results with
the resistant cabbages were dramatic.
The new strains gave almost a full
crop where the commercial type failed.
Before the work was concluded, resist-
ant types, equivalent in quality and
productiveness to any nonresistant
types previously grown, were made
available to growers. This important
vegetable crop was saved not alone for
Wisconsin but for many other States
where the disease had been introduced.
The w'ork in Wisconsin stressed the
influence, of environment upon the
parasitism of Fusarium. Soil temper-
ature particularly was found to be
highly significant in determining the
ability of the fungus to attack and of
the host to withstand the parasite.
Here we have the beginning of the
concept that di.sease resistance needs
to be defined not alone in terms of the
organism-host relation, but as well in
terms that include the environmental
conditions as they influence both host
and parasite.
The work of W. H. Tisdale at the
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment
Station with flax wilt developed that
idea further. He showed why some
varieties of flax resisted Fusarium lim
only under certain conditions. Tem-
perature relations determined the in-
fecting powers of the fungus. Wilt-
susccptible flax grown with soil
temperatures below 60*^ F. escaped
disea.se; grown at 68° F., it was
completely susce7)tiblc.
By his experiments, conducted on a
field that had grown flax continuously
for a decade, H. D. Barker at the
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment
Station clarified a confused situation
with respect to disease resistance by
showing that resistance depends on
the genotype and is not something
acquired by mere as.sociation of host
and parasite. The high incidence of
infection in an experimental field at
St. Paul, Minn., augmented by inoc-
ulation of the soil with pure cultures
of the flax wilt Fusarium., allowed him
to obtain clear-cut reactions with the
resistant varieties then available. He
showed that lines may be selected that
breed true for resistance and that some
lines are heterozygous. In his work we
find the first research that indicated
that the flax fungus itself breaks up
into strains.
With the work on flax, cabbage,
tomato, and other plants, the concept
of strains within the pathogens anal-
ogous to what was known for the
rusts became established. The success
in breeding strains resistant to the
soil-infesting vascular parasites of the
genera Fusarium and Verticillium is
impressive. Resistant varieties have
been obtained for numerous plants,
including aster, banana, cabbage,
carnation, celery, chrysanthemum,
cotton, flax, muskmelon, pea, spinach,
sweetpotato, tobacco, tomato, and
A basic thing in Orton’s work with
the wilt diseases was that he centered
attention on fields with the highest
disease incidence. With the water-
melon wilt, Orton insisted on pro-
ducing practically too percent infec-
tion in the test field. That he did by
locating the tests in fields whose soil
was known to harbor the fungus and
by placing manure infested with the
causal organism in the melon hills.
He thereby subjected the plants to the
severest of both natural and artificial
exposures. In breeding techniques,
disease exposures are of paramount
Although in the breeding of rust-
resistant varieties of cereal, the sig-
nificance of biological races that exist
within the rust species was given
prominence frGm almost the beginning
of the research, that concept, as we
have seen, was rather slow in being
recognized in the disea.se-rcsistance
breeding programs with vegetables
and certain other crops. The occa-
sional failure of resistant types to meet
disease situations eventually forced
attention to the problem.
From the investigations of the cereal
rusts and smuts, we have the most
complete delineation of the problem
to be faced in breeding for disease
resistance — namely, the play of forces
within the pathogen and the host,
both Hying entitles with inherent
capacities for variation.
Writing in 1924, William B. Brierley,
a British scientist, tgok note of the
growing evidence of existence of bio-
types within common species of para-
sitic fungi and pointed out that the
true relation is between “host-strain”
and “parasite-strain.” That biotypes
exist within our species of pathogens
is now commonly accepted. Compari-
son of isolates on the basis of physio-
logical reactions reveals the species to
be composed of many subgroups that
fall within the limits of the species,
but differ among themselves; notably,
this also is the situation wdth respect to
pathogenicity. By means of the host
plant and its varieties and segregates,
it has been possible to demonstrate
existence of a wnde range of biotypes.
The complexity of the disease pro-
ducers, therefore, parallels that of the
crop plant. We are thus concerned
wdth the genetic make-up of the host
and the parasite.
In seeking to explain the rather
broad adaptation of resistant varieties
as they were developed, some of them
many decades ago, and their continued
value in agriculture, we are led to
another principle in disease-resistance
The first succc.sscs were obtained
with a group of soil-infesting species.
All had the characteristics of produc-
ing such severe disease exposures that
only those plants survived that were
truly resistant. Progeny tests conducted
on the same soil eliminated the “es-
capes” and concentrated attention on
truly resistant portions of the popula-
tion. But in addition to those charac-
teristics of the early experiments, the
research w^as conducted in the field
and against the full range of organisms
that would be likely to accumulate in
years of intensive agriculture. Thus
we may suppose that a fairly large
array of biotypes w^as included in the
pathogenic material. A relatively high
degree of resistance was sought and,
as such, it would be likely to manifest
itself similarly against most biotypes of
the organism. Too often in subsequent
research, similar breadth of exposures
has net been sought, nor have criteria
for resistance been high enough.
From this background and with
such diverse plants as grape, cotton,
watermelon, flax, tomato, and the
cereals, a system of breeding has
evolved. We have learned that wher-
ever a serious disease has occurred in
nature, plants carrying factors for
resistance may be found, because with-
out such qualities there would have
been no survival.
From the research with Fusarium^
we are taught to concentrate on fields
having nearly total and uniform ex-
posure to a given disease complex.
The successful outcome may largely
be attributed to the cliaractcristics of
the Fusaria to produce almost cem-
plete infestation. Thus the parasite
cooperated by pointing out the plants
to select and safeguarded against mis-
take. Should factors for resistance be
lacking in the cultivated varieties, then
we have learned to seek jhe genes in
related resistant species and to incor-
porate them into the genotype. Al-
ready a body of knowledge has been
built up concerning the inheritance of
the factors for resistance.
Some form of inoculation procedure
has commonly been found necessary as
insurance that the work will not re-
ceive discouragement and setback by
selection of individual plants that arc
mere ‘‘di.seasc-cscapcs” — a bugbear in
all such breeding. Here the plant pa-
thologist, by learning how to create a
localized epidemic in the experimental
field, may make a highly significant
contribution. Other logical steps along
the course set by the ])ionecr research
are the location of test fields at jilaces
where environmental factors are con-
ducive to epidemic outbreak, the
manipulation of cultural operations to
increase disease exposure, the main-
tenance over the years of plots tc insure
heavy soil infestation, and other similar
measures to insure maximum exposure
to diseases.
We have learned the significance of
the existence within both host and
parasite of species of biotypes that
differ wdth respect to their physiologi-
cal reactions — using this term in its
broadest sense. I cannot overstress the
importance of this.
If the breeding is to succeed, if it is
to have wide applicability and meet
more than some restricted situation,
and if it is to avoid disappointments,
then there must be a utilization of the
widest po.ssible array of genotypes of
both host and pathogen. The former
could provide a broad base for selec-
tion and could provide genes for high
resistance, and the latter could give as
broad a base of exposure as possible.
How a crop plant may be tailored to
fit a disea.se complex created by the
niultipHcity of biotypes within a path-
ogen is shown by research on wheat
and oat diseases, as di.scus.secl in an-
other chapter, page 33. Even though
the parasites are on the move, and a
once-prized variety may pass out of
the picture because cf a disea.se, a de-
featist altitude is not warranted.
Nevertheless, the fiicts are patent that
unless the exposure encompasses about
the ordinary range of virulence ex-
hibited by the gamut of biolypes of the
pathogen likely to be encountered,
the resistant type as developed may be
very restricted as to its area of adapta-
tion and short-lived as an agricultural
Thk success of these classic research-
es lead to the application of the prin-
ciples and techniques with those dis-
eases wdth which it was possible to
produce high incidence of infection.
The successful results of the investiga-
tions that stemmed from the early re-
search constitute highlights of accom-
plishment. Subsequent sections of this
Yearbook give, by crops, the results in
detail. There has been extensive appli-
cation of the techniques of disease-
resistance breeding. My familiarity
with the sugar-plant investigations
leads me to draw upon them to show
how it has been possible to broaden
the scope of this method of disease
control. These extensions fall, into three
groups: Breeding for resistance to virus
infection, breeding for resistance to
necrotic diseases, and the combinitig
in one variety of resistance against
several disea^s.
Control of virus diseases by breed-
ing resistant varieties is well exempli-
fied by sugarcane mosaic. When that
disease was first definitely identified as
the cause of decline of sugarcane pro-
duction in the subtropical cane-grow-
ing districts of the Western Hemisphere
probably no recent plant disease
aroused more public attention. The
early work of identification and clari-
fication of the etiology among a welter
of speculations and the discovery by
E. W. Brandes at the Department of
Agriculture that a plant-louse, Aphis
maidis^ is the vector are dealt with in
another section. These discoveries
came shortly after H. A. Allard’s fun-
damental studies on tobacco mosaic
had shown that insects can transmit
virus infections. The first control of
sugarcane mosaic was by introduction
of mosaic-tolerant P. O. J. varieties
from Java, where the disease had long
been endemic. The P. O. J. varieties
were introduced into Louisiana in
1 926, when the sugarcane industry was
about to fail. They stemmed the tide
of bankruptcy and saved the industry.
Then began extensive breeding for
the control of sugarcane disease in
which lessons learned from experience
in Java, where mosaic was endemic,
were applied to the American prob-
lems. The research centered on hy-
bridizing Java and Indian sugarcanes
that derived their resistance from wild
sugarcane, Saccharum spontancuni, with
Saccharum qfficinarum, the noble cane.
It was necessary to find a place in the
United States where the sugarcane va-
rieties would flower in order to make
the hybrids and backcrosses. Canal
Point, Fla., on Lake Okeechobee, was
chosen for the experimental work.
Then countless seeds had to be grown
and progenies selected in the fields on
the basis of agronomic characteristics.
After this screening to obtain eco-
nornic types, the seedlings that re-
mained were subjected to a further
winnowing process under severe ex-
posure to sugarcane mosaic. Of the
thousands of seedlings started in the
first 10 years of work, only three —
C. P. 807, C. P. 28/11, and G. P. 28/.
ig__vvere introduced as economic
varieties. These three and two impor-
tations — Co. 281 and Co. 290 — be-
came standard canes and were great
advances over old varieties formerly
The early breeding work at Canal
Point was dominated by the need to
find immediate replacements for D 74
and Louisiana Purple, old varieties
that had failed because they were sus-
ceptible to mosaic, root rot, and red
rot. The research was somewhat hit-
and-miss. Beginning in 1928, a pro-
gram of purposeful crossing, backcross-
ing, and selfing, accompanied by se-
lection, was instituted. The plan sought
to combine the favorable factors from
tw'o or more varieties of proved value
into a single variety. The most impor-
tant hybridizations have been those
that sought to nobilize the interspecies
crosses between .S’, qfficinarum and S,
spontaneumy as well as S. bar her i. These
crosses have given rise to disease-re-
sistant varieties that increased the unit
yield several fold and are adapted to
many soils and climatic conditions.
The success of the breeding program,
which in essence has been the progres-
sive nobilization of the resistant wild
plant by application of genetic tech-
niques while retaining its character-
istics for disea.se resistance, is evidenced
by the strccim of disease-resistant, high-
ly productive, and high-quality canes
that have been introduced. Bearing in
mind that the designation “G. P.” de-
notes a selected sugarcane coming
from the Canal Point breeding station,
and that no cane could succeed under
Louisiana conditions if it were not re-
sistant to mosaic and other diseases,
the census of varieties in u.se in Louisi-
ana in 1951 showed that about 90 per-
cent of the acreage was planted with
disease-resistant G, P. varieties.
Equally dramatic in portraying
the control of a virus disease is the
breeding for the control of sugar beet
curly top. With the sugar beet, it was
not necessary to go to wild species of
Bela for the genes for resistance h>ecause
the commercial sugar beet as produced
by European breeding was open-pol-
linated and extremely heterozygous.
In the fields where curly top appeared
early, every plant w^as affected. All but
a very few resistant ones were rendered
worthless, Ijeing curled and stunted.
In those fields the complete and uni-
form exposure functioned to guide se-
lections. Eubanks Carsner, Dean A.
Pack, and others selected resistant in-
dividuals and by simple mass selection
produced the first curly top resistant
variety, U S. i. The variety was only
moderately resistant; only about one-
fourth of the plants in the population
were resistant and the others were sus-
ceptible. In comparison with almost
complete failure of commercial strains,
however, it was outstanding. It offered
hope to an industry about to quit and
may be said to have held the line until
more resistant strains could l>e bred by
continued mass selection. The curly
top resistant varieties scored a spec-
tacular success and saved the sugar beet
crop for western United States. It pre-
sents a second example of control of a
virus disease by breeding for resistance
to disease.
The early successes in obtaining
resistant plants were confined mostly
to the diseases in w'hich the reaction
between the host and pathogen was,
as Orton phrased it, “very delicate.”
Such a highly specialized relationship
would exist with diseases produced by
the most highly developed parasites or
with pathogens whose activities were
intracellular. The rust fungi, together
with the powdery mildews, and possi-
bly the viruses, usually are considered
as exhibiting the highest forms of para-
sitism. With them, therefore, we could
expect that breeding investigations
W'hose objective is to upset the relation
of pathogen strain to host strain would
i>e likely to be fruitful. The success in
breeding varieties resistant to fusarium
wilt w^as with organisms belonging in
the subsection of this genus in which
the parasite invades the water-con-
ducting vessels of the stem and induces
systemic poisoning — a specialized form
of parasitism. No cases have been
reported in which resistance has been
obtained against the Fusaria that cause
necrosis of roots, stems, or leaves.
It is therefore of interest to consider
diseases of the necrotic type to find if
they offer possibilities for control by
breeding. As I indicated, it has been
more or less accepted that the general
run of organisms such as Sclerotinia
libertianay Sclerotium rol/siiy Pkymatotri*
chum omnivoTumy Fusarium solani and its
allies, Botrytis fipecieSyPenicillium species,
RhizopuSy and others occur widely in
nature as saprophytes; their invasion
of plant tissue seems to be almost a
function of the environmental condi-
tions, irrespective of the host genotype.
The breeding work with sugarcane
may be cited as contributing evidence
that it is possible to make selections
and obtain sugarcane types resistant to
root rot and red rot, both necrotic
diseases. As part of the regular screen-
ing procedure in selection of sugarcane
seedlings, the plants are inoculated
with red rot and are planted in fields
where root rot is serious. Only resistant
plants arc considered for retention. In
the newer sugarcane introductions, it
is difficult to differentiate between re-
sistance to red rot, root rot, and mosaic
in their respective contributions to the
success of the variety.
Investigations by John O. Gaskill of
the Department of Agriculture indicate
that resistance to rotting of sugar beet
roots by species of Botrytis and by strains
of Phoma betae may be found among
sugar l^cct genotypes. In this study,
Gaskill inoculated sectors taken from
individual sugar beet roots, represent-
ative of various lines of breeding, with
pure cultures of the fungi. The inocu-
lated pieces were held in storage for
more than 2 months under high tem-
perature and humidity, which favor
rotting of beet tissue. It was demon-
strated that the sugar beet varieties
differ in their resistance to decay or-
ganisms and that individuals within
varieties also differ significantly among
themselves. In the inoculation tests
only a portion of the root was used for
indexing for keeping quality of tlie
mother root. The remaining portion
was thus available for planting out if
its record warranted its use as a seed
bearer. Progenies of roots selected for
superior keeping quality have been
compared for keeping quality with
parent strains, commercial varieties,
and with progenies from roots that
were very subject to decay. Replicated
tests have shown that significant ad-
vance has been made by the selections.
Additional evidence that resistance
against necrotic diseases may be ob-
tained by breeding is given by the
investigations with sugar beet leaf spot
[Cercospora beticola). This disease has
l>een controlled by disease-resistance
breeding so that the U. S. varieties
now introduced into districts subject
to the disease do not blight despite
epidemics of leaf spot. With the disease,
however, resistance manifests itself
chiefly with the younger and maturing
leaves, but not so strikingly with the
older and mature foliage. In compari-
son with susceptible varieties, the re-
sistant plants show fewer spots on a
leaf — often only flecks are produced —
and the spots tend to be small and not
confluent. Leaves of susceptible vari-
eties become densely spotted, however,
and shortly the leaves turn yellow and
die. A plot of resistant plants next to
a susceptible variety will be a green
strip flanked by one that is dry and
brown. The loss caused by leaf spot
comes from the death of the leaves and
the drain on the stored substance in
the root brought about by the con-
stant leaf replacement; resistant vari-
eties retain their foliage to add to root
substance, not to waste it.
Mass-selection methods, so effective
in breeding varieties resistant to curly
top, were not adaptcci for breeding for
resistance to leaf spot. Even under
epidemic conditions and with inspec-
tions throughout the season, resistant
individuals within a variety were not
readily recognized. No immune plants
were to be found — only degrees of
disease involvement — ^and the individ-
ual plants were hard to classify. Inbred
strains of sugar beets, from earlier
breeding work of the Department,
were studied and of these a few (14
out of 250) were outstanding in re-
sistance as compared with the others.
The pedigrees of the outstanding
strains revealed that they had been
subjected to several sellings as against
mass selection operative with less re-
sistant lines. Accordingly, the entire
leaf spot breeding program centered
on inbreeding as the technique to seg-
regate genotypes with leaf spot resist-
ance. Inbreds, as they were obtained,
were subjected to localized epidemics
of leaf spot in the test fields, and selec-
tions among inbreds were made under
conditions of drastic exposure.
After many years of inbreeding and
intensive selection, inbreds highly re-
sistant to leaf spot have been obtained.
A few of them have enough vigor to
be desirable as breeding stock. Con-
tinued inbreeding was found necessary
to segregate the plants with adequate
resistance, but vigor was lost in the
process. The finding that hybrids made
between certain inbred lines tended to
regain productivity was exceedingly
important. Although it is relatively
easy to find hybrids that exceed in
yield the mean of the parents, hybrids
that exceed an open-pollinated variety
in yield are hard to find. Very vigor-
ous inbreds, when mated, give best
possibilities for high productivity. Once
highly resistant inbreds are found, the
job resolves itself into production of a
series of hybrids to determine the in-
breds that give the best interactions.
As a result of the breeding for
resistance to leaf spot, a number of
varieties — U. S. 217, U. S. 200 x 215,
U. S. 215x216, and U. S. 216 x 226-^
have been introduced. They and the
varieties produced by research con-
ducted by beet sugar companies now
occupy essentially all the sugar beet
districts subject to leaf spot and have
accomplished such control that spray-
ing or dusting against the disease is
not necessary. The U. S. varieties in
general are grown in Michigan, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and in
eastern Canada. Varieties of the beet
sugar companies occupy the districts of
Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa,
and Minnesota. An outstanding in-
bred from this research is U. S. 216,
a high-sugar type. It is a component
of nearly all recent U. S. hybrids. In
the production of sugar beet hybrids,
male sterility introduced into one
strain is used as a device to enforce the
hybridization with the other strain
that supplies the pollen. The beet
breeder, to produce male-sterile plants,
uses a special breeding technique to
incorporate the genetic factor that
makes a plant fail to produce pollen.
in the breeding research with the
sugar plants is the demonstration that
it is possible to combine many desir-
able characteristics in one variety. In
a way that had been foreshadowed
when yielding capacity, high sucrose
quality, and disease resistance were
incorporated in one variety. It has
already been OvOted that sugarcane
varieties resistant to mosaic also could
be bred for resistance to root rot and
red rot. In the production of such
strains, the job re.solves itself to sorting
out from the genotype complex those
entities that manifest the desired
qualities. Because of the polyploid
nature of the sugarcane material,
great diversity in biotypes resulted
from the hybrids and the backcrosses
so that there were many combinations
from which to choose.
With the sugar beet, the possibility
of finding within one variety factors
for resistance against several diseases
was first demonstrated with U. S. 15,
a variety selected in experiments for
curly top resistance in New Mexico.
It was not so resistant to curly top as
U. S. 22, but it had moderate resist-
ance. It also had a high resistance to
beet rust, Uromyces betae^ and to beet
downy mildew, Perenospora schachtii,
Futhermore, when planted in winter
plantings in California it was non-
bolting — that is, it did not go to seed
the first, or vegetative, year — in strong
contrast to other resistant varieties
that tended to bolt in high percentage.
The nonbolting character and the
resistance to rust and downy mildew,
coupled with enough resistance to
curly top to meet needs with early-
planted sorts, made U. S. 15 outyield
others with which it was compared.
Development of the sugar beet
industry in the Imperial Valley of
California is to be credited to U. S. 15.
There the sugar Ixicts arc planted in
the fall, the crop is grown during the
winter months, and the harvest is in
the spring. Under such conditions
ordinary sugar beet varieties bolt. U. S.
33 and U. S. 34 proved to be entirely
unsuitable. The nonbolting character
of U. S. 15 made it especially adapted
to the winter plantings. Its moderate
resistance to curly top was adequate
for the exposures to curly top that
usually are encountered. In the San
Joaquin Valley and coastal valleys of
California it was possible to plant
U. S. 15 in the winter, its nonbolting
character again giving it advantage
over other varieties. Winter plantings
in coastal valleys are not usually
subjected to curly top, but rust and
downy mildew are serious. For those
conditions, the resistance of U. S. 15 to
both diseases was highly important.
Studies have been continued in
California to combine resistance to
many diseases and the nonbolting
character in one variety. Already U. S.
56, a variety with more resistance
to curly top than U. S. 15, has been
released to replace the older variety.
More recently, U. S. varieties re-
sistant to leaf spot have been inter-
crossed with U. S. strains resistant to
curly top and then backcrossed. By
repeated selections when leaf spot or
curly top occurs, depending on the
nature of recurrent parent in backcross,
resistance to both diseases — essentially
equivalent to that of the parents — has
been combined in one variety.
The same general principle of com-
bining in a variety resistance to more
than one disease has also been applied
to control of sugar beet black root in
Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota in
sugar beet districts where both leaf
spot resistance and black root re-
sistance are requisites in a successful
sugar beet variety. Since U. S. 216, an
inbred resistant to leaf spot, had shown
a considerable degree of resistance to
black root, it was possible to use leaf-
spot-resistant synthetic varieties and
hybrids, in which U. S. 216 is a com-
ponent, as source varieties. In fields
where black root is extremely severe,
these varieties were planted. In the
series of selections from such stocks,
adequate leaf spot resistance has been
retained and at the same time advance
has been registered in resistance to
black root.
It has not been possible as yet to
achieve immunity or near-immunity
to disease in the breeding of sugar beets
as with tobacco. Immunity from dis-
ease must ultimately be obtained if
losses, which arc considerable even
with highly resistant varieties, are to
be avoided. Growers in their enthusi-
asm when they see the contrast be-
tween a disease-resistant variety and
the old susceptible type may minimize
or overlook the lojss that disease still
causes. Probably the varieties resistant
to curly top are as outstanding in their
advantages over susceptible types as
any that could be found, short of
immune types; nevertheless, with the
best resistant varieties, if exposures arc
severe, the reduction in yield may be
as much as 25 percent of the potential
were it possible to remove curly top
as a factor. Similarly, varieties resistant
to leaf spot make a profitable crop
secure from crop failure, but the loss is
still great over what could come from
Certain wild species of Beta — no-
tably Beta patellariSy B. procumbens, and
B, webbiana — arc immune to both leaf
spot and curly top. They produce Fi
seeds with Beta vulgaris that are viable,
but the seedlings only grow a few
inches tall and then die. By application
of various techniques in breeding, and
especially by use of a far wider range
of biotypes of both the wild and culti-
vated species, it may be possible to
introduce into the sugar beet the genes
for immunity to two of the most serious
beet diseases.
1 have cited the sugar plants as ex-
amples of the extension of disease-
resistance techniques for control of
serious disea.ses. The investigations
have required interspecies crosses when
factors for resistance v/cre not found in
the cultivated species Mass selection
was effective with curly top, but
to obtain resistance to leaf spot we
had to inbreed repeatedly to intensify
the factors for resistance, and then
utilize hybrid vigor to get productive
varieties. Male sterility has been usjed
as a genetic tool to cnJforce hybridiza-
tions. Because of the breadth of its
applicability, the demonstration that
resistance to many diseases may be
combined in one variety is exceedingly
important. Sugarcane, representing
polyploids, and sugar beets, represent-
ing heterozygous material, have been
tailored to meet important di.scase con-
ditions. Immunity to certain diseases
now known for certain wild species of
Beta offers possibilities for incorporation
of those factors into cultivated beets.
Those are goals for future work.
So FAR we have considered breeding
for disease resistance from the point of
view of its contributions, the tech-
niques employed in obtaining disease-
resistant varieties, and the more recent
developments that have broadened the
scope of this method of di,sease control.
These manipulations of plant material
have been made with only meager
understanding of the cellular mecha-
nisms and the reactions involved. It is
not, however, a new thing in science
for great basic forces to be manipulated
with only imperfect knowledge of their
nature or even of the basic principles
involved. In the play of biological
forces, we are often even more in the
dark than with purely physical or
chemical phenomena.
Our approach to the problems of
disease resistance has had to be by trial
and error because of the wide gaps in
our knowledge of the physiology of
both host and pathogen. But it may be
of some value to summarize what we
know of the causes of disease and to
record the hypotheses that have been
advanced as to the nature of disease
Many plant diseases are caused
by fungi that are known chiefly in their
asexual stage. It has often been pos-
sible to find the sexual stage for a par-
ticular asexual stage, thus permitting
classification of the pathogen as an
Ascomycete or Basidiomycete. It is
common for the fungus to be a patho-
gen in its asexual stage and for fruiting
to take place on dead tissue in what
has been termed the “saprogenic
phase.” Certain groups of fungi follow
a common pattern of behavior. Thus
the rust fungi, all obligate parasites,
evoke a definite train of symptoms ancl
frequently show the phenomenon of
hetcroccism, that is, two botanically
unrelated hosts are involved in the
complete life cycle of the rust. Some
forms of smuts, after a period of semi-
commensalism — eating together, as it
were — within the developing hosts,
may then completely occupy the in-
florescence. Many .smuts, however,
show localized invasion and local ti.s.sue
occupation. Among the plant patho-
gens the host-parasite relations range
from a living together, through obli-
gate parasitism, to rather simple
necrotic proccs.ses. A classification
which places obligate parasitism with
conservation of the host as of high
order and predatism as of low order
seems generally accepted.
Plant pathogens may produce typi-
cal effects of underdevelopment.
Others, such as the Exoascaceae, cause
definite overdevelopment. The most
common effects produced are necrotic
lesions, the plant as a whole respond-
ing in various ways, depending on the
physiological disturbance that may
ensue. There is also generalized decay,
which results from attack by bacteria
or fungi on fleshy plant parts.
Sometimes an invading fungus may
exert pressure in its penetration of the
plant body and in its advance from
cell to cell. A common histological
picture is that of a cell wall pierced
by a strongly constricted hypha,
which enlarges when the cell wall is
passed. Many organisms form an
attachment organ, called an appres-
sorium. As invasion takes place, a
peglike structure pas.ses into the plant.
Through this structure the contents of
the fungus cell flow; the penetrating
thread enlarges to normal size or pro-
duces haustorial, or absorbing, ap-
paratus within the cell. The cytological
picture as the host cells are invaded is
a movement of the nucleus toward the
invading thread, followed by discolora-
tion, dissolution of the cell contents,
and eventual death of the cell. Certain
specialized organisms occupy the vas-
cular tissues and cause wilting and
death by production of toxic sub-
The entrance of fungi into plants
may be direct — through the unbroken
epidermis or at points along the lines
of juncture of epidermal cells. The en-
trance also may be through plant or-
gans such as the stomata and floral
parts. In lower types of parasiti.sm the
entrance is through wounds. There is
also evidence that certain organisms
kill in advance of penetration and
move into the disintegrating cells.
The great German mycologist, An-
ton de Bary, .showed in 1885 that
Sclerotinia libertiana, the cause of a soft
rot of vegetables, invades plants by
means of a softening enzyme. L. R.
Jones, in his studies at the Universities
of Michigan and Vermont, greatly ex-
tended our knowledge on how para-
sites attack. He showed that Erwinia
carotovoroy the cause of bacterial soft rot
of carrots, cabbage, and other vege-
tables, produces an enzyme that dis-
solves the cementing layer between
cells, causing tissues to lose their form
and structure. He called the enzyme
pectinase and distinguished it from
those that dissolve cellulose. Mancel
T. Munn, in his investigations at
the Michigan Agricultural Experiment
Station, resolved the products of the
onion neck rot fungus, Botrytis alliiy
into a pectinaselike enzyme and a
toxic substance that worked together
in rotting the onion. Such combina-
tion effects of an enzyme that dissolves
the pectinlike substances in cell walls
and a plant poison have been found to
occur commonly with necrotic dis-
Blackleg of potato, a bacterial dis-
ease caused by Erwinia atroseptkay has
been considered by some to be a form
of the E. carotovora soft rot. John E.
Kotila and I in our work at the Michi-
gan Agricultural Experiment Station
in 1925 showed that the blackleg or-
ganism not only softens potato tissues
but turns the cells black ahead of the
softening. E. carotovora causes only a
limited amount of softening and no
blackening. Potatoes were growm in
water culture and their uninjured roots
were exposed to sterile filtrates from
the blackleg bacillus cultures. The po-
tato plants promptly turned canary
yellow, marching the disease response
frequently seen in diseased plants in
the field. E. carotovora did not produce
these effects. The two bacterial organ-
isms therefore are alike in producing a
softening enzyme, but only the black-
leg organism produces tlic substance
toxic to potato.
It is probable that effects character-
istic of certain plant diseases on analy-
sis will be found to come from the joint
acdon of enzymes and toxic substances
produced by the pathogens.
Death of cells is commonly attrib-
uted to toxic substances excreted by
the invading organism, rather than to
general effects such as plasmolysis or
desiccation. Stimulation and other
types of host response have been con-
sidered comparable to effects produced
by minimal doses of plant poisons. The
term “toxin” is avoided in referring to
these substances in order that analogy
to toxins as recognized in animal pa-
thology may not be implied. Some of
the toxic substances are simple meta-
bolic byproducts. L. J. Krakover, at
the Michigan Agricultural Experiment
Station, working with Stemphylium sar-
ciniforme — cause of clover leaf spot —
produced lesions on red clover leaves
similar to those obtained by inocula-
tions with the fungus, by pricking in
filtrates from cultures of the organism.
He obtained the same effects with am-
monia solutions comparable in strength,
as shown by Nessler reagent tests, to
the filtrates. Erw'in F. Smith, of the
Department of Agriculture, in seeking
an explanation of the mechanism of
crown gall formation, attributed the
effects produced by Agrohacterium turne-
faciens to acetic acid and other chemi-
cals arising from the growth of the bac-
terium. Smith suggested that they in-
cite excessive cell division or remove
natural inhibitors to growth of cells,
which, in the normal plant, maintain
a balance in cell division. He sup-
ported his hypothesis by experimental
production of plant tumors by com-
parable chemical treatments in ab-
sence of the organism.
The vascular diseases caused by the
Fusaria have received a great deal of
study. It is characteristic of these dis-
eases that the shoots of affected plants
wilt. At first it was assumed that w'ilt-
ing came from plugging of the water-
conducting vessels, comparable to
what Erwin F. Smith had demon-
strated with the bacterial wilt of cu-
curbits. R. W. Goss, at the Michigan
Agricultural Experiment Station, dem-
onstrated that if cut ends of potato
shoots were immersed in filtrates of
Fusarium oxysporum, the shoots prompt-
ly wilted. E. W. Bran^es at Cornell
University demonstrated the same
thing for Fusarium cubense with buck-
wheat, bean, and banana leaves. That
wilting comes from mechanical block-
ing was thus brought into question.
Filtrates of ordinary saprophytes were
shown to produce wilting. But the asso-
ciation of wilting with a specific Fu~
1 88
sarium is significant, because it enters
the plant and there produces its toxic
substances. More recently, Ernst Gau-
mann in Switzerland has extensively
developed this field of research and
attetnpted to relate it to antibiosis.
Plant pathologists, without exclud-
ing the possil)ility of complex organic
compounds being involved, incline to-
ward the point of view that the more
simple' compounds which are byprod-
ucts of fungus metabolism should first
be explored in the study of toxic ef-
fects of fungi on host cells. Blocks in
the respiration cycle arc receiving at-
tention as probable factors in disease
The defense mechanisms, if they may
be so called, that are invoked in plants
by infectious organisms appear to be
relatively simple; the invader may in
some ca.ses stimulate the formation of
corky ti.s.sue.s or may produce other
growth eflects. Automatic walling-ofi‘
of the parasite occurs with hypersen-
sitive varictie.?, in which invasion of
the fungus is accompanied by prompt
collapse of tissue. Thus the paradoxical
situation exists in which hypersensi-
tivity limits fungus extension to a mere
flecking, and the most su.sceptible
plants arc the most resistant.
It might seem simplest to explain
disease resistance as an antagonism of
the juices of the host cell to the para-
sitic invader. But antagonistic chem-
icals of host plants have mostly re-
mained undiscovered — except for the
catechol and protocatechuic acid in
the red- and brown-skinned onions
resistant to Colletotrichum circinans and
Botrytis alliiy as found by K. P. Link
and J. C. Walker in their investiga-
tions at the University of Wisconsin in
1933. These chemicals arc not found
in the su.sceptible white-skinned types.
But the chemical antagonism found by
Link and Walker did not exienrd to all
fungi, since Aspergillus niger could grow
in extracts from the pigmented onions.
Plants, dej)ending on how they are
grown, vary in their resistance and in
their chemical make-up. Furthermore,
it is difficult to determine biochemical
compounds, and so far there are no
leads to relate any compound or class
of compounds to disease resistance.
Because of such obstacles, this field of
research has remained almost unex-
plored. In the two decades since the
discovery of resistance in pigmented
onions, and the detennination of the
chemicals responsible, no additional
information of parallel exactness has
been obtained.
There is no accepted evidence of the
production of antibodies in plants as a
result of invasion by fungi. Localiza-
tion in fungus attack, absence in plants
of any circulating medium comparable
to the blood stream, and the appar-
ently simple chemical reactions in-
volved in many of the lethal effects of
fungi upon plant cells may explain
w'hy infected plants do not produce
protective substances comparable to
those known in animals.
Even with the bacterial organism,
A. tumejaciens^ which (on the basis of
the type of ceil division, presence of
tumor strands, and the profound dis-
turbance.s in cell morphogenesis) Er-
w'iii F. Smith considered as producing
a plant cancer, it was not po.s.sible to
demonstrate antibody formation. In
Smith’s tests, repeated inoculations of
an individual plant did not bring
about lessening of reaction.
The virus disease curly top furnishes
some evidence of the production of
protective substances as a result of in-
fection. 'Lhis effect differs from .satura-
tion phenomena known for tobacco
ring spot and interference as known to
take place between viruses. J. M.
Wallace, working with curly top in
the Department of Agriculture in
1944, inoculated tobacco and tomato
plants by means of l>eet leaf hoppers,
Circulijera tenellus, which had fed on in-
fected plants. The inoculated plants
soon showed severe symptoms of curly
top. Tomato plants did not recover,
but many tobacco plants did. The
leaves from such plants showed only
mild symptoms in a few weeks. If
healthy shoots of tobacco or tomato
were grafted onto the tobacco plants
that showed recovery, only mild symp-
toms were product on the scions.
The virus in the recovered plants was
demonstrated to be highly virulent by
insect transmission tests, but the
symptoms produced were mild. When
cuttings were taken from recovered
plants of tobacco, or from tomato
plants protected by the scion grafts
from recovered tobacco plants, and
these in turn were grafted onto tomato
plants, the disease produced on the
tomato was mild. Wallace attributed
these results to protective sul)stances
against curly top developed in the re-
spective tobacco and tomato plants in
the course of infection. Once a tomato
plant is protected, serial grafts give
only a succession of mild curly top re-
actions, the scions taken from such
plants serving as donors of the protec-
tive substance. If protective substances
were to be sought, it would be logical
to look for them with a systemic disease
such as curly top.
We have considered so far entrance
of fungi into plants, the mechanism
of disease production, and the re-
sponses provoked. For the higher
grades of parasitism, certain other
essential requirements in disease pro-
duction, namely, conditions for estab-
lishment of the organism within the
host, are important. Suggestions have
been made as to osmotic differentials
which must prevail in host-parasite
relationships. According to this, the
concentration of the cell sap of the par-
asite must be higher than that of the
crop plant, if the parasite is to take
water from the host. No regularity
in this respect has been found. To
explain resistance of ^ea to Puccinia
sorghi, the hypothesis was advanced
that susceptibility is determinetl by
the presence of a relatively large
quantity of a nutritive substance that
attracts the fungus after penetration
and makes possible abundant develop-
ment of the rust. In resistant host
plants, this hypothetical substance is
present only in very small quantity;
hence the fungus dies of starvation,
and that, in turn, leads to necrosis of
the host tissue. It has been suggested
that the slower development of the
pathogen in a resistant host, as com-
pared with abundant growth in a
susceptible host, may be ascribed to a
more favorable nutritive substance
ratio in the latter.
In some investigations at the Michi-
gan Agricultural Experiment Station,
conducted with L. J. KJotz, I studied
selectivity for host plants of certain
species of Cercospora. Cercospora apii
causes lesions only on celery and
closely related umbellifers. It does not
attack plants from other families.
Diseased celery leaves gave strong
nitrite tests, as compared with absence
of nitrite in healthy leaves, indicating
that breakdown of proteins and other
nitrogenous compounds occurred.
Now any of the species of Cercospora
will grow readily and indiscriminately
on cooked plant tissue, but with
respect to living tissue they are very
choicy. Furthermore, the pathogenic
limits apparently tend to disappear as
leaf tissue matures and cells are about
to die. It does not seem that a parasite
such as Cercospora, once it invades the
cells, should have difficulty in appro-
priating water necessary for its growth.
It seems probable also that the car-
bohydrates, such as sucrose, dextrose,
or other sugars, and water-soluble
substances exist in plants in much the
same available state as in synthetic or
cooked media. As a result of our
investigations, we suggested that the
nitrogen phase of fungus nutrition was
particularly important and that the
protein-dissolving enzymes that a
given fungus has may determine its
capacity for attacking a given plant
The other side of the picture also
demands attention. How may the
nutrition of the host influence sus-
ceptibility to disease? The factors that
predispose a plant to disease have long
been considered in phytopathology,
but there has been more speculation
than actual research. A well -nourished
plant might well be expected to
withstand disease better than one that
is undernourished. But heavily fer-
tilized plots frequently show more
disease than untreated plots. A plau-
sible explanation is that with heavier
plant growth the conditions favor
infection and the disease situation is
aggravated. The literature is replete
with experiences that seem to operate
in reverse of anticipated results. For a
number of virus diseases it has been
shown recently that the predominating
effect of added nutrients is to increase
Investigations in 1937 by F. G.
Larmer, of the Department of Agri-
culture, on the phoma root rot of
sugar beets gave some interesting
results. Phoma hetae, the causal or-
ganism, occurs rather generally in
sugar beet tissue. The fungus is
apparently seed-borne, and young
plants may be killed by severe attack.
Under ordinary conditions it appears
to live in the beet plant without pro-
voking any visible symptoms. If the
sugar beet lags in its growth because
of drought or lack of soil nutrients, the
fungus may produce extensive and
conspicuous decay of tissue. In the
fall the fungus causes serious rotting
of sugar beets in storage piles. Larmer
found that well-nourished sugar beets,
grown with adequate water supply,
kept better in storage than sugar
beets from tne check plots that suffered
from drought and poor soil conditions.
The effects of plant food elements,
especially phosphorus, were decisive.
Sugar beets, grown with adequate
phosphate, showed minimal decay as
compared with serious decay in the
sugar beets not receiving additional
phosphorus. Inoculation tests were
made with Phoma hetae and showed
that the plants grown with adequate
phosphate definitely resisted invasion
by the fungus, whereas the sugar beet
roots grown with limited phosphate
decayed. The practical applications
of the experiments are obvious and
afford an accessory advantage, besides
erbp increase, to be dcriv^ from
appropriate applications of fertilizer.
But the point to be stressed is that it
seems definitely to be shown that
plants whose nutrition was adequate,
especially with respect to phosphate,
were more resistant to Phoma betae. In
recent experiments, adequate nitrogen
nutrition has given improved keeping
quality to sugar beets.
Black root of sugar beet has been
found to l^e a disease complex, con-
sisting of an acute form caused by the
ordinary damping-off organisms and
a chronic form caused by Aphanomyces
cochlioides. Black root is most serious on
soils of low available phosphate. Poor
stands that result from attack of the
soil organisms may be prevented by
proper phosphate fertilization. A plau-
sible explanation of the better stands
that accompany liberal applications of
P3O5 fertilizer is that phosphate makes
the young sugar beet plants more re-
sistant to the pathogens. The effect
must be upon the beet, because abun-
dant trial has failed to indicate any
effects upon the fungi from comparable
phosphate feeding. Black root control
now is based on two things: First, the
production of varieties that combine
resistance to black root and to leaf
spot; second, proper fertilization of
the resistant variety with PaOg and
other necessary food elements. A fa-
vorable environment for the sugar beet
increases the advantages that come
from disease resistance.
The associative effects of nutrition
and disease are not unique in phyto-
pathology, Pronounced fungus inva-
sion occurs with certain deficiency dis-
eases — for example, the fungus rots or
severe outbreaks of mildew that occur
on plants short of boron. Existence of
fungus disease does not of itself indicate
malnutrition, but the association of
disease and poor plant feeding is fre-
quent. Sugar beet plants growing with
scant phosphate show severe leaf in-
jury following spotting of the leaves by
Cercospora beticolay not because the leaf
spot fungus is more aggressive but
l^cause weak parasites such as Alter*
naria can now invade and greatly en-
large the cercospora spots. The sec-
ondary attacks following leaf spot of
this type do not occur with well-nour-
ished plants. With many important
plant diseases, the host-parasite rela-
tionships are very delicately balanced,
and proper feeding of the crop plant
may be highly important..
The nature of disease causation and
of plant response may at first glance
seem to contribute little to the prac-
tical problems of disease-resistance
breeding. These seem to be moving
along, with little reference to the the-
ory. It is not unusual for practical
applications to go far beyond the sci-
entific explanation of phenomena —
just as a driver may run a machine
without understanding the mechanism
or the source of pow'er. But alw’ays in
science the theoretical basis is the
fruitful source of new concepts and
new approaches.
We are concerned with the ways and
means of the pathogen’s attack and of
the host plant’s defense. With hun-
dreds of thousands of pathogens, each
composed of numerous biotypes, we
cannot expect a single pattern of dis-
ease production or to find some specific
substance that confers resistance. Thus,
the theory is important in teaching
what not ro search for. The theory is
important also in its teachings with
regard to plant reactions. As I have
brought out, di.sease exposure must be
maximum, and knov/ledge of plant
pathology must be put into service to
initiate infection, produce disease, and
finally to classify affected plants. The
theory teaches also the specificity and
delicateness of the interactions that
exist between host and parasite, and
the play of environmental factors as
they influence these reactions. Thus
light, temperature, length of day, nu-
trition, and the entire range of physio-
logical forces arc concerned. Plant
response when subject to the parasite
is the sum total of these effects. The
goal of breeding for disease resistance
is to manipulate host and parasite and
the factors playing upon them in such
a way that for a given environment
19 *
disease-safe varieties may be provided.
The fungi, bacteria, and the viruses,
each in its own specific manner, es-
tablish a food and water relation with
the host plant. The invader may be
tolerated; it may dwarf the plant or
cause overgrowths or decay; it may
kill the host. The tools the invader uses
are enzymes and toxic substances; in
considerable part, mere occupancy of
the cells, appropriation of food, and
the effects of the metabolic byproducts
from the growth of the pathogen may
be sufficient to explain the disease
signs and symptoms.
Disease resistance as considered here
is that which is of protoplasmic origin,
as opposed to mechanical walling-off,
escape, or other reactions than purely
vital ones. We do not know at all
what makes one plant less susceptible
than another, nor do w'e know the
basis of fungus specificity that makes
one species, genus, or family of plants
completely immune from a given para-
site. Of the two hypotheses commonly
advanced, antagonism (presumably
chemical) and the so-called starvation
hypothesis, the latter seems most ten-
able, with nitrogen nutrition appearing
to be a significant phase.
Despite the common question posed
by farmers, we do not know how to
feed plants so as to make them more
disease-resistant. Until recently, re-
search along this line has been neg-
lected. There are also strong indications
that disease-resistant varieties may be
made to do better by proper nutrition.
The next decade may see important
developments as the nutrition of our
crop plants is studied from the point
of view of plant disease control.
George H. Ooom was loaned in 1^24
and in Jp2j to the Bureau of Plant Industry,
Soils, and Agricultural Engineering by the
Michigan State College, where he was pro-
fessor of botany, to initiate the research pro-
gram of breeding varieties of sugar beet re-
sistant to curly top and to leaf spot. After
his return to the College, he continued as
plant pathologist on a half-time basis with
the Bureau until tgsg, when he left Mich-
igan State College to become principal pa-
thologist in charge of sugar beet research
projects in the division of sugar plant inves-
tigations. He received his undergraduate
training at the University of Illinois^ his
master^s training at the University of
Nebraska^ and his doctorate at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. After directing the sugar
beet project of the Bureau for 23 years, he
left administrative work to conduct research,
particularly on virus yellows.
For further reading:
Breeding disease resistant varieties:
W. A. Orton: The Development of Farm
Crops Resistant to Disease, U. S. D. A. Tear-
hook for i()o8, pages 433-464.
L. R. Jor^es^ J. C. Walker, and IV. If. Tisdale.
Fusarium Resistant Cabbage, JVisconsin Agri-
cultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin 48,
34 pages, rgso.
H. L. Bolley: Flax Wilt and Flax-sick Soil,
North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station
Bulletin 30, 38 pages, iQor.
G. H. Coons: Some Aspects of the Fusarium
Problem in Plant Pathology and Physiology
in Relation to Man, Mayo foundation Lectures
of !gs6~-2j, pages 43-32. W. B, .launders Com-
pany, Philadelphia, 1328.
Variability of fungi:
E. C. Stakman: Plant Pathologists* Merry-
Go-Round, (f Heredity, volume 37, pages
233-263, 1346.
W. B. Brierley: The Relation of Plant Pa-
tliology to Genetics, Report of Imperial Botani-
cal Congress (London) for i 32. p pages 111-124,
University Press, Cambridge.
Nature of disease resistance:
K. P. Link and J. C. Walker: The Isolation of
Catechol from Pigmented Onion Scales and
Its Significance in Relation to Disease Re-
sistance in Onions, Journal of Biological Chem-
istry, volume 100, pages 373-383, ^333.
8.T Hiker: The Relation of Some Chemical
and PhysioclK mical Factors to the Initiation
of Pathological Plant Growth, Growth IV
{Supplement}, pages 103-117, 1342.
E. C. Stakman: Relation Between Puccinia
graminis and Plants Highly Resistant to Its
Attack, Jmrnal of Agricultural Research, volume
4, pages 133-200, 1313.
J. M. Wallace: Acquired Immunity from
Curly Top in 'fobacco and 'I'omato, Journal
of Agricultural Research, volume 63, pages 187-
214, 1344.
Nutntional aspects:
F. C. Bawden and B. Kassanis: Some Effects
of Host Nutrition on the Susceptibility of
Plants to Infection by Certain Vii*uses, Annals
of Applied Biology, volume 37, pages 46-47, 1330.
F. G. Ijsfmer: Keeping Quality of Sugar
Beets as Influenced by Growth and Nutri-
tional Factors, Jowrial of Agricultural Research,
volume 34, pages 183-138, 1337.
Some Sources of
Resistance in
Crop Plants
Frederick J. Stevenson, Henry A. Jones
We give in this chapter a list of crop
plants and the diseases to which resist-
ance has been found. Listed in order
are the name of the crop, the disease
(with the causative organism), the
original source of resistance (O. S. R.),
the present source of resistance (P. S.
R.), and the mode of inheritance.
The abbreviation C. I. stands for
Cereal Investigations — an accession
number that, like a name, is assigned
to a new variety of cereal grain.
In many instances the inheritance is
reported as unknown cr undetermined.
Often the breeding behavior of the
character for resistance is known, but
the exact number of genes imolved
has not been determined. Some of the
factors that make it hard to give a
definite genetic explanation are mul-
tiple genes, polyploidy, physiologic
races of causative organisms, and the
effects of environment.
Write to your State agricultural
experiment station for information
concerning the sources of plant ma-
terials listed in this chapter.
For many diseases of crop plants
there is still no known source of resist-
ance. The search, however, is going
forward steadily. If crop failures are
to I^c avoided, new sources and higher
levels of resistance to many destructive
diseases have to be located. Undoubt-
edly many new sources of resistance
will be uncovered in wild and culti-
vated species to be added to this
already imposing list.
CEREALS: barley, com, oats, rice,
Covered smut, Ustilago ho^dei. O. S.
R.: Jet C. I. 967, Ogalitsu C. I. 7152,
Anoidium C. I. 7269, Kura C. I. 4306,
Suchow C. I, 5091, Apsheron C. I.
5557, Hokudo C. I. 51 76, C. I. 4308-2,
and others in the barley world collec-
tion. P. S. R.: Same as preceding.
Inheritance: Undetermined. Inherit-
ance studies are difficult because it
is hard to get consistently high levels
of infection.
Leaf rust, Pticcinia hordei. O. S. R.:
Bolivia C, I. 1237 and 100 to 200
additional varieties in the barley
wwld collection. P. S. R.: Commercial
varieties having leaf rust resistance
often derived this resistance from the
sources in O. S. R. Inheritance; Mon-
ogenic dominant in most crosses; an
additional gene may be present in
some varieties.
Loose smut, Ustilago nigra. O. S. R.:
Pannier C. I. 1330, Jet C. 1 . 967,
Anoidium C. I. 7269, Ogalitsu C. I.
7152, Kura C. I. 4306, Suchow C. I.
5091, Hokudo C. I. 5176, Apsheron
C. I. 5557 . I- 4308-2, 4326-*,
4327, 4329, 4967, and others in the
world collection. P. S. R.; Same as
preceding. Inheritance; Undeter-
mined. Inheritance studies are diffi-
cult because it is hard to get consistent-
ly high levels of infection.
Loose smut, Ustilago nuda. O, S. R.:
Jet C. I. 967, Trebi C. I. 936, Valen-
tine C. I. 7242, Ogalitsu C, I. 7152,
Anoidium C. I. 7269, Abyssinian C. 1 .
668, Bifarb C. 1 . 3951-3, Kitchin C.
I. 1296, Afghanistan C. I. 4173, Su-
chow C. I. 5091, 0 . I. 4966, a number
of hooded winter barley selections
from Tennessee Beardless and Mis-
souri Early Beardless, and other varie-
ties in the world collection. P. S. R.:
Resistant genes from some of these
varieties now have been transferred
to commercial varieties; for example,
Velvon, Titan, Tregal, etc. Inherit-
ance: Four resistant genes have been
identified so far, two of which are
dominant and two are intermediate
in effect. The smut gene in Valentine
is closely linked with the gene for stem
rust resistance.
Net blotch, Pyrenophora teres. O. S.
R.: Canadian Lake Shore C. I. 2750,
Tifang C. I. 4407-1, Manchu C. I.
4795, Ming C. 1 . 4797, Harbin C. I.
4929, Velvet 26-95, ^^id
about 70 additional varieties in the
barley world collection. P. S. R.: Par-
tial protection to this disease now is
present in some ccmmercial varieties,
which derived theS germ plasm from
barleys coming from Manchuria.
Inheritance: Undetermined:
Powdery mildew , Erysiphe graminis.
O. S. R.: Duplex C. I. 2433, Hanna
C. I. 906, Goldfoil C. I. 928, Arlington
Awnless C. I. 702, Chinermc C. I.
1079, Algerian C. I. 1179, Kwan C. I.
1016, Psaknon C. I. 6305, Monte
Cristo C. 1 . 1017, West China G. I.
7556, and many other varieties in the
barley world collection. P. S. R.: Re-
sistance to this disease is now found
in several commercial varieties; for
example. Atlas 46 and Eric. Inherit-
ance: Nine dominant or incompletely
dominant and three recessive genes
for reaction to race 3 have been lo-
Scab, Gibbet elia O. S. R.: Chev-
ron C. 1 . iiii, Himalaya C. I. 2448,
Korsbyg C. I. 918, Cross C. I. Nos.
1613 and 2492, Peatland C. I. 5267,
Svansota C. I. '907, and Golden
Pheasant C. I. 2488. P. S. R.: Same
as preceding. Inheritance: Undeter-
Scald, Rhynchosporium sccalis. O. S.
R.: Turk C. 1 . 5611-2, La Mesita
C. I. 7565, Modoc C. I. 7566, Trebi
C. I. 936, and a number of additional
varieties in the barley world collec-
tion. P. S. R.: Resistance to scald is
present in Atlas 46, which was derived
from the variety Turk.
Spot blotch, Helminthosporium sati-
vum. O. S. R.. Oderbruckcr C. I. 4666,
Peatland C. I. 5267, Chevron C. 1 .
IIII, Jet C. I. 967, OAC 21 C. I.
1470, Persicum C. I. 6531, Brachytic
C. I. 6572, and others in the barley
world collection. P. S. R.: The resist-
ance in Moore is an example of the
transfer of resistance from Chevron/
SiTSM RUST, Puccinia graminis. O. S.
R.: Chevron C. I. iiii, Pcatland C.
I. 5267, Hietpas 5 C. I. 7124, Kindred
C. I. 6969, and about 50 additional
varieties in the barley world collection.
P. S. R.; Several commercial varieties;
for example, Mars, Moore, Kindred
Feebar, and Plains. Inheritance: Mon-
ogenic dominanr;^n additional gene
may be pre.scnt in some varieties.
Stripe, Helminthosporium gramineum.
O. S. R.: Hannchen C. I. 531, Trebi
C. I. 936, Club Mariout C. I. q6i,
Persicum C. I. 6531, Brachylic C. I.
6572, Lion 923, and others in the bar-
ley world collection. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Six or more
separate genes are involved and various
degrees of dominance have been en-
Brown spot, Physoderma zecLe-maydis.
O. S. R.: L87 and L87-2. P. S. R.:
Same as preceding. Inheritance: Un-
known; probably polygenic.
Diplodia ear rot, Diplodia zeae,
O. S. R.: R4, C. 1 . 540, III. 90, P. S.
R.: Same as preceding. Inheritance:
Unknown; probably polygenic.
Diplodia stai r rot, Diplodia Zfae,
O. S. R.: B14, B15, I159, K166,
K201, C103. P. S. R.: Same as preced-
ing. Inheritance: Unknown; probably
Gibberella stalk rot, Gibberella
zeae. O. S. R.: C. I. 21E, K201, T8.
P. S. R.: Same as preceding. Inherit-
ance: Unknown; probably polygenic.
Helminthosporium leaf spot, Hel-
minthosporium carbonum, race i. O. S.
R.: Most inbred lines arc resistant.
Susceptible inbred lines are: Pr, K61,
Mo. 2 1 A, K44. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Monogenic
Northern corn leaf blight, Hel-
minthosporium iurcicu?n, O. S. R.: Mo.
2 1 A, NC34, L97, Ky. 114, T13, C. 1 .
23 » G103, Ky. 36-11, K175, K148,
and R39. P. S. R.: Same as preceding.
I nheri tance : Polygenic .
Rust, Puccinia polysora, O. S. R.:
Little critical information available
but in a greenhouse test inoculated
when 6 weeks old, the following lines
were resistant to infection: Hy, W22,
461-3, 38-1 1, Ohio 07, K148, T14, and
C. I. 15. P. S. R.: Same as preceding.
Inheritance: Unknown; probably poly-
Rust, Puccinia sorghi. O. S. R.: Little
critical information available but in-
bred lines WF9, B2, C. I. 540, I. T. E.
701, and 111. 90 have shown some re-
sistance under field conditions. P. S.
R.: Same as preceding. Inheritance:
Probable polygenic; resistance to phys-
iologic form 3, a monogenic dominant.
Seedijng blight, Pythium species.
O. S. R.: W23. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Unknown;
probably polygenic.
Seedling bught, Penicillium oxali-
cum. O. S. R.: III. 90, W22, Ohio 41,
38-11, W24, A375. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Unknown;
probably polygenic.
Smut, Vstilago maydis, O. S. R.: Ind.
33“i6, A321, and JK. P. S. R.: Same
as pjreceding. Inheritance: Polygenic.
Southern corn leaf blight, Hel-
minthosporium maydis. O. S. R.: CT03,
Tr, G, Mi 4, 0426, and W20. P. S. R.:
Same as preceding. Inheritance: Un-
known; probably polygenic.
Stewart’s wii.t (late infection or
leaf-blight phase), Bacterium slewartii.
O. S. R.: K4, Ky. 27, C103, Ohio 28.
P. S. R.: Same as preceding. Inherit-
ance: Not fully known. Systemic p)hase
apparently controlled by two major
and one minor gene.
Anthracnose, Colletotrichum grami-
nicola. P. S. R.: Early Red Rustproof,
Red Rustproof, Saia, and Victoria.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Bacterial stripe blight, Pseudo-
monas striajaciens. P. S. R.: Aurora,
Coastblack, Golburt, Culberson, Ful-
ghum, Navarro, Red Rustproof, Ru-
akura, Swedish Select, and Winter
Turf. Inheritance: Unknown.
Black loose smut, Usiilago avenae,
P. S. R.: Black Mesdag, Bond, Land-
hafer, Markton, Navarro, Victoria,
and many derivatives of preceding.
Inheritance: Monogenic to polygenic.
Covered smut, Ustilago kolleri,
P. S. R.: Black Mesdag, Bond, Land-
hafer, Markton, Navarro, Victoria,
and many derivatives of preceding.
Inheritance: Monogenic to polygenic.
Crown rust, Puccinia coronata avenae.
P. S. R.: Arkansas 674, Bond, Bondvic,
Landhafer, Santa Fe, Trispernia,
Ukraine, Victoria, and many deriva-
tives of preceding. Inheritance: Mono-
genic to polygenic.
Halo blight. Pseudomonas corona-
faciens. P. S. R.: Buck 212, Clinton,
Coastblack, La Estanzuela, La Pre-
vision, Navarro, Quincy Red, and
Victoria. Inheritance: Unknown.
Helminthosporium leaf blotch,
Pyrenophora avenae, Helminthosporium
avenae, P. S. R.: Coker’s B 1-47-67,
Coker’s Bi~47-79, and Wis. X279-1.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Mosaic, Marmor terrestre var. typicum,
P. S. R.: Fulghum and Red Rust-
proof. Inheritance: Unknown.
Oat blast (not parasitic). P. S. R.:
Alaska, Eagle, Fulghum, Hatchett,
Kanota, and Lasalle. Inheritance:
Pov\T5ERY mildew, Erysiphe graminis
avenae, P. S. R.: Missouri 0-205, Mis-
souri 04015, Neosho X Landhafer, Red
Rustproof X Victoria Richland C. I.
4386, Sandhafer, and White Mildew-
Resistant. Inheritance: Trigenic.
Pythium root necrosis, Pythium
debaryanum. P. S. R.: Black Algerian,
Coastblack, Early Red Rustproof,
Flughafer, Red Algerian, and Rua-
kura. Inheritance: Unknown.
Red leaf (yellow dwarf), virus,
no scientific name. P. S. R.: Anthony-
Bond X Boone (C. 1 . 5220), Anthony-
Bond X Boone (G. I. 5218), Anthony-
Bond X Boone (C. 1. 5224), Arkwin,
Arlington, Atlantic, Bondvic (C. I.
5401), Fulghum 708, Fulwin, and
Mustang. Inheritance: Unknown.
Septoria leaf spot and black
stem, Leptosphaeria avenaria, P. S. R.:
Anthony-Bond x Boone, Ajax, Beaver,
Branch, Clintafe, Clinton, Shelby,
Spooner. Inheritance: Unknown.
Stem rust, Puccinia graminis avenae,
P. S. R.: Canuck (Hajira x Joanette),
Clinton x Ukraine (C. I. 5871), Joan-
ette strain, Richland, Victoria x
(Hajira x Banner), White Tartar, and
many derivatives of preceding. In-
heritance : Monogen ic .
Victoria blight, Helminthosporium
victoriae, P. S. R.: Most varieties,
except crown-rust-resistant Victoria
derivatives. Inheritance: Monogenic.
Blast, Piricularia oryzae. O. S. R.:
Collections by the United States De-
partment of Agriculture P. E. I. 13056
(C. I. 1344) from Formosa in 1905;
P. E. I. 31169 (C. I. 1779) from the
Philippines in 1911; and selections
from commercial variety in the United
States. P. S. R.: Available now as
Zenith and Rexoro. Inheritance:
Monogenic dominant (Sasaki).
Brow^n leaf spot, Helminthosporium
oryzae. O. S. R.: Collection of United
States Department of Agriculture C. 1 .
5309 from China in 1918 and local
selection. P. S. R.: Available now as
commercial types being developed.
Inheritance: Polygenic.
Narrow brown leaf spot, Cerco-
spora oryzae. O. S. R.: Collection by
United States Department of Agri-
culture C. I. 461 and C. I. 654 from
1904 exhibit of Philippine Islands at
St. Louis, Mo. P. S. R.: Kamrosc and
Asahi. Inheritance: Monogenic dom-
inant (Rykcr, Jodon).
Black chaff, Xanthomonas translucens
undulosum. O. S, R.: Unknown. P. S.
R.: Thatcher and Marquis. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Bunt, Tilletia spp. O. S. R.: Un-
known. P. S. R.: Common bunt:
Brevor, Elmar, Hope, Hussar, Mar-
tin, Ncwthatch, Oro-Turkey-Florcnce,
Rex-Rio, and White Federation 58.
Dwarf hunt: Brevor, Elmar, Hussar,
Martin, Wasatch, Inheritance; Mono-
genic to polygenic.
Flag SMUT, Urocystis tritivi, O. S. R.:
Unknown. P. S. R.: Golden. Inherit-
ance; Unknown.
Leaf rust, Pwmnifl ruhigo-vcra tritici ,
O. S. R.: Unknown. P. S. R.: Com-
mon wheat: Exchange, Frontana from
Brazil (III. i x Chinese)* — Timopheevi
(Wis. 245), Klein Titan, La Prevision
25 (P. E. I. 168732 from Argentina),
No. 43 (P. E. 1 . 159106 from Union of
South Africa), Rio Negro (P. E.. 1 .
168687 from Brazil), Supremo, and
Timstcin. Durum wheal: Bcladi (P.
E. 1 . 57662-3 from Portugal), Golden
Ball-Iumillo-Mindum, RL 1714,
Tremez Mollc (P. E. I. 56258-1 from
Portug.al), Tremez Rijo (P. E. I.
56257-1 from Portugal). Inheritance:
Monogenic to polygenic.
Loo.SE SMUT, IJstilago tritici, O. S. R.:
Unknown. P. S. R,: Hope, Kawvale,
Leap, Pawnee, and Trumbull. Inher-
itance: Trigenic and unlinown.
Pow'DERY Mii.DEW, Erysiphc gramims,
O. S. R.: Unknown. P. S, R.: A.sosan
(P. E. I. 155256 from Japan), Indian,
Michigan Amber selection, Picard ic
(P. E. I. 168670 from France), Prog-
ress, Sturgeon, Suwon 92 (P. E. I.
157603 from Korea), Trumbull-Red
Wonder-Stcintim, C. I. 12559. disher-
itance: Unknown!.
Speckled i.eaf spot, Septoria tritici.
O. S. R.: Unknown. P. S. R.; Glad-
den, Nabob, and Nured. Inheritance:
Stem rust, Puccinia gratninis tritici.
0. S. R.: Unknown. P. S. R.: Com-
mon wheat: Egypt Na-95 (P- d.
153780), Hope, Kenlana, Kenya 58,
Kenya 1 1 7A, McMurachy, No. 43
(P. E. I. 159106 from Union of South
Africa), Red Egyptian, Thatcher,
Timstein. Durum wheat: Beladi (P. E.
1. 57662-5 from Portugal), Golden
Ball-Iumilio-Mindum, RL 1714,
Tremez Mollc (P. E. I. 56258-1 from
Portugal), Tremez Rijo (P. E. I.
56257-1 from Portugal). Emmcr:
Khapli. Inheritance: Monogenic to
Mosaic, Marmor tritici. O. S. R.:
Unknowm. P. S. R.: Butler, Chancel-
lor, Royal, Thorne, Vigo. Inheritance:
FIBER GP..OPS: cotton, fiber flax.
Wilt, Verticillium alho~atrum. O. S.
R . : Gossypium barhauense^ G. hopii (Lew-
ton), and G. hirsuium. P. S. R.: G.
barbadense^ Tanguls from Peru, 1936,
and American-Egyptian varieties; G.
hopiiy Moencopi, and Sacaton aborig-
inal; and Acala x Hopi x Acala crosses
1-9 and 6-1-26; G. hirsutum, Delfos
4-19, Acala 10-13, Acala 23-21,
Acala 29-16, and Acala 4-42. Inherit-
ance: Polygenic.
Damping -OFF, Rkizoctonia solani. O.
S. R.; Acala 29-16. P. S. R.: Now
available as Acala 29-16, line 64.
Inheritance: Unknow^n.
Root knot, Meloidogyne sp. O. S. R.:
Hopi, Moencopi, and Sacaton aborig-
inal strairus, particularly the latter.
P. S. R.: Acala x Hopi x Acala 1-9-56.
I iihcri ta ncc : Pol ygenic .
Fiber flax
Rust, Afclampsora Uni. O. S. R.:
Variety Ottawa 770B. P. S. R.: Cas-
cade, released in 1945, and Tallmune..
Inheritance: Resistance is a mono-
genic dominant.
Wilt, Fusarium Uni. O. S. R.:
Variety Ottawa 770B. P. S. R.: Va-
rieties Cascade and Tallmune. Inher-
itance: Multi f)le factor.
Aster ocYSi’is, Aster oryxtis radicis. O.
S. R.: Variety Hercules, an introduc-
tion from Lincoln, New Zealand.
FORAGE CROPS: alfalfa, clover,
cowpeas, southern legumes, soybeans.
Wilt, Corynebacterium insidiosum. O.
S. R.: United States Department of
Agriculture collections from Turkistan
in 1898 (Turkistan) and north India in
1910 (Ladak). P. S. R.: Commercial
varieties Ranger and Buffalo. Inherit-
ance: Resistance is partially domi-
nant, polygenic.
Black stem, Ascochyta imperfecta, O.
S. R.: Selected from commercial seed.
P. S, R.: Clones in several breeding
nurseries in Kansas. Inheritance: Sev-
eral factors.
Crown rot, Fusarium sp. O. S. R.:
Plant differences within strains. P. S.
R.: Same as preceding. Inheritance:
Crown and stem rot, Sclerotinia
trifoliorum, O. S. R.: No clear strain or
varietal difference. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Unknown.
Downy mh^dew, Pernnospora tri/o-
liorvm. O. S. R.: Plant and strain
differences. P. S. R.: Same as preced-
ing. Inheritance: Unknown.
Leaf spoi’, Psevdopeziza medicaginis,
O. S. R.: Regionally adapted varieties.
P. S. R.: Varieties Williamsburg,
Narraganscit, and Atlantic. Inherit-
ance: Resistance is dominant.
Root rot, Rhizoctonia sp. O. S. R.:
Plant and varietal differences. P. S. R.:
Same as preceding. Inheritance is un-
Rust, Urorryces striatus. O. S. R.:
Mixed commercial seed stocks and
varieties (Ladak). P. S. R.: Clones in
several breeding nurseries in Nebraska.
Inheritance: Multiple factors.
Stem blioht and crown rot,
Colletolrichum sp. O. S. R.: Strain and
varietal differences. P. S. R.: Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Unknown.
Yellow leaf blotch, Pseudopeziza
jonesii. O. S. R.: Plant differences exist.
P. S. R.: None.
Dwarf. O. S. R.: Plant differences
in commercial varieties. P. S. R.:
California Common No. 49. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Yellow virus. O. S. R.: Plant dif-
ferences exist. P. S. R.; Same as
preceding. Inheritance: Unknown.
Pea aphid. O. S. R.: Selections.
P. S. R.: Selected inbred and hybrid
plants are being tested. None available
commercially. Inheritance: Unknown.
Several species of Trifolium arc
resistant to crown rot, Sclerotinia tri-
foliorum^ and powdery mildew, Ery^
siphe polygon^ as reported in “Sclcro-
tinia trifoliorum, a Pathogen of Ladino
Clover” by K. W. Kreitlow, Phy^
topathology, volume 39, pages 158-166,
*949» “Susceptibility of Some
Species of Trifolium^ and Melilotus to
Erysiphe polygon^ by K. W. Kreitlow,
Plant Disease Reporter^ volume 32,
pages 292-294, respectively.
Large hop glover
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe poljh
goni, O. S. R.: Individual plant from a
farm seed lot. P. S. R.: Resistant line
in breeding material, North Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station. In-
heritance: Unknown.
Red clover
Crown rot, Sclerotinia trifoliorum,
O, S. R.: Slight resistance in some
farm strains grown where the organ-
ism is prevalent. P. S. R.: Slight
resistance in Kenland, Kentucky Agri-
cultural Experiment Station; in Stev-
ens, Maryland Agricultural Experi-
ment Station; and in Pennscott,
Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment
Station. Abridged list, Sanford, Vir-
ginia Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion. Inheritance: Unknown.
Northern anthracnose, Kabatiella
caulivora, O. S. R.: Slight resistance in
some farm strains grown where the
organism is prevalent. P. S. R.: Highly
resistant lines in breeding material,
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment
Station; moderate resistance in Dol-
lard, McDonald College, Quebec,
Canada; some resistance in variety
Ottawa, Dominion Experiment Farm,
Ontario, Canada; abridged list, Pur-
due, Indiana Agricultural Experiment
Station; and Midland, composite of
selected fann strains. Inheritance:
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe polygoni,
O. S. R.: Occasional plants of farm
strains have moderate resistance.
P. S. R.: High resistance in Wisconsin
Mildew Resistant, Wisconsin Agricul-
tural Experiment Station. Inheritance:
Snow mold (unidentified low-tem-
perature basidiomycete). O. S. R.:
Siberian red clover (source not known).
P. S. R.: Siberian Red, Alberta,
Canada. Inheritance: Unknown.
Southern anthracnose, Colletotri-
chum Irifolii. O. S. R.: Some resistance
in most of the farm strains grown where
the organism is prevalent. P. S. R.:
High resistance in Kenland, Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station; in
Tennessee Purple Seeded, Tennessee
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Some resistance in Tennessee Anthrac-
nose Resistant, Tennessee Agricultural
Experiment Station; in Kentucky 215,
Kentucky. Abridged list, Sanford,
Virginia; Pennscott, Pennsylvania;
Stevens, Maryland; and Cumberland,
composite of selected strains. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Sub clover
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe polygonu
O. S. R.: Unknown. P, S. R.: Seed
originating in Australia. Inheritance:
White clover
Crown rot, Sclerotinia Uijolmum,
O. S. R.; Some resistance in some
common white and Ladino stocks
grown where the organism is prevalent.
P. S. R.: Moderate resistance in lines
of Ladino, United States Regional
Pasture Research Laboratory, Penn-
sylvania. Inheritance: Unknown.
White sweetclover
Black stem, Mycosphaerella Uthnlis,
O. S. R.: Some resistance in plant
introductions from lurkey. P. S. R.:
Moderate resistance in lines of breed-
ing material, Wisconsin Agricultural
Experiment Station. Inheritance: Un-
Crown rot, Sclerotinia trifoliofum,
O. S. R.: Slight resistance in some seed
lots that arc grown where the organ-
ism is prevalent. P. S. R.: Willamette,
Oregon Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion. Inheritance: Unknown.
Gooseneck or stem canker, Ascoch-
yta caulicola. O. S. R.: Some resistance
in seed lots. P. S. R.: High resistance
in lines of breeding material, Wiscon-
sin Agricultural Experiment Station.
Inheritance: Polygenic.
Leaf spot, Cercospora davisii. O. S.
R. : Some resistance in seed lot from
Turkey. P. S. R.; Some resistance in
lines of breeding material, Wisconsin
Agricultural Experiment Station. In-
heritance: Unknown.
Root rot, Phytophthora cactorum. O.
S. R.: Some resistance in some com-
mon seed stocks grown where the or-
ganism is prevalent. P. S. R.: Highly
resistant lines in breeding material,
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment
Station and Illinois Agricultural Ex-
periment Station. Inheritance: Prob-
ably polygenic dominant.
Southern anthracnose, Colletotri^
chum tri/olii, O. S. R.: Some resistance
in domestic seed lots. P. S. R.: High
resistance in N-i, Nebraska Agricul-
tural Experiment Station and in lines
of breeding material, W'isconsin Agri-
cultural Experiment Station. Inheri-
tance: Unknown.
Bacterial canker, Xanlhomonas wg-
nicola. O. S. R.: Brabham (Iron x
Whippoorwill), Buff, Iron, Six-Weeks-
Ala., Suwannee, and Victor (Groit x
Brabham); V. sinensis^ P. E. I. Nos.
1 52 1 99 from Paraguay, 167284 from
I’urkey, and 186456 from Nigeria;
Vigna spp. P. E. I. Nos. 158831 from
Paraguay, 171985 from Dominican
Republic, 182025 from Liberia, 124606
from India, 181584 from Union of
South Africa, and 1592 10 from Union
of South Africa. P. S. R.: Brabham,
Buff, Iron, Suwannee, and Victor; P.
E. I. Nos. 152199 from Paraguay,
167284 from Turkey, and 186456 from
Nigeria; and selections from Chinese
Red X Iron and Blackcyc x Iron hy-
brids available from the Division of
Plant Exploration and Introduction^
United States Department of Agricul-
ture. Inheritance: Resistance is a
monogenic dominant.
Fusarium wilt, Fusarium oxysporum f.
tracheiphilum, O. S. R.: Iron, Clay, and
Virginia Blackeye. P. S.R.: Iron, Clay,
Calhoun Crowder (from Clay x Large
Speckled Crowder), and Calva Black-
eye (from California x Virginia Black-
eye). Inheritance: Resistance is a mono-
genic dominant.
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe polygoni.
O. S. R.: Vigna sesquipedalis (Aspara-
gus bean, Yardlong bean). P. S. R.:
Selection from Yardlong x ‘‘Azul
Grande” (New Era x Sugar Crowder
selection) developed at Turrialba,
Costa Rica. Inheritance: Multiple fac-
tor with resistance recessive. There are
conflicting reports in the literature on
mode of inheritance, which suggests
the possibility of distinct races of the
Root knot, Meloidogyne sp. O. S.
R.: Iron, Clay, and Crow’der. P. S. R.:
Iron, Clay, Crowder (from Clay x
Large Speckled Crowder), and Calva
Blackeye (from Calif, x Virginia Black-
cye). Inherit;;;. nee: Unknown.
Southern legi-mes
Blue lupine {Lupinus angustifolium)
Anthracnose, Glomerella cingulata.
O. S. R.: P. E. I. Nos. 167938, 167943,
168529, 168535 from Portugal. P. S.
R.: Commercial types that are being
developed. Inheritance: Unknown.
Powdery mildew, Microsphaera dif-
fusa, O. S. R.: Old fields of lespedeza.
P. S. R.: Commercial variety Rowan
is being released. Inheritance: Condi-
tioned by at least two genes. One or
more of these genes are linked with
certain genes associated with flower
Winter field pea {Pisum aruense)
Root rot, Aphammyces euteiches. O.
S. R.: An imported pea from Puerto
Rico. P. S. R.: Romack, a resistant
variety available in limited quantities.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Bacterial blight. Pseudomonas glyc-
inea. O. S. R.: High resistance in P. E.
I. 68521 from Manchuria, P. E, I.
68554-1 from Manchuria, and P. E.
I. 1 532 13 from Belgium; moderate
resistance in Hawkeye. P. S. R.: High
resistance in P. E. I. 68521 from Man-
churia, P. E. I. 1 532 1 3 from Belgium,
P. E. I. 68554-1 from Manchuria, and
N48-4860 (Haberlandt x Ogden);
moderate resistance in Hawkeye. In-
heritance: Multiple factor.
Bacterial pustule, Xanihomonas
phaseoli var. sojensis. O. S. R.: CNS
(selection from Clemson, P. E. I.
71659 from China), FC 31592. P.
S. R.: Lines from hybrid populations
with CNS as one parent: N46-2566,
N47-309, N48-1574, N49-2560, D49-
772, 1)49-2524, D49-2477, si-199,
L9-409'. L 9 - 4 » 96 > 1 - 9 - 4 ' 97 - Inherit-
ance: Resistance is a monogenic
Wildfire, Pseudomonas labaci, O. S.
R.: CNS (selection from Clemson,
P. E. I. 71659 from China) and FC
31592. P, S. R.: Lines from hybrid
populations with CNS as one parent:
N46-2566, N47-30Q, N48-1574, N49-
2560, D49-772, 649-2524, D49-2477,
Si-i 99 ) ^9-4091, L9-4196, L9-4197.
Inheritance: Field resistance condi-
tioned by resistance to bacterial pustule.
DotVNY MILDEW', PcTonospora mflJi-
shurica (3 physiologic races known).
O. S R,: Races i and 3 aod moderate
resistance to race 2: Chief, Dunfield,
Manchu 3, Mukden, T 117; races un-
known: Acadian and Ogden. P. S. R.:
Races i and 3 and moderate resistance
to race 2: Chief, Dunfield, Manchu 3,
Mukden, T 117; races unknowm:
Acadian and Ogden. Inheritance:
Resistance to each of races 1,2, and 3
is monogenic dominant. Resistance to
race 3 of Richland is conditioned by
two genes.
Froceye, Cercospora sojina, O. S. R.:
Adams, Lincoln, Anderson, Wabash,
Roanoke, and FC 31592. P. S. R.:
Adams, Lincoln, Anderson, Wabash,
Roanoke, FC 31592, D49-772, D49-
1633; Lincoln x (Lincoln x Richland),
selections A6K-101 1, A6K-1801, A7-
6102, A7-6103, A7-6402, A7-6520,
C 739> C 745* ^ 764, H 6150, L6-1 152,
L6-1503, L5-1656, L6-2132, L6-
8179; Lincoln x (Richland x Early-
ana), selections C 981 , C 976; Early ana
x (Lincoln x Richland), selections
C 996, C 997; Lincoln x Ogden selec-
tion C 985; Lincoln x (Lincoln x
C 1 71) selections L8-10755 and L8-
10780. Inheritance: Resistance is a
monogenic dominant.
Purple seed stain, Cercospora kiku^
chii. O. S. R,: CNS. P. S. R.: N46-2566
(S I oox CNS), N49”256o (S i 00 x CNS),
CNS. Inheritance: Undetermined.
Stem canker, Diaporthe phaseolorum
var. hatatatis. O, S. R.: Unknown.
P. S. R.: Partially resistant: 6K--1521,
8T~8 i 2, 8T-1522, 87-1605. Inheri-
tance: Unknown.
Target spot, Corynespora cassiicola.
O. S. R.: Ogden, Palmetto, Tarheel
Black. P. S. R.: Ogden, Palmetto,
Tarheel Black, N47“3479, D49-772,
and D49-2573, Inheritance: Unde-
Root knot, MeLoidogyne spp. (soy-
beans attacked by five species). O. S.
R.: Resistant to some species of nema-
todes: Palmetto, Si 00, and Laredo.
P. S. R.: Resistant to some spiccies of
nematodes: Palmetto, Si 00, N45-3799
(Palmetto x Ogden), N46-2566 (Si 00
X CNS), N46--2652 (Volstate x Pal-
metto), and Laredo. Inheritance:
FORESTRY : American chestnut,
American elm, European field elm,
mimosa, white pine.
American chestnut
, Chestnut blight, Endothia para-
sitica, O. S. R.: Asiatic chestnut trees,
particularly the Chinese chestnut and
the Japanese chestnut. P. S. R.: Out-
standing strains are being selected
from introductions by the United
States Department of Agriculture
from the Orient made between 1927
and 1932. Resistant hybrids between
the Asiatic chestnuts and the native
American chestnuts arc being de-
veloped. Chinese chestnut trees, for
nut production and ornamental use,
are for sale by commercial nursery-
men. Inheritance: Unknown.
American elm
Phloem necrosis (virus). O. S. R.:
Field selections of American elm trees
growing in central Kentucky. P. S. R.:
Approximately one- half of the seed-
lings produced by the selected trees are
resistant to the disease. Inheritance:
European field elm
Dutch elm disease, Ceratostomella
ulmi, O. S. R.: European field elm,
Ulmus carpinifolia^ and variety, Chris-
tine Buisman, selected by Dutch
pathologists. Imported from England
in 1939 and released by the United
.States Department of Agriculture to
nui-serymcn. P. S. R.: Christine Buis-
man. Ulmus pumila, the Siberian elm,
is generally resistant. Inheritance:
Mimosa w^ilt, Fusarium oxysporum f.
perniciosum, O. S. R.: Seedling selec-
tions of Albizzia julibrissin, P. S. R.:
Two clones released to nurserymen by
the United States Department of
Agriculture for propagation in 1951
as Tryon and U. S. No. 64. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
White pine
White pine blister rust, Cronar-
tium fibicola. O. S. R.: Resistant strains
of the white pine. P. S. R.: Resistant
selections of white pine have been
obtained and are being propagated
vegetatively by rooted cuttings. In-
heritance: Unknown.
FRUITS: Apple, apricot, black-
berry, blueberry, cranberry, grapes,
muscadine grapes, peach, pear, rasp-
berry, strawberry.
Fire blight, Erwina amylovora, O. S.
R.: Immunity has not been satisfac-
torily demonstrated. Somewhat resist-
ant commercial varieties include Deli-
cious, Arkansas Black, and Winesap.
Inheritance: Polygenic; resistance par-
tially dominant.
Apple scab, Venturia inaequalis. O. S.
R.: Malus atrosanguinea (804), M.
Aoribunda (821), M. micromalus (245-
? ;8), M. prunifolia (19651), M, pumila
R No. 12740-7A), Af. zumi calocarpa,
Antonovka, and others. P. S. R.: Ca-
thay, Elk River, Kola, Red Tip, S. D.
Jonsib, Tipi, Zapata, and commercial
types now being developed. Inherit-
ance: Monogenic dominant in M,
floribunda (821); two dominant genes
in M. micromalus (245-38); three domi-
nant genes in M, pumila (R No. 12740-
7A); probably one major dominant
gene in M. atrosanguinea (804), M,
prunifolia (19651), and M. zumi calo-
carpa. Polygenic in Antonovka. All
clones listed are heterozygous for the
resistant genes as listed.
Cedar-apple rust, Gymnosporan-
gium juniper i-virgimanae, O. S. R.:
Arkansas Black, Delicious, McIntosh,
Macoun, Winesap, and Wolf River.
P. S. R.: Same as preceding. Inherit-
ance: Monogenic dominant. Arkansas
Black and McIntosh are homozygous,
whereas others listed are heterozygous
Brown rot, Monilinia laxa, O. S. R.:
Tilton, Wenatchee Moorpark, Hems-
kirke, and Hersey Moorpark arc mod-
erately resistant. Moorpark and Peach
are most resistant. P. S. R.: Preceding
varieties and related seedlings. Inher-
itance: Unknown.
Double blossom, Cercosporella rubi.
O. S. R.: Varieties Himalaya and
Rogers. P. S. R.: Varieties Brainerd
and Himalaya. Inheritance: Un-
Leaf spot, Mycosphaerella rubi, O. S.
R.: Varieties Evergreen and Hima-
laya. P. S. R.: Preceding varieties and
also selections from breeding work
of the United States Department of
Agriculture and the Oregon Agricul-
tural Experiment Station. Inheritance:
Multiple factor with resistance par-
tially dominant.
Orange rust, Gymnoconia inter sti-
tialis, O. S. R.: Varieties Evergreen,
Eldorado, Snyder, and Lucretia. P. S.
R.: Preceding varieties, as well as
Young and Boysen. Inheritance: Un-
Vertictllium wilt, Verticilliurn albo-
atrum. O. S. R.: The varieties Ever-
green and Himalaya and clones of
Ruhus ursinus. P. S. R.: Varieties Ever-
green, Himalaya, Logan, Mammoth,
Cory, Thornless, and Burbank Thorn-
less. Inheritance: Unknown.
Stem canker, Physalospora corticis.
O. S. R.: Crabbe 6 selected from W'ild
type in North Carolina and selections
from commercial varieties. P. S. R.:
Varieties Wolcott, Murphy, Angola,
Crabbe 6, Adams, Scammcll, Jersey,
Rubel, Harding, and all rabbiteye
varieties selected from wild. Inheri-
tance: Resistance probably dominant.
Stunt virus. O. S. R.: Unknown.
P. S. R.: Rancocas, in commercial use.
Inheritance : I ■ nknown .
False blossom, Chlorogenus vacciniL
O. S. R.: Various selections from wild
cranberries in the eastern United
States, including the commercial va-
rieties McFarlin, Early Black, and
Shaw’.s Success. P. S. R.: The preced-
ing varieties and the recently intro-
duced Wilcox variety. Hybrid selec-
tions are now under test by the United
States Department of Agriculture and
cooperating agencies. Inheritance; Re-
sistance is actually klendusity, or es-
cape, because the insect vectors do not
feed on the plants. Klendusity is con-
trolled by multiple factors.
Downy mii.dew, Plasmopara vilicola.
O. S. R.: Black Monukka; Jaeger 70;
certain selections of Vitis rupestris^ such
as Rupestris Martin and Rupestris
Mission; V. liticecumii; several selec-
tions of V. cinerea Nos. 23, 24, 27, 45,
47, 48, and 54; V. cordijolia Nos. 15
and 29; and V. riparia Nos. 13 and 50.
P. S. R.: S. V. 12-375, 12-303, 12-
309, 12-401, 23-18, 23-657, S. 6>68,
5813, 14664, 15062, and 12 named
varieties are reported highly resistant.
Inheritance: Multiple factor.
Powdery mildew, Uncinula necator,
O. S. R.: Selections Nos. 23, 24, 27,
45, 47, 53 of Vitis cinerea; No. 15 of
V. cordijolia; and varieties Rupestris
Martin and Rupestris Le Reux of F.
rupestris, P. S. R. ; S 6468, 14664, 9110,
11803, 15062, S. V. 12-303, 5-276,
12-375, 23-18, 23-410. Inheritance:
Probably multiple factor.
Anthracnose, Sphaceloma nmpelinum,
O. S. R.; Selections of Vitis cinerea Nos.
23, 24, 27, 45, 47, and 54; F. cordijolia
No. 15; and F. riparia Nos, 13 and 50.
P. S. R.: S. 5455, S. V. 12-413, and
23-501. Inheritance: Resistance reces-
sive, multiple factor.
Black rot, Guignardia bidwellii. O,
S. R.: Selections from several wild
species of F/ 7 iJ, principally F. cinerea^
V. cordijolia, and F. rupestris; selections
of F. cinerea Nos. 23, 24, 27, 45, 47, 48,
and 54; and F. cordijolia Nos. 15 and
29 have thus far been free of the black
rot. Rupestris Martin, a rootstock va-
riety, and Seibel j,ooo, a French hy-
brid wine type, have, shown no infec-
tion. In the literature Gonderc Nos.
28-112, 175 -38, 3304, and 162-97 are
reported as immune, and 30 varieties
arc reported as highly resistant. P. S.
R.: Preceding varieties and commer-
cial types now being developed. In-
heritance: Unpublished data on sev-
eral thousand vines artificially inocu-
lated with the organism indicate that
the resistance is apparently multiple
factor with the very high resistance of
F. cinerea strongly dominant in most
Muscadine grape
Black rot, Guignardia bidwellii f.
muscadinii. O. S. R.: Breeding .selections
of the United States Department of
Agriculture. P. S. R.: Varieties Tar-
heel and Topsail. Inheritance: Mul-
tiple factor.
Bacterial spot, Xanthomonas pruni,
O. S. R.: Unknown. P. S. R.: Varieties
such as Hilcy Ranger and Belle of
Georgia. Inheritance: Multiple factor.
Powdery mildew, Sphaerotheca pan-
nosa. O. S. R,: Unknown. P. S. R.:
Eglandular type varieties. Inheritance:
Root KNOT,^/r/v;<ygg>’Wf spp. O. S. R. :
Mostly United States Department of
Agriculture collections from India,
China, and Turkestan. P. S. R.: Shalil,
Yunnan, Bokhara, S-37, and some
seedlings. Inheritance: Resistance is
dominant; probably multiple factor.
Peach mosaic, Marmor persicae.
O. S. R. (Here we arc dealing with
tolerance and not resistance). Many
varieties of clingstone, such as Paloro,
Peak, Phillips, and Sims, and a few
varieties of freestone peaches, such as
Erly-Red-Fre, Fisher, and Valiant,
are highly tolerant. Most of the free-
stones become severely damaged.
P. S. R.: Commercial varieties, mostly
of the clingstone type, are tolerant.
Symptom development is complicated
by many strains of the virus. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Stony pit, virus. O. S. R.: Bartlett
pears are symptomless carriers, but
the virus remains in the tree. Of the
important varieties Bose is one of the
most seriously affected. The Waite
variety is susceptible, and since this
is probably a cross bet\veen Bartlett
and another variety, it appears the
symptomless characters are not domi-
Fire blight, Envinia amylovora.
P. S. R.: Immune, Richard Peters;
highly resistant, Orient, Hood, and
Pineapple; fairly resistant, Baldwin,
Waite, and Ewart; slightly resistant,
Anthracnosb, Elsinoe veneta. O. S.
R.: Ruhus coreanus^ R, bifianis, R. par-
vi/oliuSj R. kuntzeanusy R. albescens. P. S.
R.: Selections from breeding material
of the North Carolina Agricultural
Experiment Station. Inheritance: Mul-
tiple factor.
Late raspberry rust, Pucciniastrum
amerkanum. O. S. R.; Rubus coreamtSy R.
hifloruSy R. kunlzcanuSy R. mirifvlius, R.
parvifoliuSy R. innominatus, R. lamheri-
ianuSy and R, tephroides. P. S. R.: Selec-
tions from breeding material of North
Carolina Agricultural Experiment Sta-
tion. Inheritance: Multiple hictor.
Leaf spot, Sepwria rubi. O. S. R.:
Rubus coreanuSy R. biJloruSy R. parvifolius.,
R. morifoliuSy R. wrightiiy R. alluscens,
and R. innominatus. P. S. R.: The vari-
eties Dixie and Van Fleet, and selec-
tions from breeding material of the
North Carolina Agricultural Experi-
ment Station. Inheritance: Multiple
Raspberry mosaic escaping (resis-
tant to aphid vector in United States).
O. S. R.: Varieties Lloyd George, Her-
bert, Newburgh, and Newman. P. S.
R. : Many commercial varieties includ-
ing Washington, Milton, and Septem-
ber. Inheritance: Multiple factor with
klendusity partially dominant.
Leaf scorch, Diplocarpon ear liana. O.
S. R.: Fragaria virginiana. P. S. R.:
Many commercial varieties, including
Catskill, Midland, Fairfax, Howard 1 7,
Blakemore, and Southland. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
I-EAF spot, Mycosphaerella Jragariae.
O. S. R.: Fragaria chiloensis. P. S. R.:
Many commercial varieties, including
Fairfax, Massey, Midland, Southland,
Howard 17, and Klonmore. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Red stele, Phytophthorafragariae (two
raccJs). O. S. R.: The variety Aberdeen
in the United States, a chance seedling
that originated in New Jersey, and
Scotland No. 52 of the West of Scot-
land Agricultural Experiment Station.
P. S. R.: The varieties Temple, Fair-
land, Sparkle, Redcrop, Pathfinder,
and Vermilion, and the Scottish vari-
ety Climax. Selections from the breed-
ing work of the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture and the Maryland
and Oregon Agricultural Experiment
Stations. Inheritance: Multiple factor
with resistance partially dominant but
complicated by several physiologic
Verticillium wilt, Vertkillium al-
bo-atrum. O. S. R.: Fragaria chiloensis.
P. S. R.: The variety Sierra and selec-
tions from the breeding \vork of the
California Agricultural Experiment
Station and the California Straw-
berry Institute. Inheritance: Unknown.
GRASSES: Bahiagrass, Berinuda-
grass, smooth broine, mountain brome,
orchardgrass, slender wheatgrass, Su-
dangra.ss, tall fescue, meadow fescue,
tall oatgrass, timothy, western wheat-
grass, sand bluestem, side-oats grama
blue grama, buffalograss.
Bahiagrass {Paspalurn notatum)
Hehnintfmporiurn sativum. O. S. R.;
Ciol lection of United Stages Depart-
ment of Agriculture, P. E. I. 148966,
which was collected in Argentina.
P. S. R.: Argentina Bahia. Inheritance:
Bermuda-grass {Cynodon daciylon)
Helminthosporium cynodontis. O. S. R.:
Collection of United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, which was col-
Iccted in South Africa, P. E. I. 105933
and 105935. P. S. R.: Coastal ^r-
muda. Inheritance; Probably multiple
Smooth brome (Bromus inermis)
Brown spot, Pyrenophora hromi. O. S.
R. : Plant selected from Nebraska
39-3400. P. S. R.: Has not been in-
creased. Inheritance: Unknown.
Mountain brome {Bromus marginatus)
Head smut, Ustilago bullata. O. S. R.:
Seed collections at Pullman, Wash.
P. S. R.: Brornar Mountain brome-
grass. Inheritance: Unknown.
Orchardgrass {Daclylis glomerata)
Leaf streak, Scolecotrkhum graminis.
O. S. R.: One plant selected in old
field near Taney town, Md., and one
plant from S. C. S. 7060. P. S. R.:
Preceding selections have not been
increased. Inheritance: Unknown.
Slender wheatgrass {Agropjnon tra-
Head smut, Ustilago bullata, O, S. R .:
Canadian collection from Alberta.
P. S. R.: Commercial variety Fyra.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Leaf rust, Puccinia rubigo-vera, O.
S. R.: Forest Service collection near
Beebe, Mont., in 1933. P. S. R.:
Commercial variety Primar, Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Stripe rust, Puccinia glumarum, O.
S. R.: Single plant collection in
Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1923. P, S.
R.: Commercial variety Mecca. In-
heritance: Unknown.
Stem rust, Puccinia graminis. O. S.
R.: Canadian collection in Alberta.
P. S. R.: Commercial variety Fyra.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Sudangrass {Sorghum vulgar e var.
Pseudomonas andropogoni, O. S. R.:
Leoti sorghum. P. S. R.: Tift Sudan.
Inheritance: Probably multiple factor.
Anthracnose {Colletotrichtm graminis
cola). O. S. R.: Leoti and other varie-
ties of sorghum of similar resistance.
P. S. R.: Varieties Sweet, Piper, and
Tift. Inheritance: Probably multiple
Gloeocercospora sorghi. O. S. R.: Leoti
sorghum. P. S. R.: Tift Sudan. In-
heritance: Probably multiple factor.
Leaf blight, Helminthosporium turcu
cum, O. S. R.: Leoti and other
varieties of sorghum of similar resist-
ance. P. S. R.: Varieties Sw^eet, Piper,
and Tift. Inheritance: Probaldy mul-
tiple factor.
Tall fescue {Festuca arundinacea)
Crown ri;st, Puccinia coronata. O. S. *
R.: Plant selection in 4-year-old
planting of tall fescue at Corvallis,
Oreg. P. S. R.: Alta fescue. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Meadow fescue {Festuca elatior)
Crown rust, Puccinia coronata, O. S.
R.: Two plants selected from old field
in Maine. P. S. R.: Selections have
not been increased. Inheritance: Mul-
tiple factors.
Tali, oatgrass {Arrhenatherum elaiius)
Leaf smut, Puccinia rubigo-vera. O. S.
R. : Varieties Tualatin and S. C. S.
nonshattcring. P. S. R.: Tualatin and
S. C. S. nonshattering have not l^een
increased. Inheritance: Unknown.
Timothy {Phleum praiense)
Stem rust, Puccinia graminis. O. S.
R.: Minnesota 79 and 81, Svalov 523,
Cornell 1676, and F. C. 12468 Ohio.
P. S. R.: Varieties Milton and Man-
etta. Inheritance: Monogenic domi-
Western wheatgrass {Agropyron
Rust, Puccinia rubigo-vera. O. S. R.:
Some selected individuals appear to be
resistant. P. S. R.: Same as preceding.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Sand bluestem {Andropogon hall it)
Rust, Paccinia sp. O. S. R. : Selected
native strains. P. S. R. : Strain W2 con-
tains many resistant plants in the pop-
ulation. Inheritance: Unknown.
Rust, Puccinia vexans. O. S. R.: In-
dividual plants in sexual populations.
Most of the apomictic strains have
some resistance also. P. S. R.: T\icson
variety released; Hope and Encinofjo,
not released. Inheritance: Probably
one or two factors in sexual types.
Inheritance in apoinicts unknown.
Blue grama (Bovielova gracilis)
Rust, Puccinia vexans. O. S. R.:
Individual plants in segregating popu-
lations. P. S. R.: Commercial types
arc being developed. Inheritance:
Pro]>ably multiple factor.
Buffalograss {Buchloe dactyloidcs)
Leaf spot, Helminlhosporium incon^
spicuum. O. S. R.: Individual plants in
selected populations. P. S. R,: In
breeding stock. Inheritance: Unknown.
Rust, Puccinia kansensis. O, S. R.:
Individual plants in .segregating popu-
lations. P. S. R.: In breeding stock.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Downy mildew, Pseudoperonuspora
humuli. O. S. R.: Chance seedling
obtained in flower garden, Hors-
monden, Kent, England, in 1861.
P. S. R.: Fuggles and a number of
related seedlings. Inheritance: Un-
NUTS: Chinese chestnut, filbert,
pecan, Persian (English) walnut, east-
ern black walnut.
Chinese chestnut
Chestnut blight, Endoihia parasitica.
O. S. R.: Most varieties and seedlings
arc highly resistant. P. S. R.: Varieties
and seedlings.
Phytophthora root disease, Phyto^
phthora cinnamomi. O. S. R.: Most
varieties and seedlings are highly re-
sistant. P. S. R.: Most varieties and
Twig canker, Cryplodiaporthe cash
anea. O. S. R.: All varieties and seed-
lings are resistant when grown on
proper sites. P. S. R.: All varieties
and seedlings.
Twig canker, Botryospkaeria ribis
chromogena. O. S. R.: All varieties and
seedlings are resistant ^^•hen grown on
proper sites. P. S. R.: All varieties and
Filbert bacterial blight, Xan ^
thomonas corylina. O. S. R.: No immu-
nity. Da\uana and Bolwyller are most
resistant in ihc Pacific Northwest.
'Fhese came from seedlings from a
mixed population. P. S. R.: Preceding
varieties. Inheritance: Unknown.
Labreli.a leaf spot, Labrella coryli.
O. S. R.: Variety Potomac shows some
resistance. P. S. R.: Potomac.
Scab, Cladosporiurn cjfusim. O. S. R.:
\^arictics Stuart and Curtis are highly
resistant. P. S. R.: Stuart and Curtis
Bunch disease, or VVitches'-broom,
virus. O. S. R.: Great diflerencc in
varieties; Schley and Mahan most
susceptible. Stuart resistant or symp-
tomless carrier. P. S. R.: Stuart.
Downy spot, Mycosphaerclla cary^
igenn. O. S. R.: Schley and a few other
varieties are highly resistant. P. S. R.:
Scliley and a few other varieties.
Persian (English) walnut
Walnut bacterial blight, Xan-
thornonas juglandis. O. S. R.: Immunity
not Icnown. Eureka, San Jose, and
Ehrhardt show some degree of resist-
ance. Some seedling trees are seldom
badly infected. In Oregon the Pari-
sienne variety is somewhat resistant.
Resistant varieties came originally
from seedlings from a mixed popula-
tion. P. S. R.: Eureka, San Jose, and
Ehrhardt. Inheritance: Unknown.
Branch wilt, Hendersonula toruloidea.
O. S. R.: Meylan, Eureka, Blackmer,
Payne, and Concord are somewhat
resistant. Concord is the most resistant
of all. Varieties originally came from
seedlings from a mixed population.
P. S. R.: Preceding varieties. Inherit-
ance: Unknown.
Crown rot, Phytophthcra cactorum.
O. S. R.: All Persian varieties are
susceptible. Paradox hybrids (Persian
X J. hindsii) show some resistance.
P. S. R.: Commercial Paradox hybrids.
Root lesicjn, nematode injury, Para-
tylenchtis vulnus and Cacopaurus pestis.
t). S. R.: All Persian varieties are
susceptible; Paradox hybrids (Persian
X J. hindsii) show some resistance.
P. S. R.: Commercial Paradox hybrids.
Inheritance: Unknowm.
Easter.n black walnut
Anthracnose, Marssonina juglandis.
O. S. R.; Varieties Ohio and Thomas
arc somewhat resistant. P. S, R.: Ohio
and Thomas. Inheritance: Unknown.
OIL PLANTS: grain flax, safflower,
peppermint, spearmint.
Grain flax
Rust, Melampsora Uni. O. S. R.:
Varieties Ottawa 770B, Buda, J. W.
S„ Pale Blue Crimped, Kenya, Wil-
liston Golden, Morye, Rio, Minn. 25-
107, Newland, Bolley Golden, Billings,
Pale Verbena, Victory A, Bombay,
Akmolinsk, Abyssinian, Leona, and
Tammes’ Pale Blue. P. S. R.: Original
and selections of original. Inheritance:
Resistance is a monogenic dominant.
Wilt, Fasarium Uni. O. S. R.: Varie-
ties North Dakota Resistant No. 114,
Bombay, Morye, Redwing, Buda, Ot*
tawa 770B, Bison, and Pinnacle. P. S.
R. : Preceding varieties and selections
and hybrids of these. Inheritance:
Multiple factor.
Rust, Puccinia carthami. O. S. R.:
Introductions by Nebraska Agricul-
tural Experiment Station from Ru-
mania, Turkey, India, Egypt, and
France. Resistant lines have been
purified by the Nebraska Agricultural
Experiment Station; others are being
developed by the United States De-
partment of Agriculture. Inheritance:
Resistance is monogenic dominant.
Root rot, Phyiophthora dreschleri, O. .
S. R.: Introductions by the Nebraska
Agricultural Experiment Station from
Egypt and other introductions pre-
sumed to have originated in Russia.
P, S. R.: V'^arious degrees of root rot
resistance in commercial varieties N-3,
N--4, N-6, and N~8, developed by
Nebraska Agricultural Experiment
Station. Root rot resistant varieties
are in process of development by the
United States Department of Agricul-
ture. Inheritance; Unknown.
Verticillium wu.t, Verticil Hum albo-
atrum var. menthae. O. S. R.: Mentha
crispa from unknown European source.
P. S. R.: Clonal line maintained at
Michigan State in regional mint nur-
sery, East Lansing, Mich. Commercial
types are in process of development at
Michigan State College, Purdue Uni-
versity, United States Department of
Agriculture, and A. M. Todd Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. Inheritance: Poly-
genic; not completely understood.
Spearmint rust, Puccinia menthae. O.
S. R.: Mentha crispa from unknown
European source. P. S. R.: Clonal line
maintained at Michigan State College
in regional mint nursery, East Lan-
sing, Mich. Commercial types in proc-
ess of development at Michigan State
College, Purdue University, United
States I^partment of Agriculture, and
A. M. Todd Company, Kalamazoo,
Mich. Inheritance: Polygenic but not
completely understood.
Rust, Puccinia antirrhini. O. S. R.:
Antirrhinum majus strains from Dr. E.
B. Mains. P. S. R.: The varieties Ar-
tistic, Campfire, Loveliness, Red Cross,
Snow Giant, Yellow Giant, Rosalie,
Alaska, Apple Blossom, Canary Bird,
Copper King, Crimson, and other com-
mercial types now being developed
Inheritance: Monogenic dominant.
SUGAR CROPS: sorgo, sugar beet,
Leaf anthracnose and stalk red
ROT, Colletotrichum graminicola, O. S. R.:
Collections made in Africa in 1 945 by
the United States Department of Ag-
riculture. P. S. R.: Sart and noncom-
mercial types. Inheritance: Resistance
is inherited as monogenic dominant.
Sugar beet
Black root, Aphanomyces cochlioides*
O. S. R.: U. S. 216 and other U. S.
varieties developed in leaf-spot resis-
tance breeding project. P. S. R,: Seed
increase of S. P. I. 48B3-00, now re-
leased as U. S. 1177, and related vari-
eties; also varieties developed by beet
sugar industry. Inheritance: Resis-
tance is dominant in Fi, resistant x
susceptible. Evidently disease reaction
is conditioned by more than one pair
of genes.
Cergospora leaf spot, Cercospora
beticola, O. S. R.: Inbred lines estab-
lished from European open-pollinated
varieties. P. S. R.: U. S. 216, U. S. 225,
U. S. 226, and hybrid combinations of
these; also in varieties developed by
the beet sugar industry. Inheritance:
Disease reaction of the F|, resistant x
susceptible, is intermediate. Segrega-
tion in F2 indicates that disease reac-
tion is conditioned by more than a
single pair of genes.
Downy mildew, Peronospora schacktiL
O. S. R.: U. S. 15 and other selections
from commercial and U. S. sugar beet
varieties. P. S. R.: Tolerant Commer-
cial varieties and highly resistant in-
breds. Inheritance: Unknown.
Curly top. Ruga vmucosans, O. S.
R.: Selection out of heterogeneous
commercial beet population released
as U. S. No. I in 1933. P. S. R.: U. S.
22/3. Inheritance: Probably one major
gene for resistance with modifiers.
Red rot, Physalospora tucumanensis,
O. S. R.: Some forms of Saccharum
spontaneum and probably of S. barberi.
P. S. R.: Commercial and unreleased
clones that are interspecific hybrids
with S, spontaneum or 5 . barberi inherit-
ance, such as CO 281, CP 28/11,
CP 36/105, and CP 44/101. Inherit-
ance: Undetermined.
Root rot, Pythium arrhenomanes,
O. S. R.: Various forms of Saccharum
spontaneum and S. sinense, P, S. R.:
Some commercial and unreleased
clones that are interspecific hybrids
with inheritance from these species,
such as GO 290, CP 28/ri, CP 807,
CP 33/409, and Kassoer. Inheritance:
Mosaic, M armor sacchari. O. S. R.:
All known forms of Saccharum spon^
taneum except those from Turkestan.
P. S. R.: Numerous commercial and
unreleased clones that are interspe-
cific hybrids, usually with S, span-
taneum inheritance. Inheritance: Un-
Bacterial wilt, Pseudomonas solan-
acearum. O. S. R.: T. I. 448A, a selec-
tion out of a collection made in Colom-
bia, South America, 1942. P. S. R.:
Oxford 26 and Dixie Bright loi.
Inheritance: Polygenic.
Wildfire, Pseudomonas tabaci. O. S-
R. : Kicotiana longiflora immunity trans-
ferred to tobacco, 1947. P. S. R.:
Commercial wildfire immune varieties
will be available soon. Inheritance:
Monogenic dominant.
Black root rot, Thielaviopsis hasi~
cola, O. S. R.: Isolated naturally
occurring strains of Havana and Bur-
ley types. P. S. R.: Havana 142,
Burley i, and other commercial
varieties. Inheritance; Polygenic.
Black shank, Phytophthora parasitica
var, nicotianae. O. S. R.: Florida 301,
obtained by crossing and selection
within Nicotiana iahacum in 1931. P. S.
R.: RG, Oxford i, Vesta 33, Dixie
Bright 1 01, and other commercial
varieties. Inheritance: Polygenic.
Tobacco mosaic. O. S. R.: Nico-
tiana glutinosa immunity transferred to
tobacco 1938. P. S. R.: Kentucky 56,
Vamorr 50, and other commercial
varieties. Inheritance: Monogenic
VEGETABLES: asparagus, bean,
celery, crucifers, cucumber, lettuce,
lima bean, rnuskmelons, onion, pea,
peanut, peppers, potatoes, spinach,
sweetpotato, tomato, watermelon.
Asparagus rust, Puednia asparagi,
O. S. R.: Martha Washington and
Mary Washington developed Ijy J. B.
Norton from a male plant of unknown
origin named Washington and female
plants named Martha and Mary,
selected from Reading Giant. P. S. R.:
Above-named varieties and No. 500,
developed by the California Agricul-
tural Experiment Station. Inheritance:
Probably polygenic.
Hai.o bag'ierial blight. Pseudo-
monas phaseolicola. O. S. R.: Most field
bean varieties: Pinto, Great Northern,
Michelitc, and Red Mexican. P. S. R.:
Preceding varieties; Pinto, University
of Idaho Nos. 72, 78, and 1 1 1 ; Great
Northern, University of Idaho Nos. 16,
31, and 123; Michelite and Red
Mexican, University of Idaho Nos. 3
and 34; and Fullgreen. Inheritance:
One 01 two recessive factors depending
on the resistant and susceptible parents
Anthracnose, Colleiotrichum linde-
muthianum. O. S. R.: Alpha race: Wells
Red Kidney, Cranberry, and Emmer-
son 847. Beta race: Michelite, Pinto,
Perry Marrow, and Emmerson 847.
Gamma race: Robust, Perry Marrow,
and California Small White. P. S. R.:
Red Kidney and the preceding varie-
ties. No commercial varieties are
resistant to the three races. Inherit-
ance: Single dominant factor pair for
each race. When two or three races
arc involved resistance is governed by
two or three dominant factor pair
differences, respectively.
Be.an rust, IJromyces phaseoli typica,
O. S. R.: No strain is resistant to all
physiologic races, A number are
resistant to most of the races: No. 780,
a White Kentucky Wonder type; No.
765, a Kentucky Wonder Wax type;
and No. 814, a brown-seeded Ken-
tucky Wonder Wax type. P. S. R.:
U. S. Pinto Nos. 5 and 14 and Golden
Gate Wax. Inheritance: Single domi-
nant factor pair for each race thus far
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe polygoni,
O. S. R.; No strain or variety is re-
sistant to all races. Pinto, U. S. 5
Refugee, and Ideal Market arc re-
sistant to a number of races. P. S. R.:
Available in the preceding varieties
and in others, such as Toperop, Logan,
and Contender. Inheritance: Single
dominant factor pair.
Common bean mosaic, Marnior pha^
seoli, O. S. R.: Corl)ctt Refugee and
Great Northern No. i. P. S. R.: Many
commercial varieties and Idaho Ref-
ugee, U. S. 5 Refugee, Sensation
Refugee Nos. 1066 and 1071, Rival,
and Toperop. Inheritance: There are
two types of inheritance depending on
resistant variety used. Corbett Refu-
gee type, single dominant factor;
Great Northern or Robust type, single
recessive factor.
Curly top, Ruga verrucosans. O. S.
R,: Varieties Pioneer, California Pink,
Burtner’s Blightless, and Red Mexi-
can. P. S. R.; Red Mexican, Univer-
sity of Idaho Nos. 3 and 34; Great
Northern, University of Idaho Nos.
16 and 31; and Pinto, University of
Idaho Nos. 72, 78, and in. Inherit-
ance: Resistance is probably con-
trolled by two genes, one of which is
dominant to its allele, the other reces-
sive to its allele. In a progeny segre-
gating for both, the gene that is dom-
inant to its allele is epistatic to the gene
that is recessive to its allele.
New York 15 mosaic. O. S. R.:
Great Northern No. i and No. 123.
P. S. R.: Toperop, Rival, Idaho Refu-
gee, Great Northern, University of
Idaho Nos. 123 and 16. Inheritance:
Pod mottle virus, Marmor valvo-
lorum, O. S. R.: All local lesion sus-
ceptible varieties arc considered com-
mercially resistant: Great Northern,
Pinto, Toperop, Rival, U. S. 5 Refu-
gee, and others. P. S. R.: Available in
preceding varieties. Inheritance: Sin-
gle factor with local lesion infection
Southern bean mosaic, Marmor
laesiofaciens. O, S. R. : All local lesion
susceptible varieties arc considered
commercially resistant; Pinto, Great
Northern, Blue Lake, Ideal Market,
Kentucky W onder, and others. P. S.
R.: Available in preceding varieties.
Inheritance: Single factor with local
lesion infection dominant.
Early blight, Cercospora apii,
O. S. R.: Danish celery received for
trial by Eastern States Farmers’ Ex-
change and P. E. I. 11 5557 and 120875
obtained from Turkey. P. S. R.: Emer-
son Pascal has moderate resistance
and breeding lines not yet commercial
have as high resistance as the original
sources and improved. Inheritance;
Multiple factor.
Late blight, Septoria apii-graveolmtis,
O. S. R.: Danish celery received for
trial by Eastern States Farmers’ Ex-
change; P. E. I. 176869 from Turkey
may have a little higher resistance;
and P. E. I. 1 15557 and P. E. I. 120875
from Turkey. P. S. R.: Emerson
Pascal, Giant Pascal, and White
Plume have moderate resistance.
Breeding lines with high resistance are
available but they arc far from com-
mercial type. Inheritance: Multiple
Yellows, Fusarium apii and F. apii
var. pallidum. O. S. R.: Occasional
plants in self-blanching varieties and
most plants in most green varieties.
P. S. R. : Michigan Golden, Cornell 19,
and numerous green varieties. Inherit-
ance: Information not definite, but a
single dominant gene is probably
responsible for most of the resistance.
Cabbage yellows, Fusarium oxyspo--
rum f. conglutinans. O. S. R.: Commer-
cial varieties of cabbage Wisconsin
Ballhead and W'isconsin Hollander
and selections from a susceptible vari-
ety Danish Ballhead. P. S. R.: Preced-
ing varieties and numerous commercial
cabbage varieties now in use. Nine
varieties resistant to type A have been
released. Inheritance: Type A, found
in Wisconsin Ballhead, is monogenic
dominant; type B, found in Wisconsin
Hollander, is polygenic and becomes
unstable when the soil temperature is
unusually high.
Clubroot, Plasmodiophora hrassicae.
O. S. R.: Commercial varieties of
turnip. P. S. R.: Resistant varieties
of stock turnip are Bruce, May, and
Dale’s Hybrid; resistant varieties of
nitabaga are W^ilhelmsburger, Re-
sistant Baugholm, and Immuna 11 .
Inheritance: Polygenic.
Mosaic, virus. O. S. R.: Commercial
varieties of cabbage. P. S. R.: Im-
proved All Seasons cabbage. Inherit-
ance: Resistance to the mottle phase is
incompletely dominant polygenic, but
controlled by relatively few genes.
Resistance to the chlorosis symptom,
incited by the B virus, also is incom-
pletely dominant and appears to be
inherited quantitatively. Resistance
to mottling seems to be independent
of resistance to the chlorosis symptom.
Bacterial wilt, Erwinia iracheiphila.
O. S. R.: Tokyo Long Green (wilt
tolerance only). P. S. R.: Tokyo Long
GrCen. No variety has been intro-
duced. Inheritance: Not determined.
Downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora
cubensis. O. S. R.: Chinese Long, which
is used in South Carolina and Puerto
Rico, and Bangalore, an Indian varie-
ty that is used in Louisiana. P. S. R.:
Puerto Rico Nos. 39 and 40, Palmetto,
Santee, and Surecrop. Inheritance:
Not definite. There is some segrega-
tion for resistance in the F2 hut no
definite ratio. Resistant plants arc
tolerant hut show some infection late
in season. They will produce a crop
where susceptible varieties fail.
Scab, Cladosporium cucumerimm. O. S.
R. : Late-maturing slicing varieties
Longfellow and Windermoor Wonder.
P. S. R,: Maine No. 2 and an im-
proved slicing variety Highmoor. A
scab-resistant National Pickling type
may be released soon. Inheritance:
Monogenic dominant. Plants have
very high resistance.
Cucumber mos.mc, Marmor cucumeris.
O, S. R.: Chinese Long and Tokyo
Long Green have tolerance only.
P. S. R.: Pickling varieties Ohio 31,
Ohio MR- 1 7, Yorkstate Pickling and
slicing varieties Niagara, Surecrop,
Burpee Hybrid, Puerto Rico 10, and
Puerto Rico 17. Inheritance: Shifriss
et al. state that three complementary
genes apparently control the appear-
ance or nonappearance of mottling in
the cotyledon stage, the genetic ratio
in the F2 being 27 nonchlorotic to 37
chlorotic. The ratio of 27 : 37 is con-
stantly changing in the true leaf stage.
They state: “At this point several gene
modifiers also take part in the genetical
control of virus symptoms. Thus, the
frequency of symptomless plants is
very low.”
Downy mildew, Bremia lactucae,
O. S. R.: There arc several com-
mercial varieties each resistant to
single biotypes of the fungus but none
resistant to all biotypes. P. S. R.:
Some of the Imperial varieties. In-
heritance: Resistance is a monogenic
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe cichor*
acearum, O. S. R.: Most cultivated
varieties. P. S. R.: Bell May (Mass.),
Imperial varieties, Great Lakes, etc.
Inheritance: Resistance is a monogenic
Brown blight, cause undetermined.
O. S. R.: Big Boston, White Chavigne,
individual plants wdthin variety, and
New York. P. S. R.: Imperial varieties
and Great Lakes. Inheritance: Un-
7’ipburn (physiological breakdown).
O. S. R.: Slobolt x Great Lakes seg-
regate (U. S. D. A.). P. S. R.: Vari-
eties are being developed. Inheritance:
Mosaic. O. S. R.: P. E. I. 120965.
P. S. R.: Parris Island (cos type;.
Inheritance: Unknowm.
Lima bean
Downy mildew, Pfiylophthora phaseoli.
O. S. R.: P. E. I. 164155 from India
and 163580 from Guatemala. P. S. R.:
Same as preceding hut not available
in any commercial variety as yet. In-
heritance: Single dominant factor pair.
Lima bean mosaic, Marmor cucu-
meris var. phaseoli. O. S. R.: Fordhook
types. P. S. R.: Concentrated Ford-
hook, Fordhook 242, and Regular
Fordhook. Inheritance: Two dominant
complementary factors.
Alternaria leaf blight, Alternaria
cucumerina. O. S. R.: MWR 3915
(Indiana). P. S. R.: Purdue 44.
Inheritance: Unknown,
Downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora
cubensis. U. S. D. A. melon-breeding
Accession No. 29554 and P. E. I.
1241 12 from India and Cuban Castil-
lian. P. S. R.: Commercial types in
process of development and Georgia
47, Rio Sweet, and Weslaco H and F.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Fusarium wilt, Fusarium oxysporum,
O. S. R.: Certain plants in Honey
Dew. P. S. R.: Golden Gopher and
Iroquois. Inheritance: Probably one or
two dominant factors.
Marssonina blight, Marssonina mel~
onis. O. S. R.: Freeman cucumber.
P. S. R.: Lines are being developed at
Cornell University. Inheritance:
PowqjERY MILDEW, Erysiphe cichora-
cearum, O. S. R.: Varieties from India,
California Accession No. 525, U. S.
D. A. melon-breeding Accession No.
29554, and P. E. I. 79376. P. S, R.:
PMR Cantaloupe No. 45, resistant to
Race I, and PMR Cantaloupes Nos.
5 and 6, resistant to all known races,
and Georgia 47. Inheritance: Probably
dependent upon a dominant single
factor with several modifiers.
Mosaic, Marmor cucumeris, O. S. R.:
Freeman cucumber (C. melo var.
conoman). P. S. R.: Lines with mosaic
resistance and improved type are be-
ing developed at Cornell University.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Black mold, Aspergillus niger. P. S.
R. : White varieties, such as So\Uhport
White Globe and White Portugal, are
resistant. Inheritance: Resistance is
perfectly correlated with dry scale
color. Sec statement under smudge
regarding inheritance of dry scale
Downy mildew, Peronospora destructor.
O. S. R.: Italian Red 13-53, self-sterile
cross-fertile, propagated by top sets.
P. S. R.: Preceding and Calred. Inher-
itance: Resistance of scapes is condi-
tioned by two duplicate recessive genes.
There is no association between foliage
and scape resistance.
Pink root, Pyrenochaeta terrestris. O.
S. R.: Allium fistulosum and individual
plants in Crystal Wax and Yellow
Bermuda. P. S. R.: Preceding vari-
eties and Yellow Bermuda prr and L
365. Inheritance: In A. cepa Fj crosses
resistance is incompletely dominant.
Number of genes undetermined.
Purple blotch, Alternaria porri, P.
S. R.: Varieties, such as Yellow Globe
Danvers and Red Creole, that have a
covering of wax or “bloom” on the
foliage are more resistant than vari-
eties with a somewhat glossy foliage
such as Sweet Spanish. Inheritance:
Resistance is correlated with waxy
(nonglossy) foliage. Waxy type of foli-
age dominant; probably monogenfe.
Smudge, Colletotrichum circinans. P. S,
R.: Red, yellow, and brown varieties,
such as Southport Red Globe, Yellow
Globe Danvers, and Australian Brown,
are highly resistant. Inheritance: Re-
sistance Is perfectly correlated with dry
scale color. Three pairs of genes are
involved in the development of red,
yellow, and white bulb color: C-c, a
basic color factor, the dominant C gene
being necessary for the development of
any pigment, consequently all cc plants
produce white bulbs; R-r, in the pres-
ence of C, the dominant R gene is re-
sponsible for the production of red
pigment — its allele r is responsible for
yellow; I-i, an inhibiting factor I is
partially dominant over i — all II
plants produce white bulbs.
Smut, Urocystis cepulae. P. S. R.: AU
Hum fistulosum. Inheritance: In species
crosses between A. fistulosum and A.
cepa the Fi is intermediate in resistance
but sterile. A fertile amphidiploid,
Beltsville Bunching, has considerable
Yellow dwarf, Af armor cepae. P. S.
R.: Allium fistulosum. Nebuka and
Beltsville Bunching are immune from
all strains of yellow dwarf tested. Lines
immune from the common strains of
yellow dwarf are Burrell’s Sweet Span-
ish, Colorado No. 6, Utah Sweet Span-
ish, White Sweet Spanish, Yellow
Sweet Spanish, Crystal Grano, Early
Grano, Early Yellow Babosa, White
Babosa, Crystal Wax, Lord Howe
Island, San Joaquin, and Yellow Ber-
muda. Inheritance: Undetermined,
Powdery mildew, Erysiphe polygoni,
O. S. R.: Stratagem variety. P. S. R.;
Stratagem variety. Inheritance: Re-
sistance is monogenic recessive.
Septoria blotch, Septoria pisi. O. S.
R.: One strain of Perfection and an
introduction from Puerto Rico. P. S.
R.: Perfection, if strain is still available.
Inht^ritance; Not known.
AVilt, Fusarium oxysporum f. pisi race
I. O. S. R.: Commercial varieties
Alcross, Wisconsin Early Sweet, Wis-
consin Perfection, and many others.
P. S. R.; Wilt-resistant Alaska, wilt-
resistant Early Perfection, wilt-resist-
ant Perfection, and many others.
Inheritance: Monogenic dominant.
Near wilt, Fusarium oxysporum f.
pisi race 2, O. S. R.: Progeny in E. J.
Delwiche nursery. P. S. R.: Dclwiche
Commando variety. Inheritance:
Monogenic dominant.
Yellow bean mosaic, bean virus 2.
O. S. R.: Wisconsin Perfection. P. S.
R.; Wisconsin Perfection, Inheritance:
Leaf spot, Cercospora atachidicola and
C. personata. O. S, R.: No significant
resistance in any cultivated variety
examined. Arachis marginata and cer-
tain other wild species af)pear to be
immune, but crosses with varieties of
A. kypogaea have not been obtained.
P. S. R.: None. Inheritance: Not
r^ppERS (Capsicum annuum)
Bacterial spot, Xanthomonas vesica-
ioria. O. S. R.: Commercial varieties
W'altham Beauty, Oshkosh, Sunny-
brook, Squash, Harris Early Giant
(some strains only), Wonder (some
strains only), Harris Earliest (some
strains only), Cayenne (selections),
Santaka (selections). P. S. R.: Those
listed under O. S. R. Inheritance:
Both monofactorial dominant resist-
ance gene and multiple factors arc
suggested. There arc no clear-cut data.
Bacterial wilt, Psewlmanas ioAm*
acearum. O. S. R.: Ornamental variety,
grown locally on island of Oaho,
Hawaii, is highly resistant but not
immune. P. S. R.: Ornamental variety
only. Inheritance: Undetermined,
Root rot, Phytophthora capsid. O. S.
R.: Oakview Wonder is reported
resistant under field conditions. P. S.
R.: Oakview Wonder. Inheritance:
Southern blight, Sclerotium rolfsii.
O. S. R.: Capsicum Jrutescens var.
Tabasco is highly resistant; C. annuum
var. Santaka is moderately resistant.
P. S. R.: Varieties Tabasco and San-
taka. Resistance is being incorporated
into commercial varieties, primarily
Bell and Pimiento typc.s. Inheritance:
Tobacco etch virus, Marmor erod-
ens. O. S. R. : Selections from Elephant
Trunk x World Beater; Red Cherry,
tolerant; P. E. I. 159241 highly re-
sistant, possibly immune. P. S. R.:
Varieties listed above, and resistance
is being incorporated into commercial
varieties, mainly Bell and Pimiento
types. Inheritance: Undetermined.
Wilt, Fusarium annuum. O. S. R.: A
local variety in New Mexico and Mex-
ican and Peruvian varieties. P. S. R.:
Chili No. 9 and College No. 6 were
developed by the New Mexico Agri-
cultural Experiment Station, and the
varieties Cristal, Nora dc Murcia, and
Cacho dc Cabra were developed in
P^ru. Inheritance: Undetermined.
Root knot, Meloidogyne spp. O. S.
R.; Varieties Anaheim Chili, Italian
Pickling, Santaka, Cayenne (selec-
tions). P. S. R.: Varieties under O. S.
R. Inheritance: Unknown.
Hawaiian pepper virus (identity
unknown; distinct from tobacco mo-
saic). O. S. R.: Hawaiian variety
Waialau highly resistant; Red Chili,
Small Chili, and Tabasco arc tolerant,
P. S. R.: Varieties listed under O. S.
R. Inheritance: Unknown; probably
mulitplc factor.
Puerto Rico mosaic virus (identity
uncertain; po.ssibly related to potato
mild mosaic, distinct from tobacco
$OME souices Of iiSI
mosaic). O. S. R.: Native pepper of
Puerto Rico and Cuaresmeno variety
from Mexico, P. S. R.: California
Wonder types. Inheritance; Resistance
is monogenic.
Tobacco mosaic, Marmor tahacu O.
S. R.: Capsicum annuum and varieties
World Beater No. 13, Elephant Trunk,
Hungarian Paprika, Fresno Chili, Cap*
sicum frutesems, and Tabasco. P. S. R.:
Commercial types of most varieties
are being developed. Inheritance:
Single dominant gene for necrotic
flecking and leaf abscission.
Blackleg, Erwinia phytophthora. O.
S. R.: Weak resistance in £urop>e ex-
ists in varieties Flava, Prisca, Robusta,
and Starkeragis, P. S. R.: Original
source and related seedlings. Inherit-
ance; Unknown.
Brown rot or southern bacterial
WILT, Pseudomonas solanacearum. O, S.
R. : Weak resistance exists in Katahdin
and Sebago, P. S. R.: Original sources.
Inheritance: Unknown,
Ring rot, Corynebacterium sepedoni*
cum. O. S. R.; President, Friso, Teton,
and United States Department of Ag-
riculture seedlings 46952 and 055.
P. S. R.: President, Furore, Teton,
Saranac, Seedling 46952, and a num-
ber of seedling varieties related to
these. Inheritance: Unknown. Five
resistant varieties selfed; 55.4 to 85.0
percent of seedlings resistant.
Common scab, Streptomyces scabies.
O. S. R.r European varieties, Jubel,
Arnica, Hindenburg, Rheingold, Ac-
kersegen, and Ostragis. P. S. R.: Pre-
ceding varieties and American varie-
ties, Ontario, Menominee, Seneca,
Cayuga, Yampa, Cherokee, and re-
lated seedling varieties; also wild
species Solanum commersoniij S. chacoense,
S. caldasii var. glabrescens and S.jamesii,
Inheritance: Tetrasomic. There is one
gene difference in some crosses; appar-
ently more than one in others. Degree
of resistance depends on dosage of
resistance genes.
Late blight, Phytophthora injestans.
O. S. R. : Solanum demissum . immune
from all known races. S. andreanum^ S.
ajuscomscy S. henryi, S. antipovichi, S.
milaniy S, polyadenium, S. vallis-mexici^ S.
verrucosum probably immune. W varie-
ties from Germany, probably related
to S. demissum^ are resistant to field
pees. P. S. R.; Original sources. There
is immunity from certain races in
Essex, Ashworth, Placid, and seedling
varieties related to Solanum demissum
and Kennebec, Cherokee, and other
named and numbered varieties de-
scended from German W varieties.
Inheritance: Tetrasomic polygenic,
immunity dominant. Three, four, or
more genes combined to produce im-
munity to all known races. Number of
genes is determined by the reaction of
different seedlings to different physi-
ologic races of the organism; mode of
inheritance of individual genes deter-
mined by ratios found in selfed lines.
Verticillium wilt, Verticillium albo*
atrum. O. S. R.: Menominee, Sequoia,
Saranac, United States Department
of Agriculture seedling varieties 41956,
792-88, X 528-170, B986-8, B595-76,
and European varieties Libertas, Vo-
ran, Furore, Aquila, Friso, Iduna,
and Populair. P. S. R.: Original
sources and related seedling varieties.
Inheritance: Unknown.
Wart, Synchytrium endobioticum.
O. S. R.: Snowdrop, Great Scott,
Jubel, Hindenburg, and other Euro-
pean varieties, and the American varie-
ties Green Mountain, Irish Cobbler,
Triumph, Spaulding Rose, and Bur-
bank. P. S. R.: In at least 80 Euro-
pean varieties and in Green Mountain,
Irish Cobbler, Triumph, Spaulding
Rose, Burbank, Katahdin, Sequoia,
Pawnee, Ontario, Kennebec, Calrose,
Mohawk, Chisago, Mesaba, and a
number of seedling varieties. Inherit-
ance; Tetrasomic. One gene difference
in some crosses and more than one in
others. Dominant gene X giving
immunity even in simplex. Genes Y
and Z complementary conditioning
immunity when both present even in
Aphid injury. O. S. R.: Segregates
of a cross between Houma and
United States Department of Agri-
culture seedling variety 96-56. P. S. R:
Same as original. Inheritance: Un-
Hopperburn. O. S. R.: Solanum poly-
adenium^ S, macolae, S, commersoniiy S,
chacoense^ S, caldasii^ Rural, Sequoia,
Hindenburg, Jubel, Katahdin, and
Sebago. P. S. R.: Original species
and varieties and seedling selections
related to the original varieties. In-
heritance: Unknown.
Leaf roll. O. S. R.: Degree of re-
sistance exists in Houma, Katahdin,
Triumf, Jubel, Flava, Imperia, Kep-
plcstone Kidney, and Aquila. No
varieties are immune. Immunity prob-
ably in Solanum chacoense and S. andi-
genum; tolerance in S. polyadenium.
P. S. R.: Preceding varieties and
species and in the United States
Department of Agriculture seedlings
X 927-3, X 1276-185, B 24-58,
B 579~3, and other related seedlings.
Some are more resistant than original
varieties. Inheritance: Tetrasomic.
Probably several genes. Katahdin and
Houma probably simplex for one
gene; X 1276-185 probably duplex.
Net necrosis, current-season infec-
tion by leaf roll virus. O. S. R.: Im-
munity in Katahdin, Chippewa, and
several other varieties. P. S. R.:
Preceding varieties and related seed-
ling varieti^^s. Inheritance: Unknown.
Virus A (A+X=mild mosaic).
O. S. R.: United States Department
of Agriculture .seedling 24642, Irish
Cobbler, and Spaulding Rose. P. S. R.:
Seedling 24642, Irish Cobbler, Kaiah-
din, Chippewa, Sebago, Kennebec,
Earlaine, and many related seedling
varieties. Irish Cobbler and Earlaine
show hypersensitivity. Inheritance:
Tetrasomic. Single dominant gene for
field immunity. Katahdin probably
Virus X (latent mosaic). O. S. R.:
United States Department of Agricul-
ture seedling 41956. P. S. R.: Seedling
41956 and seedling varieties related to
seedling 41956 and Solanum acaule,: In-
heritance: Tetrasomic. Two comple-
mentary genes, immunity dominant.
Seedling 41956 heterozygous; some
plants of S, acaule probably homozy-
gous; others heterozygous.
Virus Y, vein banding or vein clear-
ing, (X+Y=rugosemosaic).O.S. R.:
Hypersensitivity in Solanum simplici-
folium^ S. salamanii, S, demisstim^ S.
rybiniiy and accession Nos. 25941 and
25942. Immunity in S. chacoense^ S,
cordobense, S, garciae, S. macolae, S,
ajuscoense^ S. antipovichi^ S. polyadenium^
and probably 5 . commersonii and S,
chaucha. Field immunity in accession
Nos. 25830 and 25832. Weak resistance
in Katahdin and Chippewa. P. S. R.:
In original sources and in seedling
varieties related to them. Inheritance:
Tetrasomic. Hypersensitive reaction
depends on one or more recessive
genes. Tolerance to virus is dominant.
Yeli.ow dwarf. O. S. R.: Sebago,
Russet Burbank, and Irish Cobbler are
resistant but not immune. P. S. R.:
Sebago, Russet Burbank, Irish
Cobbler. Inheritance: Unknown.
Blue mold, Peronospora effusa. O. S.
R.: United States Department of
Agriculture collection, P. E. I. 140467,
made in Iran in 1940. P. S. R.: Com-
mercial types are now being developed.
Inheritance: Resistance is a monogenic
Fusarium wilt, Fusarium oxysporum
spinaciae. O. S. R.: Commercial Vir-
ginia Savoy. P. S. R.: Resistant selec-
tion of Virginia Savoy was developed
by the Virginia Truck Experiment
Station. Inheritance: Not determined.
Blight, cucumber virus i. O. S. R.:
Wilt plant oiSpinacia oleracea, collected
near Liaoyang in North Manchuria in
1918. P. S. R.: Commercial varieties
Virginia Savoy and Old Dominion,
Inheritance: Resistance is monogenic
Stem rot (wilt), Fusarium hyper oxy-
sporum and F, oxysporum f. batatas.
O. S. R.: Selections from open-
pollinated seedlings of Cuban variety
Americano; P. E. I. 153655, intro-
duced from Tinian Island in 1946;
Triumph, a white-flesh American va-
riety; and Japanese white-flesh varie-
ties Norin No. 2, Norin No. 3, Taihaku
Saitama No. i. P. S. R.: Goldrushand
numerous seedling selections now
being developed. Inheritance: Mul-
tiple factor.
Bacterial canker, Corynehacterium
michiganense. O. S. R.: Some collec-
tions of Lycopersicon pimpinellijolium,
P S. R.: L. pimpinellijolhim. No com-
mercial varieties. Inlieritance; Un-
Bacterial wilt, Pseudomonas solana^
cearum, P. S. R.: Puerto Rico pear and
some L. pimpinellifolium. P. S. R.: Pre-
ceding varieties and commercial types
now being developed. Inheritance:
Collar rot, Alternaria solani, O. S.
R.: Devon Surprize and some other
European forcing vaiieties. P. S. R.:
Southland, Urbana, and other com-
mercial types under development.
Inheritance: Monogenic; fluctuating
Early DLiarr, Alternaria solani. O, S.
R.: Devon Surprize and some oilicr
European forcing varieties. P. S. R.:
Preceding varieties and commercial
types now Ix-ing develc)])ed. Inherit-
ance: Probalfly two factors or more.
Fusarium wilt, Fusarium bulbigermrn
var. lycopersici. O. S. R.: P. E. I. 79532
from Peru and other collections of
L. pimpinellifolium. P. S. R.: Pan
America, Sunray, Southland, Fortune,
Jefferson, Golden Sphere, and Mana-
hill. Inheritance: Monogenic; near-
immunity partially dominant.
Gray leaf spot, Stemphylium solani.
O. S. R.; L. pimpinellifolium. P. S. R.:
L. pimpinellifoltum and commercial
types now being developed. Inherit-
ance: Monogenic; resistance domi-
nant, linked with wilt immunity.
Late blight, Phytophthora injestans.
O. S. R.: Low-level resistance in
several wilt types of L. esculentum, i. e.,
P. E. I. 134208 from India. P. S. R.:
Low-level resistance in Garden State
and Southland. Inheritance:, Two
small-fruited tomato types used as
ornamentals and designated as Pi and
Pa were observed to have a high degree
of resistance in southern Florida. In-
heritance segregation ratios in crosses
made with cultivated varieties indi-
cated that resistance was due to one
main factor and one or more modify-
ing factors. Fa stocks uniformly resist-
ant at Homestead, E'la., w^ere not
resistant in the high valleys of North
Carolina or at Huttonsville, W. Va.
The reason for the difference has not
been determined.
Leaf mold, Cladosporium fulvum.
O. S. R.; L. pimpineilijolium and L.
hirsutum. P. S. R.: Vetoinold, Im-
proved Bay State, Quebec 5, and
Globelle. Inheritance; Polygenic dom-
inance incomplete. Multiple strains
of causative organism.
Septoria leaf spot, Septoria lycoper^>
ski. O. S. R.: L. hirsutum^ P. E. I.
127827 from Peru, and T6~02-M6.
P. S. R.; Preceding varieties and com-
mercial types now be;ing developed.
Inheritance: Resistance partially dom-
Vertictlliitm wilt, Verticillium albo~
atrum. O. S. R.: Peru wilt, L. pimpinel^
lifoliurn, and Utah accession No. 665.
P. S. R.; Riverside, Essar, Simi, VR 4,
and VR 1 1. Inheritance: Resistance is
monogenic dominant.
Curly top, Ruga verrucosans. O. S,
R.: L. per uvianum var. denlalum; P. E. I.
128660, collected in Tacna, Peru,
1938; L. chilense: L. pissisi; P. E. I.
127829, collected between San Juan
and Magdalena, Peru, 1938; Z.. gland-
ulosiwi; P. E. 1 . 126440, collected be-
tween Vangos and Canta, Peru, 1938*
and Red Peach. P. S. R.; Original
introductions and commercial types
now being developed. Inheritance:
Not detennined.
Mosaic, M armor tabaci. O. S. R.;
Zi. hirsutum. P. S. R.: L. hirsutum; no
commercial varieties. Inheritance:
Root knot, Meloidogyne incognita.
O. S. R.: L, peruvianum, P. S. R.;
vianum and commercial types being de-
veloped. Inheritance: Resistance par-
tially dominant, apparently due to one
or two major dominant genes; modi-
fiers or additive action genes possible.
Spotted wilt, 3 viruses. O. S. R.:
L. pimpinellijolium^ L, peruvianum^ and
California BC 10. P. S. R.: Pearl
Harbor, Manzana, German Sugar,
Oahu, Lanai, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai,
Kaudi, and Nuhau. The last 7 of these
varieties probably inherited their re-
sistance from German Sugar and L.
peruvianum. Inheritance: Resistance
from Pearl Harbor to Hawaii strain of
spotted wilt is a monogenic dominant.
Anthracnose, CoUetotrichum lagena-
rium. O. S. R.: Native African melons.
P. S. R.: Congo. Inheritance: Mono-
genic, partially dominant.
Downy mildew, Pseudoperonospora
cubensis, O. S. R.: Santo Domingo
melons. P. S. R, : None. Inheritance:
Wilt, Fusarium niveum. O. S. R.:
Probably citron P. S. R.: Hawkes-
buiy, Leesburg, Blacklee, Klondike
R7, etc. Inheritance: Unknown; prob-
ably polygenic.
Frederick J. Stevenson has been
employed smee ig^o as a geneticist in
charge 0/ the national potato-breeding pro^
gram of the Department of Agriculture,
From igig to 1925^ at the State College of
WashingtoHy he worked with breeding for
resistance to bunt in wheat and smut in oats.
From ig2^ to igjOy at the University of
Minnesota, he cooperated with others in
breeding for resistance to rusts in wheat and
oats and Helminthosporium in barley,
Henry A. Jones has been with the
Department of Agriculture since iggS,
Previously he was head of the division of
truck crops at the University of California,
His chief investigations have had to do with
the development of hybrid onions and disease
resistance in onions. He is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska and the University
of Chicago, and in ig^2 received an honors
ary degree of doctor of science from the
University of Nebraska,
Many persons^ who are among the leaders in the
efforts to breed disease-resistant plants, gave them
the information regarding the crops with which
they work. They are:
Alfalfa, O, S, Aafnodt; Apples, J, R, Shay;
Apricots, C. O. Hesse; Asparagus, G. C, Hanna;
Barley, G. A, Wiebe; Beans and Lima Beans,
R. D. Thomas, R. E. Wester, and W. J, Zau-
meyer; Celery, H. M, Afunger; Clovers, E. A.
Hollowell; Corn, M. T, Jenkins; Cotton, G. J.
Harrison; Cowpeas, Helen Sherwin; Cranberry,
A. C. Goheen; Crucifers , J. C. Walker; Cucum-
ber, S. P. Doolittle; Flax, fiber, D. W. Fishier;
Flax, grain, H. H. Flor; Flowers, snapdragons,
S. L, Emsweller; Forestry, Lee M. Hut^ins;
Grapes, H. C. Barrett, N. H. Loomis, H. P.
Olmo, and C. F. Williams; Grasses, J. R. Harlan,
M. A. Hein, W. R. Kneebone, and K. W. Kreit-
low; Hops, K. R. Keller; Lettuce, R. C. Thomp-
son and T. W. Whitaker; Muskmelons, H. M.
Munger and T. W. Whitaker; Nut crops, J. W.
McKay; Oats, H. C. Murphy; Onions, H. A.
Jones; Pea, J. C. Walker and W. J. Z<^umeyer;
Peach, J. H. Weinberger; Peanut, B. B. Higgins;
Pear, J. R. Kienholz; Peppers, P. G. Smith;
Peppermint, M.J. Murray; Potatoes, F. J. Stev-
enson; Rice, J. W. Jones; Safflower, C. E. Claas-
sen; Sorgo, 0, H. Coleman; Small fruits, G. M.
Darrow and D. H, Scott; Southern legumes,
P. R. Henson; Soybeans, M. G. Weiss; Spear-
mint, M. J. Murray; Spinach, G. S. Pound; Stone
fruits, L. C. Cochran; Sugar beets, Eubanks Cars-
ner, F. V. Owen, J. S. McFarlane, and Dewey
Stewart; Sugarcane, E. V. Abbott; Sweetpotatoes,
C. E. Steinbauer; Tobacco, E. E. Clayton; To-
mato, C. F. Andrus, O. S. Cannon, W. A. Frazier.
J. W, Lesley, and J. T. Middleton; Wheat,
E. R, Ausemus, B. 8. Bcyles, and E, C. Stak-
man; and Watermelon, C. r. Andrus,
Rhizoctoaia leaf spot on cotton.
The Many
of Clover
Earle W, Hanson, Kermit W. Kreitlow
There are some 250 described species
of true clovers { Trifolium) but only four
species — red, alsike, white (including
Ladino), and the crimson — are widely
grown and of great importance.
The sweetclovers {Melilotus) arc not
tiue clovers. Twenty- two species of
swcctclover are recognized. Three
species — ^white, yellov , and sour clo-
ver — are of importance in agriculture.
All clovers arc subject to injury from
diseases. All parts of the plant are
attacked and sometimes destroyed —
the roots, crowns, stems, leaves, and
inflorescences. Fungi, bacteria, and the
viruses all can damage the clovers.
Some of the pathogens infect only
specific organs of the plant, such as the
leaves or roots. Others attack several
or all parts of a plant. The pathogens
differ also in parasitism. Some infect
only certain .species of clover. Others
have a broad range of hosts and can
attack nearly all clovers and many
other hosts as well.
An important problem in produc-
ing clovers, the establishment and
maintenance of stand, involves several
factors. One is the root and crown
disease complex, w^hich includes the
seedling blights, root rots, and crown
Those diseases probably are the most
important of all clover diseases. They
occur wherever clovers are grown.
They are caused by a complex of
soil inhabiting fungi. The fungi may
be widely distributed or occur only lo-
cally. Some are virulent pathogens that
can attack vigorous plants. Others are
weak pathogens that cause damage
only after the plants have l>een weak-
ened by w inter injury, nematodes, in-
sects, drought, unfavorable soil con-
ditions, or improper management.
Some are primarily seedling pathogens.
Others attack clover plants of any age.
Some are primarily root pathogens.
Others arc primarily crown pathogens.
Several organisms may attack a plant
simultaneously, or one may follow
another in sequence. Thus the difficult
problem of root and crown disease is
one that must receive greater atten-
tion if productive stands are to be
Crow'n wart of clover, caused by
Vrophlyctis tri/olii, occurs in central
Europe on red clover (Irijolium pra-
tense) ^ white clover ( 1 \ repens), and
some others. In the United States the
disease is of minor importance. It
occurs mainly in the South Central
States and on excessively wet soils. It
is similar to the more important crown
wart of alfalfa. Its characteristic symp-
tom is the formation of irregularly
shaped galls around the crown of the
plant, at and just below the soil level.
The galls first loeconie noticcal.de in
late spring and increase in size as
summer advances. Infected plants wilt
in hot weather. Leaves of wlutc clover
arc sometimes distorted.
Sclerotinia crown and stem rot is
caused by Sclerotinia trijoliorum, and is
widely distributed, especially in the
regions of mild winters or heavy snow
cover. It has Jong been recognized as
one of the most destructive diseases
of clover in northern Europe. It occurs
also in the Soviet Union and Canada.
In the United States it is of consider-
able economic importance in the
southern and central clover belts and
causes extensive damage in the Pacific
Northwest and in the Northeast.
Rarely does it occur in the north central
part of the northern clover belt. The
disease spreads and develops most
rapidly during cool — 55® to 65® F. —
wet w'cather, but the fungus that causes
it can grow and infect plants at
temperatures ranging from below
freezing to 75®.
Sclerotinia trijoliorum has a broad
range of hosts, which include all
important true clovers and the sweet-
clovers, alfalfa {Medicago sativa), black
medic (A/, lupulina), birdsfoot trefoil
(Lotus corniculalus) , sainfoin (Onobrychis
viciaejolia) , and many other legumes
and nonlegumes, including numerous
weeds. Red clover, crimson clover
(Trifolium incarnatum) , and alsike clover
(T. hybridurn) are all very susceptible.
White clover is generally considered
to be less susceptible but not immune.
Some other species of Sclerotinia may
also occasionally infect clovers.
The disease is commonly referred
to as a crown and stem rot, but it can
atUck all parts of the plant. Symptoms
first appear in the fall as small, browm
spots on the leaves and petioles. The
heavily infected leaves turn grayish
brow^n, wither, and become overrun
with white mycelium, which spreads
to the crowns and roots. By late
winter or early spring the crowms and
basal parts of the young stems show
a brow n, soft rot, which extends down-
ward into the roots. Con.sequently
part or all of the new growth of the
infected plants wilts and dies. Stolons
of Ladino clover may become .soft and
flaccid over their entire length or only
small areas may be affected.
As the .Sterns and petioles arc killed,
a mass of w hite mycelium grows over
them. Some of the mci.sses of mycelium
then change into .small, hard, black,
cartilaginous liodies — the seJerotia.
They are attached to the surface of
(or iml^cdded in) the dead stems,
crowns, and roots or in the soil near
the roots. Some are as small as a
clover seed. Some arc larger than a
pea seed.
When the affected plant parts decay,
the sclcrotia remain in the soil as a
future source of infection. Sclcrotia
are the chief means by which the
fungus survives from year to year.
They can remain viable in soil for
several years. In the fall, if conditions
are right, the sclerotia germinate and
produce one or more small, disk-
shaped, pinkish- buff, mushroomlike
fruiting bodies called apothecia, which
arc borne individually on slender
stalks. The apothecia are one-sixteenth
to one-fourth of an inch in diameter.
They produce millions of spores, which
spread to the leaves and petioles of
nearby plants, causing infection and
repeating the cycle.
The greatest reduction in stands
occurs in late winter and early spring.
The damage therefore is sometimes
confused with winter killing. The dis-
ease usually occurs in patches through-
out a field, but when conditions are
very favorable the patches may become
so numerous as to merge and cause
extensive damage to a stand. In the
South a few days of warm weather
sometimes checks the disease, and the
plants recover.
Control is difficult. Clean cultivation,
deep plowing to bury the sclerotia be-
yond their capacity to send up apothe-
cia, and long rotations are helpful.
Care should be taken not to distribute
the sclerotia with clover seed. Grazing
or clipping in late fall sometimes re-
moves infected leaves and reduces the
amount of foliage that may become
infected and mat down on the crowns
during the winter. Adapted varieties
arc more resistant than non adapted
strains. The most promising method of
control appears to be the breeding of
resistant strains.
Common root rot is a group of root
diseases caused by species of Fusarium
and several other soil fungi that pro-
duce similar symptoms and frequently
attack plants simultaneously. The rela-
tive prevalence and importance of the
fungi vary with the locality, kind of
clover, age of plant, season of the year,
soil type, and management practices.
Mostly they arc weak pathogens and
cause damage after the plants have
been weakened or injuicd. Most of
them are widely distributed and cause
damage wherever clovers arc grown.
Scientists have learned a lot about
the problem, but relatively little is
understood concerning many of its
phases. The field symptoms of common
root rot of red clover are well known,
for example, but attempts to repro-
duce them under controlled conditions
often are unsuccessful. Research men
have demonstrated that some isolates
of the fungi can attack clover seedlings.
Species of Fusarium have been most
frequently reported as causing root rot.
Symptoms of the disease are a local-
ized or general rotting of any part of
tlic root system. Taproot, secondary
roots, and even the crown may be
attacked. The color of the diseased
areas ranges from light brown to black.
The rotting may be limited to the cor-
tical areas around the exterior of the
root, the vascular core may be dis-
colored, or the entire root may be
affected. Secondary roots are con-
stantly pruned away by the rots and
new secondary roots are formed to
compensate, but the replacement proc-
ess is usually the slower, so that by
the end of the second year most plants
have left only a few short secondary
roots. The lower part of the taproot
often is destroyed completely. Such
destniction causes wilting and a grad-
ual dying of the plant.
Common root rot kills plants in all
stages of development. Effects on stand
arc most conspicuous during the second
year, but losses up to 45 percent during
the first year are not uncommon. Stand
losses occasionally occur in the spring
when the plants are weak because of
low food reserves or winter injury.
Diseased stands frequently produce a
fair first crop of hay but fail to recover
and to produce a second crop. Most
clovers and sweetclovert; are susceptible
to root rot.
Besides Fusarium^ Rhizoctonia^ Phoma^
and other organisms may be associated
vrith root rots. Plenodomus meliloti and
Cyliudrocarpon ehrenhergi are of primary
importance following the winter dor-
mancy period on sweetclover in Al-
berta, Canada.
Control is difficult, but any practice
that improves the general vigor of the
plant is helpful. Proper liming, ferti-
lization, and crop rotation arc impor-
tant. Only adapted varieties should be
grown. No varieties available in 1953
had high resistance wheh conditions
favor the disease. Plant breeders have
under way a project to develop resist-
ant strains of red clover.
Phytophthora root rot, caused by
Phytophtnora cactorum^ is a widespread
disease of sweetclover in North Amer-
ica, notably Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
and Missouri. It occurs in All3erta and
Ontario. The fungus attacks individ-
ual plants or small groups of plants in
fields or along roadsides. It is most
abundant in low, wet parts of fields,
where in seasons of heavy spring rain-
fall and cool temperatures it may kill
most of the plants.
Its presence is first noted in the
spring, when infected plants wilt, die,
or are generally unthrifty. When their
roots arc examined, the upper portions
usually are found to be rotted. The
decay generally is limited to the upper
3 or 4 inches but may extend as much
as 8 inches below the crowm. The
decayed places usually are soft and
watery. The color changes but little at
first. Later they may become dis-
colored and shrunken.
Crop rotation and the use of well-
drained fields are helpful control meas-
ures. It should also be possible to
develop resistant varieties l>ecausc
resistant plants are known to exist.
Seedling blights, caused by Pythiuniy
Rhizoctomoy and other fungi, are the
most destructive seedling diseases.
They occur wherever clovers arc
grown. Sometimes they seriously re-
duce the stands. Three types of injury
occur. Preemergence killing starts
shortly after the seed is sown and de-
velops rapidly, so that the seedlings are
destroyed before they emerge from
the soil. In postemergence damping-
off, infection commonly occurs before
emergence, although the rate of/Jisease
development is slower and the seed-
lings emerge only to be killed soon
thereafter. Root and hypocotyl rotting
causes varying degrees of stunting, in
which plants survive the early seed-
ling stages, after which some recover
and some die.
Seedling blights are caused by a
complex of fungi, including several
species of Pythiuniy Rhizoctonicy FusO’-
riuniy Gliocladiuniy Phomay and others.
One of the most virulent is Pythium
debaryanum. It would seem that seed
treatment might help control this
group of diseases, but the results of
field tests have given limited encour-
agement for this method of control.
The stem diseases attack the support-
ing and conducting systems of the
plant. Often they cause serious losses.
Usual symptoms are stem discolora-
tion, withering and dying of attached
leaves and petioles, and general wilt-
ing and stunting of the plant. Fre-
quently stems break off or crack open
at the site of infection. Several of the
major diseases of clover are included
in this group.
Northern anthracnosc, caused by
Kabatiella caulivoray is a major disease
of red clover in the cooler areas of
North America, Europe, and Asia. It
develops l:>cst at 68® to 77® F. and is
checked by continuous hot dry weather.
In the United States it is important
only in the northern clover regions but
there it frequently causes damage —
occasionally exceeding 50 percent of
the crop in some fields. Losses as high
as 50 to 60 percent have been reported
in Germany. Complete crop failures
have been observed in the Nether-
lands. Seed production and hay yield
and quality are greatly reduced in
badly infected fields.
The disease is serious only on red
clover. It may occur on alsike, white,
crimson, and Persian (Tri/olium wm-
pinatum) clovers and possibly others.
It has never been found on alfalfa, but
has been reported on black medic and
on sainfoin in the Netherlands. The
species of fungus inciting the disease
consists of a large number of physio-
logic races, which differ in their capac-
ity to infect different species of clover
and different strains of a particular
species. No red clover strain yet de-
veloped is immune to the disease, but
wide differences in resistance exist
among European and American
strains. Varieties developed in the
southern part of the United States are
more susceptible than those developed
in the northern clover areas.
Symptoms are confined mostly to the
petioles and stems. Infection also
occurs on the petiolules — small stalks
connecting the leaflets to the petiole —
and occasionally on the leaflets them-
selves. The first symptoms noticed in
the field are usually dark-brown or
black spots on the petioles. The spots
soon cut off translocation to the parts
above them — the upper part of the
petiole and the leaf — causing them to
wilt, turn grayish brown, and die. The
petiole bends downward at the site
of the lesion to form the familiar
“shepherd’s crook.” Stem lesions are
most characteristic. They develop first
as small, dark spots, which soon
lengthen to form lesions with dark
margins and light-colored centers. As
the stem grows, a crack often appears
in the center of the lesion. Stems
finally may be girdled and killed.
Plants in a badly infected field look as
if they were scorched with fire, because
of the abundance of blackened and
broken stems, withered petioles, and
brown, dead leaves. The name scorch
has been aptly used in Britain to de-
note the disease.
Southern anthracnose, caused by
ColUtotrichum irifolii, is a major disease
of red clover in the southern clover
belt of the United States. It has been
recorded as far north as southern
Canada, but is primarily a high-tem-
perature disease that flourishes at
about 82® F. It is of little economic
importance in the northern clover
areas. It is confined mostly to North
America, although it has been re-
ported on alfalfa in South Africa and
in Europe. It occurs occasionally on
crimson clover, sub clover (Trifolium
subtmaneum), bur-clover (Meilicago his^
pida)^ and white swcetclover (Aff/i-
lotus alba). It has not been observed on
white clover. Alsike clover is prac-
tically immune.
Southern anthracnose has been re-
garded as the most destructive disease
of red clover in the Southern States.
It reduces yields of hay and seed and
can destroy stands of clover. A re-
sistant variety, Kenland, is available.
Most European and American strains
developed in regions where the disease
does not occur are susceptible; hence
it is important to grow only locally
adapted strains or strains known to be
Symptoms resemble those of north-
ern anthracnose; in fact, a positive
identification in the field is frequently
difficult and sometimes impossible.
Dark tufts of setae in the older lesions
indicate that the disease is southern
anthracnose. But there are other dis-
tinguishing features. Southern an-
thracnose commonly attacks the upper
part of the taproot; that has not been
observed for northern anthracnose.
Southern anthracnose usually pro-
duces more spotting of the leaves, but
that is not an infallible characteristic
because of the frequent presence of
similar leaf spots incited by other
pathogens. Like northern anthracnose,
it may occur on plants at any stage of
development. It most commonly de-
velops on the young, succulent parts
of stems and petioles but is not limited
to them.
The disease occurs on the leaves as
dark-brown spots of irregular shape,
which vary from pin-point lesions to a
general infection over most of the sur-
face. Petioles are very susceptible.
They become dark brown, and the
attached leaflets droop. First symp-
toms on the stems and petioles are
small, water-soaked spots, which usu-
ally lengthen to form long, depressed,
dark-brown or black lesions, many of
which develop gray or light-brown
centers. Lesions near the base of a
stem often cause death and browning
of the entire stem.
The most destructive effect of south-
ern anthracnase is on the taproot and
crown. Dark lesions develop on the
upper part of the taproot, gradually
girdle it, and cause the plant to wilt
and die. This crown rot is closely
associated with taproot decay and may
result from spread of the fungus upward
from the roots or downward from the
stems and petioles. Diseased crowns
become brittle so that the stems are
readily broken off at the soil level.
Crown and root rot caused by southern
anthracnose kills some plants and
weakens others so that they cannot
survive long drought, adverse winter
conditions, and attacks of other dis-
Black stem, caused by Phoma^ Myco-
sphaerella, and Ascochyta, is a major
disease ot clovers. It is widely distrib-
uted and may cause extensive damage
during cool, wet weather in the fall,
late winter, and spring. It causes the
familiar stem blackening and repeated
defoliation, which w'eakens and some-
times destroys stands. I’He disease was
so severe in Kentucky in 1933 on
some of the unadapted red clovers that
plots that had had perfect stands the
previous December were bare by April.
Among the fungi that catise black
stem of clovers are Ascochyta imperfecta^
which occurs mostly on alfalfa but
sometimes on clovers; Phoma trifolii,
the organism most frequently attacking
red clover; and Mycosphaerella lethalis^
the cause of black stem of sweetclovcr.
Little is known about the host range of
these pathogens except that each of
them can infect alfalfa, red clover, and
sw’cetclover and each is primarily the
cause of the disease on its own crop.
During midsummer and fail, another
pathogen, Cercospora, also causes black
The most conspicuous symptom Is
stem blackening, which may involve
all or any part of the stem. Blackening
increases when clover is not cut at the
proper time or w'hen the crop is left for
seed. Frequently young shoots or
petioles are girdled and killed. This,
as well as leaf infection, may result in
severe defoliation.
' On red clover the disease produces
small, dark-brown or black spots,
which increase slowly in size and
eventually kill the affected parts.
Infection occurs the first summer on
spring-sown clover but becomes more
destructive the following late winter
and spring. On unadapted clovers,
new leaves may be killed as rapidly as
they are formed. On sweetclovcr the
disease appears most commonly in the
spring of the second year. The spots
at first are dark. As they enlarge they
change to light brown. Leaf spotting
is increased l:>y frost injury, which
seems to provide an avenue of entrance
for the fungus. Heavy stands may be
greatly injured. The disease is more
severe on plants that have been clipped
or grazed.
Crop rotation and burning of dead
leaves and sterns before new growth
develops in the spring are helpful con-
trol measures. Breeding for resistance
has been started.
Stem canker, or gooseneck, is caused
by Ascochyta caulicola. It W’as first
reported in Germany in r 903 as a new
disease of sweetclovcr. It is now known
to occur iji most areas of the world
where sweetclovcr Is grown. It has not
been observed on other legumes.
It produces silvery-white cankers on
the stems, petioles, and occasionally
the midribs of the leaves. The cankers
vary in size. They are stippled with
numerous liny black dots and have
brown margins. On the lower parts ol
the stems tlie cankers may be so large
and numerous as to girdle the stems.
On the upper parts they are less abun-
dant, smaller, and more isolated. Heav-
ily infected stems often appear swollen,
^arc retarded in development, and have
fewer and smaller leaves. They also
tend to twist and bend at the top.
Leaf diseases usually do not kill
plants, but they interfere with the nor-
mal functions of the leaf. Sometimes
they cause defoliation, which reduces
yield, quality, and palatability of the
forage. If the defoliation is extensive
and continuous, the plants lose vigor,
are less able to survive unfavorable
conditions, and are more readily at-
tacked by pathogens that cause root
Pseudopeziza leaf spot, caused by
Pstudoptzizfl is widespread in the
cooler, humid clover regions of the
United States and Europe. It has been
reported also from Canada and Russia.
It usually is of minor importance, but
occasionally severe local outbreaks
cause extensive defoliation. Serious
outbreaks have occurred in northern
Indiana, Ohio, and the Northeastern
States. It has been called the most seri-
ous leaf disease of red clover in New
It resembles the pseudopeziza leaf
spot of alfalfa, but it does not attack
alfalfa and the disease of alfalfa does
not attack the clovers. It occurs on red,
alsike, white, crimson, zigzag {Trijol-
ium medium), and strawberry {T.Jragi^
ferurn) clovers and several others. A
similar disease of sweetclovcr is caused
by P, melUoti.
Dark spots that may be olive to red-
dish brown, purple, or Idack develop
on either leaf surface. The spots are
tiny, angular, or round and commonly
have dendritic margins. A minute, am-
ber, jelly like globule occurs in the cen-
ter of the elder spots. The globules, or
fruiting bodies, more frequently are
found on the lower side of the leaf but
occasionally occur on both sides. I'hey
are most abundant in w'et weather.
Later they dry up, shrink, become al-
most black, and are not readily de-
tected. Positive diagnosis of the disease
in its early stages in the field is difficult
because at first the minute pin-point
lesions are not markedly different from
those of other leaf spots. The disease is
almost entirely limited to the leaves,
I jut has been reported to produce .small,
long, dark streaks on the petioles,
Stemphylium leaf spot, or target spot,
is caused by Slemphylium sarcinijorme. It
is common on red clover in the United
States and Europe It is not considered
a major disease of red clover, but its
importance may have been underesti-
mated. It can cause serious defoliation
and losses of 15 to 40 percent of the
crop in individual fields. It is known to
occur in nature only on red clover.
L. J. Krakover, working at the Michi-
gan Agricultural Experiment Station
at East Lansing, inoculated sweetclo-
ver, alsike, white, and crimson clovers,
as well as alfalfa, vetch, and several
other legumes, but he was not able to
infect them. James G. Horsfall, at the
New York Agricultural Experiment
Station at Ithaca, however, reported
infection from artificial inoculations on
alsike and white clovers, sweetclovcr,
and alfalfa. That difference in ability
of the isolates to cau.se disease suggests
that the fungus may have more than
one race.
Symptoms are limited almost exclu-
sively to the leaflets. Minute, light-
brown spots, similar to the early symp-
toms of some of the other leaf spot
diseases, appear first. Fully developed
spots are mostly oval or round and
about one-fifth inch across. I’hey may
lie larger when only a few' occur on a
leaf. The most characteristic symptom
is the occurrence of concentric rings
within th^ lesion, suggesting the name
target spot. The center of a typical
spot is dark and distinct. It is .sur-
rounded by alternately light and dark
rings. The darker rings are sepia to
dark browm. The lighter ones are
ocher to light brown. The darker
rings near the center of the lesion arc
narrow' and ridged. The color con-
trast between the lWo outermost rings
is very sharp. Spots are most abundant
near the margin of a leaf but may
occur anywhere. Frequently they coa-
lesce, killing large areas of the leaf
and causing defoliation. Symptoms on
the stems and petioles are uncommon
bat when they do occur they appear as
dark-brown to black linear streaks.
A related fungus, S. hotryosum, at-
tacks alfalfa and sometimes occurs on
red clover.
Blackpatch, caused by an uniden-
tified fungus, was first recognized in
Kentucky as a disease of red and w'hite
clovers. It has also been reported from
Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Geor-
gia. It has generally been considered
of little economic imj^rtancc but
occasionally causes losses in local areas.
In heavily infected fields of red clover
the seed yield may be reduced at least
50 percent.
In addition to red and white clovers,
the disease has been found on soybean
{Glycine max), cowpea (Vigna sinensis),
kudzu (Pueraria thunbergiana), and blue
lupine (Lupinus angustifolius). It has not
yet been reported as occurring in na-
ture on alsike clover, crimson clover,
alfalfa, and the sn^eetcJovers, but all
of those crops have been infected by
artificial inoculation.
Biackpatch attacks the leaves, stems,
flowers, and seeds. Under normal con-
ditions it occurs in patches. Otherwise
it appears only on scattered plants.
Leaf lesions are similar in size and
color to those caused by Stempkylium
sarciniforme. They vary from brown to
grayish black and usually have con-
centric rings. Large areas of a leaf may
be affected. Sometimes all the low^'er
leaves are killed. Greatest damage
* results from the girdling of the stems
beneath the flower head or from direct
infection of the flow^ers before the seeds
arc fully developed. The fungus is
seed- transmit ted. It also causes seed-
ling blight. Examination of diseased
plant parts with a hand lens usually
reveals the presence of coar.se, dark,
aerial mycelium, a characteristic that
helps in diagnosing the disease.
Treating the seed with a fungicide
should aid in preventing initial infec-
tion. In hayfields, losses can be reduced
by early harvesting. Crop rotation and
sanitation should also be helpful.
Curvularia leaf spot is caused by
Cufvularia trifolii. It sometimes causes
considerable wilting and premature
dying of leaves of Ladino clover in the
eastern United States. It was first dis-
covered in 1919, when it caused minor
damage to white clover near Wash-
ington, D. C. Since 1940 it has oc-
curred more frequently, presumably
because of the widespread use of
Ladino clover along the Atlantic sea-
board. Up to 25 percent of the leaves
may be attacked and damaged. Ladino
clover may be more susceptible than
common white clover. It is possible to
infect other species of clover in the
laboratory, but the disease has not
been found attacking them in the
field. Infected leaves usually have a
large yellowed area, which soon turns
watery gray and translucent, then
light brown. A yellowish band usually
outlines the advancing edge of the
infected part of a leaf. Diseased areas
that originate at a leaf tip sometimes
become V-shaped. Infected leaves wilt,
then shrivel and die. Sometimes the
dead V-shaped part of a leaf curls.
The fungus can invade the entire
leaflet and grow down the petiole,
causing complete wilting of the leaf.
Apparently it does not attack stolons.
The disease develops most rapidly
during w'arm, wet weather. A temper-
ature of 75®“'8 o® F. is most favorable.
Cercospora leaf and stem spot, also
called summer black stem, is widely
distributed in the United States and
Europe. It is commonly found on
most of the true clovers, including red,
alsike, white, crimson, zigzag, hop,
{Trifolium agrarium), and many others.
A similar disease occurs on alfalfa,
sw^eetclovcr, black medic, and related
species. Cercospora zebrina is the most
important pathogen on all of those
hosts except sweetclover. C. davisii is
the most important (or the only)
species infecting sweetclover. Damage
varies from year to year, depending on
weather conditions, but the disease is
always present and frequently causes
excessive premature defoliation.
Symptoms vary somewhat on the
different host plants. Leaves, stems,
petioles, petiolules, and seeds may l>e
attacked. Leaf lesions are usually
angular and more or less confined by
the veins. The size and shape of the
lesions vary from rather small, linear
spots on red clover to large, almost
circular ones on sweetclover. Appar-
ently atmospheric conditions and the
kind of tissue influence tlie size and
shape of the lesions. Color of the spots
also varies considerably. On the true
clovers the general tone is reddish or
smoky brown. On swectclovcr it is
ashy gray. When conditions favor
sporulation of the pathogens, a silvery-
gray down develoj^ on mature lesions.
Lesions on the stems and petioles are
somewhat sunken but with colors like
those of the leaf spots. Stem infections
are serious as they cause the distal
parts to wilt and die. Seeds may also be
infected. The disease may be dis-
tributed on the seed.
Infection may occur at any time
during the growing season on plants of
any age, but the disease is usually most
abundant in late summer and autumn.
On swectclovcr the disease is most
conspicuous on second-year plants
after they have started to bloom and is
more severe on plants that have been
cut or grazed.
Little is known concerning the con-
trol of this leaf and stem spot. Remov-
ing old crop residues and crop rotation
help reduce damage. Infected seed
should be treated with a fungicide
to reduce seedling infection. The
development of resistant varieties of
legumes seems to hold out the most
hope for controlling it.
Pseudoplea leaf spot, or pepper spot,
is due to Pseudoplea trifolii, a fungus
that attacks the true clovers and less
commonly alfalfa. It occurs through-
out the United States, Canada, Eu-
rope, and Asia. The disease has not
been reported on sweetclover. It is
important on Ladino and white clover
in Northeastern and Southern States,
where severe infection frequently
causes premature yellowing and defo-
liation of lower leaves. It occurs
throughout the growing season but
develops most abundantly in cool, wet
Tiny, sunken black flecks develop
on both surfaces of leaves and on
petioles. The flecks rarely reach a
diameter of more than a few milli-
meters but frequently are very numer-
ous — hence the name pepper spot.
Later they turn gray with a dark,
reddish-brown margin. Heavily in-
fected leaves and petioles become
yellow, wither, turn brown, and
collapse as a dead mass. Flower stalks
Md floral parts may also become
infected and be killed.
Infection occurs from spores that
develop on dead, overwintered leaves
and petioles. Sp>ots can usually be
found on the first hew leaves that
emerge in the spring.
No practical control measures are
known, but plants differ in suscep-
tibility, and breeding for resistance is
Bacterial leaf spot, caused by Pseu-
domonas syringae^ does not usually
cause serious damage, although it is
widespread in the United States and
has been reported in Italy and
England. Wet w^eather favors its
rapid spread and development. Hot,
dry weather checks it.
The disease may appear at any time
during the growing season. It is most
conspicuous on the leaflets. It also
affects the stems, petioles, petiolules,
stipules, and flower pedicels. First
symptoms are tiny, translucent dots
on the lower leaf surface. The spots
enlarge and fill the angles between
the veins. They are tiny and black
except for the margins, which retain
a water-soaked apjDcarance. In wet
weather a milky-white bacterial ex-
udate may develop as a thin film or
as droplets. On drying, the exudate
becomes a thin, incrusting film, which
glistens in the light. Tissues surround-
ing the spots arc yellowish green.
Infection may be so abundant that
whole sections of a leaflet are killed.
Mature leaves are often perforated
and frayed because of the drying and
shattering of parts of the diseased
tissues. Lesions on the petioles and
stems are dark, elongated, and slightly
Several clovers, including red, alsike,
white, crimson, zigzag, and Berseem
{Trijolium alexandrinum), are known
hosts of this pathogen. Isolates from
different areas differ in pathogenicity.
Several other bacterial diseases have
been found on clovers, but none of
them is important in America.
Sooty blotch, caused by Cymadothea
Iri/oiii, is one of the most conspicuous
and easily identified leaf spots of
clover. It is prevalent throughout
North America, particularly in the
southern part of the United States,
and in Europe. It is most common in
alsikc, red, and while clovers. Fre-
quently it reaches epidemic propor-
tions on crimson clover. It also has
been reported as occurring on some 24
other true clovers.
In the Somhern States the di.sease
appears in the spring. In Northern
States it is more prevalent in late
summer and fall. The earliest symp-
tom is tlie development of minute,
olive-green dots mostly on the lower
leaf surface. The dots enlarge and
become thicker and darker until they
acquire the appearance of velvctv
black, angular, elevated patches or
warts. In the fall the warts arc re-
placed by other black areas, which
have a shiny .surface. C’hlorotic and
later necrotic spots appear on the
upper surface of the leaf iiniriediately
al)Ove the warts. When .sjxHs are
abundant the entire leaf may turn
brown, die, and fall off. Sooty blotch
is of considerable economic impor-
tance on crimson clover, cau.sing re-
duction in .seed yield.
Powdery inildew', cau.sed by Ery-
siphe polyQoni, is a common and wide-
spread disease of clovers. It prol.»abiy
occurs wherever liiey are growm It
can cau.se reductions in the yield and
quality of hay. Ordinarily it is of little
consequeaice on tlie first hay crop Init
is more abundant on the second. It
can attack plants at any stage of ma-
turity but develops best during the
cool nights and warm days ol the latter
half of summer and fall. Long spells of
dry weather favor its development.
The pathogen has been recorded on
some 359 species belonging to 154
genera. It consists of a number of
physiologic races, which differ in their
ability to attack different genera and
species of hosts and different varieties
of a species. European varieties of red
clover have been reported generally
to be more resistant than American
varieties, bur American strains are
now available that are highly re-
sistant. Wisconsin Mildew Resistant is
one of them. Most varieties contain a
few resistant plants.
At first barely perceptible patches of
fine, white, cobwebby mycelium de-
velop on the upper surface of the
leaves. The patches enlarge and merge,
the fungus sporulates, and the leaf
surface appears as if it had been dusted
with white flour. Symptoms may also
occur on the lower surface of leaves.
Severe attacks can make whole fields
appear white.
Rusts of glovers arc widely dis-
trilnjted in the humid and subhumid
areas of the wwld. Damage is difficult
to assess l:)ecause heavy infection usu-
ally docs not occur until late in the
summer. Occasionally heavy infection
occurs, and severe loss results when a
grow'cr attempts to produce tw'o seed
crops in a season and leaves the ac-
cumulated rust-infected old growth to
infect the new grow’th.
'Fhree common varieties of ru.st
attack Clovers. They cannot be dis-
tinguished on the basis of symptoms
but can be differentiated t.>y differ-
ences in their capacity Lo infect the
various clovers. For example, the
variety of rust on alsike clover (i'ro~
mim trifolii hybridi) infects only alsikc,
while the rust on red clover (U. tri^
Join fallens) infects red, zigzag, crimson,
Berseern, and several other clovers.
The ru.st on w'hite clover (f/. Irijolii
Irifolii-rtpentu) does not infect red or
zigzag clovers but does infect crimson
and Berseern, besides white clover.
These rust fungi differ from thi>sc
causing the cereal rusts in that they
can complete their entire life cycle on
a clover species and do not require an
alternate host.
The most conspicuous symptom of
clover rust is the uredial, or brown rust,
stage, in which round or irregular,
paJe-brown pustules, surrounded by
the torn epidermis, appear on the
lower surface of leaves and on the
petioles and the stems. Sometimes in
winter in the South and early spring in
the North, small swollen whitish-to-
yellow clusters of tiny cuplike struc-
tures occur on the stems, petioles, and
large veins of the leaves. These are
called the accia and may cause dis-
tortion of the affected leaves and peti-
oles. Rust fungi in the tclial, or black
spore, stage overwinter on the debris
of diseased plants.
Fungicides such as sulfur can be used
to control the clover rusts, but rarely is
it practical to use them. Resistant
plants exist in present varieties and
resistant strains can be developed if the
importance of the disease warrants it.
All common clovers are susceptible
to several viruses, some of which are
widely distributed. Most of the legume
viruses have a wide range of hosts — so
that clover viruses infect not only
clovers hut also other legumes, and
viruses of other legumes attack clovers.
Some viruses from nonlegume hosts
such as tobacco, gladiolus, potato, and
some w^ecds can readily infect clovers.
That means that many of the virus
dise^es spread from one crop to an-
other. The extent of the spread and
amount of infection usually depend
on the kinds Mid numbers of insects
present. Aphids are probably the most
important carriers.
Symptoms \’ary with the virus and
host. Most of the clover viruses are
systemic — that is, they are present in
all parts of the plant. The most con-
spicuous symptoms are usually found in
the leaves. They include vein c hlorosis,
mild to severe mottling, chlorotic
patches between the veins, and other
abnormal combinations. Sometimes the
leaves are curled, puckered, or ruffled.
Some viruses cause a reduction in vigor
as indicated by a general stunting of
the plant. Others have no apparent
effect on vigor. V^iruscs that have little
efl'ect on one clover may kill another.
Symptoms of most clover virus diseases
are conspicuous during the cooler pe-
riods of the growing season and some-
times disappear temporarily or are
masked during hot w^eather. Weaken-
ing caused by virus disease may predis-
pose plants to attack by other patho-
gens (especially those that cause root
rots) or prevent them from surviving
severe winters or prolonged droughts.
The virus diseases reported to occur
on the more important clovers are:
Red clover: Red clover vein-mosaic,
common pea mosaic, yellow Irean
mosaic, potato yellow dwarf, American
pea streak, New Zealand pea streak,
Wisconsin pea streak, pea motile, pea
wilt, alfalfa mosaic, sub clover mosaic,
ring spot, broad bean common mosaic,
broadbean mild mosaic, and cucum-
ber mosaic.
Alsike clover: Alsikc clover mosaic, red
clover vein-mosaic, sub clover mosaic,
common pea mosaic, pea mottle, pea
wilt, and New Zealand pea streak.
White clover: Alfalfa mosaic, red clover
vein-mosaic, yellow bean mosaic, pea
mottle, pea wilt, American pea streak,
New' Zealand pea streak, and broad-
bean mild mosaic.
Crimson clover: Alfalfa mosaic, red
clover vein-mosaic, sub clover mosaic,
alsike clover mosaic, common pea
mosaic, yellow bean mosaic, pea
mottle, pea wait, American pea streak,
potato yellow dw^arf, and broadl)ean
common mosaic.
Sub clover: Sub clover mosaic and
yellow bean mosaic.
Swectcloiers: Alfalfa mosaic, alsike
clover mosaic, red clover vein-mosaic,
sub clover mosaic, common pen mosaic
yellow bean mosaic, pea mottle, pea
wilt, American pea streak, tobacco
streak, tobacco ring spot, and broad-
bean mild mosaic.
Little has been done to control the
virus diseases of clovers. Some of the
newer insecticides kill the insect vec-
tors. When possible, clover'' should not
be grown close to other legumes,
particularly peas or beans. The ulti-
mate solution is to develop varieties
of clovers resistant to the most prevalent
and injurious virus diseases. That
remains to be done.
Several pathogens can attack the
floral parts of the clovers under some
conditions. They are of importance
only when they interfere with seed
Anther mold {Botrytis anthophila) was
first reported from Russia in 1914 and
has since been found to be widely dis-
tributed in Europe. In the United
States it has been found to a limited
extent in Oregon. It has no apparent
efiect on the plants until flowering
time; when it destroys the normally
yellow pollen grains, replacing them
with the gray spores of the fungus. If
abundant it can reduce seed setting.
Earle W. Hanson, a native of
M innesota^ joined the Department of Agri^
culture in ig37- From igjy to 1346 he was
employed by the division of cereal crops and
diseases of the Bureau of Plant Industry^
Soils ^ arid Agricultural Engineering doing
research at the Minnesota Agricultural
Experiment Station on the diseases of hard
red spring wheats and the development of
disease-resistant varieties of wheat. Since
1^46 he has been employed jointly by the
division of forage crops and diseases of the
Bureau and the University of Wisconsin,
Kermit W. Kreitlow is also a mem-
ber of the division of forage crops and dis-
eases and is stationed at Beltsville^ Md, He
is a graduate of the University of M innesota
and I^uisiana State University. Dr, Kreit-
low has been engaged in work on forage
crop diseases since 1341 .
Crown wart of alfalfa.
Sources of
Fred R. Jones., Oliver F. Smith
Alfalfa as a forage crop in the United
States is recognized as consisting of
strains of Medicago sativa and of hybrids
of that species with Medicago falcata. M,
sativa occupies the southern and central
alfalfa regions. The apparent hybrids
appear to use the superior hardiness of
the M. falcata parent to give them lon-
gevity in the severe climate of the
northern part of the range of the crop.
Thus two species, which vary greatly
within themselves, produce in their
combined resources a crop that ift the
hands of progressive agriculturists has
spread across a wide range of climate.
As often happens in such wide and
intensive culture, serious diseases have
appeared. Many have reduced the
quantity and quality of alfalfa forage.
To overcome the loss, breeding for re-
sistance has been undertaken. Already
those efforts have demonstrated that
the qualities of two variable species can
be utilized to develop resistance to
many of the diseases.
The evaluation of the resistant char-
acters is one of the major tasks that
face pathologists and breeders. There-
fore in this discussion of diseases of al-
falfa, we emphasize sources of resist-
Of the NONPARAsme DISEASES, win-
ter injuiy is often the cause of weak
growth in the spring and the subse-
quent unthrifty condition of many
plants. Besides, injured tissues often
become the avenues of entrance for
parasitic micro-organisms that weaken
and kill the plants. In the northern al-
falfa regions, effects of winter injury
can be modified by using hardy or
adapted varieties. Also, if snow is ex-
pected to be a factor in winter protec-
tion, fall growth should be left to hold
the snow. If a field is damaged, but is
to be saved, one should avoid early
cutting or grazing the following spring.
Occasionally some white spots occur
around the margins of upper leaves on
scattered plants. Sometimes the spot-
ting seems to be an inherited character,
which develops in plants several years
old when the crown begins to decay.
Sometimes it develops after winter in-
jury. It has been produced experimen-
tally in young plants grown in soil
deficient in potash. Thus at times its
occurrence is taken as an indication of
potash deficiency. White spot also de-
velops extensively in response to mois-
ture change in irrigation, although the
spotting then may develop over the en-
tire leaf instead of only at the margins.
Yellowing and dwarfing of alfalfa is
often widespread from feeding of the
potato leafhopper. Yellowing may also
be an indication of boron deficiency.
Of the virus diseases, alfalfa dw'arf
comes first. It i.s known to occur only in
California. It was first reported in 1931
when it was localized in Riverside and
adjacent counties south of the Teha-
chapi Mountains. In 1952 the disease
occurred over much of the San Joaquin
Valley and caused a rapid thinning of
second- and third -year stands in about
a third of the alfalfa acreage of Cali-
Alfalfa dwarl is due to a virus that
leafhoppers and spittlcbugs^arrv from
plant to plant. Fourteen species of
leafhoppers and four species of spittle-
bugs can carry it. Two species of leaf-
hoppers {Craeculacephala minerva and
Corneocephala Julgida) are the most im-
portant vectors in the field. When the
leafhoppers feed upon dwarf-diseased
plants, they take the virus into their
bodies and retain it for several months,
during which time they may spread
the virus to healthy plants when they
feed. Only leafhoppers can spread the
disease from field to field.
The virus that causes alfalfa dwarf is
the same virus which causes Pierce’s
disease of grapevines.
Alfalfa plants infected with the dwarf
virus gradually lose vigor for several
months. Stems are short and spindly.
The leaves get smaller and often seem
darker in color than leaves of healthy
plants. Internally, gum forms in the
water-conducting elements and the
woody portion of the roots and crown
becomes yellow or brown. Susceptible
plants usually die 6 to 8 months after
Tests conducted at the University of
California indicate that no available
variety of alfalfa carries any degree of
resistance greater than that shown by
California Common. Many varieties
are much more susceptible. In fields of
California Common, four or more
years old, practically all plants were
dead or infected with the virus; about
one plant in each 2,000 square feet
made a normal growth even though
root symptoms showed that the plants
had been diseased i or 2 years. Several
such plants were selected and self-
pollinated to produce seed. Progenies
from most of the selected plants were
quite tolerant to the virus and main-
tained normal growth tw'o to three
times as long as unsclected California
Common. The plants were used to
develop a variety — California Com-
mon 49 — highly tolerant to the dwarf
first recognized in the United States
in 1925. It also occurs in Canada and
Australia. Except in a few localities
where outbreaks were severe, it has
been considered of minor importance.
The first outbrezdc occurred in Salt
Lake County, Utah, in 1925. In some
fields 60 to 65 percent of the plants
were infected. Farmers used short crop
rotations to combat the disease effec-
An outbreak occurred in Methow
Valley and Yakima Valley of Wash-
ington in the 1930’s. When first re-
ported, infection ranged from 25 to 60
percent. Later surveys showed that in-
fection reached 80 percent. A similar
outbreak and build-up of the disease
occurred in the Nicola Valley, British
Columbia, in 1943.
Some of the alfalfa seed fields in the
Uintah Basin, Utah, have shown a
marked increase in the occurrence of
witches’-broom since 1950. In some
fields 15 to 20 percent of the plants
have been infected. In 1943 witches’-
broom could .scarcely be found on the
Yuma Mesa in Arizona; 8 years later
some of the fields had qo to 30 percent
Witches’-broom slowdy modifies the
appearance of affected plants in .sev-
eral ways. Plants that show symptoms
for the first time have many more
stems, an erect habit of grow'th, and
slight marginal chlorosis of the younger
leaves. In the advanced stage of in-
fection the plants arc sev